
I guess they’re over hating Alec Baldwin…


Alec Baldwin is bulletproof, unlike camera crew.



Still, tho, I hope he gets a fair trial. It seems unfair that he should be held accountable for a mistake made by somebody else.


Even if they find him guilty (and it looks like the defense is still insisting he didn’t pull the trigger, which is both a pretty wild claim and something you’d think would have been filmed, right?) he’s apparently only looking at 18 months for involuntary manslaughter.

He’ll be fine. Something tells me his time will be served under house arrest at worst, and it’s not like he can’t afford good lawyers.


Even if

And I’m gonna stop right there. Your absurd, ridiculous, imaginary hypothetical has no meeting here. You are wrong, and if you cannot accept that you are wrong, I will always be here to keep telling you that you are wrong.

Your inability to deal with your own faults is a character flaw within yourself. That is not my responsibility to deal with, it is yours.

You will give up and stop commenting, or I will keep replying to you and telling you all of the way you are terribly terribly wrong.

You are doing this to yourself


Pretty bold statement to claim you know how a legal case you aren’t personally involved in will work out when the courts still don’t, lol


The only bold thing here is your presumption that I bare any responsibility for your mental illness.

Get your shit together


Lol, okay buddy


Admitting you have a problem is the first step in recovery. Congratulations.


Alec, is this you?

It will be okay buddy, you’ll make it through this.

Times are darkest before dawn, etc.


So, when you have no rational argument, you throw around lies and false accusations.

How does that usually work out for you?


I’m not sure if you’re reading too deeply into this comment chain or don’t know that Alec is back on trial, but, spoilers, they don’t generally do trials for rich old white people with open and shut cases of innocence.

What Alec will get is the best legal defense money can buy, and if that defense proves it wasn’t negligence on his part, good for him.

What no one but Alec can say at this point, and maybe not even him, memories and denial being what they are, is that they know for sure how the trial will go.


I’m not sure

And that’s where you let your delusion take hold. See… you made up a fantasy world in which you invented a situation that didn’t exists but in which I was wrong in a way you could rationally counterargue— but this was only a fantasy.

In reality, you’re just a troll.

Take your seething rage back to Reddit. They love irrational trolls there. You might even get paid by Trump!


I’m honestly wondering and worried that you’re actually Mr Baldwin at this point, with your weird level of anger over this fairly benign exchange.

Good luck with that!


When you come down from your drug trip, let me know what you took. Clearly you had quite an extraordinary time.


Pretty sure Clooney could put together a better army than Russia.

jeffw, avatar

Clooney doesn’t have millions of prisoners to recruit

franklin, avatar

We hope


Everybody’s a critic.


It stinks! It stinks! It stinks!


This would explain the other article I saw about a US-Clooney $20 billion arms deal.


No, actually. Totally unrelated if you can believe that. /j


lol ok russia

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