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Republican donor groups fell over themselves to prop this guy up as some right-wing hero. I wouldn’t be surprised if one of them decided to send him to college on a full ride so that they could continue to point to him in the future as someone who went on to make a success of themselves rather than continue to prove to the world that he’s a vicious idiot with no prospects in life.


If you buy into crypto at this point, you deserve to lose your money.


Please stop, we’re having a hard enough time keeping up with your porn browsing habits. The cipher guys are all threatening to quit if they have to do any more of these.

Sincerely, your three letter agency minder.


“I was only pretending to be retarded!”

It doesn’t really work for internet contrarians when they get put on blast for having shit opinions on political forums, but why the fuck is it actually working in real life?

Trump is so embarrassing that I don’t see how anybody can actually genuinely like the guy. Is his only redeeming quality at this point just the fact that he enrages everyone left of center? Because aside from that and grifting money from people, he doesn’t seem to stand for much else.


All of the $4 row and any one of the $2 and $1 row each. My preference is the coffee and an English muffin.


Why do people keep saying this? Do you not know what toast is? It’s literally sliced bread + heat.


Wow, it’s almost like putting the entire weight of the RNC behind a convicted felon in a rematch against the guy he already lost to once in order to control the voting power of the cult that formed around him is, dare I say it, a bad political move? Like, such a bad political move that even somebody who knows absolutely nothing about politics should have been able to see this one coming?

Imagine how detached from reality you need to be to genuinely believe that getting slapped with a felony conviction will somehow help your campaign.


I remember when we thought we were going to make statues of Robert Mueller on Capitol Hill because we once thought he was brave for taking on Trump.

Let’s maybe wait to see if Trump actually gets sentenced with an appropriate punishment first before jumping the gun with Bragg.


And state sanctioned killings are not?

You people have very flexible morals when it suits you.


"Well boys, we did it. Homosexuality is no more."

  • Florida Republicans, probably.

People who say they are only good because of the threat of eternal damnation are literal psychopaths.

Zelensky: 'Our partners fear that Russia will lose this war' (kyivindependent.com)

President Volodymyr Zelensky believes that Ukraine’s partners “are afraid of Russia losing the war” and would like Kyiv “to win in such a way that Russia does not lose,” Zelensky said in a meeting with journalists attended by the Kyiv Independent....


It’s been two years, mate. If Russia hasn’t won yet, that means they can’t.


Now I kinda want to see a “This meeting could have been a…” alignment chart.

This meeting could have been an email - Lawful Good

This meeting could have been rescheduled - Chaotic Good

This meeting could have been a potluck - Neutral Good

This meeting could have been a series of consecutive meetings - Lawful Evil


How2Drink on YouTube lol.this definitely seems like it would make the next episode of Cursed Cocktails.


Typically in LDRs you take every opportunity (within reason) to see each other. If he’s saying he doesn’t want to see you when you are able to, I’d consider that a red flag for sure. At the very least, it demands some explanation beyond just that there would be nothing to do.

I think if you press him on this, he’ll come clean and admit that he wants to break things off for whatever reason. Maybe he’s lost interest, or maybe he is ashamed of being gay, I don’t really know, but there definitely seems to be more to it than what you’ve already been told.


The fact that this race is even remotely close is un-fucking-believable.


American Rescue Plan reversed much of the damage done by the pandemic

Unemployment at historic lows

Expanded access to healthcare coverage

Passed bipartisan infrastructure bill


Inflation Reduction Act has brought inflation back under control

Rejoined the Paris Climate Accord

Passed sweeping student debt relief for millions of students burdened with predatory loans

And yes, rescheduled cannabis after a century of prohibition

All in just one term.

Wow, you’re right, he’s done nothing, guess I’ll just vote for the dude with 91 felony charges who talks about being a dictator on day one, or maybe the dude with the brain worm. Really tough choice.

Struggling to tolerate wife's haircut

I typically don’t care about things like hairstyle, makeup or clothes. But my wife has started giving herself a buzz cut and I simply hate it. I told her and she grew it out for a while, but she said longer hair was making her depressed and it needed to be a buzz cut. She said it just looks like her when she sees it. Part of...


You guys need couples therapy, not advice from internet strangers on Lemmy. This is an issue that’s going to take some serious unpacking and that requires a professional’s help.

Furbag, (edited )

Just like in 2016, he called the election rigged and that he wouldn’t accept the results. And then he won, and suddenly, all the wolf cries of “it’s rigged” vanished into thin air and they started saying how it was the most significant election of all time, a true underdog come-from-behind win, and wow look how big the crowd size is at my inauguration, I bet Obama didn’t pull a crowd like that! Nothing ever mentioned about it being rigged again except for how he should have won by even wider margins than he did.

I fucking hate Trump with every fiber of my body. How stupid do you have to be to look at this guy or listen to him speak and take away anything other than the fact that he’s an egomaniac who has never been held accountable for anything in his entire life? If anybody ever says positive things about him in front of me for the rest of my life, that person is dead to me.


Maga assholes are having a grand time twisting the knife in this wound trying to drive a wedge in the voting block. It’s clearly working.

The people who are drawing the line at genocide in Gaza are being disingenuous at best. Foreign policy is, believe it or not, far more complicated than people make it out to seem. Making every effort to de-escalate the conflict at the negotiating table comes before burning bridges with arguably our last and only stalwart ally in the middle east.


Why do we need to sally out and defeat the enemy? The enemy isn’t inside the castle walls, right?

Are you really so naive that you can’t see value in making alliances with countries that don’t directly border your own?


You could literally impeach the President over this

You’re telling me that the Republicans who have been grasping at straws for four years to come up with an excuse to impeach Biden are letting this impeachable offense pass them by? Sorry, but I don’t believe you.


Gee, sounds like we should really do everything we can do keep these Republicans out of office then.


So you don’t want Biden, but you don’t want Trump either, but you can’t have it both ways. No matter if you turn out to vote or not, you are getting one of those two choices. That’s a fact. We’re stuck in the Prisoner’s Dilemma Election, and it’s time to decide if we’re going to play the game to win or not.

There’s far more at stake this year than just the fate of Gaza, but shortsightedness is going to kill us.


How is this minimizing genocide? I’ve acknowledged that it’s a serious problem.

What’s your solution?


More than one thing can be true at the same time. Stopping the genocide in Gaza is important. Stopping the rise of fascism in America is important. Stopping the erosion of civil liberties in America is important. Minimizing genocide would be me saying “It’s not that bad”, which I don’t believe is true. It is that bad. I just disagree with the apparent strategy that the nascent leftists have embraced, which is to cut off the nose to spite the face, a strategy that will ultimately end up with a continuation of the status quo at best and risks a rapid acceleration of all of the problems I mentioned above in the worst case scenario.

By all means, protest and donate your money and time to the effort. That seems to be making an impact to some degree.


We are seeing a rise in fascism, an erosion of civil liberties, and genocide, under Biden.

Can you give me some examples of fascist behavior or civil liberty erosion directly caused by Biden’s policies?


Biden to protestors calling him out for genocide. Violent crackdowns on student protestors.

Last I checked, the executive is not in control of state or local police departments. He did not command them to crack down on protests. He’s doing what a president is supposed to do, which is be the voice of reason. He has never said that the protests were wrong. In fact, he is on record saying that everybody has the right to protest, but they must do so legally. Trespassing and destruction of property are not legal. Sorry if that hurts your feelings. I’m sure you’d feel different about it if people broke into your house and wrecked your shit and then tried to argue that they shouldn’t be arrested because it’s their first amendment right to protest.

Allowing Roe V Wade to be overturned

Who appointed the conservative majority that led to that decision? Trump. Yeah, let’s blame the guy sitting in the chair now for the shit his predecessor got rolling last term. Real intelligent take there.

Refusing to pack the courts or play hardball,

If he packed the courts, you’d be saying he’s undemocratic for that. Give me a break. FYI, Biden is pushing for stronger federal protections on abortion rights, so he is doing everything in his power to change things within the framework of his authority in the government. The president is not a king. Congress and the Judicial have to play ball as well.

By the way, packing the courts won’t get Roe v Wade reinstates because they could always decide to not hear the case again. That’s going to take a legislative effort to fix the problem that the courts created in the first place.

Literal genocide actively funded by Biden.

Didn’t ask about that, because the answer was obvious, but thanks for volunteering the information again.

I remain unconvinced.


That bill hasn’t been signed into law yet, btw.

Also the tiktok ban is because of its contributions to anti-Israeli sentiment among young people.

That’s not true. It’s because of it’s ties to China. if it were just about Anti-Israeli sentiment, they wouldn’t allow the platform to exist by allowing Bytedance to sell it to an American company. I also don’t agree with the TikTok ban, for the record, but I’m not making up bullshit about what the ban is actually about.


Wow, talk about inventing positions. Biden saying “please don’t violate the law when you protest” is the same as “telling students to accept getting absolutely blasted by Zionist fascists and cops for protesting against his genocide”?

You know what? I’ve got a lot better things to be doing with my weekend than arguing with you about this. I live in reality, so it’ll be impossible for us to ever see eye to eye on things. Sounds like you’ve got a really busy schedule of protesting and donating your time and money in a single-minded fervor, so why don’t you get back to doing that, sport? You’re just wasting words on me.


Right. Biden would have immediately deployed the national guard in response to a march on the Capitol. Trump intentionally did not, he encouraged the mob and then watched the whole thing unfold on television and didn’t lift a finger.

The next group of MAGA idiots who show up to pull a Jan 6 2.0 will get turned away by authorities actually equipped to handle them.


Ultimately I don’t think that will matter much. Acts of domestic terrorism or sabotage won’t affect the outcome of the executive maintaining power and are unlikely to garner much sympathy. Trump wanted to make sure he won by attacking the weakest points of the electoral system - slates of false electors to sow doubt and discord, and when that failed, inciting a mob to interrupt the certification. I think both of those points are still vulnerable to attack, but there are a lot more eyes on it now after 2020. Trump is already on trial for trying to overturn the election, and Biden has no reason to allow an armed mob of crazies storm the Capitol, win or lose.


You need to learn how to forgive yourself first. Do you think a minor detail like that would have been something that would have convinced your partner to leave you? It sounds like you two worked everything out and built up that trust again. Bringing it up now only serves to clear your own conscience at the cost of opening up old wounds.

Look, you acknowledge that you made a mistake, you’ve atoned for the bad things that you’ve done and made amends with your partner, and you’ve found a blissful happiness. It’s time to let that baggage go and forget the past. It won’t be easy, but the first step is to realize that everybody is fallible and that sometimes we make mistakes and we can’t always rely on having our guilt absolved by another.


Now that it is no longer politically inconvenient for him, he comes out against Trump? Wow, color me surprised.

Seems like a lot of Republicans are going to have collective amnesia about their role in supporting Trump when he gets ousted from political power (and that can’t come soon enough). No amnesty for spineless coward Republicans when that happens.


You would have a step ledge

What are you doing step ledge? 🤭


If Trump gets immunity, I’m becoming a terrorist.


When I first heard about him, it was when he took over Tesla and was pushing electric cars to become mainstream against a huge amount of industry pressure trying to squash any effort to move away from fossil fuels. It was an inspiring underdog story, and I was genuinely rooting for the guy. Maybe not in a crazy fanboy way like some people o today, but whenever I heard a positive news story about him it was uplifting to a certain degree.

Then he absolutely humiliated himself with the “pedo guy” comments and his bizarre feud with the truth/reality and my opinion of him flipped then and there. It only went downhill quicker when he started showing his true colors - switching from Democrat to Republican and indulging himself in conspiracy theories, antisemitism and racist ideology cemented my opinion of him. He’s a true blue piece of shit who will say or do anything if he can make money off of it.


Touch grass.


The first time around, Trump didn’t really understand what kind of powers or authority the head of executive holds. He believed getting elected would make him a dictator, so he was unconcerned with who was being selected for his cabinet and inner circle, the people who actually hold the keys to power. In his mind, he could just issue an executive order and it would be carried out exactly as he desired. Needless to say, there were several people in the Republican establishment that refused to go along with Trump’s insane whims. I’m sure beyond a doubt that Trump at some point in time attempted to make good on his campaign promise to throw Hillary Clinton in jail, but somebody along the chain realized that they would burn too much political capital on a political stunt like that and either talked him out of it or simply did not comply.

This time? He knows that he needs to pack his cabinet with sycophants who will do whatever he wants. He cannot risk another Jeff Sessions, James Comey, Rod Rosenstein, or John Kelly standing in his way - in other words, he cannot nominate people who havedeveloped their entire careers in government positions who would not be willing to set it all on fire for Trump. He needs political outsiders who are fanatic Trump worshipers with nothing to lose. People with no experience on how government actually works and who care little for consequences or are actively ignorant of the laws they may be instructed to break.


He claims he’d never do it, while simultaneously arguing that as president it would be within his legal authority to do so.

He’s fighting pretty hard to retain the option that he says he’s not interested in exercising. That should tell you all you need to know.


He’s stalling the cases to use a much more conventional political vehicle for getting himself off the hook - presidential pardons. The immunity claim is a hail-mary stall tactic and Trump’s team knows that it’s bogus, but they also know he doesn’t need absolute immunity if he can just survive until November.


Gotta hand it to all the folks who warned me that “cool pope” was just paying lip service to progressive ideals and didn’t actually fundamentally change how shitty the actual Catholic church is. They were right all along and I owe them all an apology.

Trump Tells Donors He'll Keep Cutting Taxes, Only Wants Immigrants From 'Nice' Countries (www.huffpost.com)

Former President Donald Trump told donors at a fundraiser this weekend that he wanted immigrants from “nice” countries “like Denmark” to travel to the United States and vowed to extend his controversial tax cuts for rich Americans if he’s elected to the White House later this year....


People from nice countries probably don’t want to live here anyway.


Just moved back in with my parents last week. It sucks, but I can see the social stigma breaking down rapidly considering how many of my peers are being forced back into multi-generational housing situations. At least now I have enough money to spend on food.


It’s both. I think “jumping to lightspeed” is an in-universe misnomer for jumping to Hyperspace. Han Solo misuses the terminology the first time we’re introduced to the concept (so does Kenobi, for that matter), but in that same scene he does make a distinction between lightspeed and hyperspace. The ship still needs to accelerate to something very close to light speed to slip into the parallel hyperspace dimension, so it kinda tracks between the two concepts.


Hmm, I suppose you’re right. I don’t know why sci-fi purists are okay with that explanation when logically nothing can move faster than the speed of light. I’ve seen more debate over whether a blaster is a laser weapon or a plasma weapon. I guess they had a hard time reconciling the line from Han about how the Falcon does “Point five past light speed”. At this point, I’ve accepted that hyperspace and FTL travel in Star Wars is basically just the wild west and nobody is trying to clarify how any of it actually works, they just want to have cool scenes.

Joe Biden calls trans people “fabric of our nation” in Trans Day of Visibility proclamation (www.lgbtqnation.com)

In commemoration of the upcoming Transgender Day of Visibility (TDOV), President Joe Biden issued a statement praising trans people’s contributions to society and describing actions his administration has taken to counter transphobic bullying and extremism. Additionally, many members of Biden’s Department of Health and Human...


If their religious holiday is incompatible with recognizing marginalized and vulnerable people in our society, then it’s a fucking shit religion.


Did the DNC read your fucking mind like Charles Xavier or something? How have they “known for months” that you specifically are choosing to throw away your vote on not-Biden?

I agree with the other guy, you are not the main character.

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