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Trump signed an executive order to put it in place later. Biden on day one paused everything to vet whether it aligned with where he wanted to steer the country. He decided to not do that by something as flimsy as an executive order and made it a piece of a big bill that was signed into law, protecting it beyond the whims of a future president. Trump’s administration deserves credit for mobilizing it, but executive orders probably don’t have the teeth to actually make that idea come true and definitely are far from permanent. Now it is the law of the land, and that’s because it went through both parts of Congress and then was signed into law. It is indisputable that charging more for insulin is against the law, and this law was a textbook case of legislating constitutionally. Big pharma has no grounds for suing or not complying, but they might’ve if it were just an executive order.


Wait, wait! I think I know this one! Is it “lock him up”?


Maybe I’m being optimistic, but I have to assume that since an adult is in the white house right now and since we know what happened on Jan 6, there will be significantly more resources in place to protect the Capitol and other government buildings around the country this upcoming January. Plus we’ve seen that the FBI got a bunch of them and charged, convicted, and sentenced them, so there’s some precedent to act as a deterrent now. The cultists may be fucking morons, but they’re also absolute goddamn cowards, so I don’t think they’ll try to “storm” shit that is obviously properly defended, especially when they know that they’ll probably be caught and go to prison for it. At least not thousands of them like last time. Maybe like 50 total will push through, but they ain’t even getting to the steps outside this time.


I think that if he’d just kept his mouth shut and not violated the gag order so many times, there’d be a 99.9% chance of no prison time. Because he kept attempting to intimidate people and will undoubtedly commit some sort of stochastic terrorism (again) as a result of the 34 guilty verdicts, now I’m not so sure. Were I a betting man, I’d say that’s down to about 50% with the other 50% being still pretty tame, probably 1-6 months imprisonment + probation. Because home confinement would actually be something of a reward for him, I’m really hoping that he doesn’t just get house arrest where he can watch TV, tweet, and order KFC all day every day.

If the judge allows threats of violence to sway his decision, that’s literally letting the terrorists win. Do the right thing. If people act out as a result, so be it. They’ll get arrested and charged for their crimes next. My realistic expectation is an aggravated temper tantrum, not an assassination conducted with surgical precision. At worst, some gravy seals might shoot a few people, but probably just random civilians because they’re not smart enough to get to anybody specific.


Think of the children’s rape babies!


We’re cool with Israel using our weaponry to do a genocide but we’re on the fence about whether Ukraine can use our weaponry to take back the land that Russia invaded and stole?

We really fucked up when we decided to form societies larger than tribes, huh? We could’ve basically just had community gardens and leisure, and instead we chose this. If I were an alien, I would consider Earth a flyover shithole not worth visiting.


You’re right and I hate it. Bullies will fuck with smaller kids all school year, but not the kid who has a gun at home. My country is just a nepo baby rich kid bully on the world stage.


That’s not even close to what I said. I was saying that we don’t dare stand up to anybody who has nuclear weapons, meaning Israel and Russia. We don’t even dare give (conventional) weapons to Ukraine to take back what Russia stole from them solely because Russia has nukes. We will bully any other country as much as we want because they don’t have nukes though.


Inb4 “Biden is paying college students to organize antisemitic protests at campuses!”

It’s a shit take, but we have to assume that they’ll at least attempt that one on Fox News or similar. They might even somehow find a way to include Soros in the chyron.


And there’s just so much lore to keep up with. Can’t watch the new DEI until you’ve gotten through all the episodes of CRT. I think they need to slow it down before people get too much outrage fatigue before the big blockbuster drops later this year.

Biden is dramatically out of touch with voters on Gaza. He may lose because of it | Moira Donegan (

Many voters believe, with good reason, that none of this would have happened without Biden’s assent. Biden has continued to speak of Israel’s attack on Palestinian civilians using the absurd language of “self-defense”. He has insulted Jewish Americans and the memory of the Holocaust by invoking them to justify the...


there’s really nobody I could see on the Democrat side of the aisle who’s both ready and able to take down Trump this year

I think it’s probably too late to even bother speculating, but I think that there are a few who could’ve been better picks if Biden had chosen to not run for reelection and we got a full primary. Adam Schiff has proven to be organized and effective. Katie Porter might need more experience, but the way CA districts got adjusted it might’ve been a good time for her to shoot her shot. Hakeem Jeffries has proven his ability to unite the party. Gavin Newsom ain’t perfect, but I wouldn’t be surprised by a Presidential run in 28 or 32; he could’ve been a solid pick for this year too. I know he’s had an unsuccessful attempt already, but Pete Buttigieg is charismatic af, speaks laps around everybody, and now has more experience than in his run years ago; he’s much more ready now.

I’m certainly missing other rising stars, and each of these people has their own baggage as everybody does, but I’m confident that these all would’ve been good nominees right now. I didn’t bother renaming Raskin, but I think he would’ve done fine this year too. Crockett is great, but I think she might need a little more time before she can realistically hope for a successful Presidential run. I’d love to see her do more in committees, go to the Senate, or even get a cabinet position before she tries for that level. I like her passion and no nonsense approach, but I want to see her capability for calm unity over clapback, and I think that will come from further experience.

Idk, I’m kinda excited for up and coming younger Democrats; I’m also terrified of the dogshit up and coming younger Republicans who are basically just professional twitter trolls.


All fair points that I didn’t want to hear lol. At the same time, it’s been proven that a man of color can win the presidency and that a woman of color can win the vice presidency in this country, so I’m hesitant to jump right into thinking that only a white, Christian, hetero, cis man can beat trump. It might even get more excitement out of people to come vote for something that isn’t yet another old white guy, which is the only real reason I was hesitant to mention Newsom.

Idk, it’s all speculation on a hypothetical situation, so it’s impossible to say how well anybody would’ve done in this scenario. Just interesting to hear others’ thoughts and see a more thoughtful take than usual. Cheers :)


Damn immigrant children, taking all our children-jobs. /s


He’s learned that pussyfooting around actual answers gets the same amount of applause and much less criticism compared to actually taking a stance. He’s a coward who just says whatever makes people adore him most. He doesn’t believe in anything beyond what currently suits him.

Also, it’s pretty fucking gross that the guy currently on criminal trial for a hush money payment cover-up over an affair who also was found liable for sexual assault in a recent civil case is being asked whether he would restrict contraceptives if elected president… and he’s not just saying no. This is after installing justices who overturned Roe. There’s no takeaway I can see other than that he wants women to be vulnerable to impregnation without access to prevention or abortion. He’s endorsing breed-rape. Trump voters are woman-haters, and most of them are either too stupid or too cowardly to stand up and say that. A vote for trump is a vote to make every woman you know more vulnerable to a stranger ruining her life with his pathetic little pecker.


I don’t believe you. I think it could work just fine, and it should be tested to get to the bottom of this once and for all.


C’mon, man. “Contraception” is a whole 4-syllable word. Who are you to gatekeep the office of presidency behind understanding such complex words. Donald J Trump is an honest man who tells it like it is, and it’s not like he’s ever bragged about being good at words. /s


But he wasn’t a throck.

He was a Throck morton.


PSA: On PS5, after launching your game, hit the PS button. If there are activities, you can probably hit square to resume. This speeds through all the startup wankery and the main menu straight to loading your save. It rarely saves time, but it means you can launch your game and walk away to get a glass of water or whatever. I enjoy it.


He only has a lifetime appointment. He can be removed at any time if Congress is unwilling to act. The same goes for CEOs trying to interfere with unionization efforts. We’re running out of peaceful options and these oligarchical fucks aren’t nearly afraid enough.


Holy cow, I completely forgot about Spicer. We’ve lived through a century in this past decade.


For any confused time travelers, no, Sony doesn’t own countries yet. Disney isn’t even there yet. We’re still a couple of years away from that, I’m guessing.


What a fucking dork. Like trump will snap his fingers and that ugly-Sonic looking motherfucker is gonna rip his shirt off and fight a witness or juror or whoever to the death. Just because you’re not good at intimidation doesn’t make it not intimidation. That shitstain will be a Florida Senator and then run for president, but for now he is a fugly, dorky, loser lapdog with credible accusations against him, and we need to point it out so that it’s remembered when it matters most.


Refusing to fight for Obama’s SC pick so that it could be used to get people to vote for a candidate disliked by most people from either party is not “having standards”.

If this is what you think happened in 2016 after Senate Republicans openly admit that they blocked Obama’s SC pick, then I hope nobody is listening to you because you’ve lost all credibility. They even said that they would do the same thing to a Republican president, but then they moved faster than I’ve ever seen Congress move to install a new Justice just a few weeks before the 2020 election. There’s video of Lindsey Graham telling people to use his words against him if they behaved differently with roles reversed, and he behaved differently, and then that interview video went viral right before the election. There’s no excuse for not knowing what happened, so I have to assume that you’re just arguing in bad faith, trying to sow division.


Senate majority leader McConnell refused to even bring it to a vote. And laughed about it. How do you propose that they should’ve fought that?


I never thought about it til now, but is it possible to just use a baby penguin to mips clip through? Or is mips (or that specific door) functionally different somehow? What happens if you try?


If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice

– Rush


I think Biden is far from perfect. I straight up disagree with him on a few things. I’d say he actually kinda sucks in some ways. But at the end of the day, he’s gotten a lot more done in closer to the right direction than I ever would’ve expected, and the other viable option to vote for will undo that and steer things in the wrong direction if elected.

We just can’t let good be the enemy of perfect. Biden is the only option for any hope of a positive future. A lot of the posters you’re talking about are bad faith actors, and their whole goal is convincing some people to stay home in November. 2020 went to Biden by only like 30k people across a handful of states, so it’s pretty clear that they want to dissuade people who are somewhat on the fence to chip away at that difference. They know that trump is polarizing af and even with the electoral college tilting in their favor, they need to pretend that Biden is polarizing too.


Gazans? I’m missing something here.


I can’t keep up with all the dumb lore in the right wing fandom. There’s better fiction out there, guys.


The criminal number-inflater inflated a number? I’m shocked.


They’re likely going to drag out her entire life story as a porn star to try to make her look bad.

It’s gonna get cringey and gross. They’ll ask how many men she’s had sexual relationships with, how many of those were in exchange for money (conflating porn with prostitution), asking what she had to gain from speaking out, what she did with the hypothetical money, asking whether paid NDAs are illegal or even abnormal, etc. They’re gonna try to harm her character and then distract from the actual crime which was that trump used campaign funds for this and didn’t report it as such. She’s gonna get dragged through the mud like Monica Lewinsky. She’s brave for going through with this to make sure he faces some amount of accountability. It would be so easy for her to just give up rather than become targeted for speaking up. She’s far from perfect, but we should all admire her tenacity.

Why Ukraine Should Keep Striking Russian Oil Refineries (

Washington’s criticism is misplaced: attacks on oil refineries will not have the effect on global energy markets that U.S. officials fear. These s​trikes reduce Russia’s ability to turn its oil into usable products; they do not affect the volume of oil it can extract or export. In fact, with less domestic refining...


I’m okay with reducing my gas use and/or paying more for gas in order to keep Putin out of Ukraine. I know that not everybody has room to stretch their dollar, so I don’t mean to come off as callous, but my minor inconvenience is easily worth stopping bombs from hitting civilians in Ukraine. We already know that appeasement doesn’t work. Putin will not stop. Let’s stop allowing money to decide for us whether we should let monsters thrive.


You’re asking so many questions that it’s borderline gish gallop. I’ll just focus on one:

If we are not willing to go all the way, what are we even doing in Ukraine?

This is likely why you’re getting down votes. You’re making two false assumptions with this question that seems to sorta sum up your whole point: first that Russia is willing to sacrifice everything and second that it would take us sacrificing everything in kind to push them back. Russia is running low on war machine fodder and is now resorting to tricking people into coming to Russia for economic opportunity only to be thrown to the frontlines. To my knowledge, no Americans are fighting in Ukraine. It’s also worth noting that America is not the only country who should or is doing anything to help Ukraine; pretty much all of Western Europe is on board, and that’s good news because it’d be pretty fucking dumb to ignore a raging fire next door when your house is mighty flammable; if Russia takes Ukraine, they won’t just stop there.

At the end of the day, yeah I could see this escalating to a direct war with Russia, and I have very few concerns about that. I don’t think that what we’re doing is so little that we might as well do nothing and watch Ukraine fall. That’s the most defeatist, futile, pointless exercise of a thought experiment I can imagine. That’s like deciding to never eat again just because you didn’t have time to eat breakfast this morning.


Because I know my history. Nazi Germany expanded little by little. And we let Hitler do it several times, thinking he would stop after this one or after that one.

Good thing Russia stopped after Georgia… /s

Your economic hardship does not excuse a torrent of war crimes. I agree that there are war profiteers making out great right now, but it’s silly to think that allowing Russia to do whatever they want and kill everyone in their path is somehow sticking it to the billionaire elite class and helping you somehow. And calling me a bot for pointing that out makes you seem even less credible.


Not just Thor, but Chris Hemsworth as Thor. My immediate assumption was that this was one of those foreign knockoff products that blatantly uses unlicensed shit to sell garbage.


Can’t I please have my drivers license back so I can keep working while I fight these vehicular manslaughter charges?

Same energy. Fuck him.

MrVilliam, (edited )

This time, Biden is the incumbent. He would act immediately if they decide to try another insurrection. The only time I’ve ever seen police use less lethal weapons on a crowd properly was on January 6, 2021. Every other time, including current college protests, these weapons are being aimed directly at people in the crowd. These weapons can and do fucking kill people or maim them when aimed directly at them, which is why you aren’t supposed to fucking do that!

January 6, 2025 will not be as interesting, thankfully. Lord I hope this comment doesn’t age like milk…

MrVilliam, (edited )

I would. ROI takes longer, but they’re super fucking profitable as soon as they turn a profit at all. They’re generally base loaded 24/7 except for about 3-4 weeks per year for refueling outage. I’m 35, so assume 10 years to build and another 10 years before it starts profiting. I’m retired at 55. Sounds pretty good to me.

Edit: source in response to reply asking for it so they will find it :)


I’ll be a source. I worked at Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant in MD for over 10 years. Because of the trend of shutting down nuclear, I shifted over to operating a combined cycle power plant. Calvert with 2 units did about 1800MW combined, base loaded 24/7 except for outages, and those were staggered so that when one went down for maintenance and refueling, the other unit was still throwing 900MW to the grid. My current plant has 2 gas engine turbines and 1 STG, and on a good day when we’re fully up 2x1 with ducts in, we can hit about 800MW when it’s called for. Balls to the wall in perfect conditions on a plant that’s not even ten years old, we can’t do half of what Calvert was doing and they’ve been operating since the 70s.

Imagine what modern nuclear tech could do. We should’ve been a step ahead of everybody with this.


Idk much about that in particular but I can speculate based on what I know about the power industry and business in general. I think larger modular clusters (10-30) would be more common just because of the infrastructure needed. Sure, we might see instances of 1-3 units here and there, but I imagine that if a company is already going to the trouble of buying a plot of land and building a switchyard, getting water access and RO-EDI tech for it, cooling water of whatever type, n+1 redundancy on all equipment, radioactive waste management including on-site storage of spent fuel, etc while also welcoming the NRC and FERC and whoever else to scrutinize, it makes the most sense to have several units making money power. Like anything else, upping the scale makes the cost per instance go down. Nuclear in the US has a fuckload of red tape and permitting and oversight that cost a lot of money to stay on top of. There could be good applications for small clusters like closer to urban, more densely populated areas where land is expensive and the power needs are the immediate vicinity. Or in developing areas that don’t have much power demand, at least not yet. There’s no good reason why a small cluster couldn’t replace the remaining coal plants. It’s also completely feasible to throw some up at military bases or large university campuses for training and their own power needs. Big power will want to squeeze as many into as small of a space with as little maintenance requirement as they can get away with because everything they do is in the name of maximizing profits for shareholders. But for nationalized power like in France, it kinda doesn’t make sense to build anything else right now.

Maybe the best part of SMR tech as I understand it is that somebody could get the land and permits and infrastructure set up for the end goal but just build a small percentage of the reactors at first, and then scale up later. This is cheaper to start, faster to build, and is a perfect proof of concept strategy to get investors excited at funding the bulk of the project.


Because he “tells it like it is” or something. Idk. The kind of people still falling for his grift are too shameless to ever admit that they ever fell for his grift, so they’re doubling down, succumbing to the sunk cost fallacy. They just stay in their echo chambers and saturate their awareness with weird culture war shit and then never hear about what’s actually happening. Half of them probably don’t even know that their guy is a defendant in criminal court this week. Willfully ignorant.


Agreed. But conservatives have learned over the past 10-20 years that they can more or less just do whatever they want without consequence because 1/3 of the people will fight to the death for whatever they do or say, 1/3 is completely unaware and uninterested in politics and current events, and the final 1/3 is people like us who want consequences but we’re too busy to do anything ourselves because survival is hard enough these days. There are a hundred things worthy of outrage and organized demonstration too, so which cause do we dedicate our summer to trying to fix? The right has an easier time because they just say “things used to be better” and then have one event where people complain about change. Pretty much everybody can identify with being pissed off that something used to be better until they changed it, and for some reason that’s strong enough to get some pretty average people to sit at the table with Nazis. There’s much more nuance and thoughtfulness on the left, so it’s much harder to get unity.

Because conservatives can grow and maintain a reliable base to keep them in power, they feel no need to even pretend to be decent most of the time. They can just fervently choose their own selfish goals over what the Constitution or other rules and laws demand. I don’t think it’s hyperbole to say that we’re rapidly approaching the era of post-democracy America. Some would say we’ve been there for decades already, but I think we’re in for some dictatorial, executions-in-the-streets type of shit if Biden loses. So conservatives in power who like trump or even suspect that he may win or get into power otherwise have to weigh doing the right thing which could hurt their party and draw targets on their backs vs low/no consequence siding with trump.

"If conservatives become convinced that they cannot win democratically, they will not abandon conservatism. They will reject democracy.”—David Frum


Idk if this is something that would be legal in every state, but most shooting ranges I’ve seen have firearm rentals. This typically helps them to sell guns because you can see how they feel, but there’s no obligation to purchase. They also might let you rent stuff that you couldn’t legally purchase without crazy licensing, like fully automatic machine guns.

I have a friend who doesn’t think it’s a good idea for himself to own a gun for similar reasons. Others here seem to be alluding to that being a huge issue, but I don’t think that’s necessarily the case. It’s weird to assume that the people who don’t want you own guns must have mental health issues. The data is clear that owning a gun makes a person significantly more likely to be harmed by a gun, whether it’s self-inflicted, an accident, a robbery gone wrong, or any number of other events. If you feel like your health and safety are at risk because of anxiety or depression or anything like that, I hope you’re able to help yourself by even just chatting with somebody who is qualified to help you, maybe getting some medication and lifestyle tips also. I found that I had a vitamin D deficiency, and just taking a standard supplement every day has had a big positive impact on my mood and attitude. Like, I still feel helpless in a shitty world that we as a species are actively making worse every single day, but now I know that that’s a problem that’s way too big for li’l ol’ me to solve. But what I can do is take a few minutes to type something to an internet stranger to tell them that they matter and that they are worth the effort of helping. You matter and you’re worth the effort of helping. Even if you don’t think it’s particularly dire, check in with yourself. Therapy is not for emergencies, so don’t wait until it’s an emergency to talk to somebody.


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