@Itty53@kbin.social avatar



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@Itty53@kbin.social avatar

It's actually a really old practice, "the first DRM". You'd place things in your game that could only be solved by having the manual on hand, meaning you purchased it. Many games took a jovial approach to it, letting you play the game, but in a broken state if you answered incorrectly and indicated you'd pirated it. Castles II comes to mind, also Kings Quest 5. Others did the "die if you didn't have the manual", but those let you go on ... just knowing you'd lose every single time.

Payday 3's launch is another great advert for not making your game 'always online' (www.rockpapershotgun.com)

You can already guess the third sentence: the servers have been a disaster at launch, with players forced to queue for long periods just to play alone, if they can manage to play at all. It currently sits "Mostly Negative" reviews on Steam - that's 31% positive after almost 19,000 reviews....

@Itty53@kbin.social avatar

It's this. It's a business decision. You don't spin servers up in a second and take them down hours later, there's contracts involved. You spin up enough servers to handle the load you expect normally, not at launch.

Honestly I played Payday 1 A LOT, enough to be in the top 1% of 1% of players. Got invited to the studios after being among the first to complete the ARG.
Then played Payday 2 A LOT.

But I quit halfway through the lifetime of 2 because it was clearly not getting any better, but worse. They stopped innovating and just started looking at player builds and releasing more and more powerful bulldozers. Got boring really fast.

So when 3 was announced? I haven't even looked at it.

@Itty53@kbin.social avatar

Does he want to distance himself? Gabe said he learned more in his short months-long tenure at MS than he did in the rest of his academic career. He dropped out of Harvard, mind you.

He modeled his entire company off of MS. He even adopted their primary strategy, buy, polish and package. It's literally just embrace, extend, extinguish all over. Balmer taught him very well.

I really don't get why people think he's all that different from any other billionaire. He got there by buying out competition, and if they wouldn't sell, theft and litigation.

@Itty53@kbin.social avatar

Put simply, they could not retroactively apply new changes to you.

Sounds like they could though?

Jokes aside, this is another in a recent string of "let's pretend our ToS are legally binding documents as fool-proof as the law" actions by major companies because ... well, who's stopping them?

10,000 milk cartons descend on Starfield's biggest city in newest physics benchmark (www.pcgamer.com)

Starfield players continue to push the game—and their computers–to the limit by spawning thousands of items in inappropriate places, like stuffing 20,000 potatoes in a spaceship. Watching potatoes roll out of an air lock is great, but what if you could watch 10,000 milk cartons descend onto a population zone like a lactic...

@Itty53@kbin.social avatar

"gamers are doing with a new Bethesda game what they've done with every previous Bethesda game! You won't believe what comes next!"

@Itty53@kbin.social avatar

"you guys screw me out of thirteen or fourteen more Kickstarter funding rounds and I'll take my business elsewhere!"

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@Itty53@kbin.social avatar

Nintendo just waiting for the thing to go on sale to drop their lawsuits.

@Itty53@kbin.social avatar

Tony Hawks Pro Skater wants you to remember it. The game that launched an entire music genre into the mainstream.

This is far, far from a first.

@Itty53@kbin.social avatar

The steam deck is already right there at the limit with it's weight. This thing looks significantly heavier.

Also can't wait for Nintendo to sue. This article even called them "joy-cons" as if desperately calling out to Nintendo, "yep, pull that trigger".

@Itty53@kbin.social avatar

That's very cool. I personally hate watching vlog videos and would always prefer to read.

But this tool also desperately needs punctuation. I feel like that's an actual great use case for an LLM: feed it the transcript and tell it to punctuate it. Just a thought.

@Itty53@kbin.social avatar

Huh, the games did phenomenally well in America. Weird. /s

We're in an age of knee-jerk finger pointing, with the problem getting worse the higher you get in society. It's just one giant game of blame hot-potato.

Here's the thing: The producers don't owe the fans shit. They don't owe the fans an explanation even. They owe the investors an explanation. The fans are just there, that's the reality of being a fan of something. We don't get a say, we just can choose to watch or not, and then decide to trash it or praise it online if we want to.

So while there's a problem going up the ladder of the blame game, there's another one coming back down the ladder, and it's entitlement. For some odd reason there's an air of "we deserve this content, exactly to our specifications" and it permeates games, movies, music, all of the entertainment content we have been inundated with as a society. And I think the culture generally leans towards encouraging it because it keeps the culture thriving. But it also keeps us in the exact status quo we're in as a society, beholden to these billionaire publishers we all rail on daily.

Because let's face it: We as a society spend an enormous amount of energy and as such, destroy a lot of the planet, on all this entertainment. If we can't accept that as a fact then we're fucking doomed.

Itty53, (edited )
@Itty53@kbin.social avatar

There's a difference between choosing and listening to fans (critics) to improve and being made to feel obligated to do so. This society literally harasses people over being upset at fictional portrayals of cartoons. Sometimes harassed right out of their chosen career. Game devs know this very well.

Content creators have no obligations to the consumers of the content, period. No more than Picasso had an obligation to paint landscapes. He didn't care to so he didn't.

Content creators, publishers, etc: they're free to make schlock we don't like, and we're free to express our disdain for it, and I'm free to point out that the folks wasting their energy complaining are indeed, wasting their energy. And cringey to boot. There's a line crossed when you start insisting and making personal commentary at all. A publisher's interests and the fan's interests are not always aligned. That's fine. You can deal with it, I promise. You bring up the snyder cut: Know who probably drove that whole push? The studio. Yeah, every one of those "fans" got played. This kind of shit is unacceptable. Period.


Don't encourage it.

@Itty53@kbin.social avatar

Declaring "I shall not be purchasing [thing] because [reason]" in public is yes, very cringey. You just, don't buy the thing. That's all. No look-at-me-i'm-important declaration necessary.

My complaint isn't the same as that bullshit. Try again.

@Itty53@kbin.social avatar

Honestly, leave it on Reddit. That sub was just ASUS and Corsair in a trenchcoat. I can do without the commercials.

@Itty53@kbin.social avatar

Man, but the steam deck really is a solid purchase.

I have a sweet gaming rig but I haven't openedva game on it since I got my deck.

@Itty53@kbin.social avatar

They discontinued em. At one point they sold their remaining stock for a dollar each I think

@Itty53@kbin.social avatar

F2P. Eeewwwwww.

We will never get the greatness that was Warcraft 3 again. That game single handedly killed the genre for single player because no one could compete ever again. It was amazing. Still is. Warcraft 4 has an insane bar to overcome.

@Itty53@kbin.social avatar

And it's free too. Why people try to reinvent the wiki is beyond me.

@Itty53@kbin.social avatar

Because brick and mortar retail isn't entirely dead. Impulse buys, Christmas gifts, etc etc etc etc. All the reasons to have a product for sale in a store. The product was never the CD or DVD or floppy disks, and gamers who make a fuss about it are just crotchety for the sake of it. There's no reason to print physical media. I haven't even owned an optical drive in my pc for well over a decade. Still bought some "physical copies" of games that were just codes. I'm not upset.

You're old grandpa, go back inside and stop yelling at The Cloud.

Itty53, (edited )
@Itty53@kbin.social avatar

You have a problem with packaging. The product is the software. Software. Soft. Media is irrelevant. You may as well be insisting games be provided on floppy disks for your own contentedness.

It isn't false advertising. You're just self-entitled and want companies to cater to you specifically and not the masses. Gamers are really the most entitled group of folks on the planet. You may as well demand Netflix provide VHS copies of every new show they make. Same stupid argument. If you don't like your arguments being called stupid, don't publicize your stupid arguments.

@Itty53@kbin.social avatar

I'm calm as shit man. Relaxing on a Sunday. It's just that I'm not wrong. He is self-entitled. He wants game developers to spend their money publishing DVDs for the one-off collectors -- nevermind the environment, nevermind that they're going to be downloading day 1 updates the size of the game anyway, nevermind all of the ridiculous arguments about "oh poor me, they won't let me easily copy and distribute their product to my friends". Nope -- "I'm a collector, and game developers are awful people for not giving me my CD and this should be illegal and society should make laws to satisfy my collector quirk."

Are you fucking for real. Go back and read this fuckin' thread, dude, that's what people are fucking saying. "Make laws against this".

That's self-entitlement defined. It's not a charge, it's an observation made by an adult living in a society of law regarding another publicly made comment. I offered scrutiny from the apparently rare perspective of being a grown up.

And this is very much a childish argument. Like whining your dinner at the restaurant didn't come in a colorful box with a toy inside, or that the book you have to read has no pictures in it. They're not even complaining about the product, they're complaining about the package it's delivered in. Literally the same as saying "that meal is gonna suck because it didn't come in a McDonalds box". Six year olds think like that.

Gamers are the most entitled group of brats on the planet and this is just one tiny example it. Literally demanding useless plastic trash, not even a toy or anything you look at - no, just a useless blu-ray disc that the hardware all but ignores anyway.

And again - I'm calm as shit. Don't make the mistake of thinking a few paragraphs means I'm angry. That's just being lazy, you can read. Hell, you can even read criticism. And if you can't, get the hell off social media.

Itty53, (edited )
@Itty53@kbin.social avatar

It's pretty fucking immature (and gaslighty) to respond to valid criticism with "chill out bro".

Go ahead and ban me, you don't need to make passive-aggressive threats. You can just power-trip away. Don't forget to leave a comment that reads "user was banned" so everyone knows how calm and collected you are with your ban hammer.

And I'll say it again. Deep breath, peaceful mind, thoughtful spirit: That user is an entitled child who made a stupid argument.

Itty53, (edited )
@Itty53@kbin.social avatar

When someone says a thing and you deliberately interpret anger where there was none (especially after they've said it, "I'm not angry") and insist they "calm down" rather than addressing any valid criticism or complaint they actually bring up, that's quite gaslighty. It's intentionally presenting a false reality and insisting I adhere to it "or he's just wild, he won't calm down".

Or "he's just a troll not worthy of consideration" as you put it. Which is definitively dehumanizing as well, but you don't see me whining about it. It is ironic though. Me calling childish arguments childish, whoa! You calling someone a troll, that's perfectly reasonable. You calm down.

It's not strictly the same as gaslighting but that's why I said "gaslighty". But go off about the hypothetical strangers I belittled, please, whatever gets you going down there.

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