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Some humans really are monsters.


It may seem that way and perhaps it is accurate, but if women support bad men, are they any better? Lots of enablers of bad behaviour. I too “feel” it is mostly men though.

Immersive_Matthew, (edited )

Violent crimes yes I would agree. It is mostly men around the world who are committing them. If all men decided to not commit violent acts all at once, including refusing to join the army or participate in war, the world would be a better place instantly. Maybe that is where things will go as we start to alter our DNA as unfortunately evolution is way too slow and many of us are still behaving like wee are tribes in the jungle.

In terms of enabling, there is some phycology here. Not saying all violent crimes committed by men were solely enabled by women but there is a weird dynamic going on. Here is one example but there are many many studies on this matter and the overall trend is violence is attractive for some. Hence the enabling.…

I would caution broad stroke statements though aimed at men as the majority of men are not violent. It is a small percentage who cause most of the violence. When we look at their brains, we have noticed patterns in their formation and chemistry. Some of these exist in women to a much lesser degree as I recall reading in papers in the past. Perhaps it is these people we need to focus on helping as they are causing a lot of suffering for themselves and others.


I read a number of their comments and they do raise a number of valid points, but perhaps have inaccurately pinpointed the issue as men and testosterone versus some people’s brain development/chemistry. They are not entirely wrong, just a little off the mark which is making their words easy to dismiss for most. There is an oz of truth here. I am replying with some of the facts and studies on the matter as clearly they are passionate about the subject and wish to learn.


Yeah. Don’t break the law to make a point as you only put yourself at risk. Instead show else and vote with your dollar.


Honestly, I think we are entering an era where via a prompt you will be able to ask AI to make you any experience, show, game, book, VR, song etc etc. I say this as someone who is a VR developer and knows my days are numbered. So are Nintendo’s.


Sure…be mad at the developer, but also be mad at the fools paying $250 to win as the only reason it is offered, is because people are buying.


I wish this was true, but marketing is explosively effective. I have a top 10 VR app and it only gets sales when I market it despite the glowing reviews. Heck you cannot even sort by review on many sites as then you would not need to market if you title was great.


Tax dept is looking for money from everyone but the millionaires and billionaires who are hoarding most of it.


No need for such a service as you should just assume all credentials are leaked already and will continue to be. Act accordingly.

Embracer Group announces its intention to transform into three standalone publicly listed entities at Nasdaq Stockholm - Embracer Group (

INSIDE INFORMATION: The Board of Directors of Embracer Group AB (“Embracer Group”) today announces a transformative step for value creation through a separation of the group into three market-leading games and entertainment companies: Asmodee Group, “Coffee Stain & Friends”[1] and “Middle-earth Enterprises &...


Value creation is not about how your corporation is structured, but how you treat your passionate development team whose talent creates valued games.


Things to do in Edmonton. Jugs of vodka and Mind Bender. Oh wait. Just jugs of Vodka.


I believe this is way overblown and more just a distraction from the real issue. The government of Canada seems to be primarily concerned with real estate value and helping it achieve higher and higher values by ensuring not enough homes are available for all Canadians and immigrants. The high cost of real estate has many many downstream effects including putting people on edge. The media does a great job of blaming immigrants as why would they not…they are owned by the same people who only want to see their real estate increase in value forever. Canada is was built with immigrants entirely, less the first people who were massively marginalized in the process. Don’t buy this propaganda. Instead put pressure on your local representatives to better manage home supply.


Well “seems” because it is not like the government is going to say they are favouring the wealthy and “seems” as Canada really has not built the homes for the amount of immigrants. So the evidence is pretty clear. You must not live in Canada because if you did you would not need data, but there is plenty of you look, like the cost of rent and homes. Totally out of whack. Not just my opinion but the majority of Canadian’s less those investing in real estate of course.


There has been many similar plans over the past decade and look where we are? Buying into the propaganda. Just like the net zero emissions goals by some long off date. Feels good, and we can point to similar good news stories like the one you linked, but the pattern is pretty established yet we tend to fall for the hope every time. That said, I am hoping this one goes somewhere, but I am not holding my breath, especially with a change in government likely coming.


Somewhere public on the Internet so AI gets trained on it.


It is all propaganda, but there is an oz of truth here. The reality is though, Canada’s value is at an all time high so much so that many who live there cannot even afford it and are in an unsustainable situation.

Investing in Canada right now is like buying into a stock at its highest price ever. Risky as there is little room left to go higher and lots of opportunities for it to go lower. Canada is overvalued IMO and I say that as a Canadian who had to move out of the country in order to be able to continue to work on my indie development project. Canada is just too expensive. It is suffocating.


My wife who I met in Canada is Vietnamese and due to Covid did not visit for years. Post Covid we came here for an extended visit and the cost of living is so much lower and quality of the food at the market so great that we ended up staying a little longer. Not a forever place, but it has allowed us to save and for me to continue to develop my app which would have been impossible in Canada. Canada has not only gotten more expensive, but also the salaries seem to have gone down to boot in places like Vancouver which I just do not get. How is anyone there affording it all? It is like everything has a real estate tax. By that I means everything is more expensive as the store, restaurant, service you use, has to pay their landlords and thus that jacks up the price of everything. The cost of things is out of touch with reality and even worse, it is funneling money to the already wealthy. Seems like a recipe for disaster as surely it is unsustainable. Will come back once it all crashes and things get back to livable. Vietnam is not a place to come to though as they are not foreigner friendly in terms of visas and such unless you are in a situation like I am with a wonderful Vietnamese wife and now family who is have come to love. Do miss the clean air in Canada though.


Unfortunately we the people keep promoting the most narcissistic, sociopathic people to “leadership” positions. This is in all nations and the consequences of this are all over the place throughout all history yet few are talking about it.


Wow the trailer in the article for the project was fantastic. What a great project.


I wonder how individual adoption is going as the same tools available to corporations are available to individuals.


That is not individual use though? That is a group/organization. I am taking about personal use at a job or self employed who I believe will be the big winners in the AI era.


VPNs are very common in Vietnam as everyone has seen the Barbie movie here.

I will also add that indie game devs are not going to setup a business in every country just so they can maybe make money from their app there. Maybe a massive publisher can, but are these the game companies we only want providing games in Vietnam? No…and this is why people will just VPN to get.


The funny part is leaders all of the world are going to ask their country to do the same thing too now as none of them realize how ridiculous it is.


Does Biden have the power to stop supporting the war? Like will any action be null and void due to the USA political structure or does he in fact have some sort of power that can stop all support by a stroke of the pen?


I think the real tragedy is that we humans when we form our group structures, often promote narcissistic sociopaths to leadership positions. We then tend to protect them like they are gods even when they are horrible people who would destroy you if you get in their way. Until we face this reality, we will continue the same patterns. Just look at how Israel is basically doing the same sort of things that was done to them because they have promoted narcissistic sociopath to the top leadership positions. Will we ever learn. No…instead we blame this country or this race or this person or that person versus inspecting ourselves and how we are also contributing by supporting or simply not stopping awful people from calling the shots.


In my opinion game studios should not sell out to investors and/or have any stocks as it will lead to profit making the calls eventually. It is tempting to get a bunch of investment, I know it would make my game studio easier to run right now, but then you are constantly reminded how it all ends up. Don’t like the system, stop playing in it and build your company slowly and organically instead and retain full control.

Same goes for many businesses outside of gaming. Imagine if there was no such thing as the stock market / investors and all companies had to grow on their own merits.

In my virtual studio everyone is their own sole proprietorship contributing to the project off and on and getting compensated fairly for their contributions. They also have their own projects too and may even pay me to help them sometimes. This way everyone assumes their own risk and reaps their own benefits. If any one person on the virtual team has a hit with their project, they retain full control and owe no money back to some shareholders who did nothing but lend money to make money. It does mean I am way slower than if I could just hire everyone full time as employees, but knowing where having investors will ultimately take me, I accept. Plus going slower means more time to sit on things and polish and not feel time pressure to appease shareholders.

Shareholders are a little like getting a loan and depending on how successful you are, you have to pay back more than you borrowed and giving them control on your art. No thanks.


In my opinion game studios should not sell out to investors and/or have any stocks as it will lead to profit making the calls eventually. It is tempting to get a bunch of investment, I know it would make my game studio easier to run right now, but then you are constantly reminded how it all ends up. Don’t like the system, stop playing in it and build your company slowly and organically instead and retain full control.

Same goes for many businesses outside of gaming. Imagine if there was no such thing as the stock market / investors and all companies had to grow on their own merits.

In my virtual studio everyone is their own sole proprietorship contributing to the project off and on and getting compensated fairly for their contributions. They also have their own projects too and may even pay me to help them sometimes. This way everyone assumes their own risk and reaps their own benefits. If any one person on the virtual team has a hit with their project, they retain full control and owe no money back to some shareholders who did nothing but lend money to make money. It does mean I am way slower than if I could just hire everyone full time as employees, but knowing where having investors will ultimately take me, I accept. Plus going slower means more time to sit on things and polish and not feel time pressure to appease shareholders.

Shareholders are a little like getting a loan and depending on how successful you are, you have to pay back more than you borrowed and giving them control on your art. No thanks.


What did you fix? Companies addition. I don’t get it.


That is a good question. I spent the first 18 months making an early access version of my title and then started making money from that and have been growing it since. I am hyper focused on the overall experience which has put my title in the top .01% of all titles in Meta’s early access store called App Lab. Been at the top for nearly 3 years now. It is easily a 10+ year project even though I am full time now. Yes…I continuously update to keep current with the tech. It has all come a long way since I began over 4 years ago.

I am going slow too as I cannot hire people unless I make the money first. Really trying to do it organically. About to release another big update to the park (it is a highly detailed VR Theme Park) and will raise the price again. I raise the price each time I add more content while all those who already bought get all the new content for free. No in app purchases, no add ons as I wish to reward early adopters and ensure each guest’s experience is whole.


FYI…the link to the Canadian petition is not up yet.


All counties, most companies and many individuals all do the same thing. They destroy to get ahead as they are unable to rise up with their creativity and doing their own thing. It is for the weak minded despite being brilliant at pulling it off. Destroying is always easier than building.

Baldur's Gate 3 boss blasts publisher "greed" behind layoffs (

The director of Baldur’s Gate 3, Swen Vincke, was one of many to speak out on the recent mass layoffs within the video games industry at an industry awards show last night, blaming the job losses on corporate “greed” that had been “fucking this whole thing up for so long”.


I mean the entire business structure for publicly traded companies is about greed so the results are not shocking. More need to avoid getting shareholders in the first place as while it may help to get things going, it will suck the life out of any real value made even to its own long term detriment.


Right. What does AAA even mean? Meta spent billions on their Horizons Metaverse, but countless Indie Metaverses are way higher rated some made by just one person. Clearly AAA does not mean the size of the team or the budget.


What would be a good alternative? I am down to move my Discord community there as I am tried of the constant enshitification.


Unsure but I will explore it now. Thank you.


The article really missed the question we all have. Why? Why does such an isolated area of the world also have a housing crisis when they have their own government and could have kept pace with their own growth over the decades. It seems to be the same story everywhere. I hazard to guess it is for the same reason many other parts of the world also lack as housing. More housing means more supply and more supply means less demand and less demand means existing real estate does not increase in value as much or worse, drops in price. Housing being an investment has really undermined humanity and even this article is not even talking about it.


Maybe an unpopular opinion, but I have long thought that most Doctors are overpaid. Most just rinse and repeat very mundane things over and over again and send you to a specialist with your outside of mundane. A nurse would be just as effective for most ailments. Not saying all Drs as some are exceptional and lead the charge of research and change but most get their degree and then stagnate and enjoy the good life.


It is easy to find if you search?


Sure that is a vector, but so is sex and many other things that people can get trapped in. Shame is the most powerful manipulation emotion.

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