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The mother did not drive him to Kenosha, or across state lines, and she was not involved in acquiring the rifle.

He drove himself to Kenosha. Dominic Black acquired the rifle. It’s unclear whether it was Dominic Black or Rittenhouse who drove him home, but his mother was not in the car. Hours later, his mother drove him to the police station in his home town - not in Kenosha, not in Wisconsin - where he finally surrendered himself.

Frankly, it’s disgusting that even basic facts of this case are so poorly known. I am still seeing claims that Rosenbaum, Huber, and Grosskreutz were black.

Rivalarrival, (edited )

What type of source would you be willing to accept?

I know that your claims do not arise from primary sources. No audio or video recordings from Kenosha show her to be present. No witnesses for either the prosecution or the defense ever testified to involvement that could be construed as proving your claims. I cite the trial transcripts in supporting mine.

I will note that you have provided no source for your claims. I know they did not arise from any primary source, but I do not know what secondary source you are relying on. Are you willing to accept major news organizations, such as Associated Press? They reported that false claims of her involvement were widely reported in social media.

Fact check.org also refuted claims of her involvement.

Politifact concurred.

Are you as certain of Rittenhouse’s culpability in the killing of Joseph Rosenbaum and Anthony Huber, and the wounding of Gaige Grosskreutz, as you are about your claims about Wendy Rittenhouse’s involvement?

Rivalarrival, (edited )

“Oh, you were misinformed about something worthy of a snopes article, have you considered that you might also be wrong in opposing murder?”

Yes. That is my question. Is it possible that the same sources and methods by which you came to be misinformed about his mother have also caused you to be misinformed about the actual circumstances of the attack?

12 jurors all heard the same evidence, and concluded that his use of force was justified against all three of the people he hit, and a fourth that he fired upon and missed. What do you know about the case that leads you to believe differently?

Were you aware that there was a fourth person to attack Rittenhouse?

Were you aware that Gaige Grosskreutz (“Byecep”) was live streaming, captured Rittenhouse stating he was going to police, observed him running toward police, and still called for mob violence against Rittenhouse?

These are all from primary sources: people and video directly involved. They aren’t from reports or commentary. If any of this information is new to you, how confident are you that you now have all the relevant information? How confident should you be?

alvaro, to selfhost
@alvaro@social.graves.cl avatar

Question about replacing/expanding a disk

I have a small mini pc as server similar to [1], which has a super nice small form and has an internal slot for a 2.5" ssd disk. Currently I have a 2TB SSD, but it is filling up rapidly.

My options are:

  1. Buy a way more expensive 8TB SSD and replace the existing one
  2. Buy a much cheaper 8TB HDD + enclosure and connect it via USB.

I wonder what are the pros and cons of each option. I like 1 more because the form factor of the homelab is maintained and I don't need to plug yet another thing. OTOH I'm allergic to spending money 😆 so a cheaper solution (about 4 times cheaper) is always welcome.

Maybe I'm missing a third alternative? Opinions?

[1] https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0BVLS7ZHP/

cc @selfhost @selfhosted


SSDs are fast; HDDs are slow. I would not want my operating system hosted on an HDD if there is any way to avoid it. An external USB drive would have slow file operations to and from that drive; an internal HDD would slow the entire system.


Neither of those options is particularly appealing to me. I’d look at building a more respectable file server, with 4 or more SATA ports. I’d have a relatively tiny SSD to host the OS, and any number of HDDs in some variety of RAID array


Hash browns, hash browns, hash browns, home fries, home fries,


Anytime you see that despicable FAKE statement used, remember that it comes from the FASCIST SCUM that is destroying our Country

One word away from the truth. That’s got to be a record for the great cheesy poof.


The inherent flaw is thinking that “privacy” is something that the courts are capable of providing. They aren’t. The most that government/courts could possibly do is make it illegal to generally and indiscriminately retain IP address records. But that only protects you from law-abiding privacy invaders; it does nothing to protect you from criminals who would use that information nefariously.

When you take adequate and appropriate steps to secure your privacy, it doesn’t actually matter what the courts have to say about “privacy”.

Rivalarrival, (edited )

The scenario you describe actually demonstrates my point. Where anonymity is “illegal”, the only entity you can trust to protect your privacy is you.

That fact does not change when anonymity is “legal”. That fact does not change even when anonymity is mandated. Even if it is a criminal act for me to make a record of who is accessing my service, that is only a legal restriction. It is not a technical restriction. You can’t know whether I am abiding by such a law at the time you are accessing my service. A law mandating anonymity doesn’t actually protect your anonymity; it just gives you the illusion that your anonymity is being protected.

The relevant difference between your scenario and reality is that in your scenario, nobody is blatantly lying about whether your privacy is under attack: it most certainly is.

Rivalarrival, (edited )

There is an IOS app for hot air balloon pilots called “Hot Air”. There is a similar app for Android that… Leaves much to be desired.

There’s several functions that are needed. First, we need a map. We need to be able to enter waypoints and/or polygons charting landing zones, prohibited zones, targets, etc. we need an easy way to select targets, and our bearing and distance to those targets.

For planning purposes, we need a bearing line that we can place and move on that map. We need to be able to easily drag and drop each end of the line, and get the bearing and distance between the endpoints.

Next, we need track recording. It should record a ground track during flight, preferably with altitude information, and notes about the flight.

Next, a wind map. The wind speed and direction varies considerably by altitude. It needs to record direction and speed as we climb and descend, telling us what altitude has winds favorable for our current target.

Bonus points if we can prepopulate that wind map with data from a “pibal” (pilot balloon; a simple latex party balloon released and tracked with compass and stopwatch before a flight)

Next, coordination with other pilots and ground crews. 3D location sharing between participants; wind map data shared between pilots.


I’m not a fan of this approach. I think the idea that users should never touch a command line is an inherently proprietary philosophy. Without the command line, at any given moment, the user is fundamentally limited to whatever options the developer elected to offer.

I think a good GUI will assist a user in learning text configuration and command line functions.


I want two, pro-choice parties. I want two anti-trump parties. I want two pro-gun parties.

When the shit that the parties differ on is shit I don’t care about, mission accomplished.



There should also be no violent crime. No assault, rape, murder. No beatings, stabbings. No kidnappings, armed robberies, burglaries, arsons. No suppressiin of dissidents. No invasions or genocides.

And when we finally achieve all of those, I fully agree: there should be no guns.

Until that day, every political party should be pro-gun.


How does that work?

I mean, the overwhelming majority of violent crimes are committed without the perpetrator being armed with a gun.

Are you under the impression that the mere existence of guns leads people who don’t have them to commit violent crimes? What is the mechanism by which guns drive violent criminals without guns to violently crime?


The fact that Ukraine is in Europe tells me that is untrue. Or did you forget that I included suppression of political dissidents, invasions, and genocide among my reasons for an armed populace?


Pretty much the whole world had genetic purity fanatics in the 1930s. Eugenics was broadly supported for most of the 20th century.


Everything you’ve mentioned are “supply shaping” measures: trying to match supply to an independent, wildly variable demand.

We need to focus on “demand shaping”. We need to “flatten the peak” of our energy consumption, by adjusting how and when automated systems use power.

For example, water heaters consume about 20% of our energy. If we were to install thermostatic mixing valves after our water heaters to provide a consistent output, we could wildly vary the setpoint of our tanks, from anywhere just above shower temperature, to just below the boiling point. We could have our water heaters soak up every available kilowatt during a solar peak, raising the stored water temperature to 190F, and storing that hot water until it is needed for showers overnight.

Desalination, hydrogen electrolysis, and various other industries could also adjust their production rates to take advantage of favorable energy pricing, shutting down production entirely and backfeeding the grid with their own, on-site solar and wind production when energy prices favor their power more than their nornal production.

With the “slack times” heavily moderated by effective demand shaping, the rigid consistency of nuclear isn’t nearly as detrimental.


We do need both. My concern is that the focus seems to be almost entirely on supply shaping, while demand shaping is either completely ignored, or is intended to maximize base load generation by driving demand toward overnight hours that can’t be met by solar.

We need a much greater focus on demand shaping than we currently have, which is why I promote it almost exclusively. Supply shaping measures will take care of themselves.


the most humble dude in history

What does Mr. Rogers have to do with this?


It’s a layoff, but without having to call it a layoff.


You’re keeping the people willing to make sacrifices to keep their jobs. You’re keeping the most desperate, most readily exploitable people, and getting rid of anyone who won’t tolerate your abuse.


The next step is being inclusive of nonreligious agnostic and atheist youth and leaders.

Technically, they already are, with the possible exception of nihilists.

The scout oath does include a “duty to god”, but they do not define what they mean by “god” or “religion”. Instead, they explicitly leave those definitions to the scout.

The only requirements they actually have on the subject of religion is 1. tolerance for the beliefs of others, and 2. “reverence” for your own creed.

Under their policy, “the laws of thermodynamics” is a perfectly acceptable “god”, and “In this house, we respect the laws of thermodynamics” is a perfectly acceptable “religious” creed.

“The environment” is a perfectly acceptable god, and “we must preserve and protect our environment” is another perfectly acceptable “religious” creed.

I readily concede that their policy is needlessly complex. It would be easier to just drop the “duty to god” and “reverent” requirements entirely.


While we’re throwing out scouting and the clergy because they have had abusers within their ranks, let us also throw out baseball, soccer, football, wrestling, theater, choir, band, cheerleading, chess club… Hell, you’re going to have to cancel school in general, what with all the teachers raping their students.


I know that the ‘god’ they’re referring to is a deity outside of myself

That is false. They are very explicit in their policies that they do not define “god”. Their policies leave the definition of “god” to be determined by the scout, not the scouting organization.

The “duty to god” requirement charges you with defining your own god. You are not beholden to anyone else’s definition.


That’s not true. You do not have to believe in a magic book. The BSA requires a belief in God, but does not define god. It requires religion, but does not define religion.

Why is the sky blue?

If you answer “because God wanted it to be blue”, you’re good.

If you mention something about physics and Rayleigh Scattering, you’re good.

If you answer “I don’t know. I’ve never really thought about it”, you’re good.

Even If you answer “who cares?”, you’re good.

The only surefire way to answer this question “wrong” is something like “it’s not blue because of God, because there is no god.” While that statement is true (at least for any supernatural definition of “god”), you’re not being asked what you don’t believe, but what you do. You’re not being asked to rebut someone else’s belief; you’re being asked about your own.

Do you hold anything to be “true”? Are the laws of thermodynamics obeyed in your household? Maybe Descartes’s First Principle is more to your philosophical liking: “I think, therefore I am”. 1+1=2?

The sum of everything you hold to be true, BSA refers to as your “god”.


Your link is to a site hosted by andividual scouter. It is not the policy of the organization.

Faith ends up being extremely hard to define

Correct. Which is why the organization does not actually define it. They explicitly state that it is to be defined by the scout and the scout’s family.

I, too, am an atheist, by the usual definition of the term: I believe in no supernatural deities. However, with BSA’s definition, “atheism” is only possible if I believe in nothing whatsoever. Some extreme form of nihilism. With BSA’s definition, I do, indeed, have a “god”: my own consciousness. I do, indeed, have a “religious” creed: logic, rationality, the pursuit of understanding reality. I wouldn’t normally refer to these as “god” or “religion”, but they serve the same purposes for me that gods and religions serve to theists.

and ask if I am eligible

That is not a question they can answer. They charge you with defining your “god”. You are the authority on the subject, not them.

If asked how I fulfill my “duty to God”, I would respond that within my worldview, the concept that BSA refers to as “god” is more commonly described as “consciousness”. I might mention that within my worldview, it is considered “impolite” and “imprecise” to refer to consciousness as “god”, but that I recognize there is no malicious intent behind the BSA usage of the term. If I got any pushback on that, I would remind the inquisitor that my family and I are charged with defining God and religion. I would further remind them that a scout is reverent, and reverent includes tolerance and respect of the beliefs of others.

I would explain that I fulfill my duty by experiencing, learning, teaching. I would describe a memorable experience, what I learned from that experience, and thank the inquisitor for giving me the opportunity to fulfill my “religious” duty by sharing the knowledge I had gleaned.

If I recall correctly, (it’s hard to look at previous messages with this app), you said you could truthfully describe yourself as your own god. Do you exist? If you exist and you can describe yourself as your own god, is it still reasonable to call yourself an atheist?

If you are your own god, what duty do you have to yourself? Are you fulfilling that duty? Are you reverent? If you can answer those questions (and it doesn’t really matter what the answers are), you are eligible to be a scout.


The members of the organization decide how changes will be implemented. The members (citizens) of the US decided to remove the references. The members of scouting decided to keep the vague concept of religion, and leave it to the individual to determine specifics.

It is not “mockery” to understand that the religious aspects of scouting are defined by the scout and the scout’s family, rather than BSA or a church.

Rivalarrival, (edited )

Dishonesty does, indeed, go against scouting principles, but I am in no way being dishonest.

What I am doing is explicitly following BSA policy, both the letter of the policy, and the intent of the policy. That policy was specifically established to be inclusive on the basis of religion. Scouting follows it’s own law: it is “Reverent”, which includes a requirement to respect the beliefs of others.

Buddhism does not include a concept of a deity, yet Buddhist youths are welcomed within the BSA. The “God” that BSA refers to can be found within a religion that does not include the concepts of a god.

Unitarian Universalism does not require congregants to have a belief in a supernatural entity. While some UU members are theistic, there are many atheists and agnostics among them.

I mention UU specifically, because the BSA entered into an MOU with the UUA on the subject. UU organizations are welcomed to charter Scouting programs, without requiring their atheist members to abstain. The “God” that BSA refers to can be found within an atheistic Unitarian.

If I were asked how I, personally, perform my “duty to god” I would say that within my worldview, the concept that BSA refers to as “god” is usually thought of as “consciousness”. My duty is to utilize that consciousness in my daily life, to experience, to learn, to discover, to teach. I would recount one of my memorable experiences to my inquisitor, and thank them not just for asking, but for giving me an opportunity to perform that duty.

BSA policy charges me with defining “god” for myself, and nothing in BSA policy prohibits me from appointing “consciousness” to that role. I am, indeed, an atheist as the term is normally used, but my belief system is compatible with Scouting.

Rivalarrival, (edited )

The UU MOU demonstrates that “atheism” is not inherently incompatible with scouting. The memorandum does not mean that if you want to be an atheist and a scout, you must also be a Unitarian. It means that the duty required of the oath can be fulfilled by an atheist. How is it possible to fulfill a duty to “god” without believing in “god”? That MOU serves to clarify the distinction between what the BSA refers to as “god” and what other entities refer to as “god”. It demonstrates that the BSA uses a non-standard definition of “god”, and that we need to understand what they mean by that term before we can make a meaningful judgment of their policies.

I don’t believe in any gods, and would never say that something was a god if I did not think it was a god. Consciousness is not a god, nature is not a god, the laws of thermodynamics are not gods. Labeling these things gods only serves to imply some sort of mystery thing about it when there is none, I would consider it lying to do so.

I consider it lying for me to deliberately substitute my meaning of a word for the meaning intended by another. What you (and I) would and would not call “god” is completely irrelevant to how BSA uses the word. BSA does not hold to the idea that “thermodynamics cannot be god”. Quite the contrary. If a scout wishes to define god as thermodynamics, BSA accepts it.

BSA does not hold to the idea that “consciousness cannot be god.” If a scout wishes to claim consciousness as god, BSA accepts it.

BSA does not hold to the idea that “God can only be a supernatural entity” or that “God refers to a sense of mystery”. If a scout does not wish to declare God to be a supernatural entity, BSA does not force them. If a scout determines that a sense of mystery is not necessary, BSA does not require it.

BSA developed their policies using one definition. You are using a completely different, contradictory definition. Your conclusions do not at all reflect their actual intent. It is intellectually dishonest for you to impose your meaning in place of their intended meaning.


Gotcha. You’re a connoisseur of religious philosophy. You know that it can only be called “god” if it comes from a specific region in France. Every other worldview is “sparkling belief”.


Have a wonderful day.

Rivalarrival, (edited )

“Hey, developer, your software is just about perfect for my use case, I just need to make this one small change. Can I go ahead and do that?”

"Sure, you can make that change, just as soon as you pay us $X. Oh, and we are planning on including that feature in the next release, so you can go ahead and buy that from us.


The parts of the world where violent crime is lowest have the highest mean age of motherhood. Women in Australia and the UK, for example, wait until after 30 before having their first child.

The parts of the world where violent crime is the highest have the lowest mean age of motherhood.

Nobody should be encouraging pregnancy before age 30.


Like e.g. the education system, especially the amount of years spent on education before starting to work

Exactly. It’s kinda hard to spend years on education, years building a nest egg, when you haven’t spent all that many years alive.

The correlation is through socioeconomic conditions, correct. Older parents have worked longer, saved more, and can provide greater opportunities to their children, which in turn creates a more prosperous society that values education, social security, etc.

Rivalarrival, (edited )

Get pregnant or don’t, how is that a concern to me?

Because every society where the average person starts a family before age 22 is described as “developing” or “impoverished” and every society where the average person starts a family after the age of 28 is described as “industrialized”.

I challenge you to find an exception.


I think you’re reading more into my statement than what I actually said.

This thread is about a GOP official encouraging child pregnancy:

GOP official argues in favor of child marriage: Girls are ‘ripe’ and ‘fertile’

I don’t think we should just let that GOP official do what he wants.

I think your criticism is about reproductive rights: that we should leave individuals to make their own decisions. I agree.

However, when the question comes up as to the best time to start a family, there is an answer: “after 30”.



Nestle products comply with European law in Europe. Nestle products comply with Senegalese law in Senegal. Nestle products comply with South African law in South Africa.

When companies use ingredients that are banned in Europe to produce food for American markets, (brominated vegetable oil, potassium bromate, BHA, BHT, etc), we point the finger at lax American regulators for allowing it. When Nestle produces food for African markets that doesn’t meet European standards, we don’t blame African regulators.


VPN server and any NAS or other network file share.

Rivalarrival, (edited )

We can tax registered securities. Stock holdings. We can take 5% or 50% of all outstanding shares, each and every year, and transfer them to IRS liquidators to be resold in small lots over time.

We can exempt the first $10 million held by a natural person, (which exempts about 99.5% of the populace from the securities tax) and establish a progressive tax schedule that causes the tax rate to exceed average gains when holding more than $100 million worth of securities.


You are familiar with the concept of democracy, are you not?


First Tuesday after the first Monday in November.

Rivalarrival, (edited )

DeLeTeD bY mOdErAtOr


All registered securities (stocks, bonds,etc.) should be taxed at 75% per year. Natural persons are exempted from the tax on their first $16.7 million, with a progressive schedule up to the full tax rate at $1 billion in value.

Securities are not sold to pay the tax. A percentage of each security held by the ultra-wealthy taxpayer is transferred to the IRS. IRS liquidators sell off the shares in small lots over time, so that liquidated shares comprise no more than 1% of total traded volume.


You assume the neutral wire is present and connected to the neutral prong, as it is in typical appliances. If I were to make this ducky, I wouldn’t connect anything to the neutral or ground prongs in the plug. Indeed, I’d connect all three wires in the cord to the hot prong.


But yeah, probably ok if the water isn’t too salty

If you’re going to be passing a current through your bath water, you would want the bath water to be as conductive as possible. You don’t want the salt water in your body to be the path of least resistance. You want the current to flow around you, not through you.

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