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What is this, a Butcher for ants? He should be at least three times as big!


I don’t know of any solution that would allow to scan entire pages, but here is a local tool to get LaTeX math from images via OCR


The future’s wasteland will be covered by bodies of web stalkers who were naive enough to get tricked by mid-2010s shitposts.

“Turns out they never used this to make their metal cutlery darker - who would have thought the ancients were so casually cruel?”

“After months of research we have concluded, that despite all their technical achievements, the ancients never figured out, what does the fox say”

“Today porf. Drobyshevsky is going to tell us about their newest work in XXI cent. anthropology - what is ‘streamer dent’ and why do we have such long heads 2300 years later?”

“Ass, coochie and the rich - dietary practices of homo sapiens in the age of over-production”


It had been known since the dawn of time, that every day of the week that starts with “T” is a pirate day. This makes Tuesday, Thursday and Today.


Please elaborate, I’ve been interested in this for awhile - what do you use/recommend for someone who’s new?

Dissapointed in Xbox Elite Series 2 Controller

Here is the story: I decided to buy a good and expensive controller for my PC for the first time, after 3 decades of using stock dualshocks and cheap knock-off brands. Googled “best controller for PC”, found a lot about elite series 2 controllers. Got excited about it (primarily the back-grip buttons and adjustable stick...


Gyro has been present in Sony controllers since Dualshock 3. All of the Nintendo controllers I ever used had it. Steam deck has it. I honestly assumed it is a standard feature.


Hey this one looks exactly like what I expected to get, thanks!


As someone who has built a career in building and maintaining digital services, a lot of what Carmen talks about rings very true to me, especially this part:

“The platforms make money based on the time we spend on them, and they don’t hesitate to use unethical, addictive resources, so how are you going to ask a 10-year-old or a 13-year-old to stop, if it’s even hard for us adults?”

I’ve struggled with social media and technology addiction myself, so in my mind, allowing a child a smartphone is akin to teaching them how to smoke - that is how toxic and generally “bad-for-your-health” modern internet is, I think.

At the same time, I am not (yet) a parent, so I really don’t know how am I going to be making such a decision when the time comes.


Back in 2011 I already felt that there should be some sort of easy-to-follow hygiene to maintain around mass media, especially internet. You know, like we hide our coughs and sneezes, maintain healthy distance around people, wash our hands, use slippers in communal pools. I should probably look up if someone smarter has already done the work.


I think this is a fun concept, I would definitely play something like this! I suspect it could be just as fun to build. Game like this could be extended in another direction: I always dreamed of a game that would let me cleverly sabotage a powerplant or delivery network to achieve some other goal, like a heist.


Y’all just have no idea how complicated the process is. In 2004 it was OK to just “ship a working game”, - in 2023 you have to include all of the software stacks you have partnering contracts with, deploy an entire cloud infrastructure to deliver updates and short purchases, design and launch automated targeted ads campaigns, pay union-busting lawyers, accommodate for all the “fun” senile execs want to put in the game, pay handsome compensation to these senile execs, pay more lawyers to bury workplace toxicity-related incidents. At the end of the day, you have to sustain the company somehow when 95% of your workforce goes on a sick leave after a 3-month-long crunch period. All of that takes money, time and effort. And y’all don’t get a lot of time in-between autumn release windows.

Hey, we’ve been at it for 20 years, and we have just managed two months of 16-hour workdays without anyone dying, it looks like it might be one of those projects we actually manage to ship - what an important internal milestone!

PS: I don’t actually work at Ubisoft, I love my life too much - this entire comment is a satire


Fascinating, as a developer, where can I read more/contribute?


Trying to get into Baldurs Gate 3. Never played the original games, never played D&D, and this is the first hardcore RPG of this sort I’ve played in awhile.

It is a bit of a struggle - the game is intimidatingly big and deep. I am also having troubles wrapping my head around the battle systems, and the random skill checks really don’t make much sense to me (am I expected to save scam in this game?)

But all that seems to be a question of habit. I went into the game for the joy of exploration and discovery, and I hope to lose myself in it very soon.

As a recovering video game addict, what is the best way to avoid 'the jitters' when exposed something that reminds you of gaming?

To preface, this post isn’t a bash on gaming. I’ve been gaming since I was 3 years old on the NES. It was (and still is) a part of my life. That said, while I turned out ok in the end, I would play games every free moment I had. I’ve spent thousands of hours in World of Warcraft during the TBC-WotLK era. My pattern would...


Are you sure you are addicted? I’m sorry, but to me it seems like you only have a problem with games that are deliberately designed to be addictive (WoW is basically a giant Skinner box, no wonder). In that case you would be just as susceptible to lots of things: like infinite-scrolling feeds on social networks, or recommendation algorithms on TikTok and YT.

Maybe if you find a way to filter out games that exploit your psyche for engagement, there will be a way to enjoy your very clearly beloved hobby in a healthy way?

Also, have you talked to a professional?

Most emotional moments in games? (SPOILERS)

Just for the heads up, this thread will probably have a lot of spoilers. I’m gonna try to go vague on spoilers for anybody that hasn’t played Hotline Miami 2. If you’ve played the game, you’ll probably know what I mean, but I’m going to say some purposefully esoteric shit to keep it out of full spoiler territory....


The big finale with cracks in the screen always gets me crying pearl-sized tears. Even when watching someone else play, just can’t help it.

Also, the scene at the lost escape pod in Dark Bramble. Also, the inside of the Interloper. So many hard-hitting moments in this game.


Me and my spouse are getting back into Elden Ring. Created a new character and chosen a build that’s enjoyable for both of us, so we sit on a couch, passing the controller back and forth, exploring, doing quests, reading lore and praising the Erdtree. Good Times!


The wretch, of course! Gonna respec into a mad dervish poet, wielding bloodhound’s fang and flames of frenzy once we clear the Academy.


I am going to recommend, perhaps, my favorite game of all time, Outer Wilds from the studio Mobius Games.

But please please promise to go in completely blind. Your awareness and knowledge of the world is the key mechanic, so almost any info not only spoils the mystery, but also robs you of literal measurable minutes in gameplay.

All I can say - it is a very touching first-person immersive stimulation game in space about, essentially, alien archeology. Expect wonder, discovery, some frights, have your mind completely blown every 10-20 minutes. It will probably make you cry a couple times as well.

It is one of those games when, after finishing it, you immediately get sad because you will never experience it again in the same way. So you start annoying everyone into playing it, just to enjoy discussing it and seeing someone else play.

And the DLC is equally awesome.


I am living my highschool dream by playing heavily modded TES IV: Oblivion on the go.

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