
So crazy like, the aid is literally helping israel with their genocide…

@Stamets@lemmy.world avatar

Fucking horrible. Hopefully more care will be taken for the chutes but honestly those things are looked after pretty carefully and closely to begin with. This is just awful. Blame lies 100% with Israel. If they weren’t war criming it up around here and blocking all other paths of aid to the Gazan citizens then this shit wouldn’t have happened. A truck doesn’t fall on someones head randomly and that package was only dropped because BiBi is Goebbels 2.0. Frothing at the mouth with hatred, bile and bigotry in an attempt to wipe peoples off of the face of the planet in some idiotic bid for purity of the homeland.


they are only blocking multi purpose aid, single purpose is allowed


"No, you can't bring in those medical supplies, you could stab someone with that needle or strangle them with that bandage! Are you crazy - that canned food could be used as a projectile or broken open to make a shiv! What do you mean you want to bring in blankets, they could be used to hide someone!"

Aceticon, (edited )

And who decides what’s allowed?

a) An independent international oversight institution?

b) The very same guys currently blowing up Palestinian little children with 2000lb bombs?

Oh, look, it’s Option b, and your “argument” is one for the Hall Of Fame Of Hypocrisy & Genocide Excusing.

Congratulations, your Genocide Apologist Certificate is on the mail.


Anesthetics, crutches, dates. Inside Israel’s ghost list of items arbitrarily denied entry into Gaza



You don’t think America has any share of the blame for enabling this genocide?


The US is not blameless for what is going on.

However, ultimately Israel is the country that is carrying this out, if people like Netanyahu and his cohorts weren’t pushing for this, it wouldn’t matter how much money, weapons, and other support the US gave them, this wouldn’t be happening.

If the US pulled all support, Israel could and almost definitely would press on with it, probably not as efficiently as they are currently, but still the war would continue. Maybe the US pulling support would lead to a quicker end, maybe it would just drag things out, maybe it would lead to extreme escalation with a desperate Israel choosing to use their nuclear weapons either against Hamas or against other Middle Eastern nations that choose to get involved without the US acting as a deterrent.

The US helped create the circumstances that allowed this to happen, but the fact that it is actually happening is on Israel.


The US is not blameless for what is going on.

Exactly what I said.

The US helped create the circumstances that allowed this to happen



For a while, there was a meme on Reddit that went “This is bullshit - you’re oversimplifying a complex situation to the point of no longer adding anything useful to the discussion.”

It was somebody’s answer to an askreddit post asking “If you could only post the same one sentence to everything you wanted to reply to on reddit, what would your sentence be?”

People like you are the reason that answer resonated with enough people to become a meme.


Do you know that Biden structured (very illegal) the arms deals so that they were less than the congressional oversight minimum so that he could go behind congress’ back? He wanted to give those weapons to Israel so bad that he broke the law. He doesn’t give a fuck about the genocide. At least not until he realized it would cost him some votes.

People like you are the reason evil gets a pass because it’s not as bad as super evil.

@Linkerbaan@lemmy.world avatar

If the US pulled all support, Israel could and almost definitely would press on with it, probably not as efficiently as they are currently, but still the war would continue. Maybe the US pulling support would lead to a quicker end, maybe it would just drag things out, maybe it would lead to extreme escalation with a desperate Israel choosing to use their nuclear weapons either against Hamas or against other Middle Eastern nations that choose to get involved without the US acting as a deterrent.

Yeah just like the previous three times the US threatened to pull support and israel instantly stopped doing war crimes…

People are still under the impression that the army that got completely owned by dudes with water pipe rockets can support a full war without American support? Especially with Hezbollah in the north…

@JustZ@lemmy.world avatar

Hamas could surrender and end the war right now. It’s 100% on Hamas now.


Israel could surrender to Hamas. But I’m sure you have some reservations about that outcome. Strange how you wouldn’t consider palastinians reservations to that as equal. Or maybe you don’t need to operate on the concept of unconditional surrender just to justify your dick wagging


are you actually serious? israelis surrendering to hamas eventhough hamas attacked first?

this website is cooked


Yes, Hamas attacked first on October 7th, and before that it was all sunshine and daisies and everyone held hands and sang and Israel definitely hasn’t been conquering Palestine since 1948.


Israelis can just go back to the lands they were originally driven from, right?…

@Linkerbaan@lemmy.world avatar

Israel bombed Gaza

For three days in a row.

@absentbird@lemm.ee avatar

The bombs were in response to incendiary balloons they’ve been trading blows for years.

@Linkerbaan@lemmy.world avatar

Which we can keep tracing back to ceasefires that keep being broken by israel such as the Al Aqsa raid.

Point is that the notion that this somehow started on oct7 while israel was bombing Gaza just two weeks before is ridiculous. There was no ceasefire at the moment of the attack.

@absentbird@lemm.ee avatar

My understanding is that Hamas has also repeatedly broken ceasefires. It doesn’t seem like the ceasefire agreements are as effective as they should be.

@Linkerbaan@lemmy.world avatar

Because israel keeps attacking the west bank. They just can’t help themseles from not doing ethnic cleansing. Or claiming Hamas fired a rocket and just attacking Gaza.

@absentbird@lemm.ee avatar

I am by no means an expert, but I’ve been hearing about the conflict from both sides for several decades now. My take away is that both sides seem ideologically opposed to the existence of the other.

If Israel stopped all aggression today, I don’t think it would stop the rockets; likewise Palestine could halt all aggression and still be attacked by the IDF. Lasting peace will require a shift in perspective, which gets harder to imagine with every day of the invasion.

@Linkerbaan@lemmy.world avatar

Heavily disagree. Israel has always been the agressor especially in the west bank. The entire existence of israel is illogical if not for them being a colonial agressor.

Their strategy is to violate boundaries until someone retaliates and then they “self defense”.

They used to drive their tractors over borders even when told they could not. Then when they went so deep they got shot, they needed to “defend themselves” onto their land. As a “buffer zone”.

absentbird, (edited )
@absentbird@lemm.ee avatar

I can see an argument for Israel being the original aggressor, but the idea that Palestinians have never taken a turn is baffling.

If Israel were to cease all aggression immediately, would a lasting peace follow? It seems like a lot of people won’t be satisfied unless Israel is removed from the Levant.


Israel certainly shares the lionshare of the blame. But had Hamas not launched the attack on Israel, where they too killed women and children, this wouldn’t be happening. So you have to give them some of the blame in this shit show too.

@Stamets@lemmy.world avatar

No I don’t. Two wrongs do not make a right. Just because someone did something horrible doesn’t mean someone else gets to do something horrible.


Which is why they still have the lions share of the blame. It doesn’t give them justification, but to claim Hamas is blameless in this whole thing is almost equally as stupid as the people claiming that Israel has the right to do what they are doing.

@Stamets@lemmy.world avatar

Ah okay, I see why you may have thought that I was saying Hamas was blameless but you have misunderstood. I am not talking the start of the conflict. I am talking the aid. The only reason that this happened was because Israel was blocking other alternatives to give aid to the people in Gaza. This means that the blame lies 100% with Israel.

My point about one horrible thing doesn’t equal another horrible thing is backing that point up. Israel doesn’t get to deprive innocent civilians of aid just because something bad happened to them. This is what you are arguing and I find it morally disgusting.


but you have misunderstood.

I was responding to someone who was talking about killing the perp and their families in response to a crime. They didn’t even mention aid once. You did not clarify that you were specifically talking about aid. Hell, you didn’t even mention aid in your post. You need to learn to take responsibility when a misunderstanding is your fault, not blame the other person.

But, yes, I agree, they don’t get to deny aid. But the whole thing is a clusterfuck with plenty of blame to go around. Hamas could stop using civilians as human shields, and they would probably allow aid in. Even in that regard, Hamas shares some of the blame.

@Stamets@lemmy.world avatar

You did not clarify that you were specifically talking about aid.

I didn’t need to. This was a post about an aid package that was dropped on someone, not about the war in general. It is not on me to clarify that I am talking about the thing that I am directly responding/commenting on. It is on you to be able to make an extremely simple logical leap that I am talking about the thing I am responding to.

You need to learn to take responsibility when a misunderstanding is your fault, not blame the other person.

Pot? Meet kettle.


I didn’t need to.

lol. Okay, whatever. Clearly not interested in honesty. Have a good day.

@Stamets@lemmy.world avatar

No, that would be you projecting. Which is exactly why you are so disingenuous in this comment thread, are picking and choosing what to respond to, and inventing your own narrative that everyone is playing along with instead of using common sense. I’m not sure why you are acting so surprised that I was talking about aid when the whole thread was about aid but if you want to play the victim, go ahead. You can do it alone and in obscurity because I’m done playing along with the toddlers temper tantrum.

Act like an adult.


Only a racist sociopath would kill the perp’s familiy, friends and neighbours as reprisal and these guys have openly admitted it’s reprisals.

The kind of talk they use, like blaming Palestinians as a whole for Hamas’ actions, calling Palestinians (not Hamas, Palestinians) violent and even calling them “human animals” just further confirms the racist sociopathy of the Israeli leadership and those whom support them.

It’s not by chance that people are now calling them Nazis: it’s the same cold calous murdering along etnic lines and even the same style of dehumanizing discourse and excuses as the Nazis.

All this was already going on as a slow burn before Hamas’ attack, one act of settler/army violent theft and murder at a time, low key enough that outsiders couldn’t quite tell it for what it was (good old Lebensraum), but now it’s a full fire, visible to all.

They’ve always been Nazis, but now they’re going for making their very own Holocaust.

@Infiltrated_ad8271@kbin.social avatar

too killed women and children

Frequently this shit is said I always wonder, are women equivalent to children, is it okay to kill men, or both?

@absentbird@lemm.ee avatar

Historically I think it’s because women were almost universally noncombatants, but Israel has compulsory service for everyone. It seems like an anachronistic distinction.


That’s always a risk in parachute operations.

It’d be real cool if Israel stopped blocking aid by land so this wouldn’t even be a problem. Or if they stopped the genocide entirely.

JustZ, (edited )
@JustZ@lemmy.world avatar

Okay tell Hamas to surrender.

Edit: wow, -65, we have a lot of terrorist sympathizers here who want the war to continue for some reason.



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  • catloaf,

    If they do, will Israel withdraw from Palestine, rebuild what they’ve destroyed, and stop oppressing Palestinians?

    They will not. So why would Hamas surrender?

    @JustZ@lemmy.world avatar

    They will rebuild. Not going to “withdraw.” Palestine isn’t country and has no capability to govern itself. There isn’t anything to withdraw from. Gaza is forfeit.


    Acting as if Hamas cares about Palestinians at all

    @Linkerbaan@lemmy.world avatar

    Are you saying it’s okay for israel to use starvation of women and children as a weapon of war?


    I support Israel almost to a fault. At this point, they need to make sure everyone is fed. This has went on way to long for the size of Gaza.


    Almost lol


    I don’t think you read their post.


    You’re beyond fault at this point, my friend. You’ve gone straight into supporting genocide territory! Major fault x 10000. Turn in your humanity card because you’re no longer acting with any.


    You must have missed what I said.

    I clearly said it’s gone on to long and the people need to be fed.


    But you said you support Israel to a fault. And at this point, what Israel has been doing for a really long time is starving and murdering Palestinian people. So it can’t be both. You can’t both support the oppressive genocide state and not support them. Because their actions right now are exactly what you say you wish weren’t happening. That’s nowhere near good enough. Because…we’re talking about fuckin genocide. Continuing to support the Israeli state is supporting exactly what you are saying has gone on too long.

    “I support Germany, but I think this whole concentration camp thing has gone on too long.”

    Do you see how ridiculous that is?


    lt. And at this point, what Israel has been doing for a really long time is starving and murdering Palestinian people

    They have been dismantling Hamas which I fully support.


    If you really liked the idea of eliminating, say, gangs in the US. And I did that by carpet bombing all of LA — or, shit, even if I just limited it to south central—would you still support me? What if, as I did that, I was shooting families that I’ve trapped in south central, that have nothing to do with gangs, would you still support me then? What if I deliberately withheld food and water, medical supplies, and what if I and the entire apparatus was talking about those families as if, “well, they live there. And it’s a gang stronghold, so they are complicit, they’re animals, and they deserve to be shot like sick dogs.” Would you still support me?

    But even ignoring alllll of that inconsistent logic, the most outrageous is the idea that this campaign is “dismantling Hamas.” That’s not the case. They’re mostly killing children and non-combatants. Literally 60% of the victims are civilians. Not to mention, this campaign is not eliminating Hamas. it’s actually Increasing support. Because of fuckin course it is. When your family is being killed and your neighborhood is being bombed out of existence and you’re being herded and slaughtered, you’re going to support whatever is fighting against the force that is doing all of that.

    I don’t particularly like Hamas either. They’re a right wing religious extremist group. But Israel has actually made me see them entirely differently now. Because they are now freedom fighters against a genocidal, occupying, settling force. How anyone can see it differently that doesn’t actively think of the residents of Gaza as less than human, like I’ve seen countless IDF soldiers expressing, is just baffling to me.


    Dude, that is a long response when you could have just said you don’t mind the genocide of the Jews. That is what Hamas wants and the Palestinian people voted them in power. Since their goal is genocide, you seem ok with that and I’m not. As such I don’t see having a respectful conversation with someone who supports genocide against the Jews.


    Jee-zus Christ. I’ve never seen such fuckin cognitive dissonance. Because…you know there’s an active genocide. I mean, that’s what that “long response” (that was only two and a half paragraphs long, which says a lot about the level of intelligence we’re dealing with here) was talking about.

    And I’ve taken note about how you completely ignored responding to any point I made. It’s easy, watch:

    No. I don’t support the genocide of Jews. In fact, I think the holocaust was downright awful. Also, the last free and fair election in Gaza was in 2006…yknow, before literally half of the entire population was born?.

    And, funny enough, I’m actually the only one between the two of us who’s taken an anti-genocide stance. So…yeah. Awkward.


    Yes the active genocide is Hamas against the Jews.

    I don’t believe the Palestinians are in the middle of a genocide. Hamas started a war with Israel and now Israel is trying to dismantle hamas.

    Israel has never said their goal is to destroy the Palestinian people. Hamas has said they want to kill the Jews.


    If Hamas would stop the war, Israel wouldn’t be at war.

    That’s the difference. Yet, Hamas won’t stop it knowing they can’t win and they are causing massive civilians issues.

    All they have to do is surrender to Israel and the aid would flow in from around the world.


    How fucking deluded can you be?

    Well, apparently very. Because this conversation started with you saying “they need to make sure everyone is fed. This has gone on too long for the size of Gaza.” But now you think Palestinians are responsible for hamas and deserve what’s coming to them, HAMAS is “committing genocide” against Jewish people—but at the same time “knowing they can’t win” against Israel? And therefore HAMAS is the one “causing massive civilians issues” because they won’t “surrender to Israel.”

    I mean, where did that compassion for the people of Gaza go? And Hamas is the one somehow causing all of this, yet knows they can’t defeat Israel, yet is…somehow committing genocide against the Jewish people “they know they can’t win [against].”

    So thank you for verifying you’re a thoroughly unserious person who has no fucking idea what they are talking about and whose opinions should be disregarded. (And who also thinks a position on this topic should be summarized in less than two and a half paragraphs. The sign of a true academic.)

    Because that’s some stupid nonsense.


    summarized in less than two and a half paragraphs

    It’s not that complex. Stop trying to commit genocide against Jews. Get rid of Hamas who has tried to stop any agreement to give the Palestinians any land.

    People often try to make things more complex because they’re trying to hide a weak argument.

    If Hamas went away, the life of Palestinians would radically improve.


    Right, so gonna continue on with this completely detached from reality nonsense while completely failing to respond to anything I say. This isn’t a conversation. I’m done beating my head against this wall. It’s clear you have no defense, are gaslighting people into thinking the destruction of Gaza is somehow “an active genocide against the Jews.”

    You’re sick. And you’ll get older one day and realize you were on the “Nazi/Hutu” side of genocidal history. Gross. And shameful.


    into thinking the destruction of Gaza is somehow “an active genocide against the Jews.”

    Oct 7th Hamas started a war with Israel. Israel is now dismantling Hamas. This was considered a genocide against Israel by international law.

    Once Hamas is gone, the war will end.

    It’s weird how you keep trying to defend genocide of the Jews.


    Pure delusion. Or active gaslighting. Most likely the latter—unless you’re as dumb as can be? Also a distinct possibility.


    Not sure why you are trying to insult people who disagree with your stance. Is that how weak your argument is ?


    lol you never engaged with a single point I made and you’re literally trying, rather feebly, to gaslight me. After many attempts at actually engaging with you, you’ve proven to either be stupid or malicious and either way thoroughly unwilling to have a conversation.

    Sometimes just gotta call a spade a spade. You refuse to respond to anything nor discuss in good faith—you literally have no defense besides “nuh-uh! ISRAE IS RUBBER AND PALESTINE IS GLUE!”

    So just shut up. You’re not worth the time I spent trying to engage with you, let alone any further time. I’m happy to have a discussion. But that’s not what’s been happening here.


    Ah another name calling session because you can’t articulate a point. You incorrectly couldn’t identify the genocide attack as declared by international law as the start of the current conflict.


    lol sure, if that’s what’s needed to end this conversation, then you’re right, I love genocide, you’re an idiot and I’m name calling because I have no point, etc etc. Goodbye.

    @jordanlund@lemmy.world avatar

    Removed, rule 5:

    Rule 5: Keep it civil. It’s OK to say the subject of an article is behaving like a (perjorative, perjorative). It’s NOT OK to say another USER is (perjorative). Strong language is fine, just not directed at other members. Engage in good-faith and with respect!


    I rescind my complaints and anger. Thank you for being reasonable.

    @jordanlund@lemmy.world avatar


    Seriously… you should see some of the crap we deal with.


    I can only imagine. Thanks again, and keep up the good work

    @jordanlund@lemmy.world avatar

    Removed, rule 5:

    Rule 5: Keep it civil. It’s OK to say the subject of an article is behaving like a (perjorative, perjorative). It’s NOT OK to say another USER is (perjorative). Strong language is fine, just not directed at other members. Engage in good-faith and with respect!

    @JustZ@lemmy.world avatar

    Finally someone with a brain in their head.

    Hamas is wildly popular within its territory.

    Terrorists don’t get to have a state.

    Ergo, Gaza is not a state.

    @bigMouthCommie@kolektiva.social avatar

    Terrorists don’t get to have a state.

    insurgency works. ask Vietnam, Afghanistan, or even the USA. all resisted imperial power through asymmetric warfare. terrorists most definitely get statehood.


    Insurgency is not terrorism

    @bigMouthCommie@kolektiva.social avatar

    one man's insurgent


    No. Terrorism is when you destabilise the feeling of safety somewhere by attacking civilians

    @bigMouthCommie@kolektiva.social avatar

    people are responsible for their own emotions. the only reasonable definition of terrorism is activity that the existing political status quo does not approve. that's it. it doesn't need to attack someone. it doesn't need to be violent. the Boston tea party was terrorism as surely as the assassination of the arch duke.


    But it’s not the definition. It’s when you destabilise using fear of death and attack violently civilians to create that fear

    Only in usa you make terrorism mean “enemy”

    @bigMouthCommie@kolektiva.social avatar

    i think you're going to have to come to grips with the fact that you are not the arbiter of the meaning of terrorism, and its useful meaning has nothing to do with emotions.


    So stop saying it’s something else? I’m not the arbiter but you are? It does mean killing civilians to create fear


    What I have found weird is so many countries are supporting a people that would murder them and attacking a people that treat people well who don’t try to murder them. If Israel stops fighting, they’ll all be killed. If Hamas stopped fighting, the blockade would be lifted, they could get a country, etc. yet, Hamas won’t stop. They are using their people as tokens since they know many people hate Jews more than logic.


    This take is so incredibly ignorant of history and reality I can’t even…


    It’s not. You just don’t know the history.

    Who is stopping the ceasefire now? Hamas.


    The people of Gaza voted Hamas into power almost two decades ago. Hamas is not a legitimate government, does not have the consent of the governed.

    As I’ve said before and will keep saying the correct move here, then just move, is for Israel to lift the weapons embargo on Gaza.

    Once the people of Gaza are particupating in a functioning weapons economy, then and only then is it legitimate to say they are somehow responsible for Hamas.

    Hamas rules unopposed, without the consent of their subjects. Their subjects’ human rights to bear arms is being actively blocked by Israel’s efforts. That is unjust.

    Arm the people of Gaza, then and only then can we talk about Hamas representing Gazans.

    JustZ, (edited )
    @JustZ@lemmy.world avatar

    Get off it dude. Gangs in LA didn’t dig 450 miles of tunnels in an area only 25 miles wide and use them for decades to launch tens of thousands of rockets indiscriminately at civilians, dozens of suicide bombings, and now Hamas’s new tactic, mass shootings of civilians.

    If the gangs had done that, and the people of Los Angeles kept electing them into power, before canceling all elections, that is, yeah, we might consider targeting those tunnels with full force.


    Ah yes wow very dismantled especially the proof they made up really inspires confidence in that they’re right on task there


    All Israel needs to do to dismantle Hamas is to stop the weapons embargo for Gaza. Let the people there get rid of Hamas themselves.


    A good way to make sure everyone was fed would be not oppressing them for decades. For example, attacking fishing vessels, and blockading them entirely since 2007.


    The blockade started because they voted in a group that wanted to genocide all the Jews. Maybe if they would stop trying to kill Jews, things may change.

    Sounds like you are victim blaming.


    It’s a complicated history but even the Hamas Founding charter, which is certainly unreasonable in its fundamentalism with Sharia Law and is antisemitic, does not call for the extermination of all Jewish People. That’s a lie, and also intentionally ignores the 2017 Revised charter. Check Article 7 and 13 of the 1988 Charter to see yourself, compare it to Article 20 and 24-26 in the revised version too. Hamas has committed atrocious acts, there’s no need to make things up about Hamas to show they’ve done terrible things. Ending the occupation and having a Palestinian election for the Palestinian people to choose their own leadership is the way to diminish support for Hamas and other Armed resistance groups. Further terrorizing the West Bank and Gaza will only increase their support, which has been shown historically not only within the Occupied Palestinian Territories but throughout history.

    The Blockade, described by the Israeli Defense Minister as a ‘total siege’ long before 2023, was a strategic decision in 2005. What do you think of the ethnic cleansing campaign of 1947?

    History of Hamas supported by Netanyahu since 2012

    Gaza Blockade is still Occupation

    Dahiya Doctrine

    Gaza March for Return Protest

    AWRAD Gaza War Poll

    PCPSR Public Opinion Poll Dec 2023


    Hamas has committed atrocious acts, there’s no need to make things up about Hamas to show they’ve done terrible things

    Did you read the cite I provided ?

    @JustZ@lemmy.world avatar


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  • Keeponstalin,

    Not a bot, just not a fan of misinformation. Especially when it’s misinformation used to justify an Apartheid and ethnic cleansing

    @JustZ@lemmy.world avatar

    Then stop posting misinformation. Derp.


    Oh, then why is the West Bank also blockaded? That’s not governed by a ‘group that wants to genocide Jews’. You zios logic is full of holes trying to justify your fascist shit hole committing actual genocide and ethnic cleansing.


    West Bank isn’t part of this war.


    Haha, that’s your response? ‘Please don’t look that way, it deflates my argument’. Genocidal fascist.

    You freaks are losing the pr war, and it’s because you’re trying to defend the indefensible.

    @Linkerbaan@lemmy.world avatar

    Well this was israel’s plan from the very beginning…

    Remember this guy?.. youtu.be/UljpRrib1IQ


    no you support Israel well past a fault


    Genocide supporter.


    It’s really not Israel that’s the Problem.

    The Problem is that Gaza is controlled by a Terrorist Organisation and nobody wants to risk their Trucks / Ships to bring Aid into it, Especially since Hamas uses Food as a means to control its Population and therefore will not be happy about a third party distributing it freely.

    xor, (edited )

    Israel has literally been blockading Gaza for decades and massively limits the number of aid shipments it allows into the strip.

    After the ICJ ordered Israel to increase the amount of aid it allows into the strip, they instead reduced the number of trucks by a third to barely 100 per day.

    For comparison, around 500 trucks per day were entering the strip before Oct 7th.

    And you have the balls to say that less than two weeks after over 100 people died after the IDF fired on an aid distribution point.




    Why is it, do you think, that everyone is Airdropping Aid into Gaza instead of using Trucks? These Airdrops are obviously communicated to and coordinated with Israel, so it can’t be to circumvent an Israeli Blockade.

    The Reason everyone Airdrops their Aid is because Gaza is a Enemy Territory controlled by brutal Terrorists that would gladly kill the Aid-workers without any second thought.

    Heck, have you seen the Photos of the Philippine guest-workers being taken hostage in Hamas-Bunkers? Did you see what was there? Bags and Bags of Japanese Wheat, stolen from the starving civilian Population to further their terrorist goals.

    Or did you see the Video of Hamas digging up Water Pipes to make Rockets to fire at Israeli Civilians? Gosh, i really wonder why the majority of Gazans don’t have access to running Water despite the EU investing Billions into exactly that.

    I’ll say it again: The Problem with sending Aid to Gaza isn’t Israel, it’s Hamas. It sees Gaza not as a Territory it must develop but instead as a Asset it can use up in order to fight Israel. They have no concerns for Gaza and its Population as long as they can hurt Israel.



    Neat take! This says that trucks are backed up for miles trying to get into Gaza and that Israel is blockading them. Got anything to support your claim?

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