@PiratePanPan@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Does anybody remember the And Tango Makes Three fiasco?


I remember Manny Pacquiao saying homosexuals are worst than animals because homosexuality does not exist in the animal kingdom. He was promptly educated.

@UnderpantsWeevil@lemmy.world avatar

“I’m sorry for hurting people by comparing homosexuals to animals. Please forgive me for those I’ve hurt. I still stand on my belief that I’m against same sex marriage because of what the Bible says, but I’m not condemning LGBT. I love you all with the love of the Lord. God Bless you all and I’m praying for you.”

Clearly not well enough. This is the old liberal-adjacent “Hate the sin, love the sinner” canard that moderate fundamentalists trot out, in order to exist in that gray “agree to disagree” space liberals love. Give it too much room to breath, and you’re going to be escorted to the Gay Conversion Therapy Camps with big rainbow colored “ordnen macht frei” signs over the entrance gate.


This is such an absurd “article”. Picking out a couple of comments from the internet to literally brew conflict for clicks is not sound journalism.

You guys seem to love living in an echochamber. Lemmy really has become very unwelcoming to anyone centrally aligned or learning about the world.


Yea it kinda sucks. You and I can be central together. Right here.


“stuck in the middle with you”


I don’t get what’s centrist about LGBTQ+ rights.

Anything restricting equal rights for all based on sexuality, gender and orientation, color or creed is surely a far right, extremist position?

Whats centrist about “gay people exist?”


Lol just now?

can, (edited )

George Clooney voiced a gay dog on South Park in '97.


Something happening in fiction is not proof it happens in real life.


You love to see it


Conservatives are freaking out about I don’t care, they’ve proven they are idiots and will believe anything


Oh, this sh*tfest is hilarious.

We’ve known about gay penguins since 1912, and regressives are just now cottoning on?

@UnderpantsWeevil@lemmy.world avatar

The conservative education system makes a special effort to misinform/occlude information about certain natural facts of life for generations of people. So every graduation cycle or two, you’ve got a fresh faced cohort of brainwashed kids who have to find out about the gay penguins from 1912 for the first time, ten years after they’ve cemented their bias against homosexuality on “rationalist” grounds.

We’ve been playing similar games with evolution since the fucking Stokes Monkey Trial. Identical debunked arguments showed up in The Panda’s Thumb over a century after they were ostensibly put to bed.

You’ll periodically see this show up in regards to phrenology and eugenics, as well. All sorts of inane long-dismissed claims about how physiognomy clues amateur race-sleuths in to someone’s criminal intent or intellectual fitness or breeding capacity.

Recycling pseudoscience and vaguely sourced gossip is also very popular in anti-abortion circles, giving us all sorts of zombie lies about pagan blood sacrifice of fetuses and elaborate plots to cull the white race.

The dogmatism of western bigotry is baked into conservative ideology. You can find people dredging up the same old tired lies from the 19th century in arguments made before the US Congress and the Supreme Court to this very day.

@Kolanaki@yiffit.net avatar

“If animals can be gay, I could be gay, but I am not gay! 😱” - Republican caught sucking dick in an alley


Republican caught sucking dick in an alley

That made me snort :D


That’s not snot!!!


Ironically, you can enjoy sucking dick without being gay. Because sexuality is a spectrum.

If the Republicans would stop being so defensive, they might find a lot to like about the sexuality spectrum.


Pretty much. The intersection of gender and sexuality spectrum means romantic attraction, sexual attraction, and sexual interests can mix and match in a lot of ways.


yes but that doesn’t help reinforce right-wingers’ feelings of superiority


Uuuuuhhhhhhh none of those words sounds like “male and female he created them” buddy, straight to Hell with ye

@ikidd@lemmy.world avatar

Meh, I deleted this, it was just going to get misinterpreted by literalists.


“I’m not gay for sucking dick; this dick is gay for getting sucked.”

This is logic.


How dare the animals engage in such unnatural behavior!!! /s


Easy. They need Jesus.

@TheLowestStone@lemmy.world avatar

Holy shit… Conversion Therapy for pets.

Did we just stumble on a billion dollar grift that will only harm particularly awful people?


yeah it’d also harm the pets, you fool. Set that idea in the dustbin, where it belongs.

@TheLowestStone@lemmy.world avatar

Well, we’re not actually going to do anything besides hang out with other people’s pets then tell the owners they are “cured.”


aah, clever.


The really awesome pets are “more difficult to cure” so we are going to need them to stay longer.

@TheLowestStone@lemmy.world avatar

^ this person gets it


I have no doubt that some crazed conservative is out there shock-collaring their dogs or worse for “homosexual behaviour.” They’re absolutely deranged.


Its against nature

No, not that nature

Veraxus, (edited )

Learned? No, that is the wrong word.

They are in violent and vehement denial about facts that are empirically documented and readily observable with ones own eyes.

They didn’t actually learn anything. It will be written off as some “degenerate liberuhl conspiracy”, as they do with every other fact that doesn’t align with their perverse totalitarian worldview.

I mean, that’s the entire conservative/right-wing M.O.

@samus12345@lemmy.world avatar

They already knew about the frogs years ago.


Doesn’t this happen every few years?

StaySquared, (edited )


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  • caveman8000,

    Meanwhile, in 1986…



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  • andros_rex,

    I am gay. I have had lots of gay sex. I have had lots of kinky over the top gay sex. I have talked about absolutely wild and over the top kinks with all kinds of people. I’m not trying to be gross, but to communicate that I have a statistically significant sample size.

    I have never met a person who was a bug chaser. I’ve never spoken to one on Grindr, or seen one with that listed in their profile. They exist, and I’ve seen interviews with them online, but I’ve never met anyone like that in real life.

    Some heterosexual women have sex with dogs - I’m not sure that it would be fair to extrapolate that to all heterosexual women.

    I’ve never been to the Folsom Street fair, so I’m not sure why I am responsible or related to the behavior that happens there.



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  • bilb,
    @bilb@lem.monster avatar

    I think you’re just a stupid asshole. No need to overthink this.


    I think me using the internet for learning and using what I learned to make people like you screeech is the problem you’re having. Don’t be mad at me… be mad at the communities who brag about the things they do and want to do and how they want to do it.


    Bro, I’m in multiple “homosexual communities you can found online.” I’ve never seen anything like what you are describing.

    I can find all kinds of crazy and gross heterosexual pornography. I would not generalize the behaviors I see in heterosexual pornography to all heterosexuals. I would not generalize the wild and raunchy behavior of heterosexual men and women at Mardi Gras to all heterosexual men and women.

    Go touch grass - there’s a good chance that you’ll actually interact with a real gay person, instead of the imaginary demons you created in your head.


    Hence… “subculture”.

    Read it again… sub. culture.


    Bro, it’s not my fault that you go out of your way to seek out extreme fetish gay porn content. I prefer the more routine stuff, but as long as it’s fantasy, feel free to fap to whatever you like.


    Definitely not your fault. I admit, I intentionally look for the worst in people/groups and remind myself that such people exist.


    Why would you deliberately seek out the worst in people/groups and then use that to condemn the entire group? Should I argue that the majority of straight men are pedophiles based on the popularity of child sexual abuse material?



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  • andros_rex,

    Literally every gay man I know is concerned about HIV. Lots of people go on prep. There is not a subculture of people spreading HIV consensually or forcefully. I have never met a single person in either online communities or real life who would advocate for that practice.

    I have quite literally been to sex dungeons. I have seen people set fire to genitals (in a safe and controlled way). I have seen people participate in far more extreme practices. I have never seen anyone advocate, fantasize, or talk about any of the things you have mentioned.

    @Whattrees@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

    Wait, so you admit that you, in your spare time for fun presumably, look for things the worst part of any groups do so that you can give other people excuses to hate them? Do you have any idea how retarded that is on every level? You just like to hate groups of people and go looking for excuses for it, it’s like someone made a recipe on how to trick yourself with confirmation bias into being an even bigger bigot.

    Also, just for fun, have you ever done that same thing with groups you belong to? Like, say for example, men, white people, heterosexuals, cisgenerders, neo-nazis, zoophiles?


    The fact that the subculture exists, that in of itself is a threat to humanity.

    oh man you just learned about sociology didn’t you?


    First off, please just accept your sexuality so you can keep those fantasies private.


    None of this is made up


    Yes, yes, there’s a massive conspiracy by “the homos” to “attack heterosexuals with HIV” and you don’t provide any proof, even though it’s so easy to look it up?

    Hmm… where else have I heard “DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH”? Oh right, in every debate with every flat earther, antivaxxer and gun nut or other some such right-leaning people who simply can’t refrain from slopping their cognitive diarrhea all over the internet while not possessing the intellectual rigour to even attempt to source what I’m sure they must know to be incredibly unlikely things.

    @jordanlund@lemmy.world avatar

    Removed, temp ban for continued homophobia.


    So long as parades/festivals like the Folsom Street fair continue to exist, heterosexuals in general will dislike homosexuals. Can’t blame them for disliking homosexuals when they witness the activities that go on in public space.

    wait until you find out about what heterosexual men due to children on the semi regular.

    Not to mention the subculture of men who want to be HIV positive. As they call themselves negs and poz (positive for HIV). And the thrill to find HIV negative men to convert to HIV positive men…

    username checks out.


    You have absolutely no idea what my username means.

    Wait til you find out what liberals do to their children, every waking moment of their lives.

    Thanks for playing, npc.


    You have absolutely no idea what my username means.

    idk man, i think it’s pretty clear. You want to uphold the normative values of days gone by.

    Wait til you find out what liberals do to their children, every waking moment of their lives.


    @jordanlund@lemmy.world avatar

    Removed, homophobia.


    You’re pretending your personal views are general views.

    You know that you can’t write “as long as theres pride parades, I’ll hate the homos”, because you know that’s wrong. You also can’t even write that you personally dislike gay people, writing “there’s many reasons to hate homosexuals”, pretending (or deluding yourself) that other people are as homophobic as you.

    We aren’t.

    Stand behind your bullshit or stfu instead of this vague “I’m saying what everyone is thinking”. No, you’re not, but you are telling us what you’re thinking about.


    Every group under the sun has haters. Pointing out some of the reasons why a group would be hated is just that… pointing out reasons. Do I hate people who intentionally spread HIV? Yep, does that mean I hate any particular group they belong to? Nope.


    Again, distancing language while still perpetuating the same shitty rhetoric of “disease spreaders”. Pitiful.

    Various forms of homosexuality account for roughly a tenth of the population, more or less. Only about 80% of people identify

    You know spreading HIV on purpose is a severe crime in most of the world, right? Weird how you’re not talking about how “as long as men continue their toxic masculinity in the guise of ‘football matches’, people will continue to hate them”. Did you know there are men who purposefully kill other people? ‘serial killers’ they’re called."

    And there’s a whole lot more killers than there are people spreading HIV on purpose. And you won’t even believe this, there’s a whole fucking culture (not even a subculture, but a culture) of making documentaries, tv-shows and podcasts about these ‘serial killers’.

    So that’s why I… everyone except definitely not me hates men.

    “I’m just pointing out reasons”

    No you’re not. You’re listing your own personal rationalisations for your personal homophobia. And oh boy…

    @Whattrees@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

    No, of course you don’t hate them, you just think people are justified in hating them as long as they are in public. Don’t you know people will just get over their biases if other people never confront them and they never see the people they hate? We just have to make every disliked minority disappear from public view and the bigots will magically get over it.

    Don’t you remember when black people gained equal rights in the law by disappearing from public for a while? It was only when they stopped being so in your face about their mistreatment that the bigots accepted them and gave them rights, right?

    Why don’t people like you have the fucking balls to just say what you think? Why is it always this, “Oh I’d be fine with them if they’d stop asking for me to be fine with them” kind of wishy-washy bullshit. Just fucking grow a pair and say you don’t like seeing gay people in public because you think they are gross and weird.


    yawn… why do we still sit around and talk in flabbergasted bewilderment about how dumb conservatives are? WE KNOW THEY’RE FUCKING IDIOTS. the question is ‘what are we going to do about it?’ - continue to let them have a say in democracy?

    say what you want about them but they’re doing a pretty good job of forcing their agenda on US because most of YOU are too chickenshit to do anything to stop them.


    what are we going to do about it? - continue to let them have a say in democracy?

    Yes, because without their voice, it’s not democracy anymore. That’s how democracy works. The only thing you really can do is try to educate the ignorant.


    yeah, that’s not working, and i’m more interested in avoiding the consequences of their policies than i am protecting their freedom. they’ve been educated for the last 2 decades and they’ve only dug their heels in deeper. there’s only one solution at this point.


    I’ll hear what they have to say, but if it’s not grounded in science/reason/common sense, it has no place in law. And their votes shouldn’t be worth a staggering amount more than everyone else’s.


    It’s still democracy if it has entry requirements, and it’d probably function better.

    @AdrianTheFrog@lemmy.world avatar

    Voting tests in the US were abolished for a reason


    Because they were explicitly created to disenfranchise black people.

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