
All appeared to have been beaten - videos of brutal interrogation sessions were apparently leaked by Russian security forces, and reports suggest at least one had suffered electric shocks.

The men the court identified as Mirzoyev and Rachabalizoda had black eyes and the latter’s ear was heavily bandaged - reportedly from it being partially severed during his arrest.

Mirzoyev also appeared to have a torn plastic bag wrapped around his neck.

The face of the man identified as Fariduni was badly swollen, while the man named as Fayzov appeared to lose consciousness as he was brought into court in a wheelchair wearing a thin hospital gown.

He appeared to have an eye missing, according to the Reuters news agency.

A court statement on the Telegram messaging service said Mirzoyev had “admitted his guilt in full”, while Rachabalizoda also “admitted guilt”.

Anyone will admit guilt if you do that to them. Is there any actual evidence that these men were the ones who attacked the concert hall?


Nyt is showing stills from the videos compared to what they were wearing during arrest, clothing matches.


Oh well I guess that’s definitive evidence then. Clothing is a unique unreplicatable item, everyone knows that.

Russia didn’t even believe these attacks were going to take place, I refuse to believe that they’re able to catch the culprits this quickly, there’s a level of organization and skill that they’ve never previously demonstrated.


I mean Occam’s razor and all.

If you want to go down the conspiracy rabbit hole then please do… But I’m not sure why the nyt would benefit from continuing putins claim



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  • ours,

    That is if you believe these are the actual perpetrators.

    It took an hour for security forces to reach the actual event but they catch the perps in 4 hours? Very sus.


    Even if they were the actual suspects, torture isn’t ok in any case

    snaggen, (edited )
    @snaggen@programming.dev avatar


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  • Mr_Blott,

    I didn’t read about that! Got a sauce?

    @snaggen@programming.dev avatar


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  • Mr_Blott,

    Your “source” literally says they can’t understand what they mean when they’re speaking and gives two wildly different interpretations of what they’re saying

    Sorry but that’s not a source


    A week ago Russian didn’t even believe the terrorist attacks were going to happen, and now they found the perpetrators? Yeah sure


    Man, Russia is nuts. I dunno where these guys got their beatings, but this seems like nothing you’d see in the US.

    Also, hard to understand how they can blame Ukraine for this while none of the suspects are Ukrainian.

    nitrolife, (edited )
    @nitrolife@rekabu.ru avatar

    You really won’t see this in the USA, because few people even reach the border. After September 11, the United States is fine with eliminating threats. For example, the United States knew about this attack for 2 weeks.

    UPD: I also remind you that after September 11, the United States did not limit itself to one person but beat up an entire country

    @Zuberi@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

    I mean… knowing it’s likely a CIA funded attack, Russia didn’t really have any option other than to say it was the group that allows them to continue their war in the Ukraine.


    Of course it could be CIA connected but likely is a too strong word with the information available at this point. Russia is fucking around with many groups all over the world


    Zuber eats is a known pro-Russian troll. You can safely ignore them, they’re not acting in good faith.


    Zuber eats argument can be criticized without using Ad Hominems.


    Oh, believe me, I tried. Paradox of tolerance, yadda yadda yadda.

    Best I can do right now is let people know there’s no point in engaging with trolls. We don’t want to encourage them and give them a platform they’ll use to spread their nazbol propaganda.


    Well dont stop, continue. Only in dialogue can we defeat our differences.

    Otherwise you seperate and isolate people, and strengthen they’re belives.

    There are people that you can show all the facts and logic and proof and they are not going to believe. Those people I refer to as stupid. ( I dont call em that. No need to be rude). Dont be such a person yourself.

    Hence, always try to engage in dialogue and be flexible enough in your worldviews. But also know some people are not and there is nothing you can do.

    But other people reading this will see you be right.

    Nazbol? What does this dead movement have to do with anything?


    We can all sit down and sing Kumbaya. While we do that, they’ll have free reign to propagate their conspiracy theories and hate.

    I don’t engage seriously with them anymore, I’ve been burnt too many times. I don’t want to give them more visibility than they already have.

    I want people to know immediately what they’re dealing with, because these guys don’t play by the rules.


    Which rules?

    Additionaly u are giving them more visibility, as uncommented statements are creticless, people rather read those.


    The topic of discussion is how to prevent them from doing any harm, rather than which space crocodile is secretly controlling us with mind-control lasers, or whatever their lunacy-of-the-day may be. This is a win. They’re being exposed without giving them the satisfaction of censoring them. Freedom of speech does not mean freedom from consequences.

    This is not high-school debate club. Anyone with a modicum of media litteracy knows you don’t give a platform to Russian shills, or anyone peddling any kind of similarly lunatic propaganda for that matter. If you want to know more, read their post history. The reason that you don’t do that is that the minute they get sufficient mindshare, they’ll be more than happy to bend the rules of civil discussion. We’re talking about people defending China and its censorship, after all.

    And look, you’re more than welcome to criticize American imperialism and liberal hypocrisy. But shilling for authoritarian regimes is a red line any leftist worthy of the name should not cross.

    @Badeendje@lemmy.world avatar

    Stop sniffing glue, it’s bad for your brain.

    @Zuberi@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

    Anybody who genuinely believes this was Isis is beyond saving from the state departments’ silly narrative


    Because Isis have never committed any terrorist attacks before right?

    If you’re going to make that claim you need to provide some evidence

    @Badeendje@lemmy.world avatar

    And because Islamic extremists have never committed attacks in Russie based on Russias actions in Syria (directly engaging ISIS) and Russias friendly relations with the taliban, who in turn hate ISIS.

    So many examples, but blaming the Americans/Ukranian/Europeans/InsertAnyOtherParty is just another way the Russian trolls sow chaos in an attempt to make everyone doubt reality.


    The people that have done the deed where definitly ISIS. But there where many people involved behind the scenes and someone payed for it.

    ISIS usually ideologically subverts individuals.

    While Ukraine is involved in numerous killings, terrorism and uncountable sabotages inside Russia, (mostly) by either paying or convincing locals.

    (I doubt it was the US/ Europe. The CIA/ Europe would have no gain from this.)

    But there is no definitive proof (so far) of who actually orchestraded it, so it could be the usual suspect or the obvious one.

    @Badeendje@lemmy.world avatar

    You should stop eating soap, as apparently that is bad for your brain too.

    A country defending itself from an invader is not committing killings and terrorist, it is engaged in asymmetric warfare for as far as it is actually involved.

    Ascribing the work of partisans and anti putinists to Ukraine completely ignores the hellscapr Putin has created within Russia proper. There is plenty to be mad about at their own government for Russians.


    Killing civilians by planting bombs in statues is not asymetric warfare.

    @Badeendje@lemmy.world avatar

    Are you referring to the blowing up of a right wing extremist pro war blogger, inside the cafe of the wagner boss? Attended by fans of the blogger and his work calling for the extermination of Ukranians?

    Because a link to Ukraine is only available by accusation by the person who did it, after she was arrested and in the hands of the Russian government for some time.

    And judging by how the Russian security services treat their captives, I can imagine they will say whatever they need to in order to make the hurting stop or be less.


    Nice that the SBU chief told in an interview on the 27th how the planning and execution of those murders was done. So there is your link.

    Tho I do not share the views of the blogger. Innocent people that where not involved in any hostilities did get harmed.

    Additionaly deliberate killing of noncombatants based on they’re race, views or political motivations, etc. using military funds is a warcrime.


    I think you forgot to mention space reptilians 🫠


    Presumably because they couldn’t find any Ukrainians to pin the blame on.

    I’m somewhat skeptical about if these people are actually responsible, since I would have thought that a properly organized terrorist would actually leave the country pretty pronto.

    @Badeendje@lemmy.world avatar

    Maybe ISIS claiming the attack makes that harder too?


    That’s starting to look weak. They’re allowing reality to have an impact on decision making.


    That, or they weren’t planning on leaving the scene of the attack, since that’s one of their primary tactics


    well the police didnt even turn up for like 90 minutes apparently so maybe they gave up waiting for them to suicide by cop


    Bruh. There is video footage of it. You can go the parts of the internet where such footage is shared and check for yourself.


    A bunch of footage of what exactly? These individuals with their faces uncovered demonstrating they were the ones that committed the act I don’t think so.


    No, but you can clearly see the facial structure, clothing, shoes and other factors that any agency would use for.identification.


    Most people involved with the sbu’s sabotage and terrorism inside Russia where not Ukrainian.


    But you might see it in Cuba, if you know where to look

    @umbrella@lemmy.ml avatar

    some of them were ukranians caught making a dash back to ukraine…

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