
andrew, to opensource avatar

Breezy weather is nice, just installed. Does it give you NOAA severe weather notification?

vort3, avatar

Do you know if OP is the dev of the app?

gmr_leon, to games avatar

Suggestions for a non-survival building game with a similar scale/level of detail to Lego Worlds?

I've found myself with this interest once more, and looking about, it seems like there's still not much like ol' Lego Worlds.

However, I'm hoping I may be overlooking something right in front of me, and no, from what I've seen, Lego Fortnite is not that option. Non-generated world I think, different building style, simply a different sort of game despite the same branding.


PlzGivHugs, (edited )

Minecraft with mods?

Base game probably doesn’t have the level of detail you want, but with mods for either specalized detail blocks, or something more generic like Chisel and Bits or Carpenter Blocks, it should be possible to make something close to what you want pretty easily.


+1 on Chisel and Bits (not to be confused with just Chisel, which is also a great mod, just not for this)

I’ve seem some absolutely stunning detail work done in C&B. It’s definitely a labour intensive endeavor, though. If you’ve got a good eye for design, the sky is the limit.

GhostCowboy76, to lemmyshitpost avatar

@lemmyshitpost went on Reddit 🤢 for a second because they have a better ham radio community, god is that place fucked. Let’s start the fun again of trying to destroy it.


Can someone explain to me why there are entire communities on Lemmy about Reddit? I used to use Reddit too, I enjoyed it, then I left after the API changes. Now I use Lemmy. It doesn’t have any emotional hold on me, it was just a tool that I used. Stop bitching and move on with your life. It’s just sad at this point. If you really didn’t care for Reddit any more then there’d be no need to keep saying loudly how bad it is and how you don’t care or use it.

FartsWithAnAccent, avatar

Why bother? Reddit will kill Reddit on its own.

EwanCroft, to gaming avatar

I'm done, after a lot of swearing at my monitor, I can gawk at myself riding a motorcycle now. 😎



They make consoles for a larger target market/audience than Sony or Microsoft, because that makes them more money than trying to compete directly with them. Wii sold over 100 units and the Switch is currently sitting at around 130 million putting it in third place overall, only behind the Nintendo DS and Playstation 2.

So they most likely won’t, as their formula clearly works (other than the Wii U, it was a flop).


Im glad that my pre Nintendo wfc Mk Wii profile got preserved when became avilable

Shkshkshk, to 196 avatar
Shkshkshk, avatar

@Viking_Hippie they also have never felt full once in their life. It's not something their brain is wired to experience. They remind me of this constantly, as seen in my banner pic

Shkshkshk, avatar

@LemmyKnowsBest not sure what you are picking up on, but I think our server runs well partly because our admin works for Google and can bring his expertise over here. I have mixed feelings about that. He is very obviously a fan of the big tech companies and seemed a bit miffed that we all got so upset about trying to

alvaro, to mechanicalkeyboards avatar

Is there a type of switch that is closer to a chiclet in terms of travel distance?

What about in terms of sound? I tried some kailh and they still felt a bit too long. Any suggestion?

cc @mechanicalkeyboards

Iamnotyourbroom, (edited )

It would be remiss of me not to mention that choc minis exist (pg1350) they have slightly less travel than choc v1 but are less common, but they use the same keycaps. I think there is a corne version somewhere (that I made) that uses them. I like choc minis a lot, but they have a bad reputation for price/consistency.


I cannot comment on the noise of the Kailh browns at the moment as the board has been giving me some grief and I am waiting on new Elite-C controllers from Omega Keys. The keycaps came from ChocFox, the PCBs were ordered directly from JLCPCB using Foostans design, everything else was mainly through amazon. As for the acrylic, I have my own CO2 laser and just cut them out of 1.5mm clear, also from Foostans GitHub repository.

There are several good tutorials out there with parts lists and the build process, Marek Piechut has a good one called Corne MX 3.0 Keyboard Build Guide.

I wanted something super thin so soldered the controller to the board, I do not suggest this as I had some errors on my part and destroyed the controller, thus I’m waiting for two new ones before I can use the board, until then I’m stuck with my hand wired dactyl manuforms.

Just make sure you know what board and keycaps you want, sounds like the Corne chocolate to me, and pay close attention to the LEDs if you go that route, I have 600 that are of no use to me and am waiting on the proper ones.

Other than that have fun and there are plenty of people willing to offer help and advice between here and Discord.

realcaseyrollins, to technology
helenslunch, avatar

Pretty much every browser on the planet other than Chrome has been doing this for years.

“One of the first” my ass


The downside is it makes Google the de facto owner of all of your online information. You could never use a Google product, but because they have such a large market share they’ll essentially force every site and platform to use their solution.

realcaseyrollins, to gaming
nekusoul, avatar

That article is a bit out of date and wasn’t really true anyway. The people who are creating Pretendo, who wrote the blog post this article is based on, did an update on the situation, specifically calling out the media for their sloppy articles:

With that said, some outlets did a less than stellar job at reporting our last post, not covering some topics fully or accurately.

TL;DR: Many of the issues have already been fixed, even going so far as there are now entirely new servers in place to act as a proxy for Amazons servers to work around some security related incompatibility issues.


Thank you for clarifying- still want to get back in for some Splatoon 1 before the end

youronlyone, to gaming avatar

Q: What are the five (5) video games from the 20th Century that you want to be able to play again today? And why?

  • Maybe you no longer have time, or, there are no modern ports or adaptation.

I'll start with mine.

(in no particular order)

It seems easier to play than , but as you progress, it is actually challenging. I love the challenge.

  1. / (DOS version specifically).

If I am not mistaken, before there was the franchise, there was “Empire”. It was a fun game. There is available on , but I miss the DOS version that I played a lot.

A very fun game. Once I start playing this, time flies fast. I miss this game.

Here's a video of it, it's hard to explain this game as there are many features/gameplay “modes”

Modern games today are usually limited to certain themes. If it's flight, it's flight. If it's tank, it's tank. If it's strategy, that's it. Carrier Command have it all.

  1. / (DOS)

Years before the era of came. RPG-ish space game that made me felt exploring space. This was new to me then and I enjoyed it.

  1. / (DOS)

I know, we can still play this today, however, what I miss with this game is the 2 player mode.

You just play with your friend and blast each other to friendly matches and laughter.

Being able to play 2P mode, face-to-face, is something that we have taken for granted, and now we're all just virtual avatars in online games (even online multiplayer games).

So, how about you?

Q: What are the five (5) video games from the 20th Century that you want to be able to play again today? And why?


@games @games @gaming @gaming


That wasn’t 20th Century was it? Unless there’s another one I’m not remembering. Gigantic was an absolute blast and I’m still a bit surprised it died.


I know! I wish more people would have found it and gave it a chance. It was seriously so much fun. I MISS YOU TRIPP

alvaro, to selfhost avatar

Self hosting kids-friendly multiplayer games on Raspberry Pi 4

I'm working on a little project and I would like to have some multiplayer game that I can play with the kids. Ideally they should be little kids friendly, so no doom or quake.

I tried Minecraft, bedrock but the latency over wifi (and it needs to be over wifi for my project) is really bad.

In an ideal situation, I'd like to have one or more games that

  • Can be played in multiplayer mode
  • Ideally you only need the browser
  • Is relatively lightweight, so can be run on a Raspberry Pi with Wifi

Any suggestions besides the one I mentioned? Maybe some emulator that can be used? Thanks!

cc @selfhost @selfhosted

alvaro, avatar

@Num10ck that is fine, but I suspect it is not possible to play it in a multiplayer setting via a browser


Definitely possible – check out emulatorjs. There are a few premade docker containers for it, but they were a bit finicky when I tried them. I eventually just ended up writing a react wrapper for it and have it hosted in a docker container. It works great, and will even play psx games without issue.

ItalianSkeletonGaming, to games avatar

@games What demos did you play today? | DAY 4

Greetings fiery flames of the Fediverse, it's the 4th day of the , we are reaching the sunset of this event, so it is important more than ever to experience and share your curiosities before they're gone ... FOREVER!
(and by forever meaning until the successive fest)

silverchase, avatar

Pipsqueak looks interesting! I don’t know how I missed it when browsing. If you like that GBA style, also check out the demo for Pipistrello and the Cursed Yoyo.



2 quite different puzzler games:

This one caught my eye because of the art (same artist as Braid) but the everything about this game is charming
……/Arranger_A_RolePuzzling_Adven…Arranger: A Role-Puzzling Adventure follows the story of Jemma, a small-town misfit on a journey of self-discovery. Venturing out beyond her stiflingly cozy confines, she finds an inspiring world - but also one ruled by fear, and a strange, immovable ‘static’ force. Can she disrupt a culture of stagnation, and find a place to fit into it?

This one I played because it’s by Game Maker’s Toolkit from YouTube so was keen to see what he’d built. Also enjoyed this one and it has a cute and polished presentation style.…/Mind_Over_Magnet/Mind Over Magnet: Escape a dangerous factory using the power of magnetism. You must team up with three different magnet friends and use their unique abilities to solve more than 60 tricky single-screen puzzles.

ItalianSkeletonGaming, to games avatar

@games What demos have you played today? | DAY 1

Greetings fay folk of the fediverse, It's the , to honor this celebration of the indie spirit, let's share our mutual experiences, and talk about the games that impressed you the most today

lazycouchpotato, avatar

Both look great. Thanks for introducing me to them! Wishlisted them.

Shkshkshk, to 196 avatar

Me and my friends meeting up after a stressful week.


Cattypat, avatar

Me and my friends meeting up after a week

nifty, avatar

I get the same look after I bath tbh, can’t blame them

ajsadauskas, (edited ) to fuck_cars avatar

So the RTA's own modelling showed the Rozelle Interchange would be a traffic disaster—but generating more toll road trips for Transurban was more important.

"The [NSW Roads and Traffic Authority] finalised the first business case for the WestConnex tunnel project in June 2013, with the help of road designers from around the world.

"[Paul Forward, a former CEO of the RTA] said the initial concept did not include the Rozelle Interchange.


"In 2014, an expert review group was formed to assess these plans.

"Mr Forward said it was at this point that TfNSW bureaucrats began to question the connectivity provided by the design.

"The RTA's former director of traffic Chris Ford told the inquiry that 15 alternative designs were modelled.

"Mr Ford said the modelling found that another motorway leading to the Anzac Bridge would cause congestion.

"'The issues that we see today were very clearly established in the modelling in 2014,' he said.

"In November 2015, after Mr Forward and Mr Ford were dismissed, TfNSW updated the WestConnex business case to include the tunnel to the Anzac Bridge, despite the congestion concerns raised by the modelling.

"In 2016, Transport for NSW updated the business case a second time ... creating a tunnel linking the Iron Cove Bridge to the Anzac Bridge."


"In 2018, the NSW government sold its 51 per cent stake in the Sydney Motorway Corporation, the body responsible for operating WestConnex, to Transurban for $9 billion.

"Mr Forward said the final design would generate a larger number of toll trips than previous options."


Gurre, avatar

@shermozle @ajsadauskas @fuck_cars
Same here in Stockholm. Now that the 21 km tunneled motorway ringroad is nearing completion they're adding several widenings of connecting motorways etc as separate projects even though even in the planning documents they're explicitly consequences of the big new motorway "bypass".

MrLee, avatar

@ajsadauskas @fuck_cars
Why is everyone so cynical here?
I am sure if we build just one more tunnel, everything will be fixed this time. 😜

mapto, to fuck_cars avatar

A former manager described Musk as a “pigeon CEO”: “He comes in, shits all over us, and then leaves.”



Well the next stage of birds in the manufacturing environment is to die in an inconvenient spot then get a plant wide meeting about keeping the doors closed.


But he’s a great man, you just don’t understand his genius. /s

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