
Cryptography nerd

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But you can’t detect such things without either server side scanning (kills E2EE dead) or client side scanning (will always be limited in what it can detect, and it’s easy to patch out of clients, AND there’s still the risk of govs maliciously pushing detection of banned media)


Had to bring one in a time machine to make the aliens happy


Also, sundowning


Some of them care more about power than even their own quality of life


You can also continously have above average per worked hour for the staff if you keep firing people, because then calls per person keeps going up

Do you think people would be okay with 'Recall' if Apple did it?

With the recent WWDC apple made some bold claims about privacy when it comes to so called Apple Intelligence. This makes me wonder if they did something to what Microsoft did with Recall feature, would people be less concerned and to an extend praise their effort?...


Recall was set to be default on for everybody and to record everything in a database which is trivial to extract data from.

There’s a lot of nonsense Apple is doing too (like the chatgpt integration) but they didn’t put keylogger into the system.


But once a process is running its trivial to get weeks of extremely detailed history and lots of secrets you thought were ephemeral


The perceptual hash algorithm was broken in hours, then so fully broken that modified images were visually indistinguishable from unmodified images, so you could send people images with hash values that match flagged photos.

Also, then there’s the thing of the risk of various jurisdictions pushing for adding detection of other banned content.


Not fully encrypted unless you enable lockdown mode (and losing various features)


Not long ago Irishmen weren’t considered white

No right wing wave in Finland as Left Alliance take record result in EU elections (

Finland’s results in the European election bucked a continent-wide trend of rising support for parties on the outer fringe of right-wing politics, with the Left Alliance and the National Coalition winning big at the expense of the nationalist Finns Party....


The Swedish green party also kicked down our far right party down the ranks.


He doesn’t need to die of it, just get incapacitated enough that he can’t participate. Let people see him as old and fragile. The people who need him to be a strong leader would lose their faith in him


Also cops who don’t live in the city didn’t like it


There’s only been a handful of survivors ever. Near total fatality rate


Depends on how severe a bite is and where it happens! Deep and high up? You need the vaccine quickly. Minor scratch on your hand? It can wait a week


It’s really just the bad faith part that matters the most. Pushing your opinion is fine if you’re honest with what your position is


Post in good faith, and if you learn something you posted it’s false then acknowledge and retract and stop posting that in the future. Seems like a reasonable set of rules


Refusing to stop posting debunked claims is dishonest


Ok, so if Biden is a puppy mill, is Trump the kill shelter?

And then this guy is PETA, working at kill shelters while posting negative stuff about puppy mills?

If your goal is to fuel a distorted view about the competing candidates then that is bad faith.


Not acknowledging that loudness and volume shapes who gets heard is not how you reduce bias. You’re only replacing one bias with another. If you let bad faith actors run free they will silence all others with volume alone, making it impossible to find and hear legitimate non-artificial opinions.


Why not all the shit blaming him for what Republican congress members does?


You don’t understand propaganda do you?


Why would I bother search through his account history now?


Ok so I scrolled back line 2 weeks of the dudes history, and apparently he posts dozens of times per day and I can’t be bothered to scroll further. Some dozen articles on polls blaming the admin for stuff they aren’t responsible for, ignoring things they did do, and some article insinuating dementia, and a bunch of doomerism. There’s probably better examples further back than 2 weeks, but I can’t be bothered. Other people in this thread has given examples of stuff they’ve seen from him so maybe check for yourself


The last guy who got so obsessed with me over on reddit ended up permabanned after everybody got sick of them


Curious that you didn’t disprove anything I said, just a strawman you made up.

Where have I ever said I like the democratic party or that I think the majority of them are good?

I’ve said they’re less bad, because they are less bad, and you keep denying the obvious.

I didn’t call you a stalker, but it’s curious you picked only one person to @ and picked me. Last guy got so unhinged he spammed my DMs for a few weeks. Your attitude is remarkably similar to his.


Curious that you can do the math but then can’t comprehend what the outcome means


People who can’t pay experiencing their creative work doesn’t take anything away from them. Complain about the lack of funding for art instead


That was announced with the old peace deal he proposed during his presidency, which fell through


Are you saying Biden personally is causing the most harm, and that Trump wouldn’t cause more? Or do you think it’s irrelevant that acting as you suggest would make things worse?

I don’t disagree he’s handled it bad, but your options are between pressuring him to do better or Trump wrecking everything he gets his hands on


Have you seen Trump’s history of actions? It’s not what “might” happen, it’s a certainty he’ll make it worse


You mean the one who DIDN’T approve of those actions? Unlike Trump who explicitly revoked a policy against the settlements?…/israel-settlements-illegitimate-pale…


Biden who canceled tons of student debt and supported unions, not supporting the working class?

Do you favor the Trump who supported companies above unionizing workers?


Which world do you live in

Sounds like BS bothsidesisms


That’s like saying Trump gets credit for everything that happened under his term even if somebody else did it, like the vaccine developed in Germany getting first to market…/israel-settlements-illegitimate-pale…

But no, that’s not how it works, unless you expect Biden to go in with the US military and declare war on Israel’s government


How long will that rate of death last when they’re also causing mass famine while controlling the borders? You know starvation can cause number of deaths across a population to skyrocket, right?


Are you once again expecting Biden to send the US military to enforce it?…/100601690


Are you expecting Biden to send the US military to enforce actions like that? How else will he make it happen on ground controlled by Israeli security forces without permission from Israel?

He canceled the previous veto policy;…/netanyahu-biden-gop-effort-to-sanc…

Direct sanctions…/us-expected-impose-new-sanctions-ag…

Has in fact already withheld weapons (yeah it should’ve been done earlier, but Trump is the kind of person who’d make a point of supplying more).…/israel-weapons-shipment-us-eed365ebe……/pause-us-joins-other-states-stopping-ar…

GOP, Trump’s party, want to enforce continued weapon sales to Israel and prevent Biden from halting it…/story?id=110228315


Even if Biden should do more, you’re deliberately pretending Trump’s record on this is unknown to be able to pretend they’re the same. I know you know how bad he is, and you’re lying about it.


Are you Russian?


Israel is capable of manufacturing bombs all of their own so it wouldn’t have stopped anything. Yes he should have cut off weapons almost immediately, but you know perfectly well that the Trump who promised to ban Palestinians from USA and mass deport people would support Israel actively instead.

You are so focused on the details in rhetoric that you fail to observe both parties being the exact same in actions.

You’re actively lying to yourself


No I think they’re in your room…/russian-disinformation-network-eu-p…


Apparently they think they can cover everything but vehicles and ships, and they aren’t losing nearly as many planes to their enemy as Russia has


Can’t see you here no

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