
Monolinguistic people rarely realise just how overtly ethnocentric they’re being. Guess it’s hard to see when you don’t have any other languages to think in.

and it also probably helps when you’re classifying humans separately to animals for the purpose of a semantical argument, where classifying humans as animals would only cause further problems.

Along with the fact that it’s arguably hate speech to some degree to refer to certain groups of people as animals separately from others, but this isn’t relevant.

How hard would it have been to just refrain from the word English in that sentence? Why did you feel the need to add it? Does “animals don’t speak” somehow not convey the meaning of that? (Genuine questions, not sarcasm.)

are you actually genuinely mad at me for this? And yes, “animals don’t speak” doesn’t convey it properly, because animals literally do speak, they just don’t speak the same kind of interpreted languages that humans often do, though we have taught monke sign language a couple of times, so there’s that, which might count i guess. (though it’s not particularly fluent, or communicative)

But generally, for all intents and purposes, for this semantic argument, no, they don’t speak spoken languages, with semantic meanings, and rooted histories. The same way that humans do “english” for example.

This is like being mad at someone for talking about transportation, and using cars as an example, because they like cars, or drive one all the time. It’s just the basic bias of existing as a human being, where being impartial to literally everything that ever exists, at any point in time, is quite literally impossible.

There are lots of parrots who can clearly utter recognizable English, so yes, there are animals who speak English. On what level can they understand the language they use, that’s another question entirely. Which more or less was my point in replying to you. :)

yes technically parrots can recognize, and recreate sounds, it’s not that they understand english, or words, or language. It’s that they’re capable of recreating vocal anomalies of human speech, pretty well. Likewise, i can also mimic someone else speaking in another language, or just individual words, but that doesn’t mean that i’m speaking the language. In order for me to speak that language, i need to be able to communicate in some commonly understood and defined dialect, that other people can understand, such that i’m capable of understanding them as well. Parrots cannot do this.

regardless, my point was that animals have their own code of ethics, independent from the human concept of ethics, as defined in languages like english, which i used as the example, because i don’t know if you know, ethics, is an english word. It comes from the english language. I’m just using the system relevant to the words i’m speaking about. It’d be a little weird if i was using fucking C the programming language, as an example of language, wouldn’t it?

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