Court agrees to block collection of Trump's $454 million civil fraud judgment if he puts up $175M

A New York appeals court on Monday agreed to hold off collection of former President Donald Trump’s $454 million civil fraud judgment — if he puts up $175 million within 10 days.

If he does, it will stop the clock on collection and prevent the state from seizing his assets while he appeals.

Delay. Delay. Delay.


News about Trump and the legal system for the past 8 years:


Can a broke single parent get such mercy?


US is an oligarchy.


My optimistic side believes this is the courts humiliating him by publicly demonstrating that he is not an actual billionaire. They’re aware that he has no ability to pay half a billion, and they want as much as they can actually get from him.

I still take say his properties away.

jordanlund, avatar

So, 10 days from now, when he hasn’t paid the $175 million either… then what?

Do they go after $175 million in assets or the full $500 million?


Maybe a light slap on the wrist?


“Boys will be boys”


We will continue to reduce the bond by 68% until moral improves

irreticent, avatar

Did you ever see the movie Ruthless People? They’re going to keep lowering the price.


It’ll get commuted to $3.50 which he still won’t bother to pay.

Linkerbaan, avatar

Is anyone still buying into these theatrics? They clearly aren’t going to do anything to their both sides parties.

KingThrillgore, avatar

It feels like there’s increasingly one law he can’t escape


Poe’s law? I doubt Trump is aware of the concept, let alone capable of employing irony for effect - he’s just hyperbole all the way down.




So the only hope for any real justice is a heart attack while he’s on the john?



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  • jj4211,

    Oh no, that would just open up a whole huge can of worms.

    If he goes, then it would be bad if there’s even a whiff of it being murder or assassination. As it is when he dies there’s going to be conspiracy nuts that will declare it an assassination no matter what.


    Who fucking cares? These ppl went to Texas to see JFK come back from the dead.

    They are idiots.


    The question is how many people would be receptive to a conspiracy theory.

    There are some that will see, in person, an earthquake collapse buildings including one that kills Trump and assume the earthquake was made to assassinate him, but not too many folks would bite.

    If he gets taken out by a “lone gunman”, then a lot of people are going to assume conspiracy.

    Given his lifestyle, age, and physique, the most likely seems to be some cardiac event which will still be bad because some folks will scream “poison”.

    Best case is that the voters reject a still-living Trump, and weather the least bad of the likely unfounded conspiracy theories.


    ‘Rule of law’. Lol.


    I hate the USA.

    RealFknNito, avatar

    Please just hate our government, we do too.


    Of course. Well, I hate lots of American people too, but not all. The ones I’ve met have been largely good people.

    RealFknNito, avatar

    Well sure we have millions who actually voted for a dehydrated mango who tried to overthrow the government to become God emperor. Many of whom still support him afterwards. Trust me I get it.


    I saw your comment on a thread a few days ago calling him Defunded Donald. I’ve been using the term but shortened to Defunded Donny

    RealFknNito, avatar

    Snazzy. Let us hope he can’t even afford the $175m.


    Well, it is the third most populated country. Out of 340 million people I imagine there’s quite a few you would absolutely hate and quite a few that you’d be great friends with.


    What’s the average ratio though and how does the US compare?


    ONCE AGAIN, Donald Trump is treated with the kid gloves by the courts. Inconceivable. On the day the judgement was to be collected, Trump gets an absolute boon from the heavens above with a 10 day extension and a bond requirement of less than half of the original sum? For what reason? Trump defrauded the American people. He does not deserve special treatment.


    Well, he did say that there is a two tiered justice system. Here is the proof that there is. I challenge any MAGA believer to attempt HALF what this guy has done and see if they get the same treatment as him. Go on, I’ll wait

    MataVatnik, avatar

    It feels like a TV show where the villain somehow keeps getting away because if they caught them the show would be over.

    databender, avatar



    There was no way anybody was going to let him sell his properties in a fire sale with commercial real estate being in such a precarious position already.


    I was expecting further bullshit and a “justice” system that enables the same but I am still somehow disappointed.


    This article has some interesting info for normal people trying to get their bail reduced.

    • The court isn’t allowed to force you to go to jail by setting the bail so high that you can’t afford it.
    • The court is required to give a reason for the bail amount, but it’s not clear if the reason would be public information.

    This is a civil suit.


    Bring back debtors prison.


    It would be wonderful to apply to Trump, but in reality with our current political climate, debtor’s prison would be used by Blackrock and BOFA to imprison millions of people.

    They would do some fuckery with interest rates, look at businesses with some added columns, and see how many employees they could imprison through buying the company and causing its collapse.


    He’s not going to jail yet. Those are other criminal cases.

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