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Seems novel. But from a security aspect, if OpenSSH has security vulnerability that allows an unauthenticated user to login, via whatever means, once you are in the system as a non-privileged user, you are now free to use the same vulnerability to get root.

Basically this exercise is like using two locks that have the same key to open them. If the same key opens them, then a weakness in one, is now a weakness in the other so why bother with two identical locks?


We wouldn’t bother with independent motorized transportation. It would be trains for between cities and public transit so ubiquitous that bikes would be exiled strictly for rural exploration outside of cities.


The gamergate clickbait is still alive and well I see.


It’s absolutely this. Let’s say that you wanted to make sure this never happened again. You could use the Police playbook, “more training,” “better roads,” “more awareness,” "people centric design,"an unlimited number of buzzwords. But the only solution that would help is fewer cars and fewer roads for them. Non-car infrastructure must be developed, and unfortunately it IS zero-sum as space is finite and valuable.


I dont’ understand the issue here. Is that picture part of some specific VPS’s logo or is it part of the title/theme of the article? I think it’s very poignant, though obviously edgy, if it’s the latter. If your VPS provider isn’t censoring content, then obviously that means Nazism will be able to exist along with militant socialism advocating violence against capitalism. That is kind of the point of the article right? To determine which VPS is actually not going to censor.


The bug meteors aren’t launched ballistically, they are launched in some kind of superluminal method that isn’t explained and doesn’t need to be, it did bypass earths defenses however. You can see that happens because the transport ship Denise Richards is piloting literally sees it happen. In the movie the idea of Buenos Aires being a false-flag isn’t supported by the text, nor the subtext.


None of your points except maybe number 4 is true.


The bugs don’t launch the asteroids ballistically, they are launched superluminally as can be seen by the gravity singularity that Denise Richards detects when they (almost) avoid the asteroid.


Each country is free to create whatever rules they want for their country, but for people that don’t live in those countries then there is nothing more to say. There can be voluntary international cooperation (like there is with copyrighted works) but if I live somewhere that isn’t part of that international cooperation then like it or not, I am free to violate your laws all day.


Safety standards is the stated reason, but the actual reason is that weight is unregulated and can always be increased in pursuit of any more profitable dimension. If weight was the taxable dimension, we’d live in a much better world.


Both. More weight of a car = more danger to everyone.


Well since we can’t ban cars, the most severe problem, then I guess we can’t do anything. Good job defending the status quo I guess.


Amazing how the existence of a single person who (may possibly) need a car means that everyone gets to drive cars and there is nothing that should be done about cars. Man isn’t that convenient for you.


Do you know what a terminal is?


hahaah. Ok sure you win. Linux TTY’s are absolutely not terminals. Sure they are called terminals, they are for all intents and purposes modern-day terminals with a long and storied history that directly links them to terminals from the 70’s but since they aren’t a physical piece of hardware that electro-mechanically connects to a mainframe, obviously they aren’t really terminals and they should be be called something else.


If and only If this law suit leads to the banning of advertisements across all media, I’d be 100% for it. But that isn’t the purpose, it’s purpose is a cash grab for a law firm.



You mean the organization that is basically bankrupt and at it’s peak spent 5million dollars over a year lobbying? You think they have more influence then a “video game series” that is owned by a company that has around 25billion in assets?



She should have started with something that the school board agreed with. Showing how “intolerant” Islam is, and then creating an easy direct link of those beliefs to Christianity. Make them out to be both fools AND hypocrites while at the same time condemning the cancer of religion as a whole. For bonus points, go from Islam -> Judaism -> Christianity.

Why Your VPN May Not Be As Secure As It Claims (krebsonsecurity.com)

Virtual private networking (VPN) companies market their services as a way to prevent anyone from snooping on your Internet usage. But new research suggests this is a dangerous assumption when connecting to a VPN via an untrusted network, because attackers on the same network could force a target’s traffic off of the protection...


This won’t mitigate this specific attack, however running your VPN as a full tunnel will.


Full tunnel using routing wouldn’t work but many full tunnel implementations use a shim where once the Tunnel is connected, the system route table isn’t referenced anymore, so you can put as many static routes etc as you want, but all traffic will hit the VPN interface before routing is done. For example Cisco any connect removes route look-up from the TCP/IP stack of the local system.


I use the switch for specific console games, and my PC for everything else. Don’t compromise with shitty consoles to play PC Games.

Novel attack against virtually all VPN apps neuters their entire purpose (arstechnica.com)

Pulling this off requires high privileges in the network, so if this is done by intruder you’re probably having a Really Bad Day anyway, but might be good to know if you’re connecting to untrusted networks (public wifi etc). For now, if you need to be sure, either tether to Android - since the Android stack doesn’t...


The association from otherwise well meaning people with dick-size and body shaming when it comes to cars is weird/creepy.


Must be compensating for something.


Also breathalyzers. You can be compelled to give blood/breath/etc in the course of a criminal investigation and there are no constitutional protections covering you.


You get rid of cars and you stop designing society to accommodate the one edge case where someone lives 100miles away from a city that they have to commute by car to everyday for some reason.


How about trains? That way 99% of people dont’ even need to drive, ever.


Literally the definition of an edge case, but consider this, if you never had a car you would have never been in that situation to begin with.


Where is the ctrl+alt+del function defined? I just want to see what made that sequence work. I’d also be interested in where ctrl+break is defined.


Bikes aren’t pedestrians and shouldn’t share any aspect of public space with them. I don’t care beyond that. Additionally if a biker ever complains about pedestrians being “in the bike lane,” the biker should be jailed, their bike impounded, and be forced to ride one of those 1800’s Big wheel bikes.


It’s an entitlement issue. I obviously want cars gone, at the very least from within urban cores, but ideally everywhere. But bikes also share the same issues as car-brained folks. Where they think that because they are a bike and that is better then a car, they should have priority over pedestrians and it’s up to the pedestrians to make sure they aren’t in the “bike lanes,” etc etc.

It’s important to codify that bikes only exist because of a courtesy, but much like cars, they do not hold any status above pedestrians, even if the citizenry has ceded a specific space for them.


When my calculator app in windows is suspended, but has locked 29 threads and is using 60megs of ram. Not that those two values are significant, but why is my caluclator-app “suspended” when I closed it a few days ago since the last time I used it? Shouldn’t it just be closed and not showing up at all.


Descent 3 was probably the weakest in the series, but it also spawned Descent: Freespace and the best space sim since wing commander, Freespace2 which is fucking amazing. I think it is still opensource but there was some interplay fuckery about it that I don’t remember.


I thought companies made money by selling a product to customers? Hmm, seems like there is some kind of contradiction here, perhaps Phil should look into that.


This type of resume isn’t for the tools, it’s for the humans who glance at the resume before the interview.


Absolutely not. Cars make noise because physics says they have to. If somehow cars can be 100% silent in all ways, there is no reason at all that should be making noise (other then the horn to alert people in case they need to alert people).

Noise pollution is absolutely part of the problem with cars, so the last thing we need if we want in a society that continues to allow cars, is archaic rules where cars have to create more pollution.


Never forget that noise pollution is one of the multitudinous problems with cars and it’s a car brained idea that cars should be forced to pollute more then they already do.

Should bikes also be forced to have sound emitting from them?


Larian already made DoS2 (which is better imo then bg3). In any case I look forward to the next Larian project.


It’s true, you should go either full magic, or full physical within a specific character, however a 2magic/2physical party is great as well since almost all the combat encounters will have a mix of heavy physical armor guys and heavy magic armor guys.

But really once you learn how the action economy works, as long as you don’t gimp your characters by putting dex on a mage or whatever, you can blow up most encounters regardless of the magic/physical make up of the party.

And of course you can also go lone-wolf archer and single handedly win all encounters on your own ;)


Not just conservatives.


I don’t want suburbs at all and public policy should make suburbs unaffordable.


If you are willing to pay $100/gallon of gasoline, pay for all the roads, pay for the carbon externalities of both the cars and the roads, and pay for the water infrastructure and basically live in a Galt’s Gulch, then sure, you can do whatever you want. But that isn’t the case today.


This is basically the same as the voting rolls that democrats and republicans use for canvassing. The amount of information they have and have had for years predating the internet, is immense.


People who buy shitty games which then encourages more shitty games are villains, not victims.


Sounds like we should start fining ISPs who can’t/don’t want to keep up.

Asking for a Linux (or non-Windows) laptop during a job interview?

I’m interviewing for a software dev job currently (it’s in the initial stages). If things work out, I’d absolutely prefer a work laptop with Linux installed (I personally use PopOS but any distro will do), a Mac will be second choice, but I absolutely cannot tolerate Windows, I abhor it, I hate it… (If all computers left...


I’m not a software developer, but I absolutely do coding and one of the standard questions I ask is what OS they run on official company approved laptops. Other then a shitty bank I worked at for a few years (bad idea, but at least I got a pension out of it), all of them allow windows, osx, and at least one flavor of linux. If they don’t allow that stuff, you should just turn down the offer anyway.


Layer3 decides where broadcasts stop (at the boundary between two networks, i.e. a router)

Layer2 is where broadcasts go.

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