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Do you think people would be okay with 'Recall' if Apple did it?

With the recent WWDC apple made some bold claims about privacy when it comes to so called Apple Intelligence. This makes me wonder if they did something to what Microsoft did with Recall feature, would people be less concerned and to an extend praise their effort?...


As far as we know, apple’s system does not take screenshots automatically, storing them unencrypted, likely revealing secrets to other programs.

Anyone remember this one video of a guy designing a new command line shell?

I think I remember seeing it on this community. It was a darkly colored video. It was mostly focused on UX design, and the guy was talking about pretty innovative features with auto completion suggestions and undoing and things like that. Does anyone remember it or have a link? My search was fruitless.

How easy is it to switch back to windows?

I’m considering switching to linux but I’m not a computer savvy person, so I wanted to have the option to switch back to windows if unforeseen complications (I only have 1 pc). Is it just a download on usb and install? And what ways can I get the product key or “cleaner” debloated versions.


When I first wanted to try Linux out I made a small 50gb partition for it. the logic was that this was the size of just one game and it was an entire operating system, so I wasn’t losing much. As I continued to use Linux I kept expanding that partition to correspond with the priority I gave the OS.


Snapdragon is a type of flower. It’s a lovely name in my opinion.


Well that’s stupid 😂


Majority held views among the population are in support of Gazan genocide and withholding all food from entering Gaza. The settler society at all levels understands its interests demand genocide.

Hamas Says Gaza Truce Possible 'Within 24 To 48 Hours' If Israel Accepts Terms (www.barrons.com)

“If Israel agrees to Hamas demands, which include the return of displaced Palestinians to northern Gaza and increasing humanitarian aid, that would pave the way for a (truce) agreement within the next 24 to 48 hours,” said the official, speaking on condition of anonymity to discuss the sensitive issue, as negotiations were...


We’re doing colonialism apologia now? Colonial occupiers do not rightfully own the land they occupy.


The Palestinian authority is Israel’s contractor, disarming, repressing, and torturing Palestinians on its behalf. Hamas is the armed resistance group fighting Israeli occupation. Hamas is negotiating for Palestinian civilians’ safety. Their terms are necessary to protect Palestinian civilians. When Palestinian resistance organizations capitulated to Israeli demands and disarmed in Lebanon, Israel promptly massacred the civilians they were protecting like in Sabra and shatila. Finally, go fuck yourself.


No. Palestinians lived on the land. Zionist settlers settled on the land, segregated themselves from its native inhabitants, and built an explicitly (by their own words) colonial project on it by ethnically cleansing 750,000 Palestinians within only the first two years of its founding. European and other settler Jews never had the right to disposses Palestine’s inhabitants.


Hamas are in fact the completely righteous side in this conflict. Hamas is the resistance organization fighting a fascist, colonial, genocidal regime built on oppression, death, and ethnic cleansing. Hamas is infinitely more morally upstanding than you or I or any person not risking their lives to bring an end to Israel.


10/7 is the manifestation of anti colonial resistance. It is the blueprint. There was no “fuck up”. There was a groundbreaking military success that embarrassed the Israeli military and state. Now Israel is carrying out this genocide in order to reaffirm its violent dominance to itself and to Palestinians. The fact that resistance begets more colonial violence is not a fault of resistance. It is what makes resistance imperative so this structure is permanently dismantled. The Palestinians of Gaza understand this. The failure after 10/7 was on the world’s part, because it allowed this genocide to happen.


Wrong. They did not go after Israeli civilians, the IDF did. Testimony from Israeli settler who encountered Al Qassam fighters on 7/10. In addition, settlers living in military base settlements imprisoning and enforcing a blockade on a concentration camp are not uninvolved civilians. They are settler colonizers, and are complicit and actively participatory in the violence upholding their colonial society.


Many of the hostages are Israeli soldiers lol. Taking settlers prisoner is utterly completely justified and correct. They were not harmed. They were well fed and treated. They received medical care. This is from their own testimonies. Israel could have gotten them back right after 7/10 by agreeing not to genocide Palestinians, but it decided it would rather murder both with airstrikes. The resistance took prisoners as a bargaining chip in order to protect Palestinian civilians. Israel revealed that it did not value the prisoners at all and proceeded with the genocide killing their own in the process. This is righteous anti colonial resistance. And this is reactionary colonial genocide. If you oppose this you support colonialism and violent subjugation.

abuttandahalf, (edited )

The “attendees” danced at a music festival in a militarized colonial settlement imprisoning 2 million colonized Palestinians in a concentration camp. The settlers’ immense privileges and power that exist at the expense of Palestinians literally depends on mass murder, ethnic cleansing, and subjugation. This is beside the fact that nearly all Israelis serve in the military. There is no distinction between the settler colonial state and its settler colonists. Their behavior, goals, and interests are aligned. You do not get to participate in and benefit from direct, brutal, transparent oppression and not face resistance.

It is you who is insane for seeing that the ethnic cleansing and internment of 2 million Palestinians in a concentration camp that is routinely bombed and massacred should not be dismantled by any means necessary.


Get fucked lol. That’s what you get for imposing genocidal sanctions on Yemen and funding the genocide in Gaza.

abuttandahalf, (edited )

Indifference about genocide is not just unacceptable, it’s evil, you piece of shit.


It’s not Palestinians’ fault for being occupied and mass murdered. How are you so shameless centering and victimizing yourself for being forced to hear about people suffering genocide? This shit is unbelievable.


Palestinians are being murdered and ethnically cleansed in the tens of thousands. Thousands are dying weekly and this is being documented. We are seeing the people dying. We saw with our eyes Israel destroy all requisites for life in the Gaza and prevent all food and water from entering.

On the other hand we have seen quite literally nothing supporting the claim that China is committing Uygher genocide. Literally nothing. Uygher people continue to live normally in Xinjiang. They continue to practice their allegedly repressed culture. They continue to communally practice their allegedly repressed religion. Uygher genocide only exists in the propaganda of the United States state department and the minds of those it influences and those it employs.


We have in fact seen absolutely no evidence that China is committing genocide in Xinjiang. None.


For me this is Gnome with the pop shell extension. It’s so much better than plain i3 in usability and just as good with tiling. Using i3 for years made me appreciate the value of a proper modern desktop environment.


You get to complain to Nvidia, not Linux developers and maintainers.

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