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Accused adulterer Trump who paid to keep Stormy Daniels affair secret professes ‘love’ for the Ten Commandments (



Accused? The proof of the affair was part of the evidence for his criminal trial.


I’m sure China would be thrilled if Russia started WWIII on their border.
But let’s be honest though, world war III started 3 years ago and as of right now there are currently 9 more active conflicts going on worldwide than the peak of world war II, but no one is going to call it a world war until the superpowers are in direct conflict with each other.


While I agree the spread of CSAM needs to be stopped, we can’t violate everyone’s privacy in the effort to do it.
And are actual people going to be reviewing these messages or are we just going to blindly trust AI not to flag innocent people on accident?


Funny thing is, he was so closely aligned with Trump’s ideas, the only people I ever heard say they planned on voting for him were my MAGA relatives.


If Gym Jordan doesn’t have to comply with a congressional subpoena, what makes you think Clarence Thomas will?


Jim Jordan (Gym is a nickname from years ago when he allowed students to get molested by a school doctor) is a representative from the state of Ohio who was involved with the January 6th plot to overthrow the government.
When they investigated it, they subpoenaed him and he refused to show up. So far it’s been 3 years and no action has been taken whatsoever.
He helped plot a coup, he’s STILL in power, and he ignored a subpoena from Congress with no consequences whatsoever.
He ranks considerably lower than the Supreme Court does in the grand scheme of things and if they’re not going to force him to comply, they won’t force any of the federal justices to comply.


It’s unsustainable long term, eventually either someone with enough money comes along and ends the game and establishes some kind of an autocracy, Or enough people will get pissed off about it that they can’t ignore making reform’s on it.
I feel like we’re much closer to one of those eventualities than the other at the moment, because as far as I’m aware there’s not much for campaign finance reform on the horizon. And it’ll be interesting to see what kind of punishment is handed out for violating our current campaign finance laws, but I’m not holding my breath for incarceration.


Vaccines don’t work when 1/2 the population refuses to take it.


Covid had a ~5% mortality rate at the peak, H5N1 has a mortality rate of ~56%, a damper won’t be enough


That’s unfortunately not how it works.
The unvaccinated people become mutation factories and create new variants that we don’t have a vaccine for yet, that’s why you need a booster every year.


They were facing life or death and they chose horse dewormer…


The unvaccinated people become mutation factories and create new variants that we don’t have a vaccine for yet, that’s why you need a booster every year.
If you’re vaccinated and surrounded by unvaccinated people. You may as well be unvaccinated.


Are you retarded?
Anti-vax people depend on heard immunity bullshit. My argument is that not enough people are getting vaccinated and you think that means I’m Anti-vax?
Jesus Christ I’m glad stupid isn’t contagious.
Get fucked asswipe.

Chainweasel, (edited )

I disagree.
You can’t have any kind of moral high ground in a situation where not fighting will get people killed.
Refusing to rally against the disinformation increases the likelihood of it’s success.
Who’s going to get hurt if it succeeds?
-millions of women with pregnancy complications that will no longer be able to seek abortions to save their lives.
-millions of minorities at the hands of the state whenever Trump eventually institutes concentration camps.
-millions of LGBTQ+ people well also end up in those concentration camps.
-millions of people dependent on things like Medicare and Medicaid will lose health insurance and die from complications.
-millions of children will starve or experience malnutrition when food stamp programs like WIC are canceled.
Those things aren’t immediately obvious to the layman but they should be painfully obvious to institutions made up of people who understand the psychology enough to counter disinformation.
Anyone who understands the moral implications of letting the disinformation succeed and still chooses not to fight back against it with everything they have absolutely deserves to be shamed and blamed.


The GOP Congress is the source of the problem solely because people refuse to stand up to them.
If they would stand up and help eliminate the problem there wouldn’t be a problem to begin with.


If the war is important, the US and Europe should actually fund it instead of looking for pennies behind couch cushions.

The war is absolutely important, and profitable to some parties, which may be why we’re seeing only enough supplies trickle in to keep it going.


They’re so incompetent it would be hilarious if there wasn’t so much at stake.
The electorate as a whole has the collective memory of a goldfish. Anything they scream about today will be forgotten by next Monday at the latest.
They keep jumping the gun on things that would otherwise be effective if timed right.
Other things like some of Trump’s trials, and likely more indictments, will be coming back into focus in the fall because he booted them down the road instead of getting it out of the way now.
It’s going to be all over TV just around election time and they’re pissing away their counter arguments in the spring.


Justice Merchan told Donald Trump to his face in his contempt hearing:
“you’re a former president and a current candidate, I really don’t want put you in jail”
He’s not going to sentence him to a day behind bars and anyone who thinks he will is delusional, Justice Merchan already stated his intent and it’s in the public record.


“trump” in this context has lost all of its former meaning.


Too bad they’re a defense contractor and “too big to fail”.
Every one of those lost orders will come out of the pockets of US taxpayers when Boeing is bailed out.


How’s it unconstitutional? There are lower age limits to all of these offices too.

U.S. company found liable of financing Colombian paramilitary death squad to advance its interests (

A U.S. jury in Miami has ruled that Chiquita Brands International is liable for financing the United Self-Defense Forces of Colombia (AUC), a paramilitary death squad designated as a terrorist organization by the U.S. during Colombia’s civil war....

Chainweasel, (edited )

As far as I’m concerned we only have one legitimate party at the moment and that’s the one I’m going to vote for.
But, even though Biden isn’t nearly as progressive as I’d like, he still beats the brakes off of any other democratic president we’ve had other than Jimmy Carter, so I wouldn’t say he’s doing a bad job per se.
If he were running against a “rational” Republican I’d still vote for him, so I wouldn’t say I’m motivated solely by my hatred for Trump.


Half the internet knew what time it was gonna happen.

They had T-shirts printed well in advance, hell even the media had their vans and cameras ready in advance of the event, the FBI should have been well aware if any of them watched cable news at all in the week leading up to the event.


I’m fine with it, it’s better than them rushing the Capitol or rioting in the streets.
This is basically the equivalent of “thoughts and prayers” in response to Trump’s conviction. I’ll take it as a good sign. It means he doesn’t have enough power over them to make them act like he did in 2020.


Would Hillary have been a better president than Trump?
Yes, absolutely, without question. 100,000% better.
Is Hillary more likable than Trump?
That’s up for debate.


Can I get like a gram of whatever the hell you’re smoking?


I remember when America would swing their dick around and go out of their way to give Russia the middle finger.
Now they want to do this mean girls high school bullshit and pretend to be civil first?
Fuck that.
The United States needs to grow some fucking balls and tell Putin to his face that his radar is disappearing because they wanted to fuck around in Ukraine.


If the state of Russia’s nuclear arsenal is anything like the rest of their military the US really doesn’t have much to worry about.


Was it the bomb Nikki Haley signed and told Israel to “Kill em’ all”?

Haiti transition council taps former PM Conille to again lead country (

PORT-AU-PRINCE, May 28 (Reuters) - Haiti’s transition council on Tuesday tapped former Prime Minister Garry Conille, who briefly led the country over a decade ago, to return to the role as the Caribbean nation works to restore stability and take back control from violent gangs....


They didn’t “he and an army will now be tasked” they said “he will now be tasked”

New Israeli attack today (Tuesday) on Rafah evacuation zone (

CAIRO, May 28 (Reuters) - Israeli tanks shelled a tent camp in an evacuation area west of Rafah and killed at least 21 people on Tuesday, Gaza health authorities said, while advancing to the heart of the southern Gaza city for the first time after a night of heavy bombardment. Two days after an Israeli airstrike on another camp...


This feels like the scene in Mars Attacks when the Martians were carrying around the translator saying “we come in peace” and “Stop, come back, I’m you’re friend” while blasting the shit out of people.


I’m kind of surprised they didn’t deny the anomaly entirely and claim that the satellite successfully achieved orbit, in fact I’m certain I remember them doing exactly that at least once in the past.


So where are all the “concerned Democrats” that always show up en masse to talk about how horrible Biden’s Gaza policy is?
Aren’t you guy’s concerned about this policy too? Or is it fine because it’s not Biden’s policy?


It would be stupid not to.
Not only is there absolutely no guarantee the United States will be there to help them, but if a certain candidate wins, it’s a guarantee we won’t be helping them.
But beyond that it’s an incredibly stupid idea to outsource your national defense, even to an ally.


We is the United States in this context. Not you or I, but the nation I’m part of and pay taxes to. And the majority of those taxes go to the military industrial complex.
So even though I don’t make any of the decisions and I personally don’t agree with many of them, I still have to help pay for it whether I like it or not.
So, I’m reluctantly part of the “we”.


As an Ohioan, DeWine handled Covid very well for a Republican governor too, but that’s about where the praise ends.
He’s deeply involved in a bribery scandal at the moment and seems to stand pretty firmly with MAGA on abortion and trans rights issues.
As far as governors go I’m glad he’s not DeSantis, but I’m also glad he’s term limited and we’ll be rid of him after 26.


Why the hell are we concerned with Putin’s feelings on the subject?
I’m sure it also enrages him that we’re helping Ukraine at all, so what’s the point?
In fact, we should be going out of our way to purposefully piss him off.
He’s 71 and possibly has cancer, inducing a coronary might be the quickest way to get this war over with.


Well considering the states choose the electors and the electoral college has no obligation to follow the will of the people, no, I don’t remember that.

It’s been a big giant hole in our system since day one and the fact that we refuse to patch it means that was always intended to be an illusion of choice.


8 years into this I find it hard to believe there are any “undecided” voters, I’m willing to bet most of these people have already decided who they’re voting for but they won’t publicly admit it for fear of fallout from their peers.
We see it a lot in Bible Belt States where people are very vocally opposed to abortion access, yet still turn out in staggering numbers to vote for it when it’s on the ballot.


I’ll wish badly on them for you then.
Good riddance!


The article uses the term “1st state to” like they’re about to start some kind of domino effect of similar requirements across other states.

I fear the implication may be correct.


Yeah, we’ll see how well that works when billions of people are displaced by climate change, living in poverty with little to no access to healthcare or medicine.
I’m sure that’ll bump the average waaaay up.


That’s why the Church of Satan Satanic Temple is trying this, they know it will cause outrage and people will be far more likely to ban all religion from schools than allow satanism.


Can we stop giving Trump a platform please?


He’s the closest we’ll ever get to having Mr Rogers as president.

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