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Biden says the next president may get to name two Supreme Court justices (www.npr.org)

LOS ANGELES – President Biden on Saturday night said he expects the winner of this year’s presidential election will likely have the chance to fill two vacancies on the Supreme Court – a decision he warned would be “one of the scariest parts” if his Republican opponent, former President Donald Trump, is successful in...


Threat of impeachment. Dems will vote for impeachment. Republicans will, too, if the president is a Democrat.


We* should be free to own as many guns as we want.

*You know.

Hamas leader said civilian death toll could benefit militant group in Gaza war (www.cnn.com)

The military leader of Hamas has said he believes he has gained the upper hand over Israel and that the spiralling civilian death toll in Gaza would work in the militant group’s favor, according to a report by the Wall Street Journal, citing leaked messages the newspaper said it had seen....


I mean yeah, but… No?

Their stories are different. It’s like saying that three fan fics by three different authors that use a select few “same characters” actually have the same characters… When they behave in ways that are incompatable with the other fan fics.

That’s kinda the problem. That and geography. They all think the same patch of land is super important. And the land around that is important, too.

This is one of the ways that those "same characters (gods) " were incompatible.

When you back away from it all, it’s the God of Abram/Abraham. But the details matter to adherents. And the details are quite different.

The us and them created by those stories is essential to understanding this. And the land grabs. And the killings. And the rationale.


Congress shall”… I wonder if that’s part of his thinking.


He has to be part of an opinion in order for this to work. That opinion stands the test of time best if he can put forth a legal opinion that supports his preferred answer.


legally carry a gun

Watch states try to find ways to allow him within their borders.

Several PA House Republicans boo officers who defended Capitol on Jan. 6 | Harry Dunn and Aquilino Gonell were invited to PA’s House of Representatives — but several GOP lawmakers booed and walked out (wapo.st)

“I heard some hissing and I saw about eight to 10 of my Republican colleagues walk out angrily as they were announced as police officers from the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6,” state Rep. Arvind Venkat (D) said in a phone interview Thursday. “I was shocked and appalled,” he added. According to Venkat, the commotion lasted...


Law and order never meant what many heard.

Law and order keeps people in their place. It’s an argument for an old status quo.

It never meant following or enforcing the laws. It’s privilege saying it doesn’t want to budge.


Republicans honor sacrifice by making sure it’s big. They’ll send you to war and complain about VA costs.


The SCOTUS is consistently demonstrating that they are political actors and illegitimate as jurists.

We should pack the court with ethical peoe until the corruption is under 10%. If that means 20 jurists… So be it.

I’ve had enough and now stare decisis can’t be defended. Not when corruption is making decisions AND overriding previous well decided decisions.


Dunno why the down votes. Looks like you’re giving fucks in all the right places.

DNC needs to stop making the election process a game they play. The primary (and having a real one) matters.

At least super delegates are less of a thing now.

Edit: on -> in


Criticism makes people fear a bad election result. Reflexive defense or down votes happen. He’ll, I’ve reflexively cautioned against not voting.

We’re somewhere that doesn’t keep global score. It’s nice when people agree with upvotes, but truth is truth.

And I’ll vote Biden because much as I despise some of the recent acts… Things could be much worse.

I have kids. They deserve democracy. I don’t have the privilege of pretending I give no fucks or I can burn it all down in protest. My fucks just aren’t always perfectly aligned with the DNC.

They almost always align with the Bern tho.

Shrug. The Good Place got it right. No getting out of this place pure.


Gotta have that third temple.


I grew weary if anti-genocide protests being framed as pro-palestinian.

Neither side is entirely free of bloodshed. It’s about stopping the bloodshed which means, I’d think, reducing the us vs them, not entrenching it.

Does anyone know how that framing became so consistent? Not in a speculative way, but with evidence?


It’s a very, “your move, Europe,” kind of thing.

“We can make it worse.”


It would be legal. And viable.

And it’s how he envisions solving the problem of a viable contender.


No. He’s a political candidate. What we’re hoping for is a speedy denial of an appeal. But he’ll slow play that part as much as he can, too.

All this wait-until-the-campaign-year BS is just BS. Prosecute when you have sufficient proof. I can’t believe it all happened to land this year on accident.

And, no, I am very definitely Not defending Trump. I’m upset they didn’t do this shit last year. Or the year before.


I dunno that Bibi was confused. He had an opportunity, he needed something to change politics, and now we’re here. He’s not omnipotent within Israel, but clearly enough Israelis are okay with this.

Biden is dramatically out of touch with voters on Gaza. He may lose because of it | Moira Donegan (www.theguardian.com)

Many voters believe, with good reason, that none of this would have happened without Biden’s assent. Biden has continued to speak of Israel’s attack on Palestinian civilians using the absurd language of “self-defense”. He has insulted Jewish Americans and the memory of the Holocaust by invoking them to justify the...


Cascadia is not happening in either of our lifetimes. If ever.


I’ve thought for some time, darkly. The end of this is:

  • Glass
  • Only one group with a historical claim to the land survives

I think they’re trying to not so subtly get the second one. And that’s genocide.


Oh. I get it.

He’s pregnant.


I mean, we had a phenomenal ratio for 9/11 and Iraqi Freedom & Afghanistan.


Yeah… That’s how I read your post, but I paused and decided I wasn’t sure and I’d zig a little.

I mean… That is a lot of missed periods. I’d expect a baby or a medical condition, too.


But we have to wait until it’s almost or actually too late.


With all of this out and in the open, Trump is polling well ahead of Biden in some battleground states.

I think that confirms it.

They Used to Say Arabs Can’t Have Democracy Because It’d Be Bad for Israel. Now the U.S. Can’t Have It Either. (theintercept.com)

A serious red line has been crossed: America’s democratic freedoms, expansive on paper, will simply not tolerate serious dissent on the U.S.–Israel relationship. As criticisms of Israel have become more mainstream, the attempt to shut them down entirely has become more extreme....


It’s still a republic with democratic features.

Those features involve lots of money.


Give them time. They have baggage and jumping too soon could be problematic.

Good pic choice for your reply.


I miss the days of Dark Brandon being viable.


I’m 50. I’ve been a Bernie supporter for I don’t know how long.

He’s the only one consistently making sense.


Well then you have power when the SHTF.

And many right learners expect that any day now.


An 8 minute old account has replied 4 times, all slightly provocative pro-trump stuff.

Often fight-picking.

You could be better than this.


I think they’re pro-delegitimizing. After that… I’m curious too.


Rhetoric aside, we are a republic with democratic features.

The republic parts help them hold disproportionate power. And, to their credit, they know the power of words.

I don’t usually see the same discipline among Democrats. Maybe I’m missing it, but I’d love to see it.


If cable didn’t kill the Fairness Doctrine, the internet would have, I think.


If Europe can’t get this right, let Putin have Europe.

I’m kinda tired of Europe acting like this is something the US is for and why they keep us around.

While they pay for oil and gas from Russia.

Israeli Weapon Damaged Iranian Air Defenses Without Being Detected, Officials Say (www.nytimes.com)

“The two Iranian officials said the weapon had struck an S-300 antiaircraft system at a military base in the nearby province of Isfahan. The officials’ account is supported by satellite imagery analyzed by The New York Times, which showed damage to the radar of an S-300 system at the Eighth Shekari Air Base in Isfahan.”...


If we ever nuke China or Russia, do you think we’re worried about the airspace we’re using?

I get it as a principled point, but I think you’re missing what’s happening here. And deniability and/or inability to knock the missile down… It flies.


I suspect Netanyahu wants a Trump presidency. I don’t expect him to do Biden any favors - quite the opposite, really.


What is it? I don’t see anything other than an upside down elephant.


I’d like to vote Bernie in the general. I’d like it better about 8 years ago.

He’s 8 years older than he was then. I think that’s part of why he doesn’t run. He wants the younger generation to take it up.

I really hope they do. The current set of democrats risk allowing the Republicans to get a solid foothold across demos that, normally, wouldn’t be as split.

Aid ‘still not reaching Gaza’, as top US official warns famine has started (www.theguardian.com)

However, truck owners involved in the food deliveries, mostly Egyptian hauliers, are reluctant to let their vehicles be used inside Gaza for fear of them bombed or ransacked by starving Gazans. There is also a shortage of willing drivers after repeated incidents of aid trucks coming under fire, of which the WCK bombing has been...


I can’t speak for others.

For me: Because it is defeatist.

It’s fine to feel that way, but wet towelling calls to action… It’s clearly unhelpful.

APassenger, (edited )

Well… posting yet another article about Biden not being good enough (and we have peoe who do it like it’s their job) isn’t helping.

It’s just not. It’s way single minded and not only is it not helping, it’s hurting.

We have options. You have options. Complaining…? On lemmy??!? No. That’s not changing Biden’s mind. Its reaching all 100 people who see these things.

And it’s not our job to tell people with the maturity dwarfed by juveniles how the system works.

This is not organizing. This is just draining and wasting energy. Use your energy for communication. Whinging like all that we see here? Isn’t effective communication.

But articles are what we must post. Not get out the vote, not how to move things left… We post click bait anger inducing, energy draining things.

We need something different.


How many articles stating the same thing will we need to push so you feel casually informed?

Where are the articles and links to what’s being done to change things in a way that still ensures we don’t slip into Trump ville?

Because those are Not being posted.

I want the country to move basically about to where Sanders is. But I don’t see any of that in these articles.

I’ll note that one of the left-most Congress people, Sanders, is clear we should vote Biden in the general, despite his failings.


No. The people who have all that grievance and time… They can do that as a show that they’re trying to be part of the solution.

Or… They can keep actively working to suppress voter turn out or enthusiasm for other genuinely good candidates. Because all they’re pushing is negative press.


I’m doing one better than them: providing a positive step/solution towards improvement.

What’s the point of being in a community when it’s always a couple people screaming their discontent? They’re getting down voted beyond 0 often, yet they persist?

It means the community has spoken and maybe it’s time for someone to step in. If posters can’t not just neg all over a community, someone should step in.

It looks odd that no one has.


I agree. If they have this much anger about it, I’d think they’d do something.

As humans, I think, we evolved feelings and emotions because they inform what we do. Ideally. If we sit in the feeling, we’re not gaining value. Some feelings (like grief)… there’s less a person can do.

But anger, frustration, love, sympathy, all these things, I’d think, are best when they lead us somewhere. Especially if it’s productive (which requires other brain systems).

We can do better.

There’s no community to create for people who wish people who need a community had one.


People are allowed to express their discontent

Generalizing your statement a bit and hoping that’s okay. Because I agree generally and specifically.

They are allowed. And I am. And you are. Now we’re both hypocrites.

We all disapprove. My point isn’t that they shouldn’t have the opinion, it’s that it seems like they’re stopping there.

And by pushing the same incomplete typically negative narrative, it’s not helping. It’s wallowing. It’s feeling as an endpoint.

There is no community to create for people who want to see people who need a community create one.

There is a place for saying, “okay, cool. What now?”

So far, it’s mostly complaint. No call to action. It’s as if the feeling is the point. And that seems odd.

The main call to action has been to not vote for Biden. There has been that one.

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