
I prioritize ethics over optics even if it means facing criticism.

Sharing my honest beliefs, welcoming constructive debates, and embracing the potential for evolving viewpoints. Independent thinker navigating through conversations without allegiance to any particular side.

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What’s minor in this case? The fact that it’s not specified makes me think we’re speaking of a 17 year old.


I’ve blocked several of the most active posters here and I don’t notice any difference on my feed. Neither would you.


Many new cars have a carwash mode. Not in any way exclusive to the cybertruck.

There should be a law

I’ve definitely shared this concept or observation or whatever you want to call it before, but recent events have made me think of it again. I should clarify first that what I base this train of thought on isn’t entirely something that clicks for me, something I might not get into expressing, but it definitely makes you or...


Right there with you. I understood none of it so here’s chatGPT’s intrepretation of it:

They reminisce about how, historically, business people paid workers based on perceived merit, leading to feelings of underwhelm among workers. This dissatisfaction opened the door for organized criminals who promised better compensation, thus fostering a shadow economy. This historical anecdote sets up a discussion about the introduction of the minimum wage as a regulatory response to such economic exploitation.

The author then draws a parallel between this economic dynamic and social dynamics. Just as bad actors exploited workers’ dissatisfaction, they argue that social isolation makes individuals vulnerable to negative influences. When people feel isolated and lack social support, they might be more likely to fall into bad company, similar to how workers turned to criminals for better pay.

The crux of the argument is that just as there is a “minimum wage” to ensure fair economic treatment, there might be a need for a “minimum reference point” in social contexts to prevent isolation and the subsequent vulnerability to bad actors. The author is pondering why society doesn’t apply the same proactive thinking to prevent social isolation as it does to prevent economic exploitation.

The concluding thoughts suggest that the author has observed people being drawn into negative social circles due to a lack of alternatives, similar to how workers once turned to criminals. They are calling for a societal reflection on how to provide better social support and prevent people from being lured into detrimental situations due to loneliness or isolation.

Assuming this is correct I kind of understand what OP is saying but I still don’t get what they’re actually suggesting. Some form of mandatory socialization for isolated people perhaps?


The only homeless people in Finland are so for their own will. I’ve never in my life seen a homeless person sleeping on the street.

Also our country is in massive debt because running a wellfare state is expensive as hell. So there’s also that.

As the Internet Gets Scarier, More Parents Keep Their Kids’ Photos Offline (

Here's a non-paywalled link to an article published in the Washington Post a few days ago. It's great to see this kind of thing getting some mainstream attention. Young children have not made an informed decision about whether they want their photos posted online.


If only that happening once was enough to learn from our mistakes.


The only ads I see are physical ones on the sides of the road and in stores. All the rest I either block or manage to avoid by some other means.


In Finland our equivalence to Wal-Mart also sells cheap gas and they have ads on their pumps advertising their own products but it’s just on the display and there’s no sound with it.


Advertising is among the most studied psychological phenomenoms in the world. It’s not so much about getting you to buy their product but more about you remembering the brand. Ads work. That why they’re everywhere.

Sure I can name several brands that I’m not buying from either because of their ads… …but I remember the brands.


Or just go to a different gas station instead of vandalizing property that’s not yours.


I have two but I’m still seeing ads everywhere.


Some people are actually interested in seeing pictures of someone else’s baby?


Nothing. I only play one game which is over 10 years old and it’s still just as good as the day I got it.




Another AoE2 enjoyer I presume?


It’s crazy how well that game holds up even today. Also quite hilarious how completely different my playing style is today than when I was 12. I had no clue about how to counter specific units, build order or even luring the boars. I’d absolutely wipe floor with my past self even with the medicore skills I have at it now.


I left Instagram when it became almost exclusively videos and now TikTok is allowing pictures. This is a weird world.


Inception is among my all time top movies. I still haven’t seen Interstellar though and I almost don’t even want to watch it either. I like knowing that in the era of shitty movies there’s atleast this one gem I can reach for whenever I want.


I feel like I’ve probably done something right when this is like the 7th meme on this subject that I have seen but I have zero clue what the origin of it is (and I don’t care, don’t tell me)


In my opinion free will is an illusion but that doesn’t mean universe is predetermined. Determinism and fatalism are not the same thing.

The only caveat here is that sure, for someone like Laplace’s Demon it is effectively predetermined.


$5 in the Philippines probably has vastly more purchasing power than it does in the United States. If you’re supposed to pay them the same salary as to someone working in the US then why not just hire an American and have the dude in Philippines go back to picking coconuts for $2 and hour or something. I wouldn’t be surprised if the Philipino worker is more than happy with their salary and you might even be able to employ several people for the same amount of money.

This same effect applies to charities aswell. Donating money to some poor african country helps many more people than it does when given to a local charity.


Is this not similar to paying any American poor person less because they need it more?

No because the poor american still has to pay high US prices for everything they buy. You can’t live a decent life in the US with $5 an hour but you can in the Philippines where the minimum wage is around $10 a DAY. Another commentor in this thread told how their relative bought a restaurant dinner for 12 people for 50 bucks in the Philippines and that includes the tip.

That Filipino labor is not benefitting the Filipino economy it’s benefitting the US economy.

This is not entirely true either. That Philipino working for the US company spends their earnings in the Philippines and that benefits their economy.


Yeah I’m not claiming these practices are without their issues but consider the alternative: if the company was forced to pay the Philipino worker the same salary they would pay an US worker then why would they hire a person in the Philippines? They wouldn’t. They’d hire an american instead and now the Philipino worker would need to find a local employer and it’s unlikely they would pay as much as the US based company does now.


Why idiot, imbecille and moron are okay but retard is off-limits? All of these words have been used in a psychological classification system in the past yet retard seems to be the only one people take issue with.

Idiots. —Those so defective that the mental development never exceeds that or a normal child of about two years.

Imbeciles. —Those whose development is higher than that of an idiot, but whose intelligence does not exceed that of a normal child of about seven years.

Morons. —Those whose mental development is above that of an imbecile, but does not exceed that of a normal child of about twelve years.

Edmund Burke Huey, Backward and Feeble-Minded Children, 1912


I bet there are dozens of people doing this.


You’re free to go thru my post history and try to find examples of me calling people hurtful names. You just wont find any because that’s not how I behave and that’s not what my question is about.

My question is pretty simple; why this specific term? It feels so arbitrary. There doesn’t seem to be any logic behind it. I wont get mobbed if I call someone an idiot but for some reason retard is off limits. Why?


I feel like you’re completely ignoring my original question. Seeing that despite being controversial it has 12 upvotes and zero downvotes then maybe that’s an indication that it’s a valid question and I’m not the only one wondering the same thing.


I’ll take that bet.

I haven’t made any moral statements about right and wrong. It’s a simple question about why something is the way it is. Simple question you refuse to engage with so no point in going any further with this.

Thorny_Insight, (edited )

I think I’ll just keep playing DayZ.


The average stock market growth of 7% a year includes both world wars


Jokes aside there’s really some truth in this. I’m not sure if it’s the dopamine or that I just need to disctract my mind away from the things that makes me anxious but I sure as hell don’t do it because I’m horny. I don’t even remember what being horny feels like.

And no, I’m not one of those nofap/pornfree fanatics. For most people there probably is not an issue there. It’s only when you spend 6 hours several times a week doing something like this that you might start to consider this may not be good for you.


My Logitech G5 is like 18 years old and other than being dirty it has basically zero wear on it. Only thing that’s falling apart is the braiding around the wire


Ironically GPT4 fails the turing test for having so wide knowledge about almost everything that you just know it’s not a human you’re talking to.


I’m literally sitting here waiting for the rest of my files to transfer so I can finally update my win7 gaming rig with… Ubuntu.


Nope. This has been going on for months already. Nothing new here. There’s atleast three different kinds of pop-ups for adblock users and the same solution works for all of them.


Disable all other adblockers, disable enhanced tracking protection for in Firefox (shield icon in addres bar), remove your custom adblocking rules and update uBlock Origin manually atleast twice a day; settings > filter list > quick fixes > click the clock icon > click update. Alternatively you can also just purge catches and update all filters but that takes longer is is not necessary


Yeah it might not matter but for people having issues with these pop-ups, that’s the most likely culpript

YouTube once again ahead of uBO on Firefox; fiddling with the extension settings not working this time and DDG search is useless ... anyone got ideas?

Pretty much the subject line. uBO has successfully blocked the nag screen enough times that I can’t play anything at this point. No preview loads, and the play button serves no function. I’d really prefer not to have to find content on YT, copy the URL and use Piped/Invidious, but this ongoing escalation is steeling my...


OP most likely is not following the instructions laid out at the uBlock subreddit. Probably a conflict with another adblocker.


Google doesn’t sell user data. They sell advertising space and use that data for targeted advertising.


It’s actually just the display backlight which is why I had to cover it with aluminium tape instead of just disconnecting the wire. Not only don’t I want an ad on my computer I especially don’t want an illuminated one.

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