Russian troops raped and tortured children in Ukraine, U.N. panel says

The findings by the United Nations experts are the latest allegations of war crimes against Russia since its invasion of Ukraine.

Russian troops have raped and tortured children in Ukraine, carried out a “large number” of executions and committed other war crimes, according to a United Nations investigation by legal experts.

Set up by the U.N. to probe the conduct of the war, the Independent International Commission of Inquiry reported its chilling findings Friday in Geneva, describing a long list of abuses and atrocities in four regions.

“Based on the evidence gathered by the commission, it has concluded that war crimes have been committed in Ukraine,” Erik Mose, the chairman of the three-member commission, told the U.N. Human Rights Council.

TokenBoomer, (edited )

What’s the point of articles like this? We know soldiers rape and commit war crimes. Do they think we are unaware? Or are they trying to stoke our emotional fires?

Never forget that the media Manufactures Consent.

prettydarknwild, avatar

“Traditional russian values”

Comfortably_Wet, avatar

My Grand-Grand-Grandmother offered herself to soviet soldiers so they didn’t rape her daughter (around 30 back then) and grandchildren (2-10). The Soviet War Memorial in Berlin is nicknamed “Memorial of the Unknown Rapist”.

My Grand-Grand-Grandmother sacrifice didn’t help and therefore one of my ancestor is a raping soviet soldier. And if you learn that your Grand-Aunt just can’t remember being raped because she was too young…


Unfortunate username for the situation


UN likes to state what already has been said like 2 years ago and then proceed to do nothing like always. Dumb useless corrupt org.


So nothing has changed since the world war. As I gathered you only had a chance if you were over 80 or under 10, and to make things worse you weren’t allowed to talk about what happened in the following 50 years if your country was liberated by them because the Soviet soldier doesn’t do things like that so you’d get in trouble


you only had a chance if you were over 80 or under 10

Even that doesn’t save you. In the Article they say that they have identified victims with the age ranging from 8-82.


So they just got worse

robocall, avatar

“There are examples of cases where relatives were forced to witness the crimes," he added. “In the cases we have investigated, the age of victims of sexual and gendered-based violence ranged from 4 to 82 years.”

Children also have been killed and wounded in “indiscriminate attacks” by Russian forces using explosive weapons, he said.

It’s frightening how easily people can lose their moral compass, and behave so disgustingly.

Comfortably_Wet, avatar

It’s frightening how easily people can lose their moral compass, and behave so disgustingly.

The Russians didn’t lose their moral compass. They never had one.


That’s not completely true. Putin just sent the ones without a compass to the front lines.


I don’t know much about this but I think it’s a psychological thing encouraged by commanders.

When soldiers behave this way it reinforces a belief that the enemy will show no mercy if they surrender. Something like that.


We live in a shitty simulation right guys? This isn’t real….right?


Hey, when it gets dark, just remember:

Humanity, on the whole, has been on its best behavior ever in the last fifty years, even with this!

We’re literally the peak of civility so far!


Ehh I guess. We are just killing the planet and other humans so the rich can get richer and the poor get poorer as well as the food is being worse.


We are becoming more aware of our flaws and evils. Which is a good step forwards.

We are having this conversation is proof of this.


We have known of our flaws yet this stuff still happens. Humans are an imperfect species with more flaws than good. I always considered ourselves parasites of the earth.


A sentiment i know all to well and cant honestly disagree with. I do however consider one addition and that is that over time we have improved in many ways and many people like myself keep searching for ways to improve ourselves and those around us even further.

“Changing the world” (or human society) is a task so immense one can not reasonably experience that is need while also expecting to still be alive to see the fruits of that intention.

I dont believe i will ever live in a world Free of human evil, but i also dont believe humanity will disappear without some mass extinction event. Now there is a good chance a mass extinction will happen but it may also not while humanity carries on and that will last quite alot longer.

As i am a parent this leaves me with 3 choices

  • accept the evils and teach my kids this is normal and the world they will live in.
  • not accepting the evils and try to improve things any way i can, teach my kids to pass it forward till eventually we have humans that truly are more good then bad.
  • family activity introductions to the church of euthanasia. (Nope, been close there myself, wont go back, wont decide that for my kids either)

Lovely. Thanks for that Russia. I really needed reminding on how abhorrent humans can be, to get me through my day

FenrirIII, avatar


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  • ghostdoggtv,

    I’ve seen a lot of terrible footage out of Gaza but the absolute worst shit I’ve ever seen was done by Russian assault groups in the early days of the invasion. Justice for all.

    Linkerbaan, avatar

    Fuck Russia


    Probably deserved


    They deserved this? No one deserves this, let alone children. As a father, you get a hearty fuck you from me you shitty propaganda troll.


    Which part? The verdict or the rapings?


    Say that somewhere other than the internet and see what happens.


    Told it to your wife and she liked it


    Wow, your prick must be microscopic.

    I really just don’t understand people like you. I hope you’re able to join the rest of humanity at some point and stop acting like a dysfunctional child.


    Yeah 👍😎 (i love reading autistic people)


    You haven’t read anybody. You’ve successfully wasted your time on the internet trying to make others upset (with very little success I might add) in order to add some minute form of meaning to your life. It’s hilarious and sad. Have a good day.


    In the cases we have investigated, the age of victims of sexual and gendered-based violence ranged from 4 to 82 years.

    Absolutely disgusting. I hope these bastards die the most painful death imaginable.


    Fuck russia


    Fuck russia, including the republican traitor filth.


    Very disgusting to see.


    do you think any country in existence actually gives a shit about war crimes


    Nope. We’ll talk about it though!


    Is that good enough reason to excuse them?

    ad_on_is, avatar

    As long as it ain’t Israel they for sure give a shit. Everyone is commiting war crimes, but only Israel is “just” defending themselves


    Generally yes. It’s the ability to prosecute the war crimes that people don’t have much faith in. Putin will more than likely never step foot into The Hague. He’ll nuke the planet before he gets hanged for war crimes.


    I’m surprised you genuinely believe this. Western sensibilities absolutely value this centrally.


    Yeah yeah, sure. When it comes to the side they have monetary or material interests with.

    Not even going to argue over this when their hypocrisy on response to human suffering has been completely 180° different between Ukraine and Gaza. They have been quick enough to send all aid to Ukraine and sanction Russia as much as they can because that conflict is the floodlands preventing west’s personal losses, while they were quick on ceasing any established (albeit blocked) aid to Gaza because their regional lackey Israel has claimed there were a dozen UNRWA aid workers that had dealings with Hamas, which is not even supported with any form of evidence so far.

    bartolomeo, avatar

    When it comes to the side they have monetary or material interests with.

    It’s really all about this. Should Russia start gaining influence in eastern Europe it would be an impediment to U.S. hegemony, which is what we are really defending. The whole “human rights and rules-based order” thing is just to get people into the fold who are otherwise uninterested in global dominance (not that they are against it, just that they are not interested. Many of them are what MLK termed “the white moderate”).

    What’s really remarkable is that the UN can actually go to Ukraine and investigate without being attacked by Russia, whereas Israel fires on the UN, Doctors Without Borders, kills reporters, their own hostages… literally everyone.

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