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The country, meanwhile, is the uncanniest Mr. incredible, but instead of black and white, it’s orange and white (We love Fidesz)



Even more impressive because of it’s unholy pronunciation, the Hungarian „longest” word: ’megszentségteleníthetetlenségeskedéseitekért’



Well first a new voting system would be required because Orbán, after winning in an unproportional system, decided to make the system even worse. So now, even if he only gets 45-54% of the vote, the same exact 68% supermajority is guaranteed.


I think the left side scale is cm over 1m, so he would be 167cm, and the right scale is just a flustercuck.


As someone raised Catholic, and now just generally Christian who goes to mass whenever I feel like it, if any politician ever uses the religion card, I might just commit some act punishable by the TEK (Hungary). /hj obviously, but ffs man! Freedom of religion is being eroded by the Hungarian government as well. Why does anyone’s faith have to control others’?

So as a technically Catholic: I am not persecuted. I am being privileged way too fucking much.


The brainwashing is mental. Just about a month ago some secretary of state came to our town and preached that ‘science without faith is science without morality (and that is bad), so therefore teaching without teaching faith is teaching immorality. West does that, West bad.’ On 15 March, the national holiday, our dictator Vezető prime minister preached the same thing.


Hungarian here. tf??? Tbf, basically everyone here says “haha the western dollar-media doesn’t understand our government/people/culture und und und”. Even Opposition voters.

Also, Orbán is only the third or second worst option. We also have actual Neo-Nazis in parliament, thankfully not yet to AfD/right extreme FPÖ levels.


No no, Orbán doesn’t want to be a dictator, he wants Fidesz to be the only party. You know this because he would hand over the PM post to Máté Kocsis any time and you know he would because Máté acted like a sack of shit in the pardon scandal.

But yes. The govt is bullshitting its way through being a dictator.


And yet, more than 40% of Hungarian voters want to vote for Orbán again. Under his corrupt electoral system, that will be again a 2/3 supermajority. From a Hungarian: The prevailing belief here is “Orbán lies and sucks, but never again for Gyurcsány” or “Everyone sucks, Fidesz is the least bad” or even “There’s no better alternative”. This fuck should be voted out in 2026, but we know he won’t.

From the state’s founding, Hungary is a Western country, which never wants to be part of the East on purpose. […] Eastern politics can’t tolerate autonomy, can’t tolerate independence, and can’t tolerate freedom. It eliminates the defences defending a human’s independence. […] It makes one vulnerable; if need be, it intimidates. […] Since the East stepped foot in Hungary, freedom-loving Hungarians like us always wanted the same: to liberate ourselves from their withering hugs, and to remove their domestic guards. […] Our wish always was this: we wanted a Western democracy which builds on Christian culture, and on the ideals of freedom, equality, and fraternity. We always fought against the faux-democracy […]

– Viktor Orbán, 2007, in a segment to the young people in Hungary.

illiberal democracy my ass.

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