@TimLovesTech@badatbeing.social avatar



Hi I’m Tim.

I’m AuDHD - officially diagnosed ADHD and self-diagnosed (for now) with ASD. I also suffer from a great deal of Imposter Syndrome.

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@TimLovesTech@badatbeing.social avatar

I wish the press wasn’t so afraid to write Election Interference in their headline. That is what that case was about, that is what made it a felony. Calling it the “Hush Money” trial is trying to “both sides” his coverage.

@TimLovesTech@badatbeing.social avatar

Agreed with what you are saying, but my point was that the media as a whole has to stop writing headlines/articles like his base is going to:

  1. read them
  2. not call it “fake news” anyways

The media’s constant crusade to “both sides” every story is a disservice to the facts, and down plays and white washes the facts for everyone. Calling it just a “hush money” trial is a way to downplay the fact that it was actually Trump’s way to hide a damaging story when he was running for office. And the crime was the way he hid the payment so that it wouldn’t look like it was being done on behalf of his campaign, while breaking Federal tax laws making Cohen’s reimbursement look like income. It was also a crime allowing the National Enquirer to pay to catch-and-kill stories for the campaign as illegal campaign contributions (as they were above legal contribution limits, and were unreported).

So yes it was fraud, and it was fraud against the American people, in the form of voter manipulation, and tax evasion.

@TimLovesTech@badatbeing.social avatar

I saw an article earlier today speculating that the iOS emulator might have raised the awareness drawing the eye of Nintendo, Sega, and others.

Edit - Ha! It was this article.

@TimLovesTech@badatbeing.social avatar

This rant is about using Cloudflare as a proxy, nothing to do with who you buy your domain name from.

@TimLovesTech@badatbeing.social avatar

So does everyone here that fears Cloudflare as secretly out to get them not believe that the NSA doesn’t have their hooks in all the major datacenters? The same datacenters used by all the major web hosts people are using to “self host” for privacy.

Personally I think you have to have faith at some point that everything from your node to the destination is on the up-and-up unless you have a concrete reason to assume otherwise. Otherwise you should be suspicious of your ISP’s network and every switch/router/firewall/node your data traverses on the internet. And being that paranoid basically means anything you didn’t review the code of and compile yourself should be out of bounds.

@TimLovesTech@badatbeing.social avatar

Agreed, it can work for those wanting to be an admin (and know enough to be “dangerous”). I think the bigger issue comes when you want to open services to the internet, because unless you are an admin you probably don’t want to do that without a proxy (and possibly firewall) of some kind in front of your home network. Which is kinda what I was thinking with this anti-Cloudflare post. If you are interacting with the Internet you have to trust a network and hardware outside of your own. And I think it’s naive to fear the 3-letter orgs being inside Cloudflare, and then thinking that putting your data in a datacenter you don’t control is any “safer”.

I think ultimately if the 3 letter groups want your data that bad because you’re on some list, I think the internet as a whole is something you should probably be avoiding anyways. And for randoms, if they are sweeping up data like that you can be sure they would do it at more than just Cloudflare.

@TimLovesTech@badatbeing.social avatar

At least two of the early members have already been indicted for insider trading, and I think it was the brokerage company for Truth also had some fraud charges against it. But that evaluation is 100% bull for a company running in the red the whole time and no plan on actually breaking even let alone making a profit. All serious investors have said it’s basically a scam for suckers (his base that he despises).

@TimLovesTech@badatbeing.social avatar

I think they will get a percentage of the “never Trump” section of the Republican party. The real question is what that percentage of the Republican party actually is, as admitting that currently can open people’s worlds to a deluge of toxicity/ostracizing.

@TimLovesTech@badatbeing.social avatar

Because the “never Trump” part of the Republican party knows that a vote for anyone but Biden helps Trump.

And it’s probably not a huge percentage, but it is a percentage Trump is going to need to contend with. But that is why Trump’s campaign contributors are also funding RFK Jr’s campaign, as they need him to get the “never Trump” crowd.

Also funny enough there is a wiki page: List of Republicans who oppose the Donald Trump 2024 presidential campaign

@TimLovesTech@badatbeing.social avatar

Constitutionally? No. But in a normal world the Republican party wouldn’t be part of a cult, and would disqualify him themselves (being law and order and whatnot).

@TimLovesTech@badatbeing.social avatar

If convicted he would (plebs would anyway) start serving his time while his appeals process works its way to be heard by the appellate court. And if he does time at all, he would probably be out before his case made it for review, which would then only serve to strike the felony/felonies conviction(s) from his record (if he wins of course).

@TimLovesTech@badatbeing.social avatar

They have facilities that are used to keep “protected” inmates (ex. - informants, flippers) out of general population prisons that they could put him in and have him be the only inmate in the building.

@TimLovesTech@badatbeing.social avatar

His CFO is also doing his 2nd round at Rikers because he would rather purger himself then snitch on the crime boss. And also something to do with his “don’t flip” NDA he has with Trump that gives him a bonus for not cooperating with law enforcement that came to light during this current trial.

@TimLovesTech@badatbeing.social avatar

Two of my favorite consoles of all time. If they could do an updated retro console based on the Intellivision II and allow playing Atari 2600 games without buying a separate adapter I would be in heaven.

I have bins of games, but my controllers did not age 40+ years all that well. 😞

@TimLovesTech@badatbeing.social avatar

My Atari joystick still works, it’s more my Intellivision controllers. But having a nicer way to play on a modern TV with the original games with higher quality controllers would be amazing.

@TimLovesTech@badatbeing.social avatar

Water also destroys magnets! Get them wet, BOOM, no more magnet! /s

@TimLovesTech@badatbeing.social avatar

I think the issue here is that you no longer can have “balanced” political discussion when one side cannot help but regurgitate conspiracy theories, disinformation, and just 100% proven false statements in bad faith. The minute you platform these people any meaningful “debate” evaporates and you’re left with discussion not based on anything in reality. And trying to only works to drag the Overton Window to the right.

@TimLovesTech@badatbeing.social avatar

The whole idea of the bond is that it covered the full amount of the judgment and is held in escrow, and would be turned over to the state when Trump loses his appeal. And it’s up to the bond issuer to make sure they have collateral enough from Trump to cover that bond (and full judgement ) should they need to pay up.

The bond issuer not having the collateral to even cover the $175m, let alone the nearly $500m that would be due if he loses his appeal is the whole issue James raised with this bond to begin with (well and the fact that they didn’t have the right certification to even issue a bond in NY).

EDIT - extra words 😩

Trump's abortion statement angers conservatives and gives the Biden campaign a new target (apnews.com)

Donald Trump still says he’s proud that the Supreme Court justices he nominated overturned Roe v. Wade. Yet he again on Monday avoided tough questions about abortion, including whether he would support a national abortion ban should he return to the White House....

@TimLovesTech@badatbeing.social avatar

Trump also gives zero F’s about any of it. He cares about 1 person on earth, himself (and kinda Ivanka - until he no longer finds her attractive /shudder). He only makes statements like this because someone in his ear is telling him he needs to for the votes.

@TimLovesTech@badatbeing.social avatar

Just saw an article where he hasn’t “looked into the details” but “smart” people have said to him that Jan. 6th might not have actually been an insurrection, just a riot (that started as a “protest”).

@TimLovesTech@badatbeing.social avatar

The fear is how they keep the grift going. None of these wack jobs believe 99.99% of the shit they spew, but a base that is afraid is easier to manipulate/con.

@TimLovesTech@badatbeing.social avatar

It says right in the article it was with the help of an immigrants rights group. They were illegally pushed onto a plane and flown to Martha’s Vineyard without anyone knowing they were coming. Desantis and his henchmen broke the law, and this judge agrees and has allowed them to bring a lawsuit against them.

Also, people on US soil are to be afforded the rights of the constitution.

What constitutional rights do undocumented immigrants have?

@TimLovesTech@badatbeing.social avatar

She is 27 and still living at home where the article describes the dad as her caretaker. She has both an autism and ADHD diagnosis, but Dad thinks all her physical symptoms derive from her making them up, because he believes her to have an undiagnosed mental illness. I’m just one person that believes they are on the spectrum (with ADHD), but physical symptoms are real. Having a caretaker that refuses to believe you is not going to make for a great life. Especially depending on your symptoms, which again because she is 27 and still at home with a parental caretaker, I’m guessing that they are pretty involved.

Also, these are often both genetic and passed down from a parent, so where is mom in this scenario? And might that also be playing a part in this?

Anyhoo, my 2 cents.

@TimLovesTech@badatbeing.social avatar

I know it probably doesn’t mean much from an internet stranger, but I’m sorry for your loss. I couldn’t imagine that kind of pain, since you never expect them to go before you. 😢 Thank you for sharing your story.

@TimLovesTech@badatbeing.social avatar

Not to completely shit on dad here either, it could well be that he is also on the spectrum and has lived in an environment that has instilled in him that you just ignore your needs because that makes you “normal”. That is why I was wondering about mom, as it is more than likely one of them is on the spectrum also and perhaps just never diagnosed and their child being diagnosed has unlocked some shit.

Anyways I’m not a psychiatrist, just going through my own adult realization of things, and it’s not easy.

@TimLovesTech@badatbeing.social avatar

I’m truly saddened by your story, but thank you for sharing it. And unfortunately the stigma and shame that comes with things like ADHD can be overwhelming. It is easy to go down the rabbit hole of “if only I could be normal…”, or “what would my life be like if I didn’t have ADHD…” and quickly lead to depression and more guilt.

The rate of death by suicide is alarmingly high among neurodivergent individuals, which is a real issue needing more attention. We need to work to demolish the stigma of these diagnoses, and make it a world where people can feel comfortable asking for help.

Ok this has brought me down, so I’m done in this thread for a bit, maybe I’ll check back later.

@TimLovesTech@badatbeing.social avatar

Holy shit is that is a very bad take!

You don’t know a thing about this guy. And to put all her pain on him without knowing shit about either of them is completely out of line.

And it is possible to be surrounded by love and still have a void that cannot be filled. Just knowing you’re “different” can be a mind job in and of itself. But making this all about the dad diminishes her feelings, her pain, her guilt.


@TimLovesTech@badatbeing.social avatar

I think in this case “self host” would be on a VPS, not at home. But you definitely would want to lock it down so it was open to the public.

@TimLovesTech@badatbeing.social avatar

It’s full amount to stop the state from beginning to seize assets yes, but his appeal can continue either way. I thought I read/heard that the appellate court did not have the power to do anything with judgements though, other than upheld/overturned. Now I have something to research.

@TimLovesTech@badatbeing.social avatar

Asking the Court to Stop Enforcement of the Judgment: Filing a Notice of Appeal does not stop or stay the winning side from taking steps to collect or enforce the judgment from the lower court. To put the collection on hold, you may have to ask the court for a stay. You may have to pay an amount of money equal to the judgment amount, called an undertaking, to the court while the appeal is being decided.

Appeals Basics

IANAL, but does that may put this within the courts abilities?

@TimLovesTech@badatbeing.social avatar

Which is why I went to look for an answer, because I was under the impression the Appellate Court couldn’t alter his judgement amount for appeal. That would need to be approved by only the Judge deciding the judgement. And that judge so no.

And the appellate court website states:

To put the collection on hold, you may have to ask the court for a stay.

So which court is that referencing?

@TimLovesTech@badatbeing.social avatar

After having his mom drive him there from out of state as well. He wasn’t in his neighborhood protecting his property, he was walking the streets looking for a reason to shoot someone, and unfortunately found it and capitalized.

@TimLovesTech@badatbeing.social avatar

Honest question since you have clearly played the game for a number of hours. How did the micro-transactions that you needed to go out of your way to even find, and are worthless after having actually played through the game, effect your game play? Was it because nothing in game is affected by them? Or was it that CAPCOM does nothing to push you towards them?

It was the fact that apparently nobody even knew they were their until somebody went out of their way to discover them that has affected my game play so much! How dare they put these useless items available for real dollars that only a fool would buy, and then after doing so only to find out they are useless. It has basically ruined my whole world, I may never game again! The horror! /s

@TimLovesTech@badatbeing.social avatar

How many hours do you have in game? Had you played you would know that nothing available is “walled off”. It is actually the opposite, and the stuff is basically useless to buy since you can acquire all of it through a normal play through of the game. No place in the game do you even feel like “oh man, I really need to buy that DLC or else this part is going to be impossible/different/less than/etc.”.

And it’s clear the people getting everyone all riled up about this stuff did not play the game either (or are acting in bad faith).

@TimLovesTech@badatbeing.social avatar

Worse. Not sure about micro transactions but the dlc was released on day 2 with no prior information or heads up. Truly scum of earth behavior.

These are your words, and have been proven to be false. To continue to double down on misinformation is to argue in bad faith. Also, the fact you didn’t even know the “DLC” is the micro transactions tells me you never even played the game, and are purely regurgitating talking points you heard someone else make. And you are doing so without any fact checking at all. It was also ALL on the store page pre-release, but because you need to go out of your way to even know the useless micro-transactions exist, it got turned into this whole secret conspiracy. And the internet loves manufactured drama, unfortunately.

In the end it’s a loss for anyone buying into the misinformation missing out on a pretty great game that makes this whole thing kind of a bummer. But I guess that is the state of things in 2024, misinformation > the truth.

@TimLovesTech@badatbeing.social avatar

This is misinformation. No “bait and switch” occurred at all. You have to go out of your way to even find the micro-transactions, and then when you do they are useless if you have actually played your way through the game. Reviewers got all of this in detail with their review keys, but adding time into your review to talk about something that is basically an afterthought and has no affect on the actual game seems like a waste of time. These people are all rushing to release content as soon as the embargo is lifted. So putting extra time into a review to talk about something 99% of people will never see does not have a great return on effort.

@TimLovesTech@badatbeing.social avatar

For all continuing to spread misinformation…

Micros, Shills, & Toxicity Regarding Dragon’s Dogma 2

@TimLovesTech@badatbeing.social avatar

For all those continuing to spread misinformation…

Micros, Shills, & Toxicity Regarding Dragon’s Dogma 2

@TimLovesTech@badatbeing.social avatar

I just have a problem with people spreading misinformation like a parrot with something they “heard somewhere”. You are basically spreading lies, and when confronted have doubled down on them. Does speaking truth to lies make me the enemy now? Bragging about being uninformed and spreading misinformation does not seem like a great hill to die on personally, but to each their own. You are free to speak your lies, but I will continue to call them out as such.

Mods, is this community about spreading misinformation?? If so I’m more than happy to leave the community, and ban it as such from my instance.

@TimLovesTech@badatbeing.social avatar

Because I"m not OK with people continuing to spread dishonest information? That is a weird take. The amount of purposeful ignorance to the facts has become contagious around here. I try and point out how none of the shit talking around here carries any water, and somehow I’m the one that should be concerned. I did not realize I had stumbled onto Facebook, my bad. I’ll let you get on with your misinformation farm, you have another election to deny coming up, must be a busy time of year for you.

@TimLovesTech@badatbeing.social avatar

How many hours do you have in game? If you have played any you know this is all made up drama and everything is in game, and the mtx that everyone has their pitchforks out for isn’t even forced on you, you need to seek it out to even find it. And then when you do find them it’s not worth the money VS just getting the stuff in game.

And I’m not going to standby while people spread misinformation, and you have found yourself on the wrong side of the facts.

@TimLovesTech@badatbeing.social avatar

Posted this in the other thread also.

In the interest of clearing up this continuing deluge of misinformation, I think cowboy at the end of his stream today said it better than I did earlier today. Plus he is likely to know more than anyone here as he had completed both endings before release with his advanced copy.


@TimLovesTech@badatbeing.social avatar

It is included in every version of the game. And it is clear you are arguing a point you are not even informed about, joining in the misinformation spreading about a game that is actually pretty fun to play.

@TimLovesTech@badatbeing.social avatar

Your argument is ill informed. The fast travel stuff is all in the game, nothing is pay-walled. And anyone tell you such is feeding you misinformation. It seems a large number of people haven’t even played the game but are ready to get out the pitchforks over stuff they aren’t even informed about.

I also would love to see people that don’t own the game label their post as such so we could see how many here are just going by hearsay from some random information they have read in the past couple of days. I’m guessing the overwhelming majority never even bought the game and have no become a vessel for misinformation white knighting a talking point that doesn’t even make sense.

@TimLovesTech@badatbeing.social avatar

I’m defending this game because I have actually played it, unlike what seems the rest of this thread has not. I see nothing but misinformation being spread, and when confronted on all of it, you have all doubled down on remaining ignorant because it fuels your talking point of “CAPCOM bad”, “mtx bad”. Where, had you ACTUALLY played the game you would know you have to go out of your way to even find the mtx, and they are next to worthless. It’s all stuff you get in a normal play through.

@TimLovesTech@badatbeing.social avatar

You are the one making a bad faith argument, based on some random stuff you read on the internet. Had you actually played the game you would know that:

  1. The mtx is not pushed on anyone, and you need to go out of your way to even find/notice.
  2. It’s all stuff you acquire in a normal play-through, making it essentially useless.

But go ahead and continue to white knight for the misinformation spreaders, just know that you have been misinformed/mislead and should do a little research before you get out your pitchfork next time.

@TimLovesTech@badatbeing.social avatar

Exactly the opposite. I am 100% behind anyone that has actually played it and has valid concerns, like performance being the big one. I’m only against the pitchfork brigade parroting things that are outright untrue, and has tangible evidence as proof. I do not peddle in, or tolerate, the alternative facts business.

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