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Biden, DNC, establishment Democrats and Boomer Democrat voters: Okay guys we need to figure out who to elevate in the 2028 Republican primaries who’s just as vile as Trump so those uppity leftists will have to keep voting for our pro-corporate asses.


He’s forgiven billions in student loan debt

Using a program signed into law by George W Bush. Does that mean Bush was also a progressive?


Where is all this “incremental progress” you centerists always talk about? Is it in the room with us now?


I love how you all ignore all the terrible policy this man voted for as a senator.


I vote for whom I want in the primaries

Boomer Democrat voters in the 2020 primaries: That’s cute you think you have a voice. We’ve already chosen a geriatric establishment white man.


I mean Boomer Democrat voters could sit down and ask themselves “Is voting for a geriatric establishment white man really the move in the 2020 primaries if we want those “young” (read: anyone under the age of 65) voters to engage in politics”

But they won’t because even though they vote Democrat they’re still Boomers. And Boomers can’t handle not getting their way.


Trump: He’s also evil and I’m not voting for him either.


Yes which Boomer Democrats exploit in the primaries.


Or did you forget that part?

No I didn’t forget. But that’s not what you were talking about. You were talking about the student loans forgiven during Biden’s term. That’s being done under the PSLF program signed into law by G.W. Bush in 2007.


If forgiving loans under this program is one reason to call Biden a progressive then the same would apply to Bush.

So I’ll ask you again, was Bush also a progressive?


He’s forgiven billions in student loan debt

This was part of your conversation. You’re just deflecting because you had no idea what the PSLF program was or how it came to be.

And no I don’t give participation trophies to presidents. Especially when I suspect they wanted it to fail in the first place.


He literally passed a bill

No he didn’t. The attempted at student loan forgiveness you’re referring to was done through an executive order. You have absolutely no idea what you’re talking about.


Also, I suspect he fully intended for it to fail for two reasons.

  1. Joe Biden voted numerous times to make student loan debt difficult to remove through bankruptcies during his time as senator. There is no reason to think he suddenly was in favor of student loan forgiveness.
  2. At the same time he announced this attempt he announced student loan debt repayments would restart. Obviously this wasn’t going to go over well and he needed some popular news to drown out that aspect. It worked. Student loan payments resumed and student loan forgiveness failed.

Oh heaven forbid I mix up how he is trying to help people.

Oh is that what you call lying?

It’s clear you know nothing about who Joe Biden is or what he has done. And you know what, that’s fine! Vote for him. That’s your right.

But if you’re going to come into a conversation telling other people why they should vote for him don’t be surprised when you get fact checked.


Billionaires are richer than ever. Housing is more expensive than ever. Food is more expensive than ever. Healthcare is more expensive than ever. Education is more expensive than ever. The planet is hotter than ever.

Are you referring to the pretty rainbow flags that McDonald’s hangs once a year? Or the BLM posters in the middle of a gated community with all white residents?

Go on. Tell me about this incremental progress.


Yeah I’m sure that comes as a huge comfort to the millions of people who’s lives he ruined with his 1994 stop and frisk crime bill.


No I’m going to keep making it clear anybody who voted for Joe Biden in the 2020 primaries over the many superior options is a shit bag.


… I’m sorry. Do you use this defense when you’re talking about Trump or are you just a blatant hypocrite?

Biden is an evil person. Trump is an evil person. You shouldn’t defend either of them.


What a pathetic defense for Boomers being selfish shit bags.


Because decades of being marginalized by Boomers have left generations after them trained to think their participation has no effect. Which is precisely the intention. You’re happy it works right up until the point where we don’t vote for your geriatric genocide supporting procorporate trash of a human being in the general election.


We did provide a solution in 2020. Multiple. They were all rejected. It is not our responsibility to find a solution to a problem we didn’t create.

How about you ask the people who voted for Joe Biden in the 2020 primaries what their plan is to get people to vote for him? If you’re any indication the strategy is the same as always. “More finger wagging like the useless geriatrics we are!”


Biden hasn’t changed. He’s the same vile evil man he’s always been.


You’re the one defending a genocide supporting trash of a human being and refusing to hold them accountable.


You’re intentionally ignoring why I have no solution at this point. Because all other solutions have been eliminated. That’s how you people work. You trash and undermine our every attempt at change and then when they’re all defeated and we start saying we’re not motivated to vote you play this fucking game like it wasn’t you fighting us every step of the way.


What the fuck are you talking about? The solution in the 2020 primaries was “don’t vote for the procorporate establishment trash candidate”. You all didn’t like that plan so here we are.


It will never be my responsibility to come up with a solution to a problem I didn’t create. Nor am I morally obligated to give up my principles to a plan created by people who refused to consider alternatives. I won’t be voting for Biden again and when he loses it will be the responsibility of Joe Biden and the people who voted for him in the 2020 primaries.


But then I guess you wouuldn’t get to be the perpetual victim and wah wah wah, the world is so mean.

This is a tacit defense of Boomers.


Yes I’m sure this is exactly how you evaluated the situation in 2016. I’m sure you had a perfect solution for what to do after Trump was elected right? Of course not. You blamed people for not voting for HRC. You’re a hypocrite.

In the same way I have no solution now that Biden was elected in the 2020 primaries. The stupidity of that move cannot be overstated. The fact that you don’t want to talk about it tells me everything I need to know about you.


Yeah this “you’re throwing a tantrum because you didn’t get everything you wanted” is rich coming from the people who got Joe Biden elected in the 2020 primaries. It’s pure projection on their part. They would throw a tantrum if they didn’t get everything they wanted. The moment progressives start dominating primaries these people will stop showing up to vote in the general election.

It’s pure ego. They’ve built their personality around being “the good guys” compared to Republicans so when someone comes along and says “we need to do more” it’s a crisis for them. They can’t let anyone accomplish more than they did because it would force them to admit they became complacent.

Democrat voting Boomers are still Boomers at the end of the day. Selfish pieces of shit.


How many people do you think had $400 monthly premiums for individual plans back in 2007?

go_go_gadget, (edited )

No, we all had the perfect solution for what to do BEFORE Convicted Sex Offender Treason Trump was elected.


And by the same token we had multiple solutions for what to do BEFORE Biden the geriatric, procorporate establishment trash candidate was elected in the 2020 primaries.

EDIT: Lol downvote away pathetic hypocrites.


No the only way possible to move to the left is to not vote for procorporate trash in the primaries. You made shit decisions in the past and here we are.


What a pathetic deflection away from the fact that Democrat boomers are still boomers and vote like the selfish pieces of shit they are.


And you’re asking us to elect procorporate trash.


go_go_gadget, (edited )

Make up your mind. If you didn’t need us to win the 2020 general election you don’t need us in 2024.

besides student loans forgiven

Student loan forgiveness was rejected by the supreme court. All the loan forgiveness you’re seeing is the result of the PSLF program signed by G.W. Bush in 2007. Are you trying to give Biden credit for something Bush did?

medicare insulin capped

Boomers got what they wanted. Yay.

biggest climate bill ever

Sure. This isn’t nothing. However you should compare what’s in the IRA compared to what was in the BBB. The BBB is what Biden and Bernie worked on together. The BBB did not pass. This was a very disappointing outcome.

a president walking in a picket line

Fucking bread crumbs. Biden blocked the rail strike. The rail workers were fighting for 15 sick days. Some have 7. Most have less than that. Some sound byte by an IBEW administrative worker doesn’t change that. Our votes are worth more than that.

You don’t get to define what is “everything we wanted”. Biden does not deserve our votes. Our votes are worth more than what he’s done. If you don’t like it find someone else to vote for your procorporate trash candidate.


No it keeps shifting right because Moderate Democrat voters and Establishment Democrats sabotage any and all efforts to move it left.


Not a single Dem has that power nor would have wished a GOP candidate as bad for America as Convicted Felon and Sex Offender Treason Trump.

Factually false.



There is no way I am more responsible for Joe Biden losing the general election than Joe Biden himself.

There is no way I am more responsible for Joe Biden losing the general election than the people who voted for him in the 2020 primaries.

Stop trying to saddle me with responsibility for other people’s terrible decisions. It’s pathetic.


Ok. You’re telling me this is incremental progress because what you’ve gained is worth more than everything else that’s gotten worse. Fine. I’ll accept that in the context of this conversation.

How much more expensive does housing, education, healthcare and food have to get before we can focus on it? How hot does the planet have to get before we can focus on it?

When do we stop focusing on a specific experience someone has because of their race, gender or whatever else because the overall experience of everyone has gotten so bad we need to address it?


I said there has been no incremental progress and I stand by that because personally setting what you’ve described against higher housing costs, education, food and healthcare along with rising temperatures means we are all worse off including you.

Don’t confuse my willingness to set aside my own personal perspectives as moving the goal posts. Us arguing over who’s right there isn’t going to result in anything productive and you know it. So I set aside my personal perspectives and asked you to expand on yours.

Your response suggests you’ve never actually thought about it.


Then Biden won in 2020 without my help and you can ignore me and anyone who thinks like me. 🤷‍♂️

Of course that means you’d have to blame somebody else if he loses in 2024. My vote can’t simultaneously not matter in 2020 and be 100% responsible for the outcome of 2024. You need to pick a lane.


They voted like shit bags for decades and we’re all paying the price. Yes.


Give me a number.


Weird that the “procorporate” candidate did the exact thing that corporations hate most – raise corporate taxes.

He also did the thing corporations love the most. He blocked a strike. Biden is procorporate trash and he can go fuck himself.


Well Team America housing, education, food and healthcare are all more expensive than ever and you’re supporting a guy who blocks strikes and is in an ongoing war against American workers to suppress wages.

You want to act like you’re doing such a great job but the fact is you’re fucking failures.


You’re just repeating the same comment in every thread to me.


Factually true.

Show me your evidence then.


Stop following me around.

I know how jealous you are that my country is the most successful country in the world.

Ok Boomer.

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