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I’m gonna go out on a limb here and say you’re not going to address your labour shortage by making things worse for labourers.


What are you talking about? The billionaires love cheap labour.

Oh, his voters. Yeahhh…

Enkers, (edited )

There’s a difference between not buying anything from China, which would be nearly impossible, and not specifically having your own merch made there, though, especially when you get to choose the manufacturer. It’s not like China is the only place you can have these things made.


Lol, yeah, same. r/VCJ helped me go vegan too. My first time there was so confusing and anger inducing.

Enkers, (edited )

There’s nothing wrong with shearing sheep if there’s no exploitation occurring. The problem is when you add a profit motive to keep breeding animals designed with their exploitation in mind.

However, I’m going to go out on limb here, and say there probably aren’t many sheep in the care of vegans except on animal sanctuaries. The important thing is to stop buying wool and funding animal exploitation.


“Rectuma Dentata”, what a wonderful phrase

Rectuma Dentata ain’t no passing craze


It’s fine. I haven’t died yet, so I fail to see sufficient evidence that I eventually will.


What if Ralph exists independently of anyone acknowledging his concept? What if Ralph has always existed, and has just been waiting for a certain memer to discover him?


I mean, regardless, the reason he says shit like that is so he can later point to the media and say “look what they’re saying about me,” and his cultists lap it up. It doesn’t really matter much if he meant it or not.


I thought it was “that feel when…” like in the memes.

Both kinda work, though.

Enkers, (edited )

Pretty sure that was the original meaning; see also SMDH. The head shaking is the kid friendly version.

Edit: I was mistaken. :o

Is Canada Finally Taking Far-Right Extremism Seriously? (thetyee.ca)

In late summer 2023, the RCMP made headlines with the arrests of two men in Ottawa and Kingsey Falls, Quebec, on terrorism and hate propaganda charges. The arrests marked a significant victory in a three-year investigation by the Integrated National Security Enforcement Team targeting the neo-Nazi group Atomwaffen Division....


One of the issues is that we have an actual leftist party that has legitimate chances, so the vote gets split. The liberals’ position as the defacto ABC (anything but conservative) party is failing due to a series of blunders and scandals.

The liberals could have fixed this by properly following through with their electoral reform promise instead of harpooning their own initiative, but because of their bad faith attempt to keep power, we might now get Polievre.


We should be eating cricket flour. […] And if we got over the “ick” factor, our carb-filled food would be a lot healthier.

The length people will go to, to not eat a goddamned legume.


I’d punch a human trying to come up to me and draw my blood with a dirty needle as well.

And this may alarm you, but rocks are not, in fact, alive, or sentient in any manner (despite what pet rock enthusiasts want you to believe).

A new poll shows trouble for Biden with young voters, especially among voters of color (www.npr.org)

It found that just one-third of all young Americans said they would back Biden if the election was held at the time the survey was conducted. The poll also reflects a virtual tie in the race. Biden leads former President Donald Trump by just two points, and 34% of respondents are currently backing a third-party candidate or said...


Biden leads former President Donald Trump by just two points

I think you mean “former President and convicted felon Donald Trump”, NPR.


You leave that adorable no step on snek flag out of this. It’s so cute! Even though it’s meant to be a parody of the gadsden, I sadly can’t enjoy it without people making assumptions. :(



Good thing there weren’t any red lines in it’s way, or else they might have been crossed.


Yeah. I used to think people who were against GMOs were just anti-science contrarian types, but the more I saw of how Monsanto operates, the more I became cognizant of how it’s mostly just capitalism trying to stick its grubby hands in to literally everything to extract maximum profits.

Philanthropist who gave $30M to U Manitoba condemns 'hateful' valedictory speech, university for allowing it (www.cbc.ca)

The philanthropist behind the University of Manitoba’s largest-ever personal donation — $30 million — has denounced a speech made by a valedictorian for medicine grads and admonished the university for letting it happen....


I think you might have misunderstood their comment.


Can confirm. So much love went into this game. I’m always surprised when there’s more and more dialogue.


Maybe I’m just salty. After all, I am a British player on North American servers, so I will soon have the Mountain Dew exclusive rewards in front of my face with no way of earning them, while my American friends discuss how much Mountain Dew they need to buy to get cool items.

I know the relationship is a bit tangential, but this reminds me of one of my favourite things on the internet:



“it’s a bit divisive”

“I’ll piss off some of my voters either way, so best not to take a principled stance.” It’s disappointing she won’t denounce genocide, but not particularly surprising.


That’s fair. Maybe I’m putting too much of the systemic problems at her feet, when in fact I’m more disappointed in almost all of our leadership. And you’re right, it’s better than nothing.


I was thinking about this in terms of limbs, and wondering, since pregnant women have more than 4 limbs, wouldn’t the average number of limbs be greater than 4?

There are probably considerably more pregnant women than people missing limbs, but then again, the women only have additional limbs for 9 months.

local anti public transportation comment

Saw this comment on a local news post about the mayor’s state of the city address and the mayor mentioned some of the new public transportation initiatives including adding another line to the train, I was under the impression that Amtrak was a success until the rails became denationalized and corporate greed limited the...


I wouldn’t worry about it. Nobody is going to read an essay in a single paragraph.

If you can’t separate your thoughts into comprehensible, logical blocks, nobody is going to bother to parse them.


It’s postmedia, so that tracks. A good portion of their titles make for tough rounds of Beaverton-or-not.

It’s shameful we allow the republican propaganda arm to operate with impunity here.


But how will the oil execs afford their next yacht? :( And think about all the yacht makers that are going to go out of business.

Enkers, (edited )

So the number of doctors relative to population grew by 1.7% but average patient encounters dropped 3.7%? That doesn’t exactly add up.

Maybe there’s been a drop in the amount of care needed, but I kinda doubt it. One possible explanation is that people are so disillusioned with our healthcare system that they’re seeking other forms of treatment, either out of province or through alternative (pseudoscience) medicine or just not going at all.


Crazy idea, but what about fishing-driven evolutionary pressure. If all the biggest fish are getting caught and killed, won’t that give smaller fish an evolutionary advantage?


For sure. That’s probably just a +1 on to the factors you already listed.


Maybe if we’re talking line fishing, but I’m pretty sure most commercial fishing is done with trawling nets, where everything above a certain size is caught.


Anyone under 36 wasn’t even eligible to vote the last time Palestine had parliamentary elections.

I’d be willing to wager that an unusually large portion of the population falls into that category as well. Anyone have any statistics about the demographics of Palestine? Oh, their annual census is out of date? You don’t say.


According to Betteridge’s law, the answer is “No.”

Enkers, (edited )

I see the dismissiveness as a reaction to the title clickbait/burying the lede. I get that this is how you have to do video titles on YouTube to get views, but a sentence or two about what the video’s actual premise is in the post body would have gone a long way to interest people who are, understandably IMO, a bit apathetic towards headlines like this.

Enkers, (edited )

That’s an interesting idea. Maybe I’m misunderstanding your comment or perhaps I just have a poor conception of genres, but, IMO, one of the defining features of dungeon crawlers which seperates them from rpgs is that they’re, for the most part, randomly generated. It pains me to say it because it seems rather absurd, but I feel like RPG is actually closer.

Edit: I just finished watching the video. xD


I share your frustration, but YouTube offers you a choice: use honest titles and suffer at the hands of the algorithm, or use clickbait and get access to a much wider audience.

If the creator needs to use clickbait in order to have the funding to produce higher quality videos, I find it hard to hold them personally responsible for the systemic issues of the platform.


A text-based adventure, perhaps? (:


My cup overfloweth with impractical and obscure yet mildly interesting tidbits. In any case, laws are made to be broken, so I think you’re all good. (:

The Canadian State Is Euthanizing Its Poor and Disabled (jacobin.com)

In 2022, Global News said the quiet part out loud: poverty is driving disabled Canadians to consider MAiD. Those “some” who are driven to assisted death because of poverty or an inability to access adequate care deserve to live with dignity and with the resources they need to live as they wish. They should never, ever feel...

Enkers, (edited )

It also includes a man whose application “hearing loss,” and whose brother says he was “basically put to death.”

My grandmother was a painter and lost her vision. She was no longer able to do what she loved. In her last several years, every time we’d celebrate her birthday, she’d wonder why she was still alive. You can’t look at MAiD requests simply, because every person has unique reasons that keep them going. Some people can bounce back from severe loss, and some cannot, or choose not to.

While I agree with a lot of points the article is making, I think we need to be calling for more critical review of MAiD applications, and increased oversight, not an outright reversal of the program. Those whom are applying due to lack of social safety nets need to be denied, and, most importantly, helped to find the resources required for them to be able to live a dignified and meaningful life if they so wish.


It was quite a long time ago, so the pain has long since faded, but thank you for the kind words. (:

And to the rest of your comment, I 100% agree.

I also think this is an important discussion that Canadians need to be having.


I’m so hyped for 2.0, all these changes look amazing!


I’m surprised it wasn’t on Truth Social, TBH.


I read the article, and still have no clue what “content abandonment losses” are. Did they basically predict FFVII part 2 to sell as well as part 1, and then it didn’t?

Seems weird to call your forecasting error a “loss” if that’s the case.


Oh, okay, so it was they who abandoned the content, not the users. That makes a lot more sense. Thanks!


Yeah, I was trying to reconcile that too, which is why I asked. Seem like it was other projects that were fully canceled, not the biggest of the big.

Mexico is heading towards its most violent election ever, with 30 candidates murdered, 77 threatened and 11 kidnapped (english.elpais.com)

More than 170 attacks have been committed against politicians in the lead-up to the June elections. This violence has put campaigns under tension and is sowing doubts about governability in several regions. Specialists warn that the line between the Mexican state and organized crime is increasingly blurred...


Yes, because that’s historically worked out super well.

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