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Steam Spring Sales 2024

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I could come up with a thousand reasons as to why this would never happen. Hell, I could even argue that the whole Steam Deck’s existence comes from a series of decisions that Valve made out of hatred for Microsoft. So, yeah, it’s not happening.

Still though, as a thought experiment, imagining a world where tomorrow, Steam is owned by Microsoft, it’s… interesting, to say the least. In the most horrifying way possible, but interesting nonetheless. Quite frankly, I can’t imagine anything worse happening for video games. Like to me, this is what a video game apocalypse sounds like.


We say this every fucking year! Come on, this is getting ridiculous! Stop it! There will never be a year of the Linux desktop and if anything, this post shows why.

So much of the Linux community is utterly detached from what really matters to most users and focus on things that 80% of people won’t ever understand, care about or even use.

We focus on this and meanwhile, little quality of life features constantly get ignored when these are the real things that users will encounter and that will piss them off. They get treated as trivial. They get ignored in favor of other things.

Somebody mentioned it here. I saw it and I didn’t need them to mention it to want to say it. It’s already something that’s pissing me off. On Fedora for my Framework Laptop there is no way to adjust the scrolling speed on my trackpad which is moronically fast.

We are on the 40th release of Fedora, the 46th release of GNOME, and somehow this still isn’t baked in. I still have to go look around and use the fucking terminal to do something this basic. When some of them try Linux and will eventually push them to go back to Windows. And when users complain about this, what do we get? A bunch of elitists telling them to fuck off to go back to Windows, which I also saw as responses to this complaint about the trackpad.

Listen, Linux is an amazing project and I love it. I daily drive it. I don’t use Windows anywhere in my life. I haven’t touched OS in like two years at the very least. So many things that we are celebrating as brand new things that are finally working properly are things that already work by default on Windows and have been for years. We’re not going to convince people by mentioning that, “oh, we fixed this thing that’s been working forever on Windows.” It works on Linux now. People need more than this.

You want to know the sad truth? Here we go. We, collectively here, users of platform like Lemmy, are a vocal minority who are detached from the reality of most users. We care about ads, we care about privacy and so on, but the reality is most that people don’t. Most people won’t even notice that those things are there. For so many people, Windows is just the thing that stands between them and launching Chrome. It already works for them. There’s no reason for them to switch.

We are all way too invested in what runs on our computers and we forget that we are just us. Most people are not like us. Privacy scandals stop us from using stuff like social media and so on, but it clearly hasn’t stopped most of the world.

People heard about the shit that Meta was and is doing. Did people stop using Instagram? No, they didn’t. People know what Google is doing, how many of them switched to DuckDuckGo? A clinical moron turning the platform into a far-right haven didn’t stop most users from using Twitter.

The API bullshit didn’t stop most users from using Reddit. Sure there were protest, but I guarantee you that 99% who took part in the blackout just went back to it after. A lot of us didn’t. We left. We’re here now. But we’re still a tiny minority.

Ask a Firefox user did telling Chrome users that privacy was important ever worked? I’m sure you will get examples of it working but it’s a minority. Most people don’t give a shit and they use Chrome.

I don’t have a solution. I’m sorry, I made this long-ass comment but I don’t have much else to say. I don’t have a good solution to this problem.


Well, I’ve been on it for a while and it’s kind of nice. The last time I was there I could notice that some of Twitter’s toxicity was starting to take root because lots of people came from Twitter. But other than that, I am not comfortable using something that is not open source nowadays.

I’m done with this shit. I don’t want proprietary stuff in my life anymore. I still have some, but the less I do the better, and especially when it comes to things like this. I don’t want to sit around waiting for inevitable, greedy, shitty money-driven decision to run this thing into a fucking wall.

Blusky is decentralized-ish, but it’s not open. And eventually money is going to be an issue and it’s eventually going to be filled with ads or be an algorithmic nightmare or whatever, like everything else before it.

I am sticking with Masterdawn and I barely go there. I don’t post regularly there, I don’t have anyone or anything interesting to follow there. It’s mostly a tool for me to follow software and everything. But I won’t have it any other way. I’m done. I’m not moving anymore. I am done following and getting invested in the latest proprietary bullshit website or app that is cool right now, but is inevitably going to try and suck out as much money as it can from its users.

Look at BeReal. I love the idea. It’s great. It’s what social media should be. But now, there are allowing celebrities and companies on it. Sucking the life out of it. And I loved the idea but I never used the app. Why? Because they didn’t have a way to make money! Of course this was going to happen.

Anyway. Is it open-source? No? Then I’ll pass.


Do they get Elon’s dumbass tweets projected in their mind, now?


That was me. 🐣


Well, my thinking was that I wasn’t sure, actually. I just liked their proportion better. They were nice looking. It was almost a running gag for me and my friends that I would always play women.

There were exceptions, like if it was a character that was speaking it would depend on the voice, for example in Far Cry 6. I picked the male model because I preferred his voice over her. Or if the female model is like overly sexualized with over the top sized ass, ridiculous sized boobs, a distinct lack of clothing compared to men… No thanks. I want to play as a woman, not play as a “made for horny 14 years old by horny men-children” version of women. No thanks. That kinda thing. But that’s about the only exceptions.

If I have the option in an RPG, it will be female. I’m gonna play Cyberpunk soon, you can bet your ass it will be a feminine type character. I played Mass Effect, Fem Shepard all the way. That GTA 6, for as little as I am excited by it for many reasons, I’m still very excited that one of the main characters is a woman.

I’ve always had a preference for playing women. I don’t have a problem playing any character at all. I can always immerse myself in them. It’s rarely an issue. But if I can, I like to play something that I identify myself with more, qnd that’s always been more the case with characters that are fem coded.

They are usually smaller. Usually thinner than male models. They have a more rounded face. And they tend to have long hair. All of this always fitted much more with who and what I was. I never had much muscle. I was never that tall. My voice, even as I grew into an adult, was never the typical male voice. It always had a bit of femininity in it. I have long hair. I have a more rounded face compared to most men. It always clicked more with me.

So yeah, there have always been lots of reasons, but it’s always been kind of nebulous as to why I just preferred it, you know? But then I figured out I was trans, so…


So they are complacent with it very well. If you are complacent with Nazis, to me, you’re a Nazi. I don’t give a shit. What’s the saying that the Germans have? Like there are six guys at a table in a bar and one of them is a Nazis, therefore there are six Nazis at the table? Yeah, that.


I think it is impossible to properly state how damaging his existence was to gaming as a whole.

I would gladly say good fucking riddance, as if it was a victory, if it weren’t for the fact that he is going away with a fuck ton of money. He didn’t lose anything, he just won. And the whole gaming industry, hell, the whlole world suffers because of it. Because this isn’t just about video gamse. The man is a vile piece of shit. And he just gets to walk away and get away with it. Because money is power. The whole thing is just sickening.


Uhm… yes? That’s pretty much the point?


And if you’re on PC, it’s more like 2027. :D


I don’t know what to do honestly. I’m fully aware of the situation. Artists deserve better then the shit they’re always getting, I’m not disagreeing. But here’s the thing, buying music is nice and all, but one: Bandcamp is going to shit. And two, I just can’t afford it.

I’m poor and I listen to a lot of things. Buying all that isn’t possible for me. Right now, I’m using Deezer, because they offered 3 months for free. And you know what? Just the 10 bucks a month that I’m saving is making a huge difference in my life.

Not to mention that discovering music without streaming services is quite hard. I left Spotify a long time ago, when the home page started recommending me more Podcasts then music. I tried a lot of things and I came to the conclusion that I hate all music streaming platform but they’re still, by far, the best way for me to listen to and discover music.

If I love an album, I’ll still buy if I can afford it (which I often can’t).


You’re acting like I’m pirating the music, here. I’m not. I said that I’m using Deezer right now, a legal and paid for way to listen to music.

I use Deezer and like I said, when I like an album, I still try to buy music from the artists that I love when I can. Which pays them much more then millions of stream.

I feel guilt free, honestly.


The artists put their music on streaming platform as well. There is no such thing as ethical consumption under Capitalism. Everything is fucking exploitative as fuck, everything is awful. There is A LOT of things that I refuse to watch, play, listen to, pay for, consume, for ethical reasons.

Again: I AM NOT PIRATING! I’m using a legal way to access the music I listen to, Deezer. And buying albums that I really love when I can afford it on the side.


But I’m saying that there is no harm caused by OP pirating in this situation.

…but I’m not pirating though! ;-;


Too late, the death squads are already at my door.


If you’re looking for a great open source note taking app with a good free plan, and well priced paid plans, I strongly suggest Notesnook. I’ve been using it for months exclusively, it’s fantastic.


I’m still shocked by the fact that people actually like or even trust Nothing when, personally, the company gives me nothing but bad vibes since the very beginning. This tech-bro-crypto-bullshit / Elon Musk-esque / Cybertruck-esque marketing and attitude is a massive red flag to me. Can’t say I’m surprised about this.


Yup. I moved to Mastodon because of it, I don’t trust BlueSky.

I don’t trust a platform that is funded by the guy who gladly sold the previous one to the moron who’s now in charge. And I don’t trust their claims because as of now decentralized it isn’t. It’s just not. And there is no real reason for them to do so. So eventually they may just walk back their claims and 99% of the user base won’t care about this.

Plus, this website is going to need to make money eventually. But as of yet, they have no concrete monetization plan, which is basically the norm in nowadays with these kinds of projects. We grow fast, we make money later. How is that going to happen? Is it going to be filled with ads? Is it going to basically make the same mistakes as before? We don’t know.

Plus again, this is originally made and funded by the guy who made Twitter. And let’s not pretend that Twitter wasn’t already a dumpster fire before the Muskrat came in. It was. Twitter sucked way before this and, personally, I left it waaaay before this guy came in.

I’m done, personally. I’m done with all of this. If a company is public, I don’t even care about their product anymore. Investors are going to ruin it. Doesn’t apply here, good. If a social media platform is not decentralized, not open source, I don’t want to have anything to do with it anymore. So, no Bluesky I’m done with all of that.

I am on Mastodon and I’m happy with my choice. And that’s it for me. I’m not trying anything else. I’m happy on there. It’s not filled with ads. I don’t have to worry about investors fucking ruining it eventually. And I don’t have to worry about it becoming a shithole filled algorithmically boosted Neo-Nazis because anger drives engagement and engagement makes money.

A while back, I was still hesitant. Then I read this article which basically sold me on it.

Bought my first Steam Deck after seeing the deep discounts on refurbs...what should i know as a first time Steam Deck/PC gamer?

As title says, once Valve announced the OLED deck, I saw the refurbished originals go on a deep discount and figured it was time to buy in. So I ordered a refurb 512GB and I’m so excited for it to arrive! Been in a gaming rut for a long time now and, having never been a PC gamer, I’m look forward to checking out a bunch of...


Some tips.

• Always do your research about a game, always check what people are saying on the website before you buy it. Do not trust the rating system. We’ve had too many cases of game being labeled as verified that couldn’t even reach 30 FPS.

Do not install Windows on it. Just don’t. You got a Steam Deck. Not a Ayaneo, not a ROG ALLY. You got a Steam Deck. The strength of this machine is entirely in its software. It’s why in my opinion there has never been any real competition to the Steam Deck as most of these rely on Windows which is awful and not made for this purpose at all.

• If you ever get a dock and plug it in your TV, do not change the resolution of the game. Let it run at 720p. The upscaler will do its job. Just turn on FSR in the Steam Deck setting for the game with the free dots button (or Xbox + B, if you are using an Xbox Controller). In my experience, you tend to get quite good results, and I’m doing it on a 4K TV.

• The case that the Deck that comes with is amazing, but it’s a bit fat. It may be an issue if you plan on taking it with you on trips or whatever. So here’s a good alternative made by the company TomToc. I have one, and I love it. It’s thinner and will fit into more backpacks while taking less space. However, know that if you’re using a case around your Steam Deck, like let’s say you got a Killswitch from Dbrand, it won’t fit. Also, if you pick this up, don’t throw the original carrying case away. Keep it, you never know.

• I never really cared for emulation in the past. However, EmuDeck is the shit. It is so good, so stupidly easy to set up. You can’t pass on it. It’s a must have. If you grew up on consoles, it’s a great way to revisit the past and also a great way to play older games which got stuck on their consoles generation, forever lost to time and eBay scalpers.

Some games.

As for good games to get you started on the Steam Deck, first:

Aperture Desk Job is an absoute must. I am pretty sure it should be included with the Steam Deck, but I don’t remember if it was, but it’s a free, short, and unique game made by Valve specifically for this machine. It will show you everything this machine can do and familiarize yourself with every aspect of controls from the small trackpads to the gyro controls.

• If you want good examples of good optimization, I strongly recommend you get the I will also strongly recommend you to buy its “sequel” (it’s more of an expansion standalone game), Miles Morales, which to me, while shorter, improves on basically every aspect of the base game.

• The Steam Deck is also perfect for playing older games which you may have never got around the playing. I played BioShock on it for the first time this year entirely on the Steam Deck from beginning to end. It can feel a bit dated here and there, but I can also tell you that its reputation is well earned.

• Speaking of all the games you’d never played before, I doubt you haven’t played them. For some reason I feel like you probably did, but if you haven’t, I strongly recommend you to play the entirety of the Half-Life 2 Trilogy on this thing. It’s been optimized for it with new menus and everything.

A Short Hike is as short as it sounds like, but it is a really memorable title. It’s relaxing, it’s hilarious and it’s simply adorable. It’s a gem.

Terraria may not look like it at first, but it is surprisingly well optimized for the Steam Deck. It’s amazing, and if you haven’t played it, you will probably figure out eventually why this game has such a cult following. There are really good reasons as to why this is one of the highest-rated games on Steam.

Vampire Survivor. Because of course. I feel like at this point, it’s practically illegal to own a Steam Deck and not have this game on it.

Reventure is a fun and creative title. I honestly don’t have much to say about it. It’s really fun, really creative, really cheap. Quite funny. I loved it, and I can only recommend it. Don’t try and look up guides for this game. That would be ruining the fun.

• I haven’t finished it. But Spiritfarer It is a beautiful game, not only visually, but in its theme too. It’s a game about death and moving on from past traumas. It’s emotional, it’s funny, it’s creative, it’s just full of heart. I can promise that you will get attached to every character, but I can guarantee you that you will get attached to some, and that you will promise yourself that you won’t cry, but you fucking will! And you will love it.

• There is nothing quite like The Long Dark. You may believe you played survival games before, but this one is entirely different. I cannot recommend this enough. You really have to play it to get it. In a sea of bad and generic survival games, this one stands out as being serene to the point of being therapeutic while also being able to be ruthless and terrifying. This game isn’t particularly hard to run, but however, it doesn’t seem to like the Steam Deck very much? The frame rate is oddly unstable so I would recommend you to lock it at 30, then it won’t move at all it will be perfectly locked. It’s an issue that needs fixing.

I will conclude with this, the Steam Deck is not your PC with a 4090 in it. This is a low powered handheld machine. If I were you, I wouldn’t expect it to be reliable when it comes to newer AAA games. And that’s not only due to the power these game demands, but also to the absolutely dog shit optimization we seem to get with them nowadays.

I found that the Steam Deck is a perfect machine for me to expand my horizons. So my final recommendation would be for you to look towards indie games in general. These will be the best for the Steam Deck, but you may also find that these will be the best in general.

Have fun! :3


I am not interested in the slightest into this game. If you’re waiting for a proper GTA game, you probably won’t be getting it. This is GTA Online 2.0 and nothing else. Don’t be fooled. This is the only thing that Take-Two cares about now and this is what it will be.

You will get your single player because of course but I wouldn’t be expecting much from it. I’m expecting something that probably won’t hit as hard as previous entries did. GTA V was already large step down from GTA IV. I’m expecting a very basic single player game with very basic lukewarm social satire.

This game will be primarily focused on GTA Online, and I know you’re going to tell me that GTA 5 was like that, but I don’t think they expected to make as much money as they did from it. This one though, they know they will and therefore they will have focused everything on it to make it an even larger money maker.

If you don’t believe me, I invite you to take a look at Red Dead Redemption 2, which was an amazing game with an amazing single player, but they tried to make money from the online component and didn’t manage to do so, and therefore look at what happened to that game. The online component and therefore its community has been completely abandoned, and that game is now buried in the older generations of console, forever stuck at 30 FPS with medium to lox textures.

We will never get a next-gen update of RDR2 and we will never get another game like GTA 4. GTA 6 will be the absolute final boss of live service games. And even with a stick, I’m not touching that one.


So, if WhatsApp eventually fails, can we accept for at least just this once, to move on to something that is not proprietary and owned by a large company, please? Please, for the love of everything can we please for once move on to something that is open source and for just this once not repeat the same fucking mistake over and over again?


What’s not easy about Signal, though? :c


So, I haven’t watched this yet but I just wanted to say this. I opened this video in an isolated, private tab. I’m not logged in, this is the algorithm in it’s default state. And litteraly the first video YouTube recommends me on the right of this one is a one hour and twenty-one minutes video called “Spider-Man 2 is Disgusting, Woke Propaganda”. YouTube’s default recommandation are still horrendously fucked and immediatly sends you to far right content…


Intel is evidently not paying attention.


If this ever comes out and you actually put your money in it, you deserve whatever fuckery happens to it. I’m sorry, but I’m completely out of empathy for Musk’s fans.

Twitter's lost 13% of its daily users and its rebrand has failed (

The new data — comprehensive and definitive — should put to rest the countervailing narratives over Musk’s management of the app. Under his stewardship, X’s daily user base has declined from an estimated 140 million users to 121 million, with a widening gap between people who check the app daily vs. monthly. X’s...


Rebranding Twitter, one of the most recognizable brand on earth, to “X” is not just shooting yourself in the foot, it’s taking a shotgun, aiming at your feet and pulling the trigger.

What is something (feature, modes, settings...) you would like to see become a standard in video games?

I’ve been thinking about making this thread for a few days. Sometimes, I play a game and it has some very basic features that are just not in every other game and I think to myself: Why is this not standard?! and I wanted to know what were yours....


Oh! Yes! That’s one thing that’s been driving me nuts too. Games are getting larger and larger but there’s no actual good reasons as to why. >.<


The ability to wear a cosmetic armor over your actual armor in RPGs and the like is on my wish list as well. Terraria does it quite well. :)


Custom difficulty mode in general. The Long Dark does exactly what you described. :)


Games needs to take into consideration people who are not used to playing. Games telling you “Press L3/R3” are the worst especially, most new player don’t even know that the sticks can click!


And let us skip the damn hour long tutorial on replays, while you’re at it!


It’s a thing… here and there. Far Cry 6 by default has voice reader accessibility feature turned on, which is nice. Say what you will about Ubisoft, they’re good with accessibility stuff.


The fact that you can’t is a feature… just not for you.


Apex nailed the communication aspect. It’s the gold standard as far as I am concerned.


That reminds me:

If there is split screen on console…

…why the fuck do I need to mod it into the PC version?!

It’s already there, leave it in! ;_;


Just letting people pause cutscenes to access the menus would be a huge start.


Sounds quite specific but I can see it. A “turn off gore” feature could help?


Hell yeah. I didn’t put this in my post because I didn’t want it to turn into a debate about the validity and viability of gyro controls (it is, if you don’t think so, you’re just wrong). So thanks for putting it.


So this is my own post, but I’m still gonna comment on it because I have something else.

AI Bots support for multiplayer games.

It’s become quite a rarity but it used to be… I wouldn’t say standard, but common in older games and I really miss it.

Sometimes I really enjoy the gameplay loop of a multiplayer game but I just don’t want to play it in multiplayer. There is too much pressure. Counter-Strike is a good example of that. I like the gameplay loop. I like the game but I spent a ton of my time playing it offline against bots on custom maps.

It’s not exactly the same as playing with real players. I know they don’t behave the same. But speaking of not behaving the same, at least I don’t have to be worried of being insulted or anything if I make a mistake. There is much less pressure to succeed in games like this which I find fun. It’s often hard to play online because it’s all pressure and no fun for me.

Programming decent AI bots is complicated I know that which is why it’s probably as rare as it is nowadays but I still miss it there has been too many games that I loved that simply died and I can’t play anymore because there is no bot supports on it. I would love to be able to play my favorite game like for example, a Battlefield 1 game with 63 other bots that can pilot vehicles and do all of the things that real players would do.

That’s why I love Ravenfield. But yeah, how many games have died and how many gameplay loop do we miss and can never play again because it would require actual players and there was never any proper bot support implemented?

I can think of a few and actually one of them is Star Wars Battlefront 2015 which had some sort of AI bot implemented but it used a very different kind of AI. They don’t move like actual players. They have completely different animations and behaviors and what’s worse is that they have a really nasty tendency to focus on the player. Which means that on some maps and some difficulty you come out of a hallway, out on the outside part of the map, and all of a sudden every bottom of the map, every starship is firing at you. Because you’re the priority target.

Battlefront 2 2017 eventually implemented instant action and did it much better. Sadly I prefer the gameplay loop of the 2015 game by a lot. Oh well.

If you like me, buy Ravenfield on Steam. It’s not a game that happens to have bot support. It’s actually a game that is completely built around this. It’s not just a feature, it’s the point of the game, and I love it for it.


I’m gonna be honest, I never really understood what it did. The difference between fullscreen and windowed mode is kind of obvious, but borderless? I get what it does, it’s like windowed mode but borderless and it can take the whole screen. But then why not just make it fullscreen? I don’t understand it.

And especially when apparently some games run better with it? Which… I don’t know, I just don’t understand it.

Digital Foundry - Redfall's 60fps patch works - but this isn't the redemption story we were hoping for (

“Assuming Arkane will continue development, clearly there are many areas for technical improvement, with some annoying visual glitches, oversights and outright bugs remaining in the updated code. I’m not sure that any amount of patching will make Redfall a truly good game, but Arkane has at least delivered the performance...


Fuck redemptions anyway. It’s time to make some examples out of some games. I’m sick and tired of games launching as broken and empty pieces of shit, only for them to finally become somewhat playable months or even years later and have the internet call it a “Redemption Arc”. It’s becoming a standard.

I totally forgot how terrible a non-ad-free YouTube experience is

So I’ve been using youtube ad blockers since pretty much when ad blocker extensions were first available. Lately though I’ve been getting hit more and more with these messages that YT was sending out every 5 or so videos telling me that adblockers aren’t allowed. No problem, just gotta wait 5 seconds to x it out and then...

Plume, (edited )

It sucks. What sucks even more for me is that, I understood the fact that a platform like YouTube costs an unimaginable amount. I get that. And I wanted to pay. As a matter of fact, I did pay, happily so, for quite while. For YouTube Prenium Lite. Until a week ago I think, where I got this wonderful email from Google titled: Kindly go fuck yourselfor at least that’s how I read it… telling me that YouTube Prenium Lite was going the way of the Google graveyard. Because of course it did. And now, it was paying for full Prenium or nothing.

So I stopped paying. I’m not paying 13 bucks a month for no ads. Especially if you’re basically strong arming me in doing so, I’ll do without YouTube.

Because hey, I tried YouTube Music. It’s actually quite good in many aspects (horrendously flawed in many others too, of course, but that’s most Music Streaming services) but you know what? I know it’s been years, but I’m still not over Google Play Music and how they killed that off for what was an inferior product back then. Why the fuck would I invest my time and money in a Google product, nowadays? I’m sorry if you reading this were one of these people, but it’s like… to the people who were paying for Stadia and were shocked to learn that the service was shutting down… I’m sorry, but what the fuck is wrong with you? It was bound to happen, from the moment it was announced, the entire internet started joking about the fact that this thing will be dead in two years!

I refuse to pay for a Google product nowadays. It’s like paying for a live service game at release, it’s rolling the dice and betting against the colossal odds that this thing will be dead in two years. So, unless it’s a Pixel, so I can slap something else than stock Android, Google can suck it. They won’t get a cent from me.

It’s not like I paid for Prenium Lite because I loved YouTube. Hell, YouTube stopped being a good product a long time ago, I was paying for the content I was watching. Gotta support creators, you know? And also, because I watched a lot of YouTube on my TV, and you can’t slap Ublock on that. It was a reasonable enough price. But now? Fuck YouTube, I’m done with this. I’ve been hating this platform more and more for a while now, the algorithm is awful, it keeps recommanding me stuff I don’t want (why the hell does YouTube insist and recommanding me far right content, jesus christ, stop!). And even without ads, you still get them because monetization is so damn inconsistent creators can only depend on sponsors, I could go on and on.

So now, it’s NewPipe on mobile, Piped on desktop and I guess I’ll just find something better to watch on TV. I’m paying for Nebula, it’s cheap, doesn’t have even a third of the people who I watched on YouTube, but at least it’s creator centric and it’s got a lot of good, interesting stuff on it. I’ve been watching lots of Twitch lately, and while yes, I agree, fuck Amazon, at least I can just pay for the people who I watch most to get no ads, it’s a reasonable price, support them and Twitch ads are not nerely as horrendous YouTube’s are in terms of frequency. So, yeah. I don’t miss it.


Same. Yattee has proven too cumbersome for me to setup. :/


Sadly, I use an Apple TV.


Usually. This time, I think it might be different. Starfield is coming out in a time of live service games, and the way they talk about it, they are going for a really long-term support with plans for contents over years and everything. So this time, it could be different. Maybe.

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