DeSantis signs bills expanding prison sentences for undocumented migrants

Measures target people convicted of driving without a license – which undocumented people can’t obtain – or committing felonies

Florida’s governor signed bills Friday that increase the prison and jail sentences for immigrants who are living in the United States illegally if they are convicted of driving without a license or committing felonies.

Ron DeSantis is a frequent critic of the Biden administration over its handling of the Mexican border, sending Florida law enforcement agents and national guard members to Texas. The Republican governor, who ended his attempt for his party’s presidential nomination last month, has also flown immigrants who entered Texas illegally to Massachusetts and California.


Step one: Proclaim that immigrants are taking American jobs

Step two: Exploit that sweet, sweet exception carved out of the thirteenth amendment and enslave the immigrants


I’m so sick of this douche. When’s his term up so we can get the next idiot in the Florida governorship and I can get mad all over again at fascist policies?


You dont want them here, yet you want to jail them longer…Make it make sense


They’re sadists, plain and simple.

SuiXi3D, avatar

Free labor.


Literally this. I read about someone in Florida, don’t remember who, who was caught in luring migrant workers up, promising them a wage, then sicking ICE on them once the payday came around the corner.

Stuffing them in the industrial slave complex is then perhaps more beneficial, because you could avoid legal troubles.


oh how wonderful! fuck you desantis

MrJameGumb, avatar

“we don’t want immigrants taking our jobs or taking up a penny of tax payer money! Let’s spend millions of taxpayer dollars to imprison them indefinitely instead!!!”

Clearly he’s one of those totally stable geniuses I keep hearing about


Yes, but they are an awfully convenient source of free slaves.

MrJameGumb, avatar

Yeah, but it’s not really “free” though. Housing a single inmate in the united states costs something like $43,000/year on average. That money comes from taxes!


I meant that you don't have to buy the slaves, but you are very correct. They're still expensive, just not for the prisons.


It’ll get tossed. Equal under the law and all that…


Probably not. The headline is a bit misleading.

The driver’s license bill increases the maximum sentence for anyone convicted of driving without a license twice or more from 60 days in jail to a year. This also applies to US citizens and immigrants in the country legally – but in Florida, undocumented people are barred from obtaining a license in the first place.

It applies to everyone, but since Florida doesn’t issue drivers licenses to undocumented immigrants, they are more likely to be caught driving without a license. It’s still a very stupid law. Jailing people isn’t free. Adding 10 months to their sentences gains the state nothing and costs it about $16,500 per conviction.


DeSantis’ karma just keeps on growing, by leaps bounds. /smh

Neato, avatar

So the enslavement of migrants.

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