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Lemmy is a failed Reddit alternative

I first joined Lemmy back during the big Reddit exodus of last year. I like many others wanted an alternative to Reddit, and I thought that this might’ve been the one. I made two accounts, one on and another on, in the June of last year that I used on and off for about 4 months....


This sums up my love for the Fediverse.


This is actually nuts. I watched a video breakdown of this blog post and my jaw was on the floor. Super interesting stuff.


De-googling and privacy on Sony xperia

I have been considering replacing my nearly 7 year old iPhone (although very reluctant) and I was checking for options. Really the only phone that caught my eye was the Sony xperia 1 V, but I found no information about how to degoogle and lock down the device. I really like the features and the built in camera apps, etc. Is...


The only functionality I’ve lost after migrating to a Pixel with GrapheneOS is the Android Device Policy (aka Work Profiles, the spyware your employer requires to use certain work apps)

Good riddance if you ask me lol


That’s what the Google Play Sandbox is for.


It just doesn’t allow you to use the Android Device Policy work profile which makes it so you can’t log into Slack for work (for example) if it depends on the work policy spyware being active on your phone.

I get that for some people that’s a non-starter but for me who vehemently supports and exercises my Right To Disconnect, not having spyware on my phone for work is a good riddance.


All I know is that its a feature of GrapheneOS, and is the main reason why I switched over to it.


Heart Machine rules. Hyper Light Drifter is my absolute favourite game. Would love to see them expand on HLD but I’m also looking forward to these new endeavours.


This is just even more justification to use alternatives. If a mass migration to alternatives occurs, those apps will flourish and more dev time can be arranged via new devs interested in volunteering or outright being employed to meet demand.

Adobe is only so big because of their userbase. Migrate that userbase to a less cancerous set of applications and the userbase stands to benefit greatly.


We’ll agree to disagree I suppose. The alternatives don’t necessarily have to be FOSS either. A perfect example of a viable alternative to a predatory “industry standard” exists in the audio production world; REAPER.

When I was in College, Pro Tools was the required software. Pro Tools at the time was a walled garden ecosystem, trapping anyone who sunk their hard earned cash into an environment rife with anti-consumer practices, hardware brand restrictions and invasive DRM.

It cost me over $600 CAD at the time for a bundle containing a feature-limited copy of Pro Tools and a Digidesign MBox.

Meanwhile, REAPER’s noncommercial license was $60. That $60 got you a full featured copy of the DAW with support for the next two full version upgrades (which turned out to be nearly a decade of updates). You could also use any hardware interfaces you desired without restriction.

REAPER also has a free trial that is full-featured. No restrictions at all, even the trial length is unlimited. Why? Because they respect the consumer and trust that if you find value in the software you’ll support their work by paying for a copy. That purchase is one of the best I’ve ever made.

In my experience, REAPER was equally as capable as Pro Tools or any other DAW on the market at the time. As of now I’d wager it’s the superior product.

A world where consumers are respected currently exists, its just not in the hands of the corporate world. The best way to make a better future for everyone in the software world is to not put up with anti-consumer practices and engage with companies and developers that respect our time and hard earned cash instead of treating us like cattle.



Fax is not secure, never has been and most businesses are using e-fax which is email with extra steps.

This particular dinosaur actually deserves to be Chicxulub’ed.

Please for the love of god abandon fax. I’m tired of troubleshooting it.


Very likely lol I’ll whoosh myself on that one haha

New FPS Built Using Doom Tech Is Better Than Most AAA Shooters (

Things aren’t looking good for me. I’m a few levels into Selaco, a new FPS out now on Steam, and I’m stuck behind a bar as a group of sci-fi soldiers unload their rifles and shotguns into my hiding spot. I’m also low on health. So yeah, a bad spot to be in. I take a deep breath and try something....


Hyper Light Drifter is absolutely stunning and its a 2D pixel art game with amazing lighting.


Dense games tend to provide strong rewards for your time. I think its always worth it to tackle a a game like this. EVE Online was one of those games for me back in the day. Dwarf Fortress and Caves of Qud are more recent challenges for me. I’m definitely getting this game soon.


Qud is amazing. I also found Cogmind to be an absolute blast as well. Love these kinds of games.


Signed it! Seems to be just over 4k signatures at the moment. Let’s pump those numbers up!


I’d say that in my experience, retro games or games with a retro design philosophy tend to be more enjoyable and replayable. The nostalgia helps with that, but I think a big part of it is never having to tinker with graphics settings or anything technical. You just boot it up and play.

I’d personally consider anything older than 2005 to be a retro game (or at least retro-adjacent) in my library. It feels like around that time there was a major shift in how games were made; some really benefiting from the new design philosophies but many falling very short of their hype and ultimate goals.

For me the biggest problem with modern games is the obsession with high fidelity graphics. The dev teams that create games without a focus on photo-realism or jaw dropping visuals are often the teams creating the best games in my eyes. See Heart Machine, ConcernedApe, Polytron, Ludeon Studios, Maddy Makes Games, etc…

Don’t get me wrong, there’s plenty of good modern games. The retro design philosophy just resonates much stronger with me when I just wanna sit down and enjoy something. Shoutout to Maxis for making SimCity 4, that game is sucking up the hours lately. lol


See Hyper Light Drifter for a retro-style game with an unbelievably deep soundtrack. Fez also has an amazing soundtrack. Both are nods to chiptune but with incredibly modern production techniques.


Sex With Hitler was all I needed to see to know GabeN no longer gave a fuck lol


It will definitely creep them out and they can never find out about it.

And that’s all that’s required for it to be considered wrong IMO.


How anyone could think that going so far as to invoke thoughtcrime is relevant in this discussion is beyond me. It should be self evident to anyone that fantasies are a thing. They’ve been a thing for the entire history of the human race. In no way do fantasies compare to creating reproducible and sharable media of someone in a pornographic situation without their consent.

You can’t transplant your fantasies into someone else’s head. Your fantasies literally cannot hurt anyone. On the other hand, imagine if you found out that someone was distributing pornographic material depicting one of your loved ones. It can quite literally ruin someone’s reputation to be seen in a pornographic situation.

Your argument is some slippery slope fallacy shit.


I bought this game immediately after watching this video. The game is excellent!!


He’s “Discount Dinklage” at best.


Not all welding lenses are equal! The ones I got for the last eclipse were absolutely unsafe for viewing with. Test before you buy! The sun should be dark through the lens. If its even remotely bright you’re gonna have a bad time.


Nobody forced this guy to be a soulless capitalist. He chose his career path. Oh woe is you, Phil. Must be so hard for you. /s

Secret RCMP report warns Canadians may revolt once they realize how broke they are (

Reading things like this makes it make sense as to why the government is putting big efforts into reducing legal gun ownership (and the type of guns targeted, ex. 50 cal rifles) instead of going after criminals and makes sense of things like the Online Harms Bill… The elites are trying to prevent a repeat of 1789 France or...


Why does it need a remake? The original is beyond excellent. This remake culture annoys me. No one wants a remake of a Picasso or a Jackson Pollock, right? The originals are why they are desired. I wish we’d get used to leaving well enough alone. I’d never spend money on a remake of KOTOR because I still own the OG game on multiple platforms and love it.


Dude, imagine you buy a brand new car for a 5 person family and then as you arrive to drive it off the lot you find out its only got the two front seats… Launches like this are completely unacceptable.


If instead of signs we limited the comfortable speed of our roads by narrowing them and placing more physical obstructions like chicanes and trees very close to the roadside it would naturally slow people down.

If you drive on a narrow road with a lot of roadside objects you naturally slow down as the risk feels higher and the sense of speed is increased.

If we keep building roads that look like airport runways and drag strips, we can expect this issue to persist.


This game is actually sick! I torrented it years ago and loved it so much that I bought it. Simple, yet challenging gameplay that’s big on spectacular vehicular destruction. Satisfying is a good word to describe this game.


Superflight is fun. Simple wingsuit flying game. Mini Metro is great. So is Fez!

Celebrity contractor Mike Holmes 'approved' this development. Now some of its homes have been demolished (

In its ongoing investigation of Terrace Wood, a housing development endorsed by Mike Holmes, CBC recently learned that consumer watchdog Tarion condemned three of the houses. CBC also uncovered documents showing Mike Holmes not only promoted the project, but also a company he's associated with loaned money to the builder.


I saw this coming from a mile away. “Holmes Approved Homes” always gave me real Better Business Bureau vibes.

I had a feeling Holmes was full of shit. Once you see someone’s name or brand plastered all over the place you can almost guarantee they’re doing shady shit.


This guys a whiny ass wannabe victim bitch. Small pp syndrome. Hope he gets his ass handed to him.


If i’m not sim racing, its BattleBit, Noita or Baldur’s Gate. Lots of fun!@


Making a game not for money but for nazis would be a really effective way of endearing yourself to the nazis though.


2060 user here as well. Could use a bit of an upgrade, but not much.


If you ask me, you seem to be looking for a fight here.


Thanks! Lucky for sure! Turning my back on ramp and then getting shot as I retreated should have been the end of it. Then lucky again when the AWP in mini missed his shot and missed me again on the re-peek and then once more as I came out of the smoke with my pistol.


This is amazing. The sim rally community is so cool.


Did they manage to fix split screen coop yet? I wanna play with my wife but its so broken its unplayable on PC


Hyper Light Drifter or Fez for modern games. Pokémon Red for OG GameBoy for retro. :D


If ADS and big maps is what you want then you want a fundamentally different game. Just play something else.


EVE is sick, CCP is awesome and Dust 514 was pretty cool. Based on CCP’s comments about Dust it seems like they really understand why it failed which is great. If they can create something on a slightly smaller scale with some really good mechanics I think it would be a hit. I was kinda hoping they’d go for something like CS/Valorant as I could see that meshing well with shipboard combat settings. Sounds like that’s not the case but I’m sure this will be great.

Imagine that though… Small maps set inside capital ships as the setting and named as such. Fast paced combat à la Valorant… Would be cool.


Fucking finally! Jesus christ that was a hot mess for way too long.

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