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I’m at the point that violent revolution would not worry me, corporations and the investors who ruined capitalism with demands for 25% return on investment need to be burned out of house and home. We have no other ideas, we need capitalism to work because otherwise we get Warsaw Pact levels of Orwellian dystopia or a damn feudal society, so fuck data farming, fuck investors, fuck finding new jobs. Just do a “silent strike” and when they tell the lot of you that you’re fired, say “Not unless you want that fire to spread. You hired us, you fucking pay us. We won’t just walk, we’ll take you down, so put up or no layoffs. Not when we’ve been abused for years as contractors. We’re fucking done with being threatened with hardship to cover for your mistakes.”

The problem is that we’re legitimately in the middle of a class war, the wealthiest 0.01% are actually trying to create a world where everyone else is expendable.


Hello, Dr. Smart, you forgot to take your meds again, didn’t you?

Go complain about PSN, or the ROG Ally being a toaster for microSD cards. Anyone still involved with this game has made their peace with whatever the outcome will be.

ToyDork, (edited )

I agree purely on a “cultural influence” level, as while I doubt CoD caused a school shooting, it seems the argument these grieving families are making is “CoD glorifies guns and gun culture, therefore this will send a message that gun culture is not acceptable and guns being admired is dangerous.” On that I feel that if they have to destroy an over monetized and creatively bankrupt game franchise to send a message that guns are not toys or fashion accessories, CoD’s continuation will not be missed by the majority of gamers.

My only concern is that if they do succeed, that means anything can be censored in the US if it promotes cult-like behavior, which is too subjective to be properly defined without giving politicians another way to FUD people and thus does not solve the problem.

That, and fuck those cops who caused the majority of the issue. At that point, grab kitchen knives, conceal them, go to a local police station, calmly say you want to report a crime, and when the cop comes out to ask, slit his throat and say “this is for the kids you killed”. I would not trust an American cop ever at this point, so if anyone from my own or any other country reads this, I’m not going to kill a cop because the RCMP are actually trustworthy and have ensured everyone’s safety. I’m not intending to incite actual violence, only stating that these families are targeting the wrong people and they’re probably doing it because they were told justice will never come because the fucking police wanted it that way.


As someone willing to switch to Linux now that I’d be forced into using Windows 11, shut up. Linux is, unfortunately, not ever perfect. Windows has become functional enough for the average user, Steam OS has a corporation behind it and still requires command line and other hacks to function.

Unfortunately, we’re fucked unless we start taking more drastic actions against big tech. The only way this will be fixed is public demonstration demanding that OSes and other critical IT software be open source, whether that demonstration is peaceful… or not so peaceful.

ToyDork, (edited )

You misunderstood. I’m a power user… on Windows. I don’t have a choice but to switch to a Linux distro now, but I have found 3 different issues requiring use of the command line to fix over the course of trying to shift to linux over the past 6 months. I understand a command line, what I don’t know is the lingo. Without experience in that lingo, I literally cannot properly figure out many features I could access in windows purely using mouse and keyboard shortcuts, even if it meant navigating an extensive menu system.

Now imagine someone who uses windows because they have dyslexia trying to use the command line. Or how about VR? If I’m understanding discussion from another site I frequent, Wayland or some other critical code for VR is not able to be handled by Linux and even if you run a windows install on the side it’s now going to be windows-fucking-11 bullshit until someone gets VR working on linux, and I do not have the coding knowledge to fix that myself because I don’t have 30 fucking years to become an expert in that shit. I’m not saying windows is good or that linux is bad, I’m saying this whole situation makes me want to fucking burn Redmond to the ground becausae it literally is holding my LIFE hostage. I live on the internet, I don’t interact with “reality” because I’m fucking sick of how things have unfolded over the past ~15 years (2008+) and if you force me to do so, I do in fact become physically violent. Don’t take away my circus or there won’t be anyone left to worship big brother, I’ll fucking kill you all.


I hate Netanyahu because he’s an asshole who has ensured the people of Palestine will never get the slightest solution to their crisis. I don’t hate Israel or it’s people, regardless of what anything I may have said on the fediverse in the past (it’s REALLY hard not to be absolutely furious that kids are just plain being slaughtered over what was probably some fucking “BuT tHaT wOmAn WaS sHoUlD mY wIfE!!1!!1!” that happened so long ago nobody remembers it, and I am truly sorry for any past comments that could be interpreted as some sort of justification of anti-semetic violence; I do not want harm to come to anyone innocent and am just glad I have not let those poorly-chosen words inform my actions in any way) and I definitely don’t hate any jews living outside of Israel because anyone who thinks an expat or second+ generation immigrant has any links to a foreign nation really is dangerously xenophobic.

If I thought there was a better way to help the people caught between these two sides, I’d be saying it. Unfortunately, it seems this issue will likely be solved only if the US decides it has to intervene in some way, which is why I absolutely support charging that asshole with a war crime. I don’t like it one bit, but I have to repeat myself: The attempted extermination of the Gaza Strip, despite the sheer irony of it being so, is industrialized genocide or “destruction of humanity” - a.k.a a Holocaust - by the very definition of the word. We truly live in the most vile timeline imaginable.


Thank you, it’s always better for people to learn this stuff from someone who knows things they don’t and you’ve certainly made me aware of various things I was not aware of. I just wish there was a better way to handle this, the area shouldn’t have to be threatened to get them to follow the Geneva Convention but sadly it seems few with any influence in the region of Gaza even care.


Indeed, NDAs and “this is a preview version but…” disclaimers are supposed to exist so that what’s being reviewed is at least close to being the finished product or clearly labelled as not being finished.

It’s not just game devs who can be scummy about Early Access stuff, especially compared to “gaming journalism” ever since people realized Steam reviews are far more accurate than magazines and websites that sell ads. If the game isn’t finished, ask if progress is being made towards being finished, not whether “experts” from GameBloggerYT or Kotacky think it’s going to be. Marketers always lie if someone offers them enough money, and Big Tech has an investment in people not having reliable info on something, so if freakin’ Disney is able to say a straightforward “we fucked up” then you know that’s the honest truth.

But how they screwed up is what matters; they admitted the contract is bad, this isn’t about game quality. The game “journalist” vultures saw a corporate megafauna limping, this was a legal loophole they’re hurting from.

I know they sadly would never admit to making a flawed or predatory product, but I can at least respect that Disney decided not to sue someone. Maybe wishing on a star can work sometimes?

Meanwhile, EA and Uberme- I mean Ubisoft are literally killing good games because their newer stuff is subpar and they have no interest in doing better.

At this point, I’ll take whatever fair corporate activity I can get, Disney might not be Valve or GOG but I consider this incident to be one where a company hasn’t been deliberately sketchy for once.


You’re not wrong, nothing excuses this kind of behavior. However, I can’t help but feel no company can be held responsible for what an employee does outside of work without essentially giving scummy companies like and including EA an easy excuse to lay people off without paying for unemployment.

ASUS Scammed Us (

This undercover warranty investigation is a one-year follow-up from our series that investigated ASUS for motherboards incinerating AMD CPUs, at the end of which ASUS promised a number of improvements to its then-anti-consumer warranty processes. Spoiler alert: They’re still anti-consumer. We sent our ASUS ROG Ally Z1 Extreme...


Fair warning, don’t mess with the internals of the device because - as a Chinese company - their warranty is prohibitively anti-repair, but…

OneXPlayer. Specifically the OneXFly. More ergonomic than the steam deck, far more powerful than both it and the ROG Ally, has an SD Card slot that doesn’t fry itself like the Ally, and comes with a decent warranty for what is essentially the Chinese Lamborghini of GamerDecks. Again, don’t try to fix it yourself, it works well but if anything goes wrong (I had to wipe the SSD and didn’t know how to do so without removing it physically) then you’re screwed.

If you have big hands, just buy a Steam Deck OLED. It’s about as good as it gets for customer service to rely on Valve.


And then people wonder why I have more hope for Star Citizen (currently on Alpha 3.22.x and about to go to 3.23, which will likely involve a big number of features being completed) which has been in development for 12 goddamn years, than I do for Bethesda games. Fallout peaked at New Vegas and 4 was just borrowing from Obsidian’s successful design.

Freaking Cyberpunk 2077 and No Man’s Sky were able to be fixed, this is a corporate culture issue.

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