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You’re getting downvoted because you’re repeating false rhetoric.

No, pretty much nobody thinks a child should be having a sexual relationship with whomever they want. However, teens do have those relationships, and most of us acknowledge it happens and are generally ok with it provided there aren’t clear signs of abuse.

Likewise, no one thinks a child should medically transition. However, many of us think teens should be able to medically transition. In fact, decisions about transitioning are often happening several years later than decisions about sex.

Your hypothetical example was to give people a mental image of 6 and 7 year olds when you know damn well the conversation is about 16 and 17 year olds. And if you genuinely weren’t aware, you are now, so it’s time to rethink your position.

If you want to talk about these decisions in the age group where they’re actually happening, then sure, let’s talk. But it’s not going to be conversational if you’re not willing to start from a position of intellectual honesty.


Where are you getting that 12 year olds are medically transitioning? Standard of care is 16+ and only recently has WPATH given the opinion that down to 14 may be appropriate in some cases.

Also, no one is “forcing” these kids into any sort of decision. These decisions are being made between the patient, parents, and doctor after thorough evaluation and discussion take place.


“People are saying” is not the medical standard of care, and medical transition does not counteract puberty. Regardless of what “people are saying,” doctors are not routinely offering medical transition to 12 year olds.

If you want to have the conversation, as you put it, it helps to get the basic facts straight.


Forgive me if I’m misremembering as your original post appears to have been deleted, but I distinctly recall you mentioning an “irreversible” decision to medically transition. Though medical transition is actually partially reversible, I felt it was pretty clear we were both talking about medical transition (as opposed to surgical transition, which is irreversible.)

Puberty suppressing medications have been used for a wide range of medical conditions for the last 40 years. They are not the same as medical transition, and they are reversible. So it appears you may be conflating two different therapies that are typically taken years apart.


I actually don’t think I saw any of your posts talking specifically about puberty blockers, so thank you for summarizing.

I am not sure what you mean by “missed time” and “runs its remaining time out.” GNRH agonists work by downregulating the pituitary gland, which results in decreased hormone secretion. When those hormones stop, so does puberty. When those hormones resume, puberty resumes, typically 6-18 months after stopping the med. There is no magical set of checkboxes or hidden time schedule the body must follow: the entire process is hormone-mediated. “Arrest” is the correct medical term to describe this process, though “pause” is a good non-medical substitute.

You are incorrect about the dosing: it is comparable to that for use in other conditions. For example, for leuprolide (one of the most common meds used,) the starting dose is 3.25 mg per month or 11.25 mg every 3 months with a max of 22.5 mg every 3 months. This is comparable to the dosing for adolescent endometriosis and fibroids, and lower than the dosing for central precocious puberty (7.5-15 mg monthly or 11.5-30 mg every 3 months.)

Leuprolide has been used in children as young as 1 year old and can be continued until 11 or 12 for central precocious puberty. Endometriosis and fibroids are teen indications, so it has been used for children of all ages (as well as adults of all ages.) The result and intended effect are the same as central precocious puberty or for kids with growth hormone deficiency: to arrest puberty temporarily, at which point it can be safely resumed. The big difference is that the blocking for precocious puberty happens much earlier and for much longer, while the blocking for growth hormone deficiency happens at the same time (start of puberty.)

It’s important to note that people who take a treatment are not “test subjects.” Test subjects are those enrolled in clinical trials. They are given informed consent related to the trial, enrolled with strict parameters, and followed-up on in a systematic way. “Leuprolide Acetate for Puberty Suppression in Transgender and Gender Diverse Youth: A Comparison of Subcutaneous Eligard Versus Intramuscular Lupron” (2022) is an example of a study that used test subjects. You going to the doctor and getting a medication is not.

I’m willing to wager that you were perfectly fine letting endocrinologists use their medical expertise to judge whether giving medications like leuprolide to toddlers and young children is medically necessary, and that your objection to it and similar meds magically appeared when those same doctors judged it medically necessary to give these same medications to transgender early teens. If this is indeed the case, it raises the question of whether you’re actually concerned about these medications, or whether you’re actually using it as an excuse to block access to safe and effective medical treatments for trans teens.


Weird that the party that has been explicitly anti-LGBT for several decades would suddenly turn out to be anti-LGBT. I’m as shocked about this as I am that Ant Man and The Wasp had both Ant Man and The Wasp in it.


I’m surprised she waited this long to sell out.


“MSNBC Hosts Express Mild Disapproval for Thing That Trump Will Face Zero Consequences for Saying”

There, fixed the headline.


It sounds like the biggest growth is in bisexual identification, up to 30% of Gen Z women.

My uneducated guess is that older adults with bisexual tendencies had the option of just convincing themselves they were straight, while gay older adults didn’t really have that option.


Thomas is refusing to say whether he paid the $264k loan on his RV or whether his rich buddy gave it to him for free. If it was the latter, he should be paying taxes on it, which means a Supreme Court justice may be involved in felony tax evasion.


“But to the left… he’s a young white man, so it’s worth destroying his life."

I had to scroll back up, because I thought he’d been kicked out of the university. Nope, he was just kicked out of the frat. Oh no, he might have to stay in a dorm or apartment, it’s the end of the world!

“And they’re trying to destroy the rise of the frat boys,” he added.

Um… good? Why would I care about frat boys? My university didn’t even have frats, and I somehow managed to graduate anyway.


They do. It concentrates conservatives, which helps a declining political party stay relevant.


You can force one with the -D (development branch) flag, but otherwise it doesn’t get pushed until 24.04.1.


And then insist that they oppose the law they voted to keep and that it’s somehow the Democrats’ fault it didn’t get repealed.


“This whole trial thing isn’t really convenient for me at all - can we just skip to the part where I win?”


Candidate wears dress and makeup to all campaign events, but uses male pronouns

Voters: “Seems legit.”

Candidate: “Oh, and I’m also a woman. Obviously.”

Voters: “FRAUD!”

Moobythegoldensock, (edited )

Nah, if you’re on LTS, the recommended upgrade is at XX.04.1, which typically comes around July. And 22.04 doesn’t go end of life until April of 2027, so there’s no mad rush to upgrade if you’re happy.


I personally have Xubuntu on multiple machines (I think 3 currently?) And Ubuntu server with i3wm on a 4th.


That’s the scandal in all the red states that are in danger of becoming blue. They’re an ever shrinking minority of voters, and when they can’t gerrymander and suppress to tilt the numbers in their favor, they run all the liberals out of town so they can stay red.

Unfortunately, they also tend to be the fastest growing states, so this is unlikely to bite them in the ass any time soon.


They pulled all their info from a reddit thread, though. Even though it was a Windows 11 sub, reddit tends to have more polarized opinions than most.


Breaking news: Party that built its entire platform on a stupid conspiracy theory now expanding platform to other stupid conspiracy theories.


“I don’t know if you call them people. In some cases they’re not people, in my opinion,” Trump said at an Ohio rally on Saturday. “But I’m not allowed to say that because the radical left says that’s a terrible thing to say.”

Yes, that is indeed a terrible thing to say. It’s literally what Hitler said about the Jews. Apparently being anti-NAZI is a radical stance these days.

Arkansas stops offering 'X' as an alternative to male and female on driver's licenses and IDs (

Arkansas will no longer allow residents to use “X” instead of male or female on state-issued driver’s licenses or identification cards, officials announced under new rules Tuesday that will also make it more difficult for transgender people to change the sex listed on their licenses and IDs....


Bigots gonna bigot.


How else would we know about your genitals? It’s simply not practical to follow every person into the bathroom and peek into the stall while they’re peeing.


“I never thought leopards would eat my face,” said the legislators from the face-eating leopards party.


Robinson said he would definitely return to the days in America when women were denied the right to vote “because in those days we had people who fought for real social change, and they were called Republicans.”

Yes, because that was before the Republican party became enshittified by Goldwater’s Southern Strategy. Those same people who fought for social change back then would be Democrats now.


There’s actually a path even if the Republicans lose the House. All they have to do is “contest” enough of the House elections for Mike Johnson to refuse to swear in the Democrats until it gets “all sorted out”… conveniently after the presidential certification.


how the hell do I find docker

Type “docker” in terminal and hit enter. Since it’s installed, your system will likely recognize it as a command and populate a help menu for you. You’ll want to visit docker’s website for a full manual.

Moobythegoldensock, (edited )
  • Wayland is the new standard and X11 is the old standard. NVIDIA support is getting better. The advantages are mainly under the hood, the most relevant for most users is in security and compatibility with newer hardware. If your distro comes with Wayland, use it. If it doesn’t, then don’t worry about it.
  • Bloat’s subjective and mostly a matter of taste. Unless you’re trying to squeeze every bit of performance out of a 10 year old potato, the bloatiness of your default desktop install will not meaningfully impact your performance. Even the most bloated linux install runs lighter than Windows 10.
  • Keep up to date, especially security updates. Don’t work in root unless you have to, don’t use sudo if you don’t need it, and configure permissions properly rather than 777ing everything. Be careful adding package repositories: don’t add from other distros or other versions of your distro as that can screw up dependencies. Check your package manager or flatpak before resorting downloading random files and trying to install them manually.
  • Yes: linux subreddits/communities, Fedora’s own documentation and forums
  • How easy it is to make a mistake that’s very hard to fix. Also, understanding what “everything is a file,” the filesystem in general, and what a desktop environment even is.


There’s your problem right there.



No thanks.


I typed that comment while I was on the toilet last night 7 minutes before my bedtime. So no, I can’t simply put a video into chipmunk mode and watch for an unscheduled 30 minutes. That’s longer than the actual 25 minute show my wife and I watched in bed.


Pinebook Pro is rather nice, though it is low powered and some tasks will feel slow on it.

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