
Within 4y of Trump being made ruler of the US,

executions of leftist media will have happened.

Natural Selection applies even in political situations.

The “action” of ignoring/denying actuality creates the “reaction” of correction:

No Soul/CellOfGod/ChildOfGod that is caught in a human-category-life which relies-on its assumptions & its established Entitlement, deserves other than what it gets, ( sow-reap-law, as Yehoshua “Jesus” benJoseph called it, aka karma, as the religion he absorbed during his “lost years” calls it, works ) and just as stock-markets get the corrections they deserve ( through their fakery: the greater the phoniness of their regulation, the more-savage their corrections are, it’s Nature’s LAW ), so too do political-herds.

IF the left’s publishing-system won’t be loyal to actuality/correctness/objectivity, THEN they’re going to be … obliterated.


It may take a few years for Trump to transform into the absolute-psychopath which is his evolution-vector’s endstate, but it will happen, if not prevented, and … you can search for articles with “the guardrails are off” or “the guardrails are gone” or however they phrased it, when the people limiting the progression-into-psychopathic-machiavellianism … left their roles.

This is bog-standard self-amplifying positive-feedback-loop-of-corruption stuff, that human history is littered with.

Nero, anybody??

Arjuna’s corrupt relatives, that he hadn’t the guts to face, but had the obligation to face?

( Eknath Easwaran’s “The Bhagavad Gita” is the only one I recomnend in English, if anyone wants some beautiful spiritual scripture )

Consequences won’t obey making-believing.

US Civil War Part2’s coming, because the Confederates only pretended to surrender, and now they’re getting even with the ones who violated their supremacist religion…

Either get out, or dig in.

But prepare for the next decade to reduce the US’s population by about 1/3 to 2/3rds.

It hasn’t been preventable since Reagan, possibly since the 1950’s, and it would have required one hell of great investment in quality education, nutrition, etc, in order to get the children competent in Critical Thinking as their bedrock instinct, which is the only antidote to ideological-supremacism ( replacing 1 ideological-supremacism with another doesn’t “win the war”, it just wins a battle, & gives a point to whichever ideology it was that one that point, but another ideology will try breaking the country to being owned by it, later, because they all are.

That is the problem!

Breaking ALL ideologies from owning/possessing countries is required, and nobody’s been creating that result!

How could humankind survive The Great Filter, if humankind won’t commit the only victory which could save its life?? )

Whatever, eh?

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