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Feels like the whole world is on the same trajectory.


I don’t think anyone is saying he has literal wounds from defending religion.

Drones trespassing in my property

Idk if anyone had a similar problem before, but I live in EU by the countryside, at first there were only a few but now it happens more and more often to see drones passing over my house, I am sure they are civilian drones because law enforcement has no reason to use them since the area is quiet (and honestly I doubt they would...


Trespass can mean merely imposing on the rights of another.

So if one is entitled to privacy on their property, then flying a drone over it is trespass.


I use a mail client… but it’s beyond me why I’d want that to be part of my web browser.


this same dynamic would apply to any political debate ever.


This is a talking point pushed by conservatives trying to hollow out the progressive vote.

I personally don’t “like” Biden very much. It’s also true that he’s very old and not very appealing compared to a younger candidate.

That said, he’s been an effective, progressive president.

It’s correct to say that one of Biden’s selling points is that he is “not Trump”, because Trump is repugnant, but even against a more palatable opponent, Biden would still have virtues.


Yeah I’m on board now.

These stunts are a harmless way to keep climate activism in the media. It’s fine.

Sadly, I don’t see human kind changing course and I think it’s inevitable that this kind of activism deteriorates into environmental terrorism.


I’m not in the US. This wouldn’t be taxable income where I am.


Yeah it’s a bit confronting to look at the alternative front ends like invidious or something and realise that there’s much less dopamine produced while looking for your stuff.


and a rescue tug

Imagine having to send a tug boat everywhere with your navy. You know, just in case.


Exactly. “Voting for Biden just to stop trump” is a pretty meaningless statement.

No right wing wave in Finland as Left Alliance take record result in EU elections (

Finland’s results in the European election bucked a continent-wide trend of rising support for parties on the outer fringe of right-wing politics, with the Left Alliance and the National Coalition winning big at the expense of the nationalist Finns Party....


God I’m sick of explaining this.

If everyone voted for the left-most party, and the right had no votes, the right would move towards the left, pushing the dems along with them.

Not surprisingly, when the country votes left your politics moves left.

Comments like this are the reason why the dems are not the bastion of leftism you so desire.


Mind if I ask what you are basing this on?

The overton window.

If the political opinions are reduced to a spectum running from left to right, then in a two party system the major parties will sit immediately to either side of the mid-way point, because they want to seduce as many swing voters as possible from the other side.

As in, the conservative party may have conservative dreams but their policies need to be far enough to the left to actually win an election, so they will push up against the progressive party.

If suddenly more voters vote progressive (the conservative party loses badly), the conservative party needs to adjust their policy settings further to the left.

As the conservative party’s policies move to the left, the progressive party will start losing voters to them unless they also move further to the left.


Obviously you’re much better informed about this than me, who has never even been to Europe.

I can’t help but wonder why only Finnish morons would avoid voting, and not morons from elsewhere.

As in… why does this dynamic only apply to Finnland?


I think you and I define minimum standards very differently


Is there anything preventing a banned user from making another account though?

This always felt like an empty threat even on a centralised platform like reddit but on the fediverse it seems like it would be unenforceable?


that’s not really my question though.

you can block a user but not a person.

As in… mods or admins can’t magically know which user accounts belong to which people.



I think I know who won’t be discouraged by a little rain.

It can’t rain everywhere all day though right?


If a group of people are intent on spreading misinformation why would more than one of them use the same account?

Each of them would have many accounts.


Hah. No. but I get the reference. wasn’t it “it can’t rain all the time” ?


That’s not an answer though?


because you’re making bizarre assertions about teams of people using accounts?


That’s a false dichotomy.

People aren’t necessarily conservative or progressive. Elections are won or lost with undecideds.


So, you know, it’s a terrible, terrible path that they’re leading us to, and it’s very possible that it’s going to have to happen to them,

Sooo… Biden is going to be found guilty of fraudulently mistepresenting the transactions that time he paid hush money to a porn star?


Yeah the perception that he’s somehow a brilliant money person is a sticky one.

His financial acumen couldn’t hold a candle to the brilliance of even an average economics graduate.

He has his name on some things but it seems like a lot of fraud, embezzlement, and borrowed money covered over with the thinnest veneer of “success”.


I honestly have no idea how much of the voting public actually thinks that way about biden though.

There’s a dozen accounts or so here on lemmy who are just relentless with those lines of rhetoric. They do a good job of making it seem like everyone thinks that way.


We both forgot the part about getting spanked with a magazine. I feel that’s critically important.


I’m staying positive - I think his support is going to waver in the coming months and I don’t think he’s going to win the election.


Honestly you wouldn’t even need that. Just turn off the internet for a few hours and they’d all just disappear.


This felon doesn’t have any capacity for contrition. He genuinely believes he is above the law. It’s unfathomable to him that he is being held to account.

There is no doubt in my mind that were he not a former president, a judge would lock him up. Contrition is an important component of the legal system. Felon’s need to understand that their behavior is unacceptable.

I wonder if a judge could make him bend the knee. “Acknowledge your wrong doing and you don’t need to go to jail.”


Just flip the switch on a cell phone base station.


Quick, everyone give him some more money so he can fight the good fight. I’m sure he won’t use it on blow and hookers or whatever.


The basic idea being people wouldn’t elect a felon.


Do you want the best possible outcome for gazans? Then vote for Biden. It really is that simple.

You can simultaneously acknowledge that having Biden in the white house is the best outcome for gazans amongst possible alternatives, and that you find Biden’s position unconsciable.

If you fail to take action, the plight of gazans will be worse, amongst many other disasters as yet unknown.

You realise conservatives don’t want you to vote?


Do the dead gazans at the hands of American bombs think I should vote for Biden?

Of course they would, because they know trump would actively grind their surviving families to dust.

I’ve voted for the least evil in every election, only for us to arrive here.

Yes but I’m sure you realise that’s not causative. We’re not in this situation because you voted progressive in every election. We’re in this situation because too many of your countrymen became apathetic and didn’t vote because “both sides are just as bad”.


I don’t follow.

If everyone voted and the dems had a very clear majority that would make a very real difference in terms of the way the country is going.

If progressives like your good self withhold their vote in protest, the best we will get is the dems just barely getting up - the shitty status quo we have presently.


You have a habit of speaking in metaphors, but none are really analogous.

if I had these three resumes in front of me, my conclusion is that they all will make things worse, so I would not hire any of them

If you don’t choose the best, someone else is going to hire the worst on your behalf and you’ll be stuck with them.

the ship is going down so I truly no longer care who captains it, I’m busy looking for a liferaft

Voting will not distract you from looking for a life-raft, the right captain will not murder the other passengers, and there’s no life-raft anyway.

We’ve been told that all our lives,

Not evidence that its not true.

look at the current dems, they aren’t going to fix anything.

Precisely because they don’t have enough votes to fix anything, because voters are lost to this “both sides are just as bad” narrative from the conservatives.


You keep saying you’ve heard my arguments before, but don’t seem able to directly rebut them?

Just because you’ve been told something many times does not make it untrue.

Voting for the best option even though it’s not perfect, is not how we ended up here.

We ended up here because people don’t vote. As I’ve said many times (and you haven’t responded) conservatives don’t want you to vote. They want you feeling despondent and defeated and apathetic as you do.

You don’t need to “vote harder”, you just need to vote.


I’m hopeful that today might be a turning point. It’s a significant occurrence.

In a year’s time Trump will either be dead, in jail, or in the whitehouse. Of those three I honestly think jail is the most likely.

While this specific trial might not land him in jail directly, it will significantly errode, consume, or expend his support. The idiots that keep sending him money don’t have infinite money. The title “Convicted Felon Donald Trump” will have meaning to many swing voters. Todays outcome provides a good excuse for republicans to decline support.

Today is a significant impediment to getting to the white house, and if he doesn’t do that he will go to jail.

In summary, a year from now when he’s in jail and we’re looking back at the journey, today will be the turning point - the start of a series of bad news.


You’re right of course. I was just listening to some commentary about how poorly biden is doing in the polls.

I just want to be positive I guess. It’s been a long time between drinks.


Everyone needs to make their own choices about this but IMO it’s fine.

Pretty much everyone saves recovery codes in their password manager anyway, which is the same thing.


People are probably dying from heat exhaustion.


I’m sure you’re not implying that it’s their own fault, but just for others that might read your comment…

Smog in South East Asia is a complex problem. It’s not as simple as Delhi people doing things to make it smoggy. For example, in a lot of places the smog is from burning the stubble left over from crops. It does drift across international borders, so the people living with it often are not culpable in any way.

Additionally, it tends to be seasonal, sort of November to February.

Suffice to say the current temperature spikes are unlikely to be caused by smog and even if they were it’s not necessarily the fault of the good people of Delhi.


God how do you get out of bed every day.


What a silly thing to say.

Every man woman and child thinks they understand how the world works, yet we are all of us burdened by misconceptions.


Well yeah, NYT is profit driven, there’s no nefarious intent.


Of course they do, but that doesn’t mean that every bat shit crazy conspiracy theory has any credibility.

In this case, ebikes and scooters are controversial. Controversy generates engagement. Engagement sells ads. End of.

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