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Starcraft 2 has the best control scheme out of all the RTS games that I have played. I wish Age of Empires 2 could put the map on the left, then I would be way better at using it.

Fog of war

Just play Terran and scan, hurr durrrrrrr. Interestingly, AoE2 has a game option of letting everyone see each other by default.

Electric Aviation is already better than you think - Volts with David Roberts (

Electric vehicles that can take off and land vertically, but then fly like a plane, are already being sold and used by hospitals and shipping companies. These vehicles have 5 batteries that give it a range of over 350 miles using current battery technology, though the batteries are intended to be swapped over the life of the...


Flying a VTOL aircraft seems out of reach for me as most are either helicopters or military, but an EVTOL seems like something that could be in reach for me within my lifetime.

Accused adulterer Trump who paid to keep Stormy Daniels affair secret professes ‘love’ for the Ten Commandments (



Trrra… Tut tut! Tut! Trrra… tatatut!


No one person/company/entity can know everything about me.

Well, they could, but the price would be high and I suppose I’d end up dating someone who went through that level of effort to know me anyway. :P


Did you post the correct link? Body of the article doesn’t seem to match the posted headline.


Looks good


Officer Douglas, we’ve recovered 2000kg of the gold stolen last year!

Good job, Detective Webster. How did you locate that 1900kg of gold?


Because we like big chicken breasts and we cannot lie.

(Male chickens of egg-laying breeds don’t have as much meat, and also the males left together often compete and can try to kill each other. You’d want around a dozen hens per rooster, compared to roughly 1:1 that would come out naturally with eggs, and have enough space for each to call their own).


3DS with broken off top screen ❌️

1DS ❌️

Newly minted Gameboy Super Advance ✅️


Depending on how extensive the official modding toolchain is, this will truly cement BG3 as a timeless game of this generation.


This type of commentor probably doesn’t pick up a piece of trash from their bedroom floor because it doesn’t completely clean the whole room in one go.


Around Nanaimo, Victoria and the Vancouver Islands seems like the perfect spot for being the first places to replace shorthaul fossil-fuel-based flights and small ferries with electric planes.

I expect it to grow from there.


Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver I could see a congestion charge working. (Vancouver already has TransLink parking fees and other things).

The TTC or GO needs to run frequent orbital bus routes in dedicated lanes around the 401, DVP, Gardiner, and 427 ring (connecting Oriole GO/Leslie, Science Centre, Castle Frank, Union, Long Branch GO, Kipling GO, Etobicoke North GO, Yorkdale) ASAP to cover these perennially congested routes. Maybe a second ring for 407, 404, 401, 400.

Ottawa, Calgary, Québec and other cities don’t have well enough developed transit to justify it, yet. Maybe once they finish their current planned projects.


That’s right, a good campaign strategy I think would be to tout his accomplishments such as taking antitrust seriously, a major investment in public infrastructure and instituting a minimum corporate tax level, but under a veil of irony such as through a “Dark Brandon” character so that Democrat business interests don’t get upset.

Rentlar, (edited )

A 700km (39000 inches) long Penissee needs a whole lot of KY jelly.


It’s true that Steam is in a dominant market position so I do agree they should be kept in check. At the same time, their value-add is quite reasonable, so I wonder what the “correct” charge is for the service they provide. Or perhaps some system they need to make more open to competition like Steamworks or the Workshop?


Private companies can have shares and shareholders too, fyi. They just aren’t traded on a public market and aren’t beholden to a public mandate of profit or share growth above all else.


So long as Valve remains private, the experience getting shittier in the name of more profits is a pressure that faces Valve but not necessarily an inevitably.

If Valve breaks the trust they have built in ways that Google and Microsoft have and continue to do, of course I will stop using them where feasible. Assurances mean nothing, I will respond to action with action of my own. Support more games for Linux, I will buy more of their games. Support bad practices like kernel-level anticheat, launchers in launchers in launchers, PSN, I will buy fewer of those games. I have an account with GOG (I have spent a little bit of money, I would more it Galaxy was available for Linux), Epic (I have spent $0 there because of Tim Sweeney’s aversion to Linux) and (has a Linux client). I can move platforms if Steam has a sudden change of heart tomorrow and becomes hellbent on screwing customers over.

I think that there is regulation to be had re: the ownership of games or minimum availability of service for what is paid on both the seller and consumer side. But “I’m paying too much for games because of Valve’s monopoly” wasn’t really on my radar of things that Valve is doing wrong.


I had made a reply for this user here: but I guess he wanted to give me a copy paste reply for a reply I was giving to someone else…

The comment can be boiled down to: Everyone is sucking up to Valve like usual, they could just as easily become evil like Google did, despite their old motto and everyone in tech loving them in the past. Being private is the one thing keeping Valve from enshittifying themselves so they are just as bad as any company.

[B.C.] Canada's first commercial electric flight to make history June 14 (

On June 14, Sealand’s Pipistrel Velis Electro will take flight for an introductory flight lesson. It will be the first time a person can purchase a commercial flight on an electric aircraft in Canada. The student will be allowed to operate the aircraft under the guidance of the flight instructor....


Vancouver to and from the nearby islands seems like an ideal use-case for all-electric aircraft.

Warning to Trump’s new pals on Wall Street (

Republican donors – including those who had said they’d never support Trump again after Jan. 6 — believe the current regulatory climate for businesses is also an existential danger. Kathy Wylde, president and CEO of the Partnership for New York City — a nonprofit organization representing the city’s top business...


Businesses supporting a convicted business fraudster, no less…


I’m sure Samuel Alito’s wife is an expert ventriloquist who is saying these things in a very convincing impression of her husband.


The news to me is that Tony Soprano got a new gig as a truck driver.

I mean this is what ya voted for, people who wanted Brexit. To keep the foreigners that bring food and stuff to your table out.


Is it because the ideas of what a liberal and conservative is have shifted way to the right on the political spectrum in the last 25 years?


Setting for an infinite set of sequels…

Age of Mythology: Granny tells this same damn story again Part 3


I’ve been playing Civ 6, with and without the mods. Custom Leaders and many combinations of mods tend to make the game desync after 100 turns on quick speed, but I enjoy it.

I’ve enjoyed civ 5 too but just haven’t played as much I guess. The DLC being so numerous, my rating of Civ 6 against 5 would depend on which “edition” you have. It bugs me that it doesn’t show which civs you didn’t own don’t appear until after you select them in the menu.


Sigh… sucks that right wing populism is still gaining steam despite it not being actually helpful for themselves or their country.


Has native Linux support, but if you are playing with friends or other online multiplayer I would recommend the proton version as sometimes updates lag behind.


Houston has a couple tram lines and a handful of bus lines. And a lot of traffic. And an Amtrak station nestled in a hidden spot at the intersection of 2 major interstates.

But yes, I also wonder where are the “suggestions” from Texas officials for oil and chemical plants to try polluting less for a bit?

Biden Administration Tightens Mileage Standards to Buoy E.V.s | The new rule requires automakers to achieve an average of 65 miles per gallon across all models by 2031. (

The new standards require American automakers to increase fuel economy so that, across their product lines, their passenger vehicles would average 65 miles per gallon by 2031, up from 48.7 miles today. The average mileage for light trucks, including pickup trucks and sport utility vehicles, would have to reach 45 miles per...


We (Canadians) use L/100km more often.

A hybrid sedan might get 3 to 4 L/100km in ideal Canadian conditions using a lot more of the battery, closer to 5 in winter.

Your normal sedan ranges from 5 to 8. (40MPG = 7 L/100km)

An SUV ranges from 8 to 13. (25MPG = 10.9L/100km)

A pick up truck will be from 9 to 16 L/100km. (20MPG = 13.9L/100km)


It’s the GUI software manager, I think the LM developers should get a pass at curating selections for users who wouldn’t know any better.

I personally think they can make it a total non-issue if they put in “some unverified results hidden, see settings to change”.


Here are the Call of Duty series games that are on Steam:

  • Call of Duty
  • Call of Duty 2
  • Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
  • Call of Duty - Modern Warfare 2 (the older one)
  • Call of Duty - World At War
  • Call of Duty - Black Ops (and notably, there is a separate game ID for the macOS Edition)
  • Call of Duty - Black Ops II
  • Call of Duty - Black Ops III (which has very good Steam Workshop Support!)
  • Call of Duty - Black Ops Cold War
  • Call of Duty: Modern Warfare (the newer one)
  • Call of Duty - WWII
  • Call of Duty - Vanguard
  • Call of Duty - Modern Warfare Remastered
  • Call of Duty - Advanced Warfare - Gold Edition
  • Call of Duty - Ghosts
  • Call of Duty - Infinite Warfare
  • Call of Duty - Modern Warfare II, Modern Warfare III (both the newer ones), and Warzone

Classic “our model doesn’t work anymore for some reason”. How about instead of pay we try to “modernize” it with [insert buzzword]?


Believe me👐, the best campaign managers have told me, everybody’s saying it👆, they’re, saying, “Donald, drop out of the race”. 🖐That would be an absolutely beautiful election move. 🤚Just terrific. 👋It’s true! ✊️Nobody could drop out of a race better than I could☝️


I know somebody has to come out to play devil’s advocate at every turn. Yes the sentence could be a nothingburger. Yes he will appeal no matter what.

At the very least, I can now call him convicted felon Trump. Justice has prevailed at least in this part.


Yes. But other than oil & banking executives, who would do illegal stuff in a heartbeat if they could make money and get away with it, and crazies like Musk and the MyPillow guy, how many business-minded people would want someone convicted business fraud to lead a good economic environment for business?


The full jury instructions are up verbatim on the New York Courts website for the People v Donald J. Trump (Criminal) case.…/People v. DJT Jury Instructions an…

If you are one of the people believing stupid rightwing misinformation over reading the actual document, I don’t know what to tell you.


The HF should just call it “we want LGBTQ+ people to go back into hiding” day and get over itself.


Surprised how many others are gravitated toward iceWM as I am… though I daily drive MATE

Seems perfect for a functional desktop with minimal idle CPU usage. It had come to my mind again as a perfect pair for the open source e-ink display.


Uh so I suppose the Israel is tragically accidenting its way through Rafah then?

The USA is probably wanting Israel to see the tragic accident campaign in Gaza to completion.


I had saved this thread! Woo hoo! Glad you pulled through with your promise.

I hate leaf blowers with the passion of 1000 suns.

Everywhere I am there is a guy running a leaf blower. At my house, leaf blowers everywhere all day long. At work, of course, leaf blowers blowing dirt and allergens into the air. It’s such a special noise, it goes through walls and headphones so effectively. They are the most pervasive, annoying things on the planet. I hate...


I hate suns with the passion of 1000 leaf blowers.

Sorry, I just had to.


People in Hamas leadership positions like Ghazi Hamad from this article, who can talk a big talk from the safety of outside Palestine and ignore their people’s suffering.

I don’t give a rats’ ass about Israel’s lies and deception calling everyone and anyone that disagrees with their genocidal tactics as a Hamas sympathizer. Yeah and I’m of the stance that Israeli has had no business being in there for months and are actively commiting genocide, killing a massive excess of civilians and disrupting humanitarian aid.

But make no mistake, just like there are hardcore religious evangelicals in the US there are emboldened religious warmongerers in Palestine who are equally blind to Palestinian suffering for a higher cause as the Israeli extremist government is.


You wanted names of someone spouting violent rhetoric on the Palestinian side, I gave you one. Has nothing to do with UNWRA, World Kitchen, MSF or journalists. All reasons and justification are set aside.

Many did protest the disproportionate response to 9/11, and Americans still face many repercussions today in the privacy of their daily lives.

I agree with you on what you’re saying. In my eyes the Israeli military’s actions are very, very far from justifiable at this point in time. I’ll remind you that it has been 8 months from when I wrote the original comment in October, before the WCK event in April, UNRWA defunding in January and several bombings of refugee camps between November and May. I don’t see a reason to continue to have an argument over this.

Rentlar, (edited )

I did not ask for that at all.

Who, specifically, in Hamas leadership is a monster? Name some names.

I apologize if I interpreted this question from you incorrectly. I’d tried to respond in good faith to you in this months old thread, but after 3 argumentative replies my patience has run thin. Have a good day.

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