@JustZ@lemmy.world avatar



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@JustZ@lemmy.world avatar

Hamas could surrender and end the war right now. It’s 100% on Hamas now.

JustZ, (edited )
@JustZ@lemmy.world avatar

Okay tell Hamas to surrender.

Edit: wow, -65, we have a lot of terrorist sympathizers here who want the war to continue for some reason.

@JustZ@lemmy.world avatar

They will rebuild. Not going to “withdraw.” Palestine isn’t country and has no capability to govern itself. There isn’t anything to withdraw from. Gaza is forfeit.

JustZ, (edited )
@JustZ@lemmy.world avatar

Get off it dude. Gangs in LA didn’t dig 450 miles of tunnels in an area only 25 miles wide and use them for decades to launch tens of thousands of rockets indiscriminately at civilians, dozens of suicide bombings, and now Hamas’s new tactic, mass shootings of civilians.

If the gangs had done that, and the people of Los Angeles kept electing them into power, before canceling all elections, that is, yeah, we might consider targeting those tunnels with full force.

@JustZ@lemmy.world avatar

Finally someone with a brain in their head.

Hamas is wildly popular within its territory.

Terrorists don’t get to have a state.

Ergo, Gaza is not a state.

@JustZ@lemmy.world avatar

The death tolls have been falling month after month by approximately 20%. At the current rate of decline, by next month, there could be near zero deaths per day.

@JustZ@lemmy.world avatar

Well I mean Hamas surrender.

JustZ, (edited )
@JustZ@lemmy.world avatar

I never understood why some people would say it was anti semitic to criticize Israel in certain ways, like people say the BDS movement is racist, but it’s exactly things such as this that made me start to see it, and now I can’t unsee it. People rabidly hold Israel to a different standard and only one explanation consistently makes sense.

One Jewish nutbag bloviating his hatred into the void is asserted by some as evidence the the whole of Israel has evil, genocidal intent.

Targeted bombings of tunnels, valid military targets, with cell phone warnings, pamphleting, and roof knocking is described as indiscriminate.

Not giving foreigners the same rights as natively born or naturalized citizens is called literal “apartheid.”

Israel must stop bombing immediately or America should burn our alliance and feed the Jews to Iran, only Israel though, for Hamas it’s all “keep up the good work! Death to America!”

@JustZ@lemmy.world avatar

Their party is about to get shit canned, because Israel is a democracy and these people don’t represent the people.

@JustZ@lemmy.world avatar

Dumbass they are to Israel.

@JustZ@lemmy.world avatar

Nope that’s what he has said and has been saying. Are you trolling or just ignorant?

@JustZ@lemmy.world avatar

30,000 people are dead. Daily death tolls have fallen by 20% per month since the beginning of the war.

How are you getting to 2,300,000 within ten months?

Can you show your work?

@JustZ@lemmy.world avatar

So all 2.3 million people in Gaza ignored the first evacuation orders and warnings and instead of going South, they all went to north Gaza where they proceeded to eat all the food and are now starving to death, and despite only 30,000 deaths in four months, you believe that this month there will be 230,000, and that figure will continue for the next ten months in a row? I don’t know sort of seems like you’re exaggerating Israel’s actions to portray Jews as evil.

If the total death toll doesn’t increase by eightfold in the next month will that be sufficient evidence that claims of ethnic cleansing and weaponized starvation are highly exaggerated?

@JustZ@lemmy.world avatar

We live in a democracy. Maybe you’re thinking of the Arab states surrounding Israel, where one guy decides everything?

We don’t send bombs to Israel because they need them to kill Hamas. Israel makes all the weapons they need to do that without America. It is a nuclear power. America sends weapons to Israel because of the threat of Iran. And it’s not going to stop doing that because of a local land dispute. Our alliance with Israel is about avoiding a war with Iran, which would result in tens of millions of deaths.

10,000,000 > 30,000. Simple as that.

@JustZ@lemmy.world avatar

They know they can get a few off if they sacrafice a few Russian cities. Which Putin does not care about. He’ll watch them be vaporized if he thinks he can land a death blow on any major western powers.

@JustZ@lemmy.world avatar

Never going to happen. ✅

@JustZ@lemmy.world avatar

The only leverage Hamas has is to keep being terrorists? No. Hamas can either surrender and give up or keep being bombed until they are gone. It is the only thing still killing people in Gaza at this point.

@JustZ@lemmy.world avatar

This is the dumbest thing I will hear all day, by far.

In what delusional world do you think that this would be a reasonabke thing to do?

@JustZ@lemmy.world avatar

Uno Reverse: the actual genocidal and apartheid party operating in Israel was always Hamas! ✅

@JustZ@lemmy.world avatar

That’s exactly what it means, what? Must be cool to live on an island unto yourself. In the real world choices have consequences though.

@JustZ@lemmy.world avatar

Not really. Israel didn’t build the terror tunnels under everyone’s houses and then tell everyone not to evacuate. Maybe your thinking of Hamas, and it’s regressive and religio-authoritarian genocidal violence?

JustZ, (edited )
@JustZ@lemmy.world avatar

Yes, we have to respect the right of a non-state actor to put terrorists in charge and cancel all future elections so they can continue living in a rich culture of stoning infidels to death? No thanks.

@JustZ@lemmy.world avatar

Ridiculous take. Even Hamas doesn’t deny they are real. Like gtfo with that conspiratorial nonsense that you pulled out of your ass.

@JustZ@lemmy.world avatar

“Genocidal settler-colonialists” sounds like you’ve been lapping enough propoganda for the both of us.

I’m aware of the long history of two way violence. I’m aware that even if Israel stopped the violence now and forever, Hamas is still an ideology that exists as antithetical to democracy and peace. They’ll still be stoning people to death. They’ll still have zero elections. And whatever, that’s wildly popular in Gaza. But when they leave Gaza and start doing international terrorism, accepting money and weapons from Iran and North Korea, that’s not being very neighborly and I’m sorry but Hamas needs to go. They have no right to be terrorists. They can practice nok violent resistance if their lives are important to them. If not…

@JustZ@lemmy.world avatar

Lol. Okay little kid.

JustZ, (edited )
@JustZ@lemmy.world avatar
JustZ, (edited )
@JustZ@lemmy.world avatar

Okay I’m obviously not going to read all this and click all these links, but what the hell do you mean by this:

The only independent verification of Hamas using human Shields was in 2014.

Look at your television right now and you can see with your own eyes Hamas using entire cities as human shields.

Plenty of recent evidence of tunnels under cities and of Hamas directing people to ignore evacuating warnings.

How can you explain your double standard on this if it’s not anti-semitism?

I’ll start giving a shit what happens to Hamas when they reinstate elections, release all the hostages, and stop taking money from Iran and North Korea to kill Jews. Or maybe if they start following any international law: they can start by wearing uniforms and not purposefully targeting civilians, at a minimum. Until then, they are enemy combatants and not entitled to equal rights under the law.

And that’s another reason why it’s not apartheid, as cited by the authors of my first two links. If you want to say Israel is Apartheid, your argument is limited to its statutory laws that apply to Israeli citizens, not to non citizens; every country discriminates against non citizens and it’s not a war crime. But suddenly with Israel it’s a war crime? How do you explain your double standard on this if it’s not anti-semitism?

@JustZ@lemmy.world avatar

Children always make up a huge chunk of civilian casualties in war. Why is it any surprise it’s absurdly high when Hamas is using entire cities as human shields?

JustZ, (edited )
@JustZ@lemmy.world avatar

Yeah the people in Gaza lie constantly about what happens. None of them are ever members of Hamas. Nobody ever saw anyone using tunnels. Nobody knows who is launching the rockets.

Yeah the unarmed families and the houses, it’s horrible. Unfortunately, digging tunnels under your house and using them to launch terror attacks for decades on end is as good as packing your family into the car and driving them right into a war zone. Who would do that? Hamas members and loyalists. They call it martyrdom. They literally stand on the roof of buildings after being warning of an incoming airstrike, trying to get a pension.

@JustZ@lemmy.world avatar

Their hopes and dreams of putting terrorists in charge, ending all elections, killing all Jews, and stoning all infidels to death. Real cool stuff you’re defending!

@JustZ@lemmy.world avatar

AstroTurf and grassroots are not the same.

@JustZ@lemmy.world avatar

Hey stop making reasonable nuanced points!

Anyone call this a Holocaust level genocide is an absolute moron.

JustZ, (edited )
@JustZ@lemmy.world avatar

Ethnic cleansing = 1% of the ethnic population dead?

Not doing a very good job are they?

@JustZ@lemmy.world avatar

They believe Joe Biden is responsible for Israel’s actions. Obviously that’s not correct, so someone tricked these people.

@JustZ@lemmy.world avatar

The other key distinction, of course, being that in the Holocaust, the Nazis were not striking military targets in the course of killing Jews. They were just lining up civilians and shooting them into mass graves, that is before that sort of up close violence affected the morale of the Nazis and they invented the gas chambers and death camps instead.

There is literally none of that going on in Gaza. There’s also the fact that for virtually all of these airstrikes there is a legit military target, being the tunnels underneath the cities.

@JustZ@lemmy.world avatar

Unfortunately, we can’t go back in time. Second-guessing Israel’s creation and settlement by Jews does literally nothing to address the current problem.

October 7 changed the calculus: the tunnels have to be destroyed now and Hamas cannot continue to remain in charge. It is Hamas who built the tunnels under people’s homes and it is Hamas who encourages people to ignore their own safety and stay in harm’s way so that they can be killed as proud Martyrs.™

Hamas should surrender right now and bring the violence to an end but it won’t. The West certainly isn’t going to demand a ceasefire, that’s a courtesy we might extend to a state power in a political settlement of the war, but not to literal terrorists that only recently stopped using suicide bombers.

The death toll is horrifying but I blame Hamas for these numbers. It’s why they built the tunnels under people’s houses in the first place, it’s called using human shields. Then, Hamas acts all shocked Pikachu, “why would the IDF do this?!,” which is called lawfare.

@JustZ@lemmy.world avatar

He doesn’t have the willpower and I don’t think anyone else in Washington really does, either.

A ceasefire, to me anyway, means Hamas remains the de facto leadership of Gaza, they get to keep whatever is left of their tunnels and weapons, and their fighters just have to lay low for a while before they go on fighting, which means more decades of Hamas terror attacks on innocent civilians, rocket attacks, kidnappings, more mass shootings of innocent’s and fitedt responders, maybe we’ll be back to their days of suicide bombings, and more decades of Israeli airstrikes in response. That cannot be allowed to happen, terrorists don’t get to have their own state. Biden knows that. Hamas can either surrender or be killed or imprisoned, then there can be a ceasefire.

JustZ, (edited )
@JustZ@lemmy.world avatar

The IDF uses one or two people as human shields. There’s literally like 25 reports of it, ever. It was made illegal and people were prosecuted for it.

Hamas used human shields 3,500 people at a time, building tunnels under their houses, forcing people to stay, convincing people evacuation orders are a hoax. There is zero denying this. There are five hundred miles of tunnels in an area 25 miles wide.

No, I did not ignore all the times the IDF have used human shields. It’s just not even remotely comparable to using the entire population of major cities as human shields.

Also, re: the ridiculous claim that Israel is an apartheid regime, totally ignores all reason. South Africa apartheid was a system of minority rule. When it’s a system of majority rule, it’s called democracy. I could understand if you said Israel has some apartheid like policies, but you lose all credibility and reveal yourself as a know-nothing when you say it’s literally apartheid. Like, for fucks sake guy, a Palestinian Arab sits on the Israeli supreme Court. You think there were any Afrikans on the South Africa Supreme Court during Apartheid? Ha.

@JustZ@lemmy.world avatar

It’s the apparent double standard, such as by calling Israel an apartheid state when it’s a majoritarian democracy.

@JustZ@lemmy.world avatar

Bro seriously in here defending Hamas building terror tunnels under everyone’s houses and you’re comparing it to Israel…checks notes…merely having military bases? Israel is a legitimate state. It is allowed to have military bases. Gaza is not.

What conclusion can be drawn from your hypocrisy other than that you just don’t like Jews?

Gaza is forfeit now and it’s because of the tunnels and it because it has no ability to govern itself.

Your human shield and apartheid analysis are nonsense. There’s a huge difference between a minority group controlling the majority in all things, without consent, as compared to a majority group, duly enacting laws that discriminate against minority. Discrimination is not great, but in a democracy that can be fixed.

You let me know when Hamas and their backwards ass culture does anything to stop discrimination. Actually, if you ask them to, they’ll will probably stone you to death as an infidel.

@JustZ@lemmy.world avatar

Neither side are responsible actors here; both are repressing internal dissent heavily, both have broken and reneged on treaties and ceasefires, both have taught their society to hate the other, and the international community shouldn’t support either while they both pursue a path of destruction.

One is a state and happens to be a democracy, with flaws albiet. The other is a failed terrorist territory with no right to continued existence. Hamas has to be destroyed now and if Israel has to annex all of Gaza to do it, that’s the moral and just outcome. Terrorists don’t get to have a state.

@JustZ@lemmy.world avatar

You’ve grossly overdramatized and exaggerated what I’ve actually said.

Hamas also thinks their position is a moral one. Does that make them Nazi propogandists too? When they cast east Germany as victims of foreign aggression, they were actually lying. Don’t have to lie to say literal terrorists are in charge of Gaza, and Gaza is not a sovereign state.

And yes, saying Israel is an apartheid state is an anti Jewish statement. You want to say it’s like apartheid, fine, but apartheid means something very different, and is in and of itself a crime against humanity. Not all discrimination by the state is a crime against humanity, though. The thing that makes apartheid a crime against humanity is that it is a system of minority control over the unconsenting majority.

Saying Israel is literally an apartheid state is to treat it as inferior; it is to say that, when other states do it, it’s a matter of local custom or just a different culture doing things differently; but when it’s Israel it’s a war crime.

Apartheid is a system of minority rule. Israel is it not a system of minority rule. It is not an apartheid state. It’s guilty of barbaric, racial discrimination, for sure. In no way is it literally apartheid, and I think you’ll find that there’s not very many serious people who say that it is, not in foreign service and not in law, anyway, which is what we’re talking about, here.

I’m advocating for equal rights of Palestinians, too, just that I realize that Gaza has no government and no capacity to rebuild itself since the tunnels were so extensive. It’s sad that Hamas put them under the highest density neighborhoods in Gaza and then encouraged people not to evacuate after using them for decades to indiscriminately target Israeli civilians, but hey that’s the strategy the people in charge of Gaza have chosen.

There’s a right enshrined in international law to disguise soldiers as civilians so they can more easily violate international law? Haven’t heard of that one but you’re the expert. ✅

@JustZ@lemmy.world avatar

Yeah actually though it’s you, Amnesty, HRW, and B’Tselem who have made up a new definition of apartheid that only applies to Jews.

Maybe your problem is that you believe reports from anyone who makes them. Anyone can make a report.

Why not check the peer reviewed law review articles on this subject, see how ridiculous everyone in the actual world of law finds these one-sided and biased reports. Because, once again, apartheid is a system of a minority control over the majority, the literal opposite of democracy. Israel is a democracy, period. It cannot also be an apartheid regime such as South Africa was, unless you redefine the word, which, again, is racist, and it is what you’re doing.

@JustZ@lemmy.world avatar

Nah buddy, you’re putting words in my mouth that I never said.

JustZ, (edited )
@JustZ@lemmy.world avatar

People working for it, but not the Secretary, not the Deputy Secretary. There are 80,000 people working for the State Department.

Although I think you will find if you actually look at what people have said, they are saying Israel is like apartheid, not that it is apartheid.

Palestinians living in Gaza and the West Bank are not citizens of Israel. Why is it a crime against humanity for Israel to grant lesser rights to non citizens? Literally every other country does that, too. But the only time anyone calls it apartheid is when it involves Israel.

And it’s never to argue about any specific policy that Israel has toward non-citizens, it’s just to say “Israel is evil and Hamas is justified in targeting Israeli civilians.” Hmmm.

@JustZ@lemmy.world avatar

I have a degree in criminology and there is no truth to this. People don’t ever rationally decide to do crimes.

@JustZ@lemmy.world avatar

Crime is decreasing year after year except during the pandemic. What do you mean it’s not working?

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