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I know they’re saying Ukraine sunk those ships…but the headline makes it sound like Putin is saying “Now where did I put that military ship? Was it in the baltic sea? Did I harbor it in the Atlantic? Oh who can keep track of these things???”


Did any of these 800 media agencies apply after June 7th?


Don’t worry, if Kyiv’s getting nuked, so are all the rest of us, so you’d have found out long before you had time to read about it! :D

Actually, I don’t think they’d ever find out about it. One second they would exist, and then suddenly, not so much. Obviously no one has any way to prove this, but the going expectation is that if you get nuked, you don’t even feel pain. It happens so fast, you just cease to be an alive person anymore, and instead become a pile of ash. You essentially go from healthy living human, to creamation where you stand, in an instant.

Obviously nobody who’s ever been vaporized like that can comment after the fact if they felt pain, or were aware of anything. What we do know is there have been recovered scenes after the Japanese nuked cities where you see a shadow in the shape of a person. That’s where that person was, and their body cast enough of a shadow in that moment of bright intense light, that it prevented the ground from being cooked by the blast. Unfortunately, nobody was giving the middle finger to something unrelated when the blast happened. As dark as the situation was, if it had to happen, it would have been kinda neat if the shadows were doing something interesting by pure chance.

But yeah, they wouldn’t have had time to even know they’d been bombed.


I’ve always had an alternative take on the “afterlife”. Some people like to think of spirits as this tangible thing, like a ghost, or something that is self aware. I see it more like how someone would say “The spirit of the city comes alive at these events!”. So in that case, the city has a spirit. It’s not a ghost, but that’s more along the lines of how I interpret the spirit. My grandma died in October. Her spirit lives on with me until the day I die. I will continue spreading stories of the things she’s taught to me. In that way, she will continue to inspire people who she’s never even met. So in that way her spirit lives on.

So now that you get the idea of what I mean by spirit, here is what I think happens to us when we die. In the short term, you cease to exist. You don’t experience anything more. You don’t look down upon people from the heavens. You don’t roam the earth observing life. You just…don’t exist anymore. In the long term your spirit lives on. Each persons spirit will continue a different length of time. I’m sure there was probably a guy named Tom who lived in what is now Boston, back in the 1600s. I have no idea about who or what Tom did, because everything he ever did has been forgoten. Toms spirit has died. Others have their spirit live on for much longer. George Washingtons spirit lives on as long as America lives on. There may or may not have been a guy named Jesus. If he did exist, he’s got to hold the record for longest living spirit. I can’t think of anybody elses spirit from 2000+ years ago we still think about today.

The point is, while you’re alive you have the chance to make an impact on as many or as few people as you can. Physically everybody is going to experience death differently. Ironically, people who are executed through lethal injection have the easiest death I can think of. Pain free. The rest of us are going to experience something much more horrible. Some die in their sleep peacefully.

But after you’re gone, your spirit is all that remains. How long it remains depends on who you inspired, and what concepts you gave birth to for societies benefit.


Because he tried to have the image scrubbed from the internet. It pissed him off that much. So by everybody posting it in more and more places, it makes it infinately harder to scrub the image from all the places.

You’re getting entirely too psychological with it.

“It pisses him off, and this ensures more people will see the image, and save the image, and later spread the image.” That’s it. That’s the end of the thought process.


Just letting you know that this American is cheering for you, and cheering for Hong Kong in their fight against China.

I also cheer for Ukraine in their fight against Russia.


15,000 killed by Isreal. The other 21,000 are unaccounted for. Now I know you’re making the “joke” that if the 21,000 are “missing” that they must have been killed. And you’re probably not wrong to some extent. However, unaccounted for isn’t always the same as dead. If I were a kid in Palestine, and bombs started raining down, I’d get the fuck out too…and if my parents don’t know where I am, but I’m alive, then I can try to contact them later. Assuming of coarse that the parents are still alive.

And sure, a portion, maybe even a large portion of those 21,000 actually are dead. We don’t KNOW that, but it is a reasonable guess. The hard part is figuring out just how many of the 21,000 are alive, and how many are dead.

I say this because on 9/11, depending on which reports you base your knowledge on, somewhere between 3k-6k officially were declaired dead. Which is still a tragedy no matter what the numbers are. However on the day of the attacks, my local NBC news channel was saying the estimated deaths were close to 60,000 for the two towers, as that’s how many people had gone missing.

Well…turns out a large portion of that 60k made a decision in the moment that survival was more important than logistics and numbers. Get out while you can, stay alive, and contact people later when it’s safe. That’s what they did on 9/11, and I assume some portion of those kids are doing the same now in Palestine.

So let’s not take a situation which is already a tragedy, with no end in sight, and claim it to be the absolute worst case scenario it can be, when in reality, it’s probably less than that. We just don’t know by how much yet, and may not for years.


Thats only for russian political opponents of the kremlin.


Have you SEEN 1980s pro-wrestling, where everyone was coked up? I’d LOVE to see Biden paint his face with beautiful colors, run around shirtless with arm tassles cutton off his veins, snarling when he talks, and talking about being sacrificed to the front lawn where his only choices are to be eaten alive by a school bus of the cosmos, or get your head run over by a sentient lawnmower that’s coming for your WWF intercontinental championship.

Guys…lets give Biden and Trump copious amounts of coke before each debate. I’d watch the hell out of that shit.


If it makes you feel better, in the 90s, wrestling fans had our wrestling interupted by the west minster dog show.

We tune in every July, and for 2 weeks, during the SUMMER!!! When school was out, and we could finally stay up late…we see dogs running up ramps, and showing how they could pose.


Thts called typing on a bus with a phone bouncing around because the driver is an asshole, trying to do 60 on a 25, and hitting every pothole in sight.


I used to watch this guy. Then about 6 years or so ago. Then one video he gets on, and starts berating his viewers for sending him gifts, and fan art.

His explaination was something along the lines of him not having enough space for all the stuff. And that’s fine. I understand not having space.

But then he just goes ON AND ON AND ON about it. In a pretty disrespectful manner.

He could have just said something like “As a side note, while I appriciate everybody thinking of me, I just don’t have the space for it all.

So if you’d like to send me art, I would much prefer digital art over something physical. I love the enthusiasm, I just have nowhere to put it…”

That would have been understandable.

Instead, he said something more along the lines of “I’m getting way too much fan packages from you guys. LOOK AT MY LIVING ROOM!!! I can’t take it all! This needs to stop! It’s making me angry. You guys are tweeting me that I don’t thank you for your hard work. I haven’t even opened the box! How am I supposed to know what you sent me???”

And ever since then, I’ve seen him as an unappriciative dick. I understand the need to stop the incoming flow of packages coming in, but there’s a nice way to do that.


I just remembered the line that made me stop watching. It was him saying that any future packages would be thrown in the trash.

This after ranting for like 3 minutes that too many people love him, and gift him so much stuff.

I was brought up to appriciate every little thing people gave me. Even as a kid…that knock off power ranger that has a hollow inside, made of cheap rubbery plastic? “Thank you for the gift!”

So to see him say “I will throw any future packages in the trash” just felt like a slap in the face to any fans he may have had.

So I stopped being a fan. It’s easy to unsubscribe on youtube.


…who doesn’t have a screwdriver??? HE DISASSEMBLES ELECTRONICS OFTEN FOR A LIVING!!! WTF???

This only raises MORE questions!

Russia says U.S. is responsible for deadly Ukrainian attack on Crimea (www.reuters.com)

MOSCOW, June 23 (Reuters) - Russia said on Sunday that the United States was responsible for a Ukrainian attack on the Russian-annexed Crimean peninsula with five U.S.-supplied missiles that killed at least five people including three children and injured 124 more....


…I’m hoping for Putin to be brought in and put on alcatraz. Yes, I know it’s been abandoned as a jail. I figure fuck it, put him in, lock him up, and then absndon it again. If he lives he lives, if he starves, he starves.

My guess is on starving.


This needs to be a bot, and encouraged to post about news sources of EVERY post.


…man, I always hate when comments are removed by mods. I always assume it was the worst, like a nazi trying to build up hate and promoting using atom bombs or something.

And then sometimes I find out it’s something mundane.

I want to know what he said, so I can eat popcorn, and watch the drama…but it’s probably too tame to warrent popcorn.

I guess what I’m saying is, why don’t we make a popcorn community, so you guys can share your popcorn reciepes…and if you want to share juicy gossip about that bitch at work from HR, so be it…


Hey, if it works, it works. A big power swinger that makes contact 1/10 times, but strikes out 9/10 times is less of a team asset than a small speedy little guy who never swings and gets on base 10/10 times.

Hell, half the time with smart base running, stealing 2nd is a freebie.


Given the context, I’m assuming this is sarcasm…at least I HOPE it’s sarcasm!!!


They were pro abortion to 148th trimester adults! Well…if they were jewish (or a handfull of other things)


The guy you’re responding to deleted their comment, leaving yours without context…and now I’m confused just trying to piece it together.



Oh, wait.


Found Stone Cold Steve Austin.


Which is about to get a whole lot harder with sony/nintendo shutting down rom sites and abandonware sites. It means you’ll need to have the original media the games came on.

And hopefully you can find that copy of Warcraft 2, Tides of Darkness on a cd thats not TOO scratched up.

“This way! No THAT WAY!!!”


This laptop is going to emulate the experience of watching my parents fight, throw my 14 year old sister out of the house, and eventually seperate, all while having no friends, and being an athiest attending a catholic school???

…nah, I’m good.

U.S. Military Planes Are in Haiti. Haitians Don’t Know Why. (foreignpolicy.com)

In the past several weeks, I have watched dozens of sleek U.S. military planes descend over Toussaint Louverture International Airport in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, where I live. They were the first flights to land since gangs blockaded and halted commercial air traffic in March. U.S. news reports suggest that the aircraft contained...


The President met with Biden a month ago

But…the president IS Biden…

OHHH!!! You mean the president of Haiti. Ok. Didn’t realize they had a president. That whole sentence threw me for a loop.

I’m going to blame this heatwave frying my brain. I’m not stupid, I’m just…stupid.



From THAT distance? I don’t see why there would be. The most inaccurate thing about the NES Classic was it’s rediculously short cable.

The original was like "Hey, want enough cable to throw out your window, into your neighbors house, and they play from their bedroom? WE GOT YOU!!!

I’m exaggerating quite a bit, but it helps paint the difference between 80s and 2010s.


Its no coincidence that the 80s was the decade of greed and indulgence, and it was the same decade the power glove was released, but never replicated.

South Korea blasts Russia-North Korea deal, says it will consider supplying arms to Ukraine (apnews.com)

South Korea’s presidential office on Thursday condemned an agreement reached by Russia and North Korea that vowed mutual defense assistance in the event of war and said it will reconsider its policy of limiting its support to Ukraine to non-lethal supplies....


What Finland should do, is “invade” Ukraine. And they take over all the areas that russia control. Take them in the name of Finland. So at this point, they are Finland occupied, but still part of Ukraine.

Now if Russia comes in, they risk engaging in battle with a Finland occupied territory…a NATO territory.

Crimea might be a bit trickier…because it’s no longer considered part of Ukraine.

But then after the war ends, Finland occupies all of Ukraine. But not in a threatening way. Just to make sure russia doesn’t come back.

Now if Ukraine on their own want to take back Crimea, they can…but I can’t see that being a NATO thing.

And why would Finland do any of this? Well…it’s russia. Fuck em.


Magnet. How to they work?

Uhhhhh, very profitably, actually.


So THIS is why reddit is so obsessed with what’s inside the safes people find…they were looking for this one.


I don’t know what Canvas is, but I JUST came to Lemmy because AI bots tagged me 3 times in one month. And I sat there, thinking to myself “Well…now what?”

I thought to myself “There has GOT to be more people affected by this, and by all reddit’s shitty decisions over the past 2 years…”

And then I started thinking “What if there WAS a reddit clone, except with some sort of balance system to ensure mods can’t get TOO powerful, and run the whole site?”

Then I found Lemmy. And, other than userbase size, and demographic, I’m pretty pleased here. If Lemmy.World makes some boneheaded decision, I could just migrate to another instance. From a functionality standpoint, Lemmy is superior to Reddit in everyway…except for the fact that Lemmy is still trying to cater to the Linux audience. Once you GET OVER that learning curve, and once Lemmy catches up with Reddit for not only number of users, but also general audience types, THEN it will truely be better than Reddit.

But I think a good barometer of if you’ve reached that point is, “Does Lemmy have an active community for women to discuss fashion?” and then “Does Lemmy have an active community for kids to talk about how much they love monster trucks?” and then “Does Lemmy have a place for men to talk about every single sports team that’s ever existed?”

If Lemmy is going to grow, you CANNOT cator to certain groups of people, and ignore any critisism about how hard it is to use. Because the people who don’t want to learn, will just not bother. They’ll ask “well why should I use this, and not reddit?”

Because whatever you are most passionate about, whether it’s the independantly owned instances, whether it’s the interconnectivity with mastadon, and every other service, whehter it’s the customizable apps others develop, or maybe you develop…with all that, you have to remember one thing. YOU care about that. The majority of people do not give a shit. They just want an easy place to talk about shoes, and monster trucks, and sports.

Now you can say “But you can CREATE any of those communities on any instance.” And that’s true. You can…but THEY won’t. They want fast, free, easy, and active. You have to design everything around the idiot…because the idiots are everywhere. Linux has the same issues, but that’s another topic for another day that’s been said repeatedly for 20+ years and hasn’t changed.

Question is, do you want to be like Linux, or do you want to be like Reddit? I don’t care what your interests are. You can find already active communities for it on Reddit. Can someone else find whatever they’re interested in on Lemmy?

Me, some of my interests are here. Not all. I want to help this platform grow, and they will come. In the meantime, the developers need to decide if they want a niche platform that cators to their kind, or if they want to grow and cator to EVERYONE with all interests.


It’d be interesting to see your report after you test it.

report after testing

“I don’t know how it got this out of hand, but somehow the entire city is now on fire.”


I sold most of my consoles because of emulation.

Are you even allowed to be here? I feel like that’s cause to revoke your retro gamer card.


Is it the kind that can use amiibo? I got a dollar!


You could have simplified the whole thing, AND got to use a kick ass Jurassic Park quote in the process! Essentually what’s being said is…

Life…uhhh…finds a way.


This is news??? I watched this exact thing explained on a youtube video years ago called “The history of the world, I guess”.

This was years ago, and made by some random flash video animator, who’s also a musician.

Hi, I’m still a piece of garbage!


The “In Living Color” and “Scary Movie” alum counts a trans son among his three kids.

I mean…regardless how you feel about trans people, if the kid is his son, and he has 3 kids, it would be one of his three kids.

It’s like saying “Tom bought 3 cars. He considers the yellow one among the three cars he’s bought.”

All that being said, it’s nice to see that Marlon isn’t a piece of shit that disowns his own children.


How funny would it be if Putin went to North Korea, and then was stuck inside? They say North Korea is inescapable. I don’t know how true that is, but it would be funny if Kim Jong Un was just like Ariel Castro, like “GOTCHA BITCH!”

Except unlike Amanda Berry, Gina DeJesus, and Michelle Knight, I won’t feel sorry for the captive.


But why end it, when some rich assholes can sell both sides weaponry? Gotta profit off of war somehow. Eventually there won’t be any more russians left to continue their war. Who’s left as buyers? Taiwan? South Korea?

I’d like to say that this comment is a joke. I’d like to say that, but the truth is, some within our country/government really do think that way.


Wait until this guy learns what India is like…


I’m not sure what humans CAN do.

A few years ago we had a pandemic. And at the start of the pandemic, there wasn’t much we could do about it other than stay seperated and wear masks. It wasn’t much, but it was all we could do.

Half of society balked at wearing a mask, and refused to do it.

Then, after months of watching nightly news give us higher by the hour covid death tallys, a vaccine came out.

All society had to do to ALMOST IMMEDIATELY kill covid was get a (quite frankly painless) shot in the arm. And then again 2 weeks later.

Again, half of society would rather watch that death toll climb. And sure, NOW we’re mostly past it, it was prolonged for 3-4 months at least if not more.

The left basically had to drag the right to the point where their little protests and hissy fits no longer mattered.

And that’s just America. You basically need all the humans, and all the corporations in every corner of the planet to all forget all wars, forget all disagreements, forget all grudges, everybody come together and do the same thing for the betterment of all humanity.

No profits. No advantages. No racism. Just everybody do the same thing together.

I just don’t see humans capable of that.

Kremlin bots spam internet with fake celebrity quotes against Ukraine (kyivindependent.com)

Russian bots with a Kremlin disinformation network published 120,000 fake anti-Ukraine quotes falsely attributed to celebrities, including Jennifer Aniston and Scarlett Johansson, in one day, the independent Russian media outlet Agentsvo reported June 15....


How do you expect the FBI stop people from creating accounts and sharing false information? That’s not a crime.

Hmmmmmm…perhaps it’s about time that it becomes illegal.

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