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Natural gas heating is very efficient and huge BTUs for low cost. When you live where it actually gets cold, it’s important. As is heating water. Cooking at restaurants also important.

Not everything is binary. We don’t need 100% renewables and 0% gas and 0% plastic and 0% ICE vehicles. Renewable energy is 68% in Canada or 20% in the USA in terms of energy production. Getting those USA numbers to 50% or both to 80% is more important.

FYI, in the USA natural gas is about 32% of the USA’s energy use. 15% of natural gas is used by residences. That’s 4.8% of the power. Which means this entire debate goes out the window if you just installed 5% more solar or wind energy.

Making people fight and become tribal over trivial things that mean nothing is an easy way to prevent anything from happening. Idiots are fighting over trying to reduce 4.8% of energy that is perfectly fine at what it’s doing. Meanwhile the natural gas companies are happy to keep supplying the remaining 27% of the USAs entire power via gas, and not a damn thing is being done. Use your energy to get that 27% down to 22% and you’ve done better than you ever will with demanding residences be built with shitty alternatives.


You can’t have 0 emmisions. Even a barren asteroid emits.

You can have net 0. And net 0 can include petrochemicals.


Which is not physically possible as most modern life relies on things that are not renewable.

The little that is done to reduce on a personal scale is meaningless compared to what is needed to be done globally and by industry.

Doesn’t mean you shouldn’t do your part. But it’s stupid to believe any of it will help at all. At best it causes discourse for no reason. At worst, you’re being played as a fool by large corporations to put off actual change longer and longer.

And just because it seems Lemmy can’t seem to understand not everything is binary, I have had 10KW of solar for 15 years. I have had hybrid cars for 20 years. I’ve had pure electric cars for 13 years. I am one of the few that have installed heat pumps. I also have electric (solar) powered radiant water heating because water is a good energy store. I do way more than your average person. But I’m not stupid enough to think “0 emmisions” is possible. And nobody after a 5 minute google shouldn’t understand commercial and industrial energy usage versus residential usage.


Their hardware is just poor. They can charge whatever they like, I’m fortunate enough to not look at prices for that type of kit. Objectively, their hardware sucks compared to many other brands, especially at the same price point.

Their OS sucks for 90% of my use cases. If your “work” involves you just using a browser then yes you can use a big phone to get your work done. Slap an arm in a big case with a keyboard as a “pc” or a big screened arm for a tablet, or a small screen for a phone. But if you do anything where you use a computer, you need an x86 architecture and you need certain hardware capabilities. Over the time, they have all been lacking in performance even at the highest tier, and the price has been high end. Overall makes zero sense. The locked down *nix systems hide everything useful to make it pretty. Isn’t compatible with real software. And isn’t backwards compatible. I can install windows and my software from the mid 90s or 2000s or today and it just f’cking works. That’s why Windows is king. Bloated absolutely. But it just works.

That doesn’t make me hate the company. That just makes me sad for the uninformed people that get fooled into spending their hard earned money on sub optimal pieces of kit.

What makes me hate them is this game of “we just invented this new feature from 10 years ago!” and then all their fan bois go apeshit over it like they just stepped into the future. And they’re too stupid to know they’re being lied to and manipulated for profits. But they are also vocal and arrogant about their stupidity and ignorance, so I don’t like them either.

My phone has more RAM, more storage, better screen, better camera, faster charging by an order of magnitude (120W wired, 50W wireless…), more radio transceivers for global connectivity, better battery life, and honestly looks better. There is not a single thing I prefer about an iPhone and there is not a single qualitative metric an iPhone beats my phone on.

My laptop has more RAM, more storage, better screen, better camera, faster and more charging, more ports, upgradability, and is a BEAST that will eat even mid range desktop computers. There is no equivalent Apple product. Not even close. And when you factor in the best and beefiest new macs can’t even run my software, it’s not even an option. Now my battery life sucks and it looks like a zombie movie prop, but it is actually functional. I can run a simulation or a LLM/ML algo that stresses the CPU at 100%, the Quadro RTX5000 at 100%, and gobbles up 120GB of system RAM plus the 16GB of VRAM writing TBs of data to the 5 internal M2 drives. And I can do so indefinitely with the temps peaking to 100C and limiting to about 300W of power draw. It blasts air out of 3 sides that I could probably cook an egg in. But it doesn’t thermal limit after 5 mins of web browsing like the Macbooks or the Airs. It’s a beast that is made to beast and it does. Apple can’t even compete in the class.

For a tablet, I don’t have a need. My phone gives me a giant screen and my tiny auxiliary laptop does everything I need. My aux laptop is beefier than most, but it would be slower than a top of the line mac doing basic tablet things of web browsing. If I did need a tablet I’d just get a Xiaomi Pad. But in general I feel that the entire tablet market is a solution looking for a problem that only exists because Apple and fan bois are idiots again. I’ve been taking notes on TabletPCs for 20 years now. Seriously, Windows XP had a tablet mode. As did every one after. My laptops have touch input. My laptops in university the screen swiveled and then laid flat on the keyboard with a stylus to write on the screen. All of those fancy new Apple pen features? I had them in 2005. Pressure sensitive, gyro enabled for brush strokes/widths. Eraser on the other end. It was capacitive and needed a proprietary pen which was evil to say then. Now that’s Apple motto and they stole the idea and people are believing it’s new.

If they release a good product, I’ll try it. I’m not brand loyal. If they keep releasing shit, I’m going to keep calling them out.

Chinese military harassed Dutch warship enforcing UN sanctions on North Korea, Netherlands says (

A Dutch warship was harassed by Chinese military aircraft in the East China Sea on Friday, the Netherlands said, becoming the latest country to accuse Beijing’s forces of initiating potentially unsafe encounters in international waters....

TechNerdWizard42, (edited )

There is no such thing as international waters. China’s exclusive economic zone is one of 17 in the world that cannot be sailed through or flown through without prior authorization and only for peaceful transfer. No “war games” and no deployment of weapons. Just passage with prior authorization.

The Dutch and Australians have violated this and are now complaining.

Also this week in the news, Russia is sending ships off the coast of Cuba for similar war games. The coverage in the US is about escalation and being provocative.

Which is it? Stop being such stupid hypocrites.

Also for any of you stupid Americans still wondering there is a reason the US and NATO does this just like a reason Russia does it. You try and provoke a response so that the potential combatant airplane and naval vessels make an appearance. Then you capture and study every reflection and image you can to see if they have adapted or changed. Also why the US and China and Russia all fit extra useless bits onto their ships and planes as both decoys and radar signature invalidators. You want your stuff to look as shit as possible visibly and via radar because you’re being spied on.

Make no doubt this is why this is happening.

Edit: Americans are yet again proven to be fucking stupid.


Ok go fight them yourself then. Stop dragging other countries in.


Just not stupid like you.


But to the IDF the 200 people killed weren’t people. So the math maths.


Very true. But nobody cares or believes it. When you start saying that US made hardware like network switches, cryptographic algorithms, telecom radios, etc all have backdoors to the 3 letter agencies in 5 eyes plus the internet distribution over cloudfare or “the cloud” in Google, Amazon, Microsoft, then people just think you’re a tin foil hat conspiracist.

The people are too stupid and ignorant to care enough to demand change. Why did the US lobby so hard to get Huawei off market? Because of course there are backdoors into the Chinese intelligence agencies. JUST LIKE US DEVICES! But nobody seems to make that correlation. China bad, China hardware spying bad, is the only thing they can get in their heads.

Good to bring it up, but nothing will change. 99.9% of people don’t know what DNS or proxiing or caching is let alone Cloudfare. It’s just “the internet”. Some are aware of some agencies the US and five eyes have, but most don’t believe what they actually do and are capable of. The US is the best producer of propaganda in the world. Hollywood is amazing at it, as are US media sources. The FISA bill that just came up for reauthorization and passed had a whole PR campaign about catching terrorists and stopping Russia and China and Hamas. Nobody stopped to think how and why they even have any of that info in the first place and how it’s collected.

Keep being the crazy uncle ranting about government spying because the world needs it.


There is substantiated proof of Cisco and Juniper switches having US government backdoors through the management ports. They also have the capability of decrypting everything that passes through them and mirroring to an external host.

I cannot say any more other than you will find that the NSA continuously denied all the backdoors that global security researchers were finding and Cisco denied putting them in. You will also find in leaked Snowden documents absolute proof that the NSA was behind it and did implement the backdoors and they do exist and work.

I at the time being a lowly semiconductor designer with access to unreleased networking gear from the big guys, cannot say anything about what I know those spying piece of shit devices do. But I will say, go look up the Snowden documents. They speak louder than any random on the internet.

And China has made a stink. It’s one reason their great fire wall is setup. It does somewhat prevent citizens from using western tools, but they know they do and really don’t care much. What it really is, is a way to monitor everything in and out. All the edge is Chinese hardware, no backdoors for the five eyes. Those prevent the backdoors, that are known or theorized, to be used. So essentially they are backdoored equipment inside a security fence that disallows the backdoor to establish a connection. Bad actors from within could make this bad for China. Or very very tricky phone home algorithms, but you have to be careful how it’s implemented in unfriendly territory.

Most of the other countries just don’t give a crap. If the Ivory Coasts data is being spied on by the 5 eyes or China, they don’t care. Nobody cares about them either. It’s just the sad state of world power. Those that care, have a side.


Same reason why Teslas are banned on Chinese military bases. Data goes back to US servers that are accessible by the US government at any time.


What I said doesn’t disagree with what you said.


And what is the justification for the US attacking human rights?


Lol that piece paper is not a god. It’s useless jibberish written by traitors starting a now failed nation.

You have no rights in the USA. Everything you’re granted as a right, you are also denied as a right by other laws. It’s the playbook of a tyrannical society. Name ANY law that you have a right to, and then look up to find another law taking that exact right away from you.

Just like a tyrannical society, you’re guaranteed nothing. But you can fly under the radar if you agree with the political powers that be. Which is no different than any country at any point in history.


Welcome to Reddit 2.0 I guess.

I personally HATE having 10 articles all about the same thing posted and reposted. Then reposted again for the next week as if they’re new. The anti-Big-D-Democratic posts of this user were not reposted. They brought new stories from places I wouldn’t visit and read or have in my biased news feed. Everyone’s “news feed” is biased, it learns what you engage with even if you try to be unbiased.

Banning people who post differing opinions is shitty. It becomes an echo chamber. Today it is Trump and Biden. But <insert slippery slope argument here>.


New feeds are biased. Lemmy is not a news feed. There are no non pay for use websites that don’t have a bias.

This lack of reading and thinking comprehension is also a suck on humanity. You, like most Americans, have no idea how to even read things without inserting your own heavily slanted bias.


This is a global issue. Not a China issue. If anything, China has every page cached and stored if they ever wanted to restore access. The US does too, but only secretly.


Correct. Not sure why people are too stupid to down vote you. He is not a convicted felon at all yet. And the sentencing will be postponed and the entire thing appealed. Because of course it will be. That’s the standard playbook, draw it out. Maybe the sentencing will go ahead. But it will be appealed. The only chance of this man being held accountable before the election is with contempt charges where the judge could order jailing in addition to the fines.


PS2 and PS3 get use. PS4 had nothing that interested me. PS5, same. Maybe when something good comes out ill get a PS17


Can’t have any of those pesky alternate opinions getting in the way of your ignorance.


Give the slaves only a few days a year to not work, and they will make the most of those days. The wages and economy are irrelevant.


When this happens in Africa, it’s a global outrage. The Conservatives have moved past Y’all-quaida and into Redneck Boko Haram territory.


Yup. If you want no foreign money interests in your elections, then make it so. But if you pick and choose which countries can lobby and which countries “interfere” just based on who you like today, it’s stupid.


There’s a fair bit of work. The biggest obstacle is all the random form entries that need to be modified. It’s not like it’s a single central table, it’s the same table copy and pasted a million times. Then for most countries you’d need to add recognition of their passports, their national ID’s, update legislation on whether nationals of that state are afforded certain protections or not certain visa requirements or not, etc. It truly can take years.

In most cases one country becomes two or two become one. In the first case everyone can use the old country on forms and the old country’s rules apply to everyone until changed. In the second case you can use the country your passport was issued from or both or whatever. But there is less of a change.

For Palestine, it’s just poofing into existence. They don’t get passports. They don’t have any existing relations. So I imagine this announcement will take a while to be formalized fully but there will be some interim order that basically says what you need to do manually if you encounter a Palestinian and your automated systems can’t process it.


That’s why the US has to ban and censor any raw footage like tiktok and al Jazeera. Can’t have those pesky truths get in the way of a good Genocide.

I was detained at a US airport and asked about Israel and Gaza for 2 hours. Why? | Ilan Pappé (

I was held for two hours. The first round of questions was about my views on Hamas. Then the agents wished to know whether I thought Israel’s actions in the Gaza Strip amount to genocide and what I think of the slogan “Palestine should be free from the river to the sea”. I said yes, I do think Israel is committing...


Yeah that’s not how CBP works especially for non citizens. I tell Americans this all the time and nobody believes it. Until it happens to them or someone they know.

You have zero rights. You can be detained without legal representation or cause for 72 hours thanks to the Patriot Act. Even as a citizen. Your electronics seized and spied on. All your social media, email, picture, everything read. It happens daily.

It happens more often to black and brown people and non citizens. But it shouldn’t happen at all.


I don’t disagree he’s got no chance at winning and is just going to hurt one of the 2 only real choices. Buuuuuut, having these fringe candidates on a stage with a national audience in a way that allows them to answer questions and critique the major candidates is a good thing. Someone who isn’t afraid of losing saying what they believe and baiting a real answer in a real discussion is what’s needed. The “debates” are too useless. Nobody says anything. It’s all talking points (marketing slogans) with deflection. Anything that is remotely contentious isn’t discussed or deflected in a prepared statement. You have to say certain things and do certain things like some weird ceremony but it has zero value.

For example, flag pins… Really? If a veteran asks a question you must pretend it’s the best question you’ve ever heard, thank them for their service with worthless over the top platitudes, and then say nothing of value in your answer.

I bet Chatgpt could write a transcript of the debate and it would be accurate. That’s exactly what LLMs do, regurgitate speech patterns with no meaning behind it.


No you misunderstood my point. The fringe candidates are the only ones that actually coax out real answers from the major candidates. The game has changed. It used to be (the whole thing is really modern, but whatever) the host asked tough questions, and the candidates responded. Now the hosts ask soft balls and all you get are prepared statements.

But the fringe idiot candidates can basically yell and scream at the other candidates and push them to say or not say something on record. And if enough audience/national-viewers hear the question and want the answer, the candidate has to put out a statement. From that you’ll learn just how meaningless it is or not.

And that’s where a lot of these special interest deals are forged. The major candidate agrees to give up a very small concession that may be of importance to a few fringe voters and overall meaningless to their campaign, and gets those voters. But if nobody presses them on the issue, they give up nothing and they still get the votes. It’s better to have some balances in there for a 2 party winner takes all system. It’s the only parliamentary part of the process. Forming a coalition before election.

TechNerdWizard42, (edited )

Why? Just a few hours ago 3 people were shot at a supermarket in the USA. There is much more gun violence (Edited from "fun violence! Lol), and RANDOM gun violence in the US than in Afghanistan today.

If you think 3 gun deaths is too many and should ban tourism, I agree! Prevent people from vacationing in the US until it’s at least as safe as Afghanistan


The majority of Jews and Israeli people are of European Caucuses descent today. Very few are descendents of the Semites. Ironically, the majority of Palestinians are closer descendents of the Semites than the current global Jewish population… Hmm…


Don’t know if you’re aware or if it’s the point, but that’s EXACTLY what the US government has done repeatedly. Selling the cartels weapons as “undercover stings” and then losing track of the weapons and people. Which means all they did was literally sell weaponry to the cartel.

Most Americans aren’t aware of this routinely happening, so I wasn’t sure if you’re comment was aware or not.


They should be locked up, maximum sentence. American idiotic laws don’t apply, they are just like everyone else. Criminals that broke the law and smuggled ammo in. Ignorance is not an excuse of the law, American justice system loves that phrase.


I come to negotiate peace! Give me everything I want and in exchange I’ll stop killing everyone for a month… Ok twist my arm, 2 months.


I am almost absolute in that there aren’t undecided voters. Especially today. Ok, maybe like 3 in the whole country that live in a literal cave like a hermit and only popout to vote, where they’ll decide quickly.

It’s all embarrassment. Just like you can’t like McDonalds, you can’t like your preferred candidate anywhere you exist. Whether that’s being a red hatted MAGA on Fire Island, or a Bernie Bro working on an oil rig. If you say you’re undecided, the other person attaches their bias. If you say you are for the wrong team, you can lose friends, family, and careers.


Exactly. People, all people, hate being labeled something they aren’t. By calling everything that isn’t 100% Pro-Israeli Genocide “Anti-Semitic”, you get people who have positive to neutral feelings about Jews slowly get more and more angry with the term and actually cause the antisemitism.

There was a similar backlash in the US against gay/trans people. And black people. And everything. When you adopt a policy of 100% for or against, binary only, you leave your 99% ally behind along with your 0%-support enemy.


Biden has lost many people. Pretty much everytime he speaks or does something, he pisses off a little carve out of people. Tiktok ban. Genocide support. IRS audits. Pot rescheduling. Border issues. Economy.

Whatever it is, you’re not gaining Trump supporters. Nobody that is diehard Trump is voting for Biden. Ever. But you are eroding little enclaves of support. And that’s all it takes.

For example, his one word this week just cost him thousands of votes. Did the protests do anything to influence his Israeli policy? No. He just flat out said no. Not even an attempt at empathy or doing the usual politician dance that says nothing with a thousand words. Just flat out “no”. And he just lost thousands of votes.

Seriously if you want Biden to win, “lock him up”. Put him upstairs in the Whitehouse and don’t let him out. No interviews, no appearances. No speeches. No policy. Just shut up and go away and hibernate. Kamala too.

Let the news cycle be dominated by Trump trials.



Who’d have thought that actions have consequences. Let Florida drown as the oceans rise. Good riddance.


I’m surprised some farm supply store hasn’t made a pesticide rebrand. That’s a great name for it.

The Democrats suck at branding. The best they can seem to do is take a Republican slogan and turn it from a negative to a neutral or positive.


If they weren’t conscripted via draft, they volunteered. 100% their shitty choice to become a terrorist.


If “ignorance isn’t an excuse” doesn’t get you out of any law you break, it also doesn’t get you out of accidentally joining a terrorist organization due to propaganda.

Because that’s exactly what it is.

It is no different than the teenagers that join ISIS. Propaganda takes them in, they join voluntarily, they live with their consequences for life.


This is an acceptable excuse in 1902.

In the age of Google and where even the homeless bum down by the river has a smart phone, Googling to find out about a major life choice is easy to do. Failure to help yourself do nothing but use a phone for 10 minutes deserves zero empathy.

Secret Service agent assigned to Kamala Harris detail involved in fight with other agents (

“At approximately 9 a.m. April 22, a U.S. Secret Service special agent supporting the Vice President’s departure from Joint Base Andrews began displaying behavior their colleagues found distressing. The agent was removed from their assignment while medical personnel were summoned. The Vice President was at the Naval...


People aren’t interested in political discussion. They want TMZ.


This is what fascist countries do. They see something they like and say “gimme”. US is such a shithole.


If it affects system performance and gives me no noticeable benefit. Otherwise, flash bytes are cheap. I’ve got 30TB+ in my laptop. Why do I care if I have a 3GB OS or a 2.95GB OS?


Even the shit laptops come with 256GB nowadays. Saving less than 0.5% of storage on OS optimizations that reduce usability is a poor tradeoff.

Heck even my phone has 1TB… Flash bytes are cheap. If you have a 32GB soldered down chip, buy a flash drive for the price of a BjgMac and voila you’ve 4x’d your storage.


Whole thing is a scam. Not because of Trump, but because the legal system is a scam in the US. He’s sitting trial for things that happened in the run up to the 2016 election. 8 years of zero consequences.

Assuming he loses, he will appeal. Assuming he loses, he will appeal. Everyone knows that if there was ever an appeal case for supreme court consideration, something involving a former president is a pretty good case. That’s going to be 3 years to a court he’s stacked.

If he’s still alive in 2028 he’ll still be free, 12 years of no consequence other than sitting in a chair sometimes. And that’s it.


That’s the biggest shittiest excuse Americans throw out. If things are bad, you can move. My ancestors have moved with nothing but the clothes on their backs multiple times over the last few hundred years. Any refugee truly fleeing violence or generational inexcapable poverty, will move. They will not stop to consider bringing their PS5 with them. They may take some photos, jewellery, and ancestral mementos. Then go.

The “I’m poor so I can’t do anything” mentality is for lazy idiots. You absolutely can move. No it won’t be as easy as eating cheetos in your underpants in the trailer park. But you can. You just choose not to.

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