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How is this a regular occurrence? Are they factory farming donkeys alongside cows for some reason? That would have no profit motive and I don’t think you’re talking about when a family farm’s donkey dies and they sell it to be used in dog food, so I’m honestly interested in how this has become such a widespread practice.


I’ve talked to an ace guy abt this and he tried to masturbate as a teen and literally couldn’t get hard. He’s into romantic stuff tho. Everybody’s different I’m sure tho


Jsyk in this specific context it’s hanged. Weird right?


Hanged from the neck until death


Not in that country they ain’t. At least not about most things.


That’s not what the term martyr means when we’re referring to Islam tho. They’re usually referring to Jihad which is much more specific. (And problematic)

Also, imagine thinking an American dictionary and en English word mean anything when the only ‘true’ reading of this religion is Arabic


I can prove objectively that religion is bad for humanity. Can you do the same about atheism? There’s a huge difference between the two. We respect people, not their beliefs. If someone’s a racist, that’s a belief with just as much evidence (aka none/blind faith) as a religion. Do I have to respect their religions? I do think it’s really sad that these people died, though I view it as an easily preventable occurrence, and mostly the fault of those that partook.


Those are the hadiths which is kinda like a state law vs a national law where the national law overpowers the state law (except in specific circumstances) or how the us constitution overrides national law. The quran is the only book that’s the word of God, and if you take all the hadiths as truth you open Islam up to all kinds of other critiques. Besides that, the shia/sunni split has a ton of hadith issues where they only treat some as truth and not others. For the record it’s not just Muslims or something. All of the Abrahamic religions are immensely fucked and I’m pretty sure I could make a similar case for most others. Even fucking Buddhism is being used to justify an ethnic cleansing rn.

You have definitely made me reflect on what I said and I shouldn’t have made such a claim when I don’t really know what I’m talking about entirely.

Location Communities

Something I did like about the other place was the communities for localities, and while I doubt we’ve hit that type of critical mass yet I figured I’d shoot since I’m in a pretty big city: anybody else live in Brooklyn or elsewhere in the greater NYC area? I’ll understand if this gets removed, just couldn’t think of a...


I will. I plan on enjoying it. I hope you recognize that I’m doing this at your behest, equivalent to you eating the meat.

Also, have you ever considered that some people know where their meat comes from and know that it’s not being kept in horrible conditions? I don’t really care that it’s dying to feed me. Plants die to feed me too.

I’m not going to get into the environmental aspect as I know that veganism is better for the environment, but just shifting away from factory farmed red meat would be a huge positive change and then you don’t even piss off the majority of the population (that see you as a self-righteous shithead) :)


The corvette is the best track car for the price by far, same with certain camaros. And I’m not talking about Nascar tracks, I mean nordschleife times.


Some do. Some, like Shaq or Ryan Reynolds (or Kanye) use their money to invest in other companies. Ryan Reynolds coming out and saying Nazi shit would probably be bad for Mint, just like Ye’s controversy was bad for Yeezy, just like Elon’s controversy is bad for Tesla.


Its a part of first episode of black mirror s1


You know construction workers are jacked compared to desk workers right? Like if you take a random construction worker and a random office worker, neither of which lift, the construction worker is going to tend towards both more mass overall (as it helps prevent injuries) and more muscle mass (because working out as your work tends to do a lot for your body)


So then gun owners can’t drink coffee?


I’m bi and call stuff I don’t like ‘gay’ all the time. I also call stuff I like ‘gay’. I don’t think that the use of a term by those it applies to can really be negative as its more of an empowerment thing abt takibg the word back for the community. It’s like getting mad at people that call each other the n-word (especially if you aren’t black yourself).


Jfc is trying to speed run to zero users


Jsyk, looking up “etymology redneck” indicates the term comes from sunburn on the back of manual laborers’ necks and was in use for a bout a century before. I am always glad to see the West Virginia coal mine wars brought up tho so kudos.


Yeah because somebody gave their life trying to stop a violent criminal. ACAB absolutely, but this guy is still an individual that bravely gave his life trying to protect others. He still left behind a family and friends. Have some respect.


When you live in an open-air prison you tend to hate the guards.


You posed a hypothetical. I posed an answer. I’m not going to respond to a strawman like this other than to point out that it’s a strawman. This conflict didn’t start yesterday. It’s like saying the Apache attacks started before Indian Removal. Doesn’t change the fact that it’s genocide.


Yeah personally I’ve found a ton of informational and useful content on YT. There’s tons of lectures and presentations available from different colleges and stuff, but there’s also just a ton of people that like to spread info. For example, I found one guy thats making his own audiobooks of leftist literature to make it more accessible for the average Joe.


Should’ve linked it in the original comment tbh. It’s awesome that people are doing this type of thing.


That’s a huge risk for robbery and basically just asking for trouble. Shit tier idea to make that public knowledge tbh. Criminal doesn’t have a gun? Good thing they can just find someone that does. Already have one? Then they rob someone with 30 and put the guns onto the black market (still registered to the previous owner.)


I forgot the answer to argument is a snarky remark.


What about RFK? He’s crazy but also probably the first ‘good person’ to run for office since Obama, and unlike Obama might actually follow through on his antiwar promises.


He’s currently taking voters from both sides of the line. More from Trump. You’re imposing a false dichotomy and making shit up with little to no logical backing, which if you had half a brain left, you wouldn’t do…


Environmental lawyer that spent his life taking big companies to court on behalf of smaller people isn’t a good guy because of his privilege? You’re literally braindead


Vitamin water is a fruity drink more akin to soda than water. They even lost a court case for deceptively marketing it as healthy.


This is just a random person’s decision about whether or not the source is reliable/biased with provenly poor/unevenly applied methodology.


Is the IDF seriously claiming that Shani Louk died at the music festival? Post-truth era we live in. There’s video footage of her alive from October 7th is there not? Clearly another victim of Israel’s bombing campaign.


Are you referring to the Stanford prison experiment? That’s been thoroughly disproven.


Can’t have inflation when nobody can afford food.


Unless you consider alternatives such as e-bikes and public transport which we should be. We’re not gonna make a dent in climate change without some form of sacrifice.


Well if your brain is just a bunch of particles in the first place and physics still applies then…




Good assessment but its not like the US isnt just as bad as Australia if not worse. Thanks for the translation tho.


This comment section (not you) is full of a ton of cynics that have clearly never taken a conservation ecology course in their lives.

‘Huge win’: Brown University protesters reach an agreement to dismantle encampment (

This article describes the little-reported on success that Brown University had in disbanding student protest… by conceding to let activists present a case for divestment at an upcoming hearing before the university’s investment board....


Fordham also said they would allow the students to make their case to the CFO and the Board of Trustees, and the students(correctly) refused to take it as the school still hasn’t even called for a cease-fire. How can a plan to divest from Israel be taken seriously when they won’t even call for an end to Israel’s genocide?


Did you check the sub? I think it’s intended as a joke



But in all seriousness you’re doing the lords work


Russian people tend to disagree with you on this one. At least those I’ve met and read the work of.

A friend put it to me that ‘the death of navalny was so hard because he was the entire face of resistance. Now there isn’t anybody for the people to gather behind.’ (not verbatim at all).

I agree that .world can be averse to truth, but I think you (and your instance) probably can be too


I think you may be misinformed as to what a non-compete agreement is. For example, when I worked for leaf filter, I had to sign a non-compete agreement that stated I couldn’t/wouldn’t work in the gutter protection industry for 6-12 months after leaving their company. Was it too broad to enforce and just their to keep anybody with a working brain from taking their service and providing it for cheaper? Yes. Did it work, effectively driving down competition and allowing them to effectively pigeonhole the US market? Also yes.

Hamas official says group would lay down its arms if an independent Palestinian state is established (

A top Hamas political official told The Associated Press the Islamic militant group is willing to agree to a truce of five years or more with Israel and that it would lay down its weapons and convert into a political party if an independent Palestinian state is established along pre-1967 borders.


The ANC in South Africa was largely ineffective. Mandela specifically is a great example of how people can get much more done as moderates than violent radicals. He would never see any sort of true progress until after his imprisonment and subsequent putting down of arms.


The only thing that kept the apartheid gov in place was US and British support. There’s a reason the Berlin wall was a big deal for SA. Similarly, Israel’s current existence as a colonist state and the dominant power in the middle east is only possible because of daddy America. If not for our support (and emigration, many settlers are from the US) they would likely cave to international and internal pressures (like in Argentina, Chile, South Africa, and others)

I hope that Joe can finally get the balls to do it. People are pissed off and he’s going to lose the election if he doesn’t do something, which is a shame as his government isn’t great but it has been a lot better than many previous ones, and especially has done a lot concerning monopolies (insofar as taking them to court). Also though I don’t want to live in a fascist shithole under Trump.


Why are we upset by rounding to the nearest 5 for elementary schoolers when we round to 10 m/s/s for gravity in collegiate physics classes anyway?

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