@Static_Rocket@lemmy.world avatar



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@Static_Rocket@lemmy.world avatar

Bash, just because everything else already uses it. That and bashisms have infected nearly all of my scripts as I clumsily bump into the limitations of POSIX string manipulation.

I have found some very fun things with sed branching patterns as a result of these limitations though…


QT Theme management in Sway

I use VLC,Keepass,Kdenlive and few other QT Apps on my sway setup. So, wanted to configure their themes from Sway. I installed qt5ct and qt6ct and did export QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME=qt5ct in bashrc and .profile. While runnin echo $QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME it is showing qt5ct but it is not working showing that error message that...

@Static_Rocket@lemmy.world avatar

Depending on the launcher and launch method you may need to set systemd variables. Look at the way 50-systemd-user.conf works wiki.archlinux.org/title/Sway#Configuration

I use the following fragment to make sure the cursor theme propagates to applications launched with wofi: github.com/StaticRocket/…/systemd-user.conf

@Static_Rocket@lemmy.world avatar

Some of them advertised specific performance improvements.

I’m not going to rag on them though. Some of them did have performance improvements and basically created the tools and optimized defaults that propagated to standard distros, allowing the gap to close.

@Static_Rocket@lemmy.world avatar

For people using bash that are thinking “how do I do that”:

The bash-complete package adds the _command function for recursive completion on commands that accept other commands with their own arguments. It’s what sudo uses last I checked. You can add complete -F _command stfu to your bashrc to link it to the stfu command.


@Static_Rocket@lemmy.world avatar

I don’t get people being worried about an offline application designed to run one shot as the current user not receiving updates. I do get maintainers dropping the package from package repos now that it is officially archived though…

@Static_Rocket@lemmy.world avatar

That warning comes up if you are using sd-vconsole but do not have systemd in the mkinitcpio hooks. You should fix that but it is most likely unrelated to the login issue.

Login issues normally hint at either the user shell or pam configs being wrong but you can also get this behavior if (the users home directory is on a secondary disk && that disk failed to mount && you aren’t using systemd-homed).

Static_Rocket, (edited )
@Static_Rocket@lemmy.world avatar

Try rolling back that comment kiddo


@Static_Rocket@lemmy.world avatar

Cool, saw your logs just a while ago with the error about being unable to execute /bin/sh so I figured as much. What did you do to get there? I’ve never had an update fumble that hard…

@Static_Rocket@lemmy.world avatar

It’s fine. Only issues I’ve had is occasionally some modifications to glibc will break anticheat but that’s only happened to me twice in the past 8 years.

@Static_Rocket@lemmy.world avatar

WebSub (formerly PubSubHubbub). Should have been a proper replacement for RSS with push support instead of polling. Too bad the docs were awful and adopting it as an end user was so difficult that it never caught on.

@Static_Rocket@lemmy.world avatar

I2C is a bit goofy though. As a byproduct of being an undiscoverable bus you basically just have to poke random addresses and guess what you’re talking to. The fact lmsensors i2c detection works as well as it does is a miracle. (Plus you get the neat issue where even the act of scanning the bus can accidentally reconfigure endpoints)

@Static_Rocket@lemmy.world avatar

I’m curious. There was some i2c connected memory devices before. Is there some forgotten spec that allows for a flexible device lookup / logging capability. Something that acts like device tree but stays specific to the bus. It wouldn’t be practical for a lot of applications but I could see it being useful for some niche stuff.

@Static_Rocket@lemmy.world avatar

I’m glad the Brits are finally getting it. We’ve had colord for a while now…

@Static_Rocket@lemmy.world avatar

Part of the payload was in the tarball. There was still a malicious shim in the upstream repo

Static_Rocket, (edited )
@Static_Rocket@lemmy.world avatar

Arch had a patch rolled out yesterday [1][2][3] that switches to the git repo. On top of that the logic in the runtime shim and build script modifier was orchestrated to target Debian and RPM build systems and environments [4].

[1] …archlinux.org/…/881385757abdc39d3cfea1c3e34ec09f…

[2] gitlab.archlinux.org/archlinux/packaging/…/2

[3] security.archlinux.org/CVE-2024-3094

[4] www.openwall.com/lists/oss-security/2024/03/29/4

@Static_Rocket@lemmy.world avatar

TempleOS a passion project? Feels like a little bit of an understatement…

Static_Rocket, (edited )
@Static_Rocket@lemmy.world avatar

It’s a function of PPI, hinting settings, font face, etc. The both of you can be correct in your own right…

Objectively there is a long history font rendering issues under linux though, so… eh.

@Static_Rocket@lemmy.world avatar

Dog. I’m an arch user. You can’t just say “Arch is easier than Debian” and then in the first part of your argument say:

Yes there is the apt repository but if you want something that’s not in there, get ready to read the documentation or follow random guides.

You do realize Arch just frontloads that effort right? It’s not any “easier.” We embrace the fucking manual. (Arch based distros aside…)

Now if you were praising the simplicity of makepkg and the PKGBUILD syntax then sure. As is, though, this is just a bad take.

@Static_Rocket@lemmy.world avatar

significant economic harm to our company

Oh! I have a solution! Make it a local API you fucking goofs.

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