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No: Biden’s optimal response may be that, but what his actual response is going to be, given the Dems’ coasting on assumed-entitlement, could be anything.

Never count chickens before they’re hatched, right?

Scientific Method: wait & see what the actual evidence is.

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Tell them of a famous guy, the most “woke” person in the entire bible, a socialist & convicted-felon people call “Jesus” benJoseph, who called hypocrites “Hypocrites!” right in their face, instead of “turning the other cheek”, a guy who got *physically violent" on the commercial-operation of the temple…

See if they just blot that out from their awareness, to fit their ideology…

Kahneman’s “Thinking Fast And Slow” is the key book to understanding the different mechanisms of mind, in the ideology/prejudice/instinct/reaction circuit, vs the considered-reasoning-circuit, in case you want the real “artillery” of understanding what’s going on in the world, now…

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The same “morals” as the fake-Jews, aka “Jews”, who convicted Yehoshua “Jesus” ( Iosa, actually, not “Jesus”, was his Roman name, apparently ) benJoseph…

Remember in the Christian Bible, Pontius Pilate tried to have Rule of Just Law win the case, but the “Republicans” of his day wouldn’t tolerate that, and since Pontius Pilate didn’t have the political-leverage to win, he just washed his hands, explicitly of the case, in protest…

What has changed?

These “Christians” are behaving exactly the same, in motivation, as their predecessors did:…


I think that “alleged” can be dropped, if the emergency-services people had to deal with evidence that was sufficiently-obvious.

Don’t push deluded-doubt to help the disinformation empire, please.

_ /\ _


“Christian”, NOT Christ-ian!!

The Christian bible, itself gives this concept, but, since it was written a “Day as a Thousand Years” & a “Night as a Thousand Years” ago, it nails false-Jews, aka “Jews”, using our new falsifying-quotes technology ( that John the gospeler didn’t have, which “justified” all the Catholic murdering of Jews…

John was railing against not Jews, but false Jews, aka “Jews”.

This is blatently-clear in that he repeatedly called his guru “rabbi”, instead of using some non-Jewish title for him, in those places )

See right here, how substituting the word Christian for the word Jew, and then doing it again with every religion, puts things back in proper perspective: 2…

We have to use language correctly, & stop platforming gaslighting, through typography, or we are helping the bad-guys win through our spinelessness.

_ /\ _

Accused adulterer Trump who paid to keep Stormy Daniels affair secret professes ‘love’ for the Ten Commandments (



EVERY time these people push “The 10 Commandments”,

hit them with this:…


Once he is dictator, ‘Rule of Law’ is going to be fundamentally-redefined.

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You will note that that page, 4y old, now, included an item in the book of Daniel, which stated that the abomination “wouldn’t even be legal to be king”, or some such thing…

( haven’t read the page in a long while, & won’t bother again: it’s coming true. )

Until Trump became a convicted-felon, that prophecy was a blocker on the stack-of-prophecies.

There is no longer any blocker.

It’s Showtime…

( I’m Vajrayana, not Christian, but ScientificallyTestablePredictions are testable-for-truth, no matter who they were made by,

& I don’t accept ideology-based-“science” as having any validity.

IF the evidence backs that stack-of-prophecies, THEN … that is that.

: )


Thank you for posting this comment.

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Thank you for adding these links.

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( markdown ruined my ability to do a proper ascii up-arrow.

Humbug. : )


Either you systemically enforce the evisceration, & prevention, of kleptarchy…

XOR kleptarchy highacks your country, permanently.

There isn’t even a single photon of “middle ground” in that process.

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It ALSO depends on whether you’re asking the top-10% income people, or whether you’re asking the bottom-50% income people.



Never mistake ideology/prejudice, aka Kahneman1 mind ( my term for it, from the ocean of understanding in Daniel Kahneman’s “Thinking Fast And Slow”, the most important book in the whole world, for understanding what’s going on, right now ).

Ideology/prejudice, is THE ascendant-force among our world, & the greater the ClimatePunctuation’s acceleration ( its speed won’t peak for a few more decades, before slowing-down again, obviously ) continues, stress will drive ideology/prejudice’s supremacism, through all factions, globally.

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Whether true or not, I don’t know.

I DO know, however, that humans are not institution-puppets without any internal-motivations.

IF they did do so, THEN that doesn’t mean Al Jazeera was in any way complicit.

Apparently there’s some problem at The Washington Post, now, with the guy in charge of the news-room having participated in a crime, & now is ejecting people who have journalistic-standards…

Does that mean they all are guilty of what he did?

How could it?

We’re in an age where considered-reasoning is being displaced by dogwhistle ideology/prejudice, & it’s required for humankind’s survival, that we get competent in journalism’s methodical & careful discernment.

All of us.

Our kind’s life IS at stake, this century.

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I disagree: it took me years, but finally I understood that it’ll take him a few years to go from “I’m dictator” to “I’M DICTATOR”.

That process is an identity-remaking.

There will be literal human-sacrifice after a few years, but not at the beginning.

I hope I’m wrong, but … certain I’m right, on this point.

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His tactical-plan is that he won’t be accepting any of the consequences of his policies.

You don’t improve a country’s economic-engine by eradicating education’s foundation.

But so long as he’'s rich, & his privilege is protected, he can’t care what damage is done to his inferiors…

Kinda similar to the ones doing likewise north of there, eh?


WHEN a machiavellian’s story doesn’t add-up,

THEN … you can either keep being the manipulated-idiot,

XOR you can sever ties & get back to somewhere where integrity is an actual thing.

There is no real 3rd option.


Malnutrition creates life-long damage/harm when it harms growing children.

It doesn’t require outright-starvation to damage an entire-population’s viability.

No matter: evil does what evil does, & when it claims that “the bible” justifies it, well, that’s just icing on the cake, isn’t it?

We can see the “Christians” in the US & Islamist “Muslims” proving the same principle, can’t we?

And the “Buddhists” who genocided Tamils, & “Hindus” who butcher whomever they’re ideologically-intolerant-of at the time…

There is no “religion” which is the cause of this: it is caused by our animal-ignorance mind, which the Abrahamic religion called “behemoth”, usually translated as “the beast”.

You can even see the book of Isaiah railing against such things.

Human-nature won’t change until most of our kind are extinguished, right?

Some other species might have had an instant-and-violent-reaction against doing what Russia & Israel are doing…

Our accommodating of it … insults God/Life, doesn’t it?

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This is the perfectest demonstration of how Kahneman1 mind, imprint->reaction mind, ideology/prejudice mind, works to displace considered-reasoning Kahneman2 mind.

There’s no point in appealing to considered-reason within any ideology, left or right, religious or ideological or political…

The imprint->reaction has already defined everything.

The only antidote to such is to have invested, through the previous decades, heavily in competent unbiased education, to make considered-reason/Kahneman2 mind the automatic default for more of the population.

Too bad it’s too late…

“proletariat dictatorship” / “populist dictatorship”

both displace considered-reason.

Yes it’s war: it’s war against considered-reason because ideology’s addiction to its own supremacy is all-consuming.

It’s too bad…

I asked Justin Trudeau’s Liberals why they broke a promise to ban three controversial police practices. Their answer says a lot (

As a general rule, I hate opinion pieces as I feel that they are a major contributor to our slide towards ‘facts don’t matter’ US style political rhetoric. That said, I thought this was an interesting and fact driven piece that if anything was too easy on the RCMP. Sharing a journalist’s request for information with the...


The problem is partly that the entire-framing of what a working government requires is wrong…

A political-party with a leader…

that isn’t working, never has worked for the best of any first-past-the-post country, & never will.

Just as the Indigenous peoples often had different kinds of Chiefs for different dimensions of their lives…

  • Peace Chief for maintaining proactive/strategic harmony
  • War Chief for dealing with existential threats from others
  • Shaman for dealing with the deep end of reality
  • Grandmothers for dealing with the questions that neither males nor young-people were competent at understanding … etc …

What the world actually requires is a system whereby the different kinds of leaders required to competently lead a country ALL get put in place.

Jugmeet Singh’s a people-person, and he could be there both for, & with, people better than anybody else I know-of in Canadian federal politics…

but he isn’t the guy who I’d put in charge of Strategy, or the person whom I’d put in charge of Implimentation, or the person I’d put in charge of Emergency Services & Military…

the right-framing would require a team, not an individual.

There’s a book “Rocket Fuel” which is on how nearly-all businesses get 1 thing wrong:

most businesses mistakenly ignore that a visioneer usually isn’t an implimenter.

Implimenter’s closer to bean-counter.

Visioneer’s closer to … lunatic.

The book Change Intelligence identifies that people-people are 1 of 3 major kinds of leaders required…

the other 2 being thinkers/visioneers, & the implimenters…

You REQUIRE all-3, or you’re not having enough traction to accomplish what you’re supposed to be doing!

The business-culture’s incompetence, however, is that it presumes that the COO of a company ( who is an implimenter ) ought be the next CEO ( which is kinda what happened to Beoing: they ended up with no engineer-visioneer, only bean-counters, & the whole religion of the company became poison… NASA did the same thing when it compromised engineering for “business” culture, with the Challenger shuttle )

The problem is that you can’t put a person whose nature fits only 1 of the required-roles, into a different required-role.

NONE of our countries bothers differentiating between the required-roles & then works to get the right person into each of those roles, none!

That is, at global scale, Darwin Award territory.

We KNOW the more complex the leadership, or management, problem, the better-quality the team required, we KNOW the structural-diversity of the team is key to having it be more-capable in different ways…

we won’t do what’s required??

( PS: never expect any political-system to tolerate required-evolution.

World-death would be preferable to political-motivation, compared with actual transformation to a different apolitical kind of system,.

Sad but true. )


& therefore Russia shouldn’t be using Russian weapons inside Ukraina, then, right??

Oh, just Russian gaslighting, again?

sorry, I forgot…


Fucking fool:

Trump’s going to back Putin directly, against East Europe, gutting NATO, & Zelenskiy is goading him to be enemy?


Notice his gaslighting:

he’s actively warring to destroy as much of the Palestinian population as possible, & eradicate them from their lands,

& he puts this forward as the real problem, or the key to solution…



& Adolf Hitler was calling Churchill “a firebrand” & a threat to Europe.

Gaslighting is something that machiavellians do.


Within 4y of Trump being made ruler of the US,

executions of leftist media will have happened.

Natural Selection applies even in political situations.

The “action” of ignoring/denying actuality creates the “reaction” of correction:

No Soul/CellOfGod/ChildOfGod that is caught in a human-category-life which relies-on its assumptions & its established Entitlement, deserves other than what it gets, ( sow-reap-law, as Yehoshua “Jesus” benJoseph called it, aka karma, as the religion he absorbed during his “lost years” calls it, works ) and just as stock-markets get the corrections they deserve ( through their fakery: the greater the phoniness of their regulation, the more-savage their corrections are, it’s Nature’s LAW ), so too do political-herds.

IF the left’s publishing-system won’t be loyal to actuality/correctness/objectivity, THEN they’re going to be … obliterated.


It may take a few years for Trump to transform into the absolute-psychopath which is his evolution-vector’s endstate, but it will happen, if not prevented, and … you can search for articles with “the guardrails are off” or “the guardrails are gone” or however they phrased it, when the people limiting the progression-into-psychopathic-machiavellianism … left their roles.

This is bog-standard self-amplifying positive-feedback-loop-of-corruption stuff, that human history is littered with.

Nero, anybody??

Arjuna’s corrupt relatives, that he hadn’t the guts to face, but had the obligation to face?

( Eknath Easwaran’s “The Bhagavad Gita” is the only one I recomnend in English, if anyone wants some beautiful spiritual scripture )

Consequences won’t obey making-believing.

US Civil War Part2’s coming, because the Confederates only pretended to surrender, and now they’re getting even with the ones who violated their supremacist religion…

Either get out, or dig in.

But prepare for the next decade to reduce the US’s population by about 1/3 to 2/3rds.

It hasn’t been preventable since Reagan, possibly since the 1950’s, and it would have required one hell of great investment in quality education, nutrition, etc, in order to get the children competent in Critical Thinking as their bedrock instinct, which is the only antidote to ideological-supremacism ( replacing 1 ideological-supremacism with another doesn’t “win the war”, it just wins a battle, & gives a point to whichever ideology it was that one that point, but another ideology will try breaking the country to being owned by it, later, because they all are.

That is the problem!

Breaking ALL ideologies from owning/possessing countries is required, and nobody’s been creating that result!

How could humankind survive The Great Filter, if humankind won’t commit the only victory which could save its life?? )

Whatever, eh?

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Hungary is aligned with Putin against the EU.

IF the EU won’t admit that, won’t deal-with that, THEN the EU will be more-completely-butchered when Trump guts NATO & backs his buddy Putin.

Natural Selection™ in action, people: they need to face actuality & grow the fuck up:

kick Hungary out.


They’re actively treachery against the EU, DEAL WITH IT!!

( morons “willingly going to the seconary-crime-scene in the hopes of using social-process to make things go better, there”…


That has been explained by good-cops for many many many years.

Nobody learns.

Natural Selection is going to be unnecessarily pruning extra European lives, as a result of the EU’s retardedness, in the coming decade. )

ASIRT recommended charging Lethbridge officers who spied on MLA, but Crown won't prosecute: letter (

Alberta’s police watchdog recommended laying charges against three Lethbridge officers who used police databases to improperly access the personal information of two people, including NDP MLA Shannon Phillips, but the Crown’s office has declined to prosecute, CBC News has learned....


IF anybody has the resources to do this…

in Canada, when the state won’t prosecute criminality,

THEN individuals can hire lawyers to be the prosecutors.

Some criminals have the ( unofficial, of course ) protection of the authorities.

Unless some independent(s) pay lawyers ( who usually work as defense lawyers ) to be the prosecutors, … well … then “justice” can rot, is Canada’s actual position.

I found out that if the authorities won’t prosecute criminality, & you haven’t the resources to hire lawyers to prosecute, then … the criminality is actually protected by establishment.

( this kind of establishment-centric “establishment itself is the LAW” religion is visible in all political-systems, btw, it isn’t created by our system being Canadian, or generally centerist or moneyarchist … Isaiah railed against this a couple millenia ago, in the Abrahamic-religions bible, & Arjuna, in the Bhagavad Gita had to pit his life against his own family.

Rot/decay is normal.

The impersonality & correct-systems & objectivity-oriented-continuous-corrections required to counter this fundamental animal-instinct are not in-place, anywhere.

Nobody’s got the spine to enforce that integrity displace political-muscle-dominion.

So, it’ll continue ruling our … fate.

It may end up being our species’ epitaph, late this century.

shrug )

A Polling Risk for Trump (

The polls have shown Donald Trump with an edge for eight straight months, but there’s a sign his advantage might not be quite as stable as it looks: His lead is built on gains among voters who aren’t paying close attention to politics, who don’t follow traditional news and who don’t regularly vote....



Biden is cruising on presumed institutional entitlement/inertia.

The economic-house-of-cards that Biden’s ( & many other ) administrations are propping-up as desparately as they can cannot fail to go down, eventually.

No matter how many push the walls of a corrupt building, in a gathering-storm, pushing-on-the-walls won’t prevent its collapsing.

IF that house-of-cards collapses in September ( -ish ), THEN Biden’s ejected, simply through backlash vote.


All of the “everything else is going to fight-off-change, but only this single factor may change, and that will decide the outcome” make-believe projections are bogus.

Let the data, Universe’s speech, itself, speak.

I guarantee you that it won’t happen the way simplistic-projections assert in advance.

AND the political-actors affect things… AND the contextual-circumstances affect things… AND I’ve read that Putin’s working to make-certain that the way his war on Ukraina happens shoves the US toward Trump, and believe that to be a natural given.

AND ClimatePunctuation is still accelerating, so maybe the “it’s all a hoax!!” ideology will have more “proof” that it’s the left who is creating all the extra hurricanes… ( given the way bias works, that’s likely, and I’m not by any measure pretending that the bias of the left is ignorable: it just fixates on different things, & ignores different things.

See the Snopes item on how Biden’s daughter’s court-testimony does corroborate Joe Biden being pedophiliac, as he shared her showering, while she was a girl, thus that court-testimony corroborates all the photos of him holding other people’s little-girls right in front of his crotch, for the photo’d-together shots, that the left won’t admit are real. They’re sickening.

Exactly as the people who died from multiple-organ-failure from taking Ivermectin, in order to protect them against Sars-Cov-2 which they were told didn’t even exist also is sickening.

Integrity isn’t allowed, by political-motivation.

Natural Selection’s going to be chopping-down this world’s population drastically this century.

I don’t expect more than 2% of humankind to survive this century, even though the bible gives 1/3 survival for The Great Filter, both in the old testament & in the new ( OK, so Rev gives 1/3 survival for 2nd-seal & 3rd-seal, and ignores all the death in the other stages, but it’s still no-where near the 98% eradication I’m seeing as likely )

Surprises are going to happen.

And ignoring all factors except 1, in order to make predictions in political contests, is, unless that 1 is decisive, phony.

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Biden’s “strategy” is holding his faith in Inertia and Entitlement.

He CAN’T get his head outside of that inertia & entitlement.

I don’t think he can win as it is, and I think the economic house-of-cards is coming down, no matter how much bullshit propping-it-up continues being lavished on it, globally, I think it’s coming down in September, ripping the rug out from under the Dems ( backlash-vote always nukes the incumbent, in economic wipeouts )

Rabid fascism is real, and treating it as minor is … russian roulette.

Inertia, institutional ignoring-the-grass-roots and relying on institutional entitlement … it isn’t only Sunak who’s coasting on delusion…

just my opinions, but there’s some real similarity, between the immune-to-reality ignorance in Sunak & the immune-to-reality ignorance in Biden.


The right is circulating a pair of graphs,

1 is showing the average ( skewed, of course, by the richest ) income, for the time in Trump’s presidency,

vs the time in Biden’s

the other is showing the same 2 graphs, but adjusted for inflation … and it’s significantly worse in Biden’s presidency.

( I hold that the real disinformation is pretending that income-vs-cost-of-living somehow tracks economic policy realtime … there’s a delay, for some effects that delay is years, like Milei’s eradicating of the Ministry of Education “for the economy” is a bullet-in-the-head for future advanced-economy participation, but … this pair of graphs does highlight a significant fact:

you cannot ignore inflation when claiming that the wealth of the average person is better, because wealth is only in relation to costs.

Period. )



He’d do greater-good by remaining in-place & continuing insisting on getting things right, then he would be getting out of abuse’s way, & facilitating its more-complete highjacking of the country.

Same with all the leftists who vacated-authority-roles “in protest”, handing them to MAGA enforcers.

Giving authority to the ones you “claim” you oppose, “in protest”, is self-delusion, not means-of-victory.

Fools, ruled by feelings, instead of by objectivity & reason, giving greater leverage to their claimed enemy.

No point in pretending that that “strategy” is going to actually-win, is there?

Just throwing leverage away, for sake of feelings & social-assertion.

And then, later, whining that they’re not winning…


Literally all you have to do, is give each police-cruiser 3 specific drones, that can:

  • target the vehicle being chased, & then EMP-kill that vehicle ( an electromagnetic pulse “bomb”, which blows the vehicle’s circuitry: it’d need a huge capacitor, & an inductor. The drone would be destroyed if it were near, so it’d need to be a disposable thing, not the chase-drone, which would need AI
  • track fleeing individuals, using biometrics ( gait, limb-geometry, iris-scan in a swoop, etc ), to get as much identifying information on 'em as possible, & keep identifying where they are, until their tracking is lost. This should have the ability to identify wireless/cellphone/BT signals, so as to identify if somebody is the same person as who entered a building a few minutes ago, and having other drones to cover the other exits, sharing information, would be intelligent/wise
  • get to a crash-site, & show the EMT’s what need is there, so they can be preparing before they get to the site, for that specific set-of-injuries


Once someone’s caught committing a crime, then all pretence of “you have no right to track me” can eat hot lead ( gaslighting needs to die ).

There is a category difference between full-on big-brother piling onto someone caught committing a crime, vs the evil panopticon/universal-molesting/no-privacy-whatsoever world that some big corporations ( some private, some gov’t ) are pushing.

Use appropriate leverage, for the context, & prevent exploiters/supremacists from exercising such leverage on entire-populations, for sake of ( what remains of ) civil-rights.

Downvote this to hell, now, obviously…


You have to consider what people actually will do.

They can make this decision knowing that the Dems won’t commit the domestic-genocide they’re committed to enabling,

knowing that it is the nonwhites & left who’re going to be getting the genociding.

Political-motivation works that kind of way.

That is why I want a “political-motivation-ectomy” for civilization.

Political-motivation is cancerous.

Issue-diagrams are objective, & capable of cracking even urban-planning problems.

but who is going to force objectivity/practicality against ideology’s-highjacking?

The dems won’t, the left won’t, the libertarians can’t even understand civil-infrastructure, the “conservatives” ( privilege-conservatives aren’t the only category of people who “conserve”, as conservationists conserve, but are called non-conservatives… damned newspeak bullshit )

Those judges know what they’re doing.


Idiotic frame-of-reference:

2.5g of fentanyl could kill … what, ALL of BC’s total population??


You limit it to number-of-doses, if you’re doing that kind of thing:

something like “a person can legally carry enough drugs to use for the next 4 days” or something, with drugs of different strengths having different limits.

Same as the volume of light beer required to put a person “over the legal limit” is drastically different from the volume of alcool, right?


China knows the Republicans are going to gut NATO,

China doesn’t care,

China is committed to breaking the West’s dominion, which is why it’s making Russia into its vassal-state, totally-dependent-on-China, but with accountability/responsibility not having any direct-line into China, in the 1st place…

Once Trump’s finished destroying the US, then … then the real action will begin, militarily.

Give that about 1 dozen, or less, years, to occur.

ContinuousHammerfall’s when the NATO-allied countries have been gutted, bankrupted, torn-apart through “populist dictatorship”, etc, and suddenly the triple-alliance throws EVERYthing they’ve got against us, to break our capability…

Between now & then should be 2 more stages:

economic-collapse, which Trump uses to gain & secure dictatorship,

& the butchering of NATO & the West, economically, which should last … roughly 7 or 8 years, or so.

Once those’re done, then the WW3 tantrum/pogrom can begin.


That only remains true until the Republicans somehow rig Trump to be president/dictator of the US:

then he ditches NATO, & backs the Kremlin, who have been backing him for decades.

Once the entire geopolitical-table has been tossed on its edge, then the whole game’s rules are very very different.

Wait & see.


I may read that, some day,

but it’s a blunt fact that PFAS cannot be produced/manufactured by spraying ocean-water into the air.

Those chemicals are coming from our industry, they are not coming from the ocean.

Aerosoling them by the ocean is only possible if they’re being manufactured, then being put into the ocean, who can then aerosol them.

“Emitting” means producing, in most people’s minds: emitting means they weren’t present, before being emitted.

The kind of reckless incompetence of the headline this was given, is what boosts/empowers climate-denialism.

Propaganda isn’t journalism, no matter how many clicks it gains.



it is learning, not youth, that makes a person be not-living-in-the-past,

& there isn’t any substitute for getting old-enough to understand systems-of-systems thinking, as some “grandmothers & grandfathers”, as the Indigenous people call 'em, can.

Age isn’t, of itself, sufficient to judge whether someone’s competent to do the work they currently are doing.


I have not read your previous posts, but am only offering a specific perspective for you to consider…

There are 3 minds ( levels/substances )…

  • SurfaceMind, which dissolves ever few yours
  • underlying-LifeMind ( we make ours unconscious, but it can be conscious, too )
  • Soul/Continuum…

These 3 minds each have their own interests.

WHEN the interests of an unconscious-LifeMind contradict the interests of that LifeMind’s SurfaceMind, THEN damage is made to result.

There is no way to prevent mistakes from being committed, by a mind who hasn’t earned their own experience-induced-understanding, yet.

Irregardless of whether your current-choice was “right” or “wrong”, or whether his was, or whether anyone’s inaction was “right” or “wrong”, only through committing into one’s Eternity, & moving-on to one’s next lesson, CAN one continue engaging one’s own life-process, properly.

Making oneself stuck, in order to protect past-habit, isn’t living.

Maybe what I’m saying is inappropriate to your current moment ( I doubt that ), but it is important, and our culture pretty-much never says it.

I’m not making any judgement on your action, or his, or whatever your shared past was, I’m only identifying a mechanism that is basic to evolving, to growing-up, and whether it is less or more pertinant now, or later, isn’t relevant: use the understanding, the perspective, when YOU find it appropriate, see?

_ /\ _

PS: the most important relationship-competencies are:

  • Gottman’s books
  • Logan, King, & Fischer-Wright’s book ( research-based ) “Tribal Leadership”, on the 5 levels of process, & how we are pushed into the lower 3 dysfunctional levels, & how to get ourselves up into the healthy 2 levels
  • Kegan & Lahey’s “Immunity to Change”, on our unconscious-mind’s fighting off of growing-up, adapting, surviving, in order to protect its already-established ignorance, and how to objectively dismantle our unconscious-mind’s sabotaging of our lives.

To whomever reads this, who has the spiritual-liveliness to dig into those, you are changing your life to create life-agility in your life, when you invest in understanding those…

Halvorson’s “The 8 Motivational Challenges” is also strongly recommended: simple, fundamental, & important.

Salut, Namaste, & Kaizen, eh?

_ /\ _


It will transform:

The house-of-cards “economy” cannot continue “functioning” forever…

WHEN it collapses, it’ll gut the Dems.

IF it happens early-enough before the 2024-election,

THEN the Republicans win 2024, on the backlash vote.

It will be the Sycophants of Trump, only, then.

I don’t consider it probable that the house-of-cards will continue pretending to be “whole”/functional past August, at the latest.

China was able to suspend trading on The Evergrande Group for 17 months, which I hadn’t forseen, but eventually it returned to trading, & lost … was it 99% of its value, in a few hours?

Citadel+BCG have a very profitable naked-shorting-and-“strategic-management-consulting” racket going, which they used to destroy Sears, to the best of my knowledge, & some 25-ish other major-corporations…

You can see in “The Reverse Cramer Index” that mainstream-media’s systematically pushing the masses to be suckers used/economically-obliterated for the profit of the few ( Cramer’s a msm pusher, doing the exact opposite of what he’s recommending is systematically profitable.

That should result in criminal ( possibly racketeering ) charges against whomever Cramer’s behind-the-scenes pushers are, but … not in this world … not ever, in this world, would evidence-of-market-manipulation-on-such-scale be forced to be accountable )

Anyways, I expect, and could be wrong, that economic-collapse will happen before the 2024-election, and that backlash will gut the leverage of the left, and that US Civil War Part2 will begin within 3-ish years of the Republicans making Trump, whether legal to be so or not, president, and Trump will get to be GEOTUS, dictator of the US, presiding over its conversion-into-carrion.

No-one believes that extreme difference-from-their-belief-nature could be, until it’s too late.

That is why so many go along with murderers who get them to a “secondary crime scene”: they’re assuming they’ll be able to socialize/schmooze their way out, then…

but the secondary-crime-scene is the least survivable place in the world.

The US’s population is about to be relocated to their own secondary-crime-scene, due to their own naiveness, and the consequences will be exactly-typical of such situations.

Simply sit back & watch it unfold:

it’s happening at world-geopolitics pace, not at individual-this-week pace, so it takes awhile.

No point in claiming that 2024-election’s won by either side, until the actual-votes are in, is there?

I bet the Trumpites win, and have been betting so since Covid began, as humankind’s unconscious wants its planet-destroying TANTRUM, and Trump is simply a means of humankind’s unconscious to enact-history/“mythological-significance”.

There is a book “Games People Play”, and another “Scripts People Live”, which both identify unconscious mechanisms that we enact, unwittingly letting scripts live our lives for us … this is similar, but is at the whole-species scale.

Read those 2 books, then try seeing the whole-planet-scale, & see how such-mechanisms are also existing at the vast scale.

My bet is, unfortunately, likely to win.



That is WAAAY moar worser…

You know that tornadoes are already prevented through cloud-alteration, right?

This would criminalize that?

We need to criminalize incompetence-in-authority!!


Shouldn’t that be contingent on Russia also ceasing strikes on Ukranian energy infrastructure??


1st-past-the-post election “logic” is the only reason such 3rd-party candidates can K.O. a side, which gets more votes, from winning an election.

Never complain about a problem that you WON’T fix, & expect to be respected by people with intellectual-integrity.

Gaslighting isn’t going to brainwash everybody.


Perfect example of Newspeak gaslighting.

“negative growth” instead of diminuition, population-recession, reduced population, or ANY proper rendition of the concept.

Nobody in mainstream media speaks plainly anymore, because … money requires befuddlement instead of clear-understanding?

Or is there some/any other explanation??


It isn’t intended to stop at smashing Taiwan.

All of Asia’s the target.

Global-domination’s the goal.

“the destruction of the West is the midwife of Chinese dominion” or something like that, from a few decades ago, a general’s words.

I don’t know of ANY government on this planet that is stratically-altruistic, and most are openly machiavellian/sociopathic-psychopathic/nihilist(globally, re ClimatePunctuation).

The more people are investing-in dealing-with making-believing, because that’s more comforting than actuality,

the LESS actuality evolves to match the making-believing, because of useless wasting-of-opportunity.

Objectivity’s the most-effective traction humankind’s got, and making-believing just throws opportunity down the sewer.

Short-term-ism’s going to butcher nearly-all lives on this planet, this century.

It’s setting-up “nicely”, what with

  • the ClimatePunctuation still accelerating,
  • the food-chains ( both terrestrial & marine ) being butchered as quickly/efficiently as possible, by money’s lack of care,
  • the political-tantrum/pogrom,
  • the religious-tantrum/pogrom,
  • the aggressive sabotage-of-governing of both left & right’s Leninism/Murdochism, with their “proletariat dictatorship”/“populist dictatorship” rule
  • the nationalism-religions providing identity-“security”, by displacing reason’s anxiety…

It really is too bad that only “journalism”, … which treats gaslighting as equally-valid to fact, … remains, in the for-profit-“journalism” world…

Actual journalism, which stuck to objectivity, called gaslighters gaslighters ( locally & other governments, both ), etc, wasn’t allowed to live, by money, so it’s gone.

And, when actual-journalism’s gone, then you’re “driving the runaway bus while hallucinating/on-drugs”, and the disconnect keeps getting more & more profound/complete…

“business is booming!” while underemployment & homelessness skyrocket, & businesses keep going bankrupt, because the supply-chain’s disintegrating…

I remember that screencap someone did, early-Covid, which showed 2 headlines in the same image:

  • 1 was in the “stock markets climb drastically” vein,
  • the other was in the “unemployment & homelessness reach new heights” vein,

& they were both run by the same company as headlines??

Gaslighting’s the only industry dominant in our world, now, it looks like…

Russian dictatorship intends to butcher all of Eastern Europe that it can, because possession is the ONLY part of the law that it feels valid.

China’s committed to doing something similar through all of Asia, & Modi’s Hindutva India’s in China’s sights, just as Tibet was, just as Nepal, Bangladesh, South Korea, Taiwan, Indonesia, ALL of them are.

Give it another decade, & see what’s left, outside of the 3-ish major empires that will be butchering-all-who-are-in-their-way.

Our nature hasn’t changed in the last 12 millenia, so why would our actual-behavior?

Our unconscious-toddler’s committed to enforcing its “greatness”, and some politicians embody that current, & win on that embodying-our-unconscious-toddler, because much of humankind would rather be identifying-with the ruling-toddler than tolerate others to live, so it’s an identity thing, not rational.

Also, ask yourself this:

IF China can’t possess all of Asia, does it make sense to permit the West to make any use of the un-possessed portions of Asia?

XOR does it make more Chinese Dominion sense to smash/butcher them all, who won’t be the possessed-property of CCP?

Which would gut the West’s dominion more?

When you understand the answer to that question, then you begin understanding what the world’s going to be looking-like, 1 decade+ on…

Welcome to The Great Filter.

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You’re missing a point, though:


Say you get dictatorship of all-you-value-and-agree-with, but 20y later it turns into something that hates all you are…

Dictatorship’s only useful for correcting ( e.g. for chopping-out all-pervading corruption … I don’t think any “democracy” ever could clean-up Northern Mexico, e.g. ), but it has to be dictatorship that is committed to eradicating dictatorship, strategically, in the long-run, including itself.

The dictatorship/democracy question is actually a specific remapping of another question:

Which is “better”?

  • consensus-rule
  • capable chain-of-command


The true answer is:

It depends on the situation!!

Got all the time in the world? Consensus’s your answer.

Ship’s sinking, & you need to stop that happening, NOW?? Capable chain-of-command’s your answer.

Will the world’s human-viability situation get SO bad that only benevolent-dictatorship CAN save a remnant of humankind??

Also, “democracy” only allows attacking corruption down to a level that doesn’t threaten the deep corruption: once any “democracy” threatens that deep roots-level corruption, then …

Sorry, no more anti-corruption allowed. …

Only appearances are allowed to change, iow, and that’s a human socio-political law underlying all cultures, East, West, civilian, military, corporate, not-for-profit, religious, atheist/anti-theist, ALL of them.

I read, years ago, that the surest way to get a prison to riot, is to prevent the “blowing off steam” petty-crimes/cheats/underground-economy in it.

Once you prevent the petty-criminality-economy from working, pressure BUILDS, until killing is happening.

Like clockwork.

“Acceptable” civilization/society’s the same way, kinda.

You either accommodate the criminality underlying acceptable-appearances, or it will BREAK your life & your cleaning-up action.

( this principle doesn’t mean that removing corruption isn’t possible, it does mean that there needs to be a spectrum of “OK…not-ok” for people to experiment in/with, in order to … it translates from thoughtshapes into English as “discover their underlying selves/natures”, but I’m not certain that’s a good/complete rendition of it )

Dictatorship seems to be the only possible means of breaking corruption-is-the-underlying-law, but it’d have to be dictatorship of someone who had non-human nature, or more-precisely, who didn’t have the normal human unconscious-ignorance-protecting instinct.

Good luck finding such a someone.

Normal AwakeSoulist/Buddhist monks/nuns aren’t anywhere-near that level, though true Zen-masters are ( that level means having shed/destroyed one’s unconscious-LifeMind’s ignorance-substance identity-crystal … that was the basis for both their ego & their projected mirage-nature SurfaceMind, which no-longer has any existence/basis ).

Human-process is a process, right?

How could a dictatorship be a mundane human dictatorship, & simultaneously keep tracking what humankind actually requires, in order to keep evolving, at pace, while ClimatePunctuation, economic-conditions, ecological-butchery, geopolitics, etc, all keep changing?

You’re categorically looking at something outside of mundane-human, then.

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