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Original title: Miriam Adelson’s Unfinished Business What does the eighth richest woman in the world want?

The article shows how aggressively anti-peace she is and her beliefs about the land to support the above claim


Do you prefer the Trump who moved the US embassy in Israel?

Natanael, (edited )

Did you read about the Trump peace deal (organized via his kids!), which would require only Palestinians to make concessions, giving up land, giving up freedoms, being subject Israel’s security forces, giving them no rights, and which gave all power to Israel (and which obviously fell through)?

Biden applies political pressure on Netanyahu to push for ceasefire:…/israel-hamas-war-news-gaza-p…

Trump plans to pressure Palestinians:

The plan proposed a series of Palestinian enclaves surrounded by an enlarged Israel,

Netanyahu announced that the Israeli government would immediately annex the Jordan Valley and West Bank settlements while committing not to create new settlements in areas left to the Palestinians for at least four years. U.S. Ambassador to Israel David M. Friedman claimed that the Trump administration had given permission for an immediate annexation, stating that “Israel does not have to wait at all”

The plan itself places no conditions on Israel with regard to proposals to “annex parts of the West Bank”.[8]

The plan puts the Palestinians on probation, establishing a set of conditions they must meet and adopting Netanyahu’s view that a shrunken Palestinian entity will be a state in name only; Israel will control of its borders, air space, electro-magnetic spectrum, foreign policy and security


I don’t excuse the dems, but you refuse to accept that Trump is 10 000x worse

Netanyahu would not be angry at Biden for his demands if Biden was fine with everything they do.

Netanyahu would not prefer to have Trump back if the two were equal.


Ok, then tell me who that candidate is who can win instead of Biden.

I’m waiting.

I am not super fond of Biden, and wouldn’t mind seeing him replaced. But my top priority is harm reduction, and switching to a candidate who can’t beat Trump would send USA into turmoil


That was announced with the old peace deal he proposed during his presidency, which fell through


Are you saying Biden personally is causing the most harm, and that Trump wouldn’t cause more? Or do you think it’s irrelevant that acting as you suggest would make things worse?

I don’t disagree he’s handled it bad, but your options are between pressuring him to do better or Trump wrecking everything he gets his hands on


Have you seen Trump’s history of actions? It’s not what “might” happen, it’s a certainty he’ll make it worse


You mean the one who DIDN’T approve of those actions? Unlike Trump who explicitly revoked a policy against the settlements?…/israel-settlements-illegitimate-pale…


Biden who canceled tons of student debt and supported unions, not supporting the working class?

Do you favor the Trump who supported companies above unionizing workers?


Which world do you live in

Sounds like BS bothsidesisms


That’s like saying Trump gets credit for everything that happened under his term even if somebody else did it, like the vaccine developed in Germany getting first to market…/israel-settlements-illegitimate-pale…

But no, that’s not how it works, unless you expect Biden to go in with the US military and declare war on Israel’s government


How long will that rate of death last when they’re also causing mass famine while controlling the borders? You know starvation can cause number of deaths across a population to skyrocket, right?


Are you once again expecting Biden to send the US military to enforce it?…/100601690


Are you expecting Biden to send the US military to enforce actions like that? How else will he make it happen on ground controlled by Israeli security forces without permission from Israel?

He canceled the previous veto policy;…/netanyahu-biden-gop-effort-to-sanc…

Direct sanctions…/us-expected-impose-new-sanctions-ag…

Has in fact already withheld weapons (yeah it should’ve been done earlier, but Trump is the kind of person who’d make a point of supplying more).…/israel-weapons-shipment-us-eed365ebe……/pause-us-joins-other-states-stopping-ar…

GOP, Trump’s party, want to enforce continued weapon sales to Israel and prevent Biden from halting it…/story?id=110228315


Replace “we” with “Russia” and you get it

Giving Russia what they want is in nobody’s interest except Putin and a select few of his politicians. They’ll then use the land in Ukraine to try to grab more land in Europe, notably Poland, Finland, and Moldova, through more war


The situation for Ukrainians in cities Russia took control over is soo soo much worse than you can imagine. Torture, killing most adult males, horrific abuses - and you say that pushing Russia back and reclaiming cities is the worse choice???


So the meat grinder of Russian mass murder every time they take over a city is better than fighting back?


That ml instance might as well stand for machine learning, because you have the same amount of empathy, common sense and coherence.


There has been Russian agents pretending to be locals since then. That doesn’t make it civil war, it makes it an invasion

Remember when Russia was planning false flag attacks on their own territory so they could blame it on Ukraine before invading, but then they got called out and no such attacks happened because Russia knew the world knew and the Russians would know too who did it if Putin had his own population slaughtered again (like he did to first get elected), and then they invaded anyway without literally any justification at all?


That makes your argument worse because if it was locals they wouldn’t be so radically stupid


Tell Putin


If Russia has legitimate reasons, why are all the reasons they give for their actions always a bunch of lies?

Why did they have to stage false flag terror attacks on their own soil to justify an attack? Why do they have to doctor footage, make up fake citizens, and twist history?

If they have the truth on their side, why not tell the truth?


Why is it sociopathic to want Ukrainians to be free instead of being tortured and abused daily for the next several decades?

I don’t think you actually believe Ukrainians will be safe if they stop resisting. You should know, because if the majority of Ukrainians actually would prefer Russian rule they’d just stop fighting and no amount of weapons sent to them would keep the war going.

And yet, they chose to resist.


But they didn’t really motivate it though


Yeah this war made Russia sooo stable

Putin is a madman who wants more power and more land and more people under his control. They genuinely thought the Ukrainians would give up within days.

All the intel from that time shows they didn’t expect lasting resistance. They expected to be able to hunt and execute everybody who had been part of the old government without any hickups, then just take over. And this was supposed to happen after a false flag attack on Russian soil, blamed on the Ukranian government, most likely together with a PR flood trying to convince the population that they would be safer under Russian rule due to their own government “being too dangerous / erratic” or whatever else.

The balance between Putin’s and other oligarchs’ power is not very stable given how many of them he has had killed. He’s relying on fear to keep them all from ganging up in him way once, just like how he relies on fear with everything else.


You’re mixing up things. Proportionality is a specific thing about scale. It doesn’t say you’re not allowed to respond to failed attacks.

You can for example evaluate the likely future harm your enemy would cause if you don’t stop them and then apply the proportionality principle to that when you try to stop them. Or evaluate likely harm if somebody else attempted and succeeded with an attack you just stopped, and decide what kind of deterrence is needed based on that.

And Israel isn’t just doing a shit job of it. they’re not doing it at all


Israel themselves said they would accept 15 dead civilians for low level Hamas staff and 100+ for higher ranking ones.

And they overshoot hard.

IDF count every male above 16 as Hamas by default. You’re gonna get a lot of false positives that way

Natanael, (edited )

You’re not allowed to target civilians at all.

You can target military objectives like certain infrastructure to disable it, but you’re not allowed to target civilians. The rules of war just says when civilian casualties aren’t punishable. You have to take measures to ensure attacks are as precise as you can make them and with as little collateral damage as possible.

“eliminate every human because they might be an enemy” is not a valid military objective.


The US puts the number of Hamas men injured at between 10,500 and 11,700, many of whom could keep fighting, a US official told the newspaper.

Just FYI the total stats for injured is way way way above 35k


proportionate attacks

There’s the problem


About 2/3 dead are women and children according to most sources I see. 15K Hamas of 37K dead exceeds 1/3, so that can only be possible if you count numerous women and children as Hamas and valid military targets.

Natanael, (edited )

Even if they somehow were accurate, these numbers only cover the direct deaths from attacks, the totals you cite include all deaths from starvation and disease and more. The attacks on the hospital system and infrastructure and access to food will cause the ratio to get much much worse. Famine is indiscriminate.


Seems like you need to learn reading comprehension if you can’t understand the relevance of an article about proportions in a discussions about proportionality


I can’t find any source showing the context of the 30-35% claim from US Intel. I can’t even find a reliable source of the US estimate of how many fighters they have. The last public numbers from US intel in January had much more detail and said 20% incapacitated, not 20% dead. A jump to +30% of Hamas fighters dead now seems beyond implausible. Especially because USA has also said they don’t independently track deaths in the region, they rely on local numbers.

Different Hamas officials have made different claims about their losses, and all the sources seems vague. It’s been reported as 6000 - 8000 either lost (could be casualties including injured survivors not able to fight) or dead. And some of them deny the numbers entirely.…/in-gaza-authorities-lose-count-of-the-d…

It’s absolutely not the 15K that IDF claims.


That’s a lot of heavy lifting from the assumptions that the missing is majority men and also that all fighting age males would be Hamas


This article seems to have the clearest numbers


25-30K fighters, 20-30% killed, so at best ~10K down to ~5K, assuming their intel is correct. It’s very strange that the estimate of killed fighters is in percent and injuries is in absolute numbers. Doesn’t make me feel confident they got the context right of the numbers shared


… And they’re almost all caused by one side, not casualties divided across two equal fighting armies among civilians.


He’s incorrect because it’s not founded in racial inferiority, it’s grounded in unequal access to resources and opportunities.

By denying racist policies being in place to create and maintain inequality he helps ensuring the kids can’t escape racism.

These people are arguing it’s racist to acknowledge reality, centering the logic around denying that their racist policies have any racist outcomes, and accusing the kids of being at fault for circumstances outside their control.

These same people would never agree that nepotism driven preferential access for rich white kids is a sign of “racism of low expectations”, but when the kids are poor they will scream that same argument at the top of their lungs.


Advertised WiFi MAC is randomized per AP by most devices these days, and Bluetooth also have equivalent privacy protocols. So unless you can get the device to connect to you then you won’t see a static identifier that can be followed


No passive scanning in the background though


Too many devices are set to actively try to connect to anything in pairing mode because normal people can not be taught to press the right device in a list of devices or to press a button to accept…


Many still do, it’s still there in the protocol. But it’s optional and many devices skip it

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