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He’s a living, breathing piece of shit. A real medical marvel if you ask me. He deserves to be called every single slur in the book.


No, just the millions that voted for him AND the millions that didn’t even bother to vote.


Fuck Trump and everything but isn’t this going on like every day with nearly every elected official?


Possibly it was due to the operation but the remedy was clear and she still had to wait. The longer the wait the greater the risk and the outcome likely would’ve been better if this was handled immediately. The point is that the law ignores medical best practices in the name of “saving lives” which, in a case like this, is no less than a form of torture for the hopeful parents.


If your company is worth it’s salt you can get paid leave for adopting.


They need to finally lock down this judge shopping crap. The district handling the case should be the same district the defendant resides in. Otherwise plaintiffs will just refile over and over until they get the judge they want.


Takes WAAAAAAAAAY too long to get to the fucking point. Up until this quote it almost sounds like an article from The Onion:

according to Peter Romer-Friedman, the couple’s lawyer, the EEOC discovered that the city would provide IVF benefits to couples using a surrogate—as long as it wasn’t a gay male couple.

So the couple sounds willing to pay out of pocket to support a surrogate but they’re only asking to get help with IVF itself.


This part?

This coverage extends to couples that plan to use donor eggs.

Still a bit vague. I’m sure a conservative somewhere is going to say a gay man wanted an ovum implanted in his butt.


Consistent on the topic of abortion. One second after birth those lives aren’t quite so precious anymore.


It does sound like a clear cut car case of burglary but until there’s a conviction I think this should be dealt with on a party level. The GOP has booted Democrats for way less. The bar for bipartisan expulsion should be high IMO – felony conviction or repeated rule violations and at least one suspension.


It’s maybe a little bloated and UI is 🤮 but it never lets me down. Since I started paying for RealDebrid I love it even more!


So just put every single penny you earn towards the debt? Easy peasy.


Take that shit to the other party. You’d fit right in Henry.


If they have an initiative process they really need to change the state name to Misery. They make me feel better about my state and I’m in Texas.


I can find an article from every month since Hamas attacked where he calls for a ceasefire, investigation into atrocities, or an end to Israeli funding.


Yeah, uh-huh. Let me know when he has a stroke. Anything short of that and the right won’t even acknowledge that it happened. Even then they’ll say it was a liberal conspiracy to poison him.


Running on my Acer Aspire netbook now. Definitely slower than any modern device but when I do CLI stuff I can barely tell. Biggest gripe is the lack of systemd. Not that I like systemd, but some tools don’t get on well without it.


But you didn’t break with him when it counted you jagoff.


Read the whole thing and holy shit this is scary and maddening.


Listening to his standup makes me feel like a giant idiot. Republicans have been the same party for decades, they’ve just tried less and less to sugarcoat their views.


So anything that can be spoken is legal? Death threats? Insider trading? Collusion? Conspiracy? Bribery? Stolen valor? Classified info? Voter info?


It was updated and still illegal but only if you make the statement with the intent to gain some tangible benefit. I actually wasn’t aware they would prosecute you for simply saying it, regardless of context.


90% of the bullshit mass emails at my work could be an RSS feed.


I’ve worked with all of them and hate all with a passion. SOAP wasn’t bad in theory but lots of APIs and clients didn’t implement it properly.

Poilievre won't commit to keeping new social programs like pharmacare (

Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre delivered a fiery speech Thursday that depicted the government’s latest budget as a threat to the country’s future, and suggested a number of new social programs will get a second look if he leads the next government....


Not enough people show up for primaries?


Yeah, like 3 months ago was the time (to make sure neither one got the nomination). Now is too late to do anything other than vote for a privileged white guy, way passed retirement, that doesn’t mind a little genocide (I feel this accurately describes both candidates).


Biden wasn’t any better of a candidate today than he was when getting the nomination 4 years ago.


Bidens replacement would probably be an improvement but Trumps wouldn’t. The real “head of the snake” lives in Russia.

Leaked Cables Show White House Opposes Palestinian Statehood (

Ahead of the United Nations Security Council action to consider the Palestinian Authority’s application to become a full member of the international body, the United States is lobbying nations to reject such membership, hoping to avoid an overt “veto” by Washington. The lobbying effort, revealed in copies of unclassified...


“Snatching defeat from the jaws of victory” for $500 Alex.


They keep calling it a “hush money” trial when it’d be much more accurate to call it a fraud trial. It’s not illegal, AFAIK, to pay someone not to say something as long as that thing itself isn’t an illegal act.


Sorry, wasn’t aware. 😳 Seemed more like an abbreviation for people too lazy to type transsexual or transgender.


Important bit:

Evers took language that originally applied the $325 increase for the 2023-24 and 2024-25 school years and instead vetoed the “20” and the hyphen to make the end date 2425, more than four centuries from now.

Okay, hats off for the creative use of a veto, but that’s a fucking stupid power for a governor to have.


I like Firehouse but there’s very few in my city.


So we don’t have free will? Whenever we sin that’s God forcing us to sin? That’s one malevolent God.


This needs to be a felony. Not leaving it in a bathroom seems like a pretty low bar. We give enough dumbasses guns. We shouldn’t let a lawfully designated dumbass keep one.


And a bill for voting only once… oh, but then that might end up putting Republicans and their family in jail. 😢


Eh, I get it in theory but voting should be an incentive to naturalization.


Besides, taxation without representation is unjust and was one of the bases for the American Revolution itself. Hard to argue against it.

In general I agree but if I fly into another country and buy something (paying sales tax) I don’t expect to be able to immediately vote in their elections. Waiting a few years to be able to vote (when the rest of us have to wait 18 years) seems reasonable. Not to mention foreign adversaries would jump at the chance to ship in thousands of loyalists and have a real influence on an election.

“We should make things hard and unjust so immigrants are pressured to become citizens,” is a pretty terrible argument, not to mention needlessly cruel.

Hard? If having a vote suddenly makes things easy I’ve been doing voting wrong my whole life. And the naturalization process is cruel, but let’s fix that. If you’re productive and have a clean record you shouldn’t have to wait more than a year.


At best they’ll make it a fixture of the election that Democrats don’t support legal elections. At worst universal voter ID, no more mail-in voting, and hassling the fuck out of anyone that doesn’t “look American” or have an anglicized name.


I think it’s actually hypocritical to not allow an incestuous marriage. Plaintiffs in Obergefell v. Hodges based most of their arguments on the idea that marriage is about love, not children. The argument against siblings or first cousins marrying is really because it’s a taboo. Yes, a straight couple could have a child with serious defects but lots of other, unrelated people, also have genes that would create a child with serious defects.


You can easily do both. Get a scanner to tally the results then pick like 1000 ballots (or some statistically significant number) to hand count. If the hand counted results are the same then you can be confident in the automatic count.

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