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They have been taking over practices since at least early 2010s.

By the time this shit goes normie stream, the fuckening has already happened.

Privacy is another example lol


Is this even new?

I thought this already circulated a few months back.


Good to see that there are still decent people left in Israel


Maybe or maybe not... Somebody within Israel is committing war crimes and it aint genocide Bibi. It is regular citizens.

This issue is similar to Russia... At some point people will need to own actions of their criminal state.

Germans had to do it...


Mehh. Both are war crimes, not sure if there is such thing being worse at that point.

Evidence must be collected and perps will need to be hunted down in due course.


By who?

Either highly doubtful, us gave Israel a blank check for the removal of Palestinians from Gaza.


I do think that israel will pay for this degeneracy in medium to long term. The world took notice.

With that said, they will finish what they started because US allows it and the world community will need to do their job and Israel hold israel accoutable for the war crimes.

There is but so much dark money lobbying will do when public opinion has turned and fake news can't spin the facts anymore.


Well, I guess we can now give Ukraine rockets to strike within Russia?! Right?


as other's have said, console makes pretty good all purpose media center unless you are a high end electronic waste snob.

Canonical Announces Availability of Real-Time Kernel for Ubuntu 24.04 LTS - 9to5Linux (

To get started with the real-time kernel for Ubuntu 24.04, check out the official documentation. One thing to keep in mind if you’re an NVIDIA GPU user is that the real-time Ubuntu kernel does not support the proprietary NVIDIA graphics drivers.


Can somebody explain real time kernel as if I am a golden retriever ?


I guess i am still skipping on how real time kernel address the pause? it just never pauses or it no longer needs to be paused?

as a side note, is this similar technology they use in high precision manufacturing?


Alright, this landed!


Geriatric nepo babies and their parasitic habits!!!


they do but the headline would less click baiting if just said rich parasites are destroying the world...

90% of people would ask... does the bear shit in the woods?

But now we can do a circle jerk about some poor losers' "white pride" feelz being hurt.



Nobody is hating anybody here besides u being butthurt it seems


are you still buying narrative of broke farmer?

Farmer in modern advanced economy is a large land owner who operates an enterprise at scale with sizable state aid funded by taxpayers.

Side note, not to diminish their issues with mega food corps...

But these are not "small" players and they are certainly not part of the working slave classes.


cute narrative weaving, keep it up!

Critics of Putin and his allies targeted with spyware inside the EU (

At least seven journalists and activists who have been vocal critics of the Kremlin and its allies have been targeted inside the EU by a state using Pegasus, the hacking spyware made by Israel’s NSO Group, according to a new report by security researchers....


Funny how domestic spooks are only good at suppressing taxpaying public. I guess we can't expect them to actually like do their fucking job and protect taxpayers and their rights.


"Fact checkers" is just another layer of AstroTurf to legitimize fake news regime after 2016 us elections where substantial percent of population stopped drinking the kooliad.


Well how do you expect the kid to prepped to spend all of their adult working life in front of computer screen?


DoD operates industrial facilities?

EDIT: private corporation operates this facility

Good news for Ukraine and their war affort!!!!

Dropping this as Israel is persecuting an ethnic displacement campaign is timed tho

and no daddy biden this does not make whatever is happening in Palestine right or proper.


Thank you for your service!


do they operate actual commercial or industrial facilities or do they just dish out taxpayer money to the connected parasites to middle man the job?

asking for a friend.

Israeli campaign against ICC may be ‘crimes against justice’, say legal experts (

Efforts by Israel’s intelligence agencies to undermine and influence the international criminal court (ICC) could amount to “offences against the administration of justice” and should be investigated by its chief prosecutor, legal experts have said....


BIAS CONFIRMED: Belgian/EU/German domestic security services and intelligence agencies are just parasites collecting pay checks for doing no work.

no wonder Russia is able to operate there so easily lol

Why is Nikki Haley scrawling genocidal messages on Israeli bombs? | Moustafa Bayoumi (

…on Tuesday, the former Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley was all over social media for a picture taken of her during a visit to Israel. In the picture, Haley – the one Republican who had been frequently lauded for her smarts on foreign policy – is seen squatting down in front of a row of Israeli artillery...


What makes this genocidal unity of Democrat and Republican all the more horrific and rage-inducing is that, despite the war-mongering messages emanating from America’s politicians and media pundits, all the polls repeatedly show that the American people want a ceasefire in Gaza, not a genocide.


VR has content issue


Yeah some why would anybody buy headsets?

My 2016 pucharse prolly got 30 hours of iae total. Still no content to use it for really


they want to grow user base with tech demos 🤡

that's how it felt to me. they were hoping for another smartphone but smartphone has key everyday usage lol


this parasitic behavior is what turned me into FLOSS evangelist, can't trust companies with control of platforms!!! once they get market share, they will start fucking all of us. there other benefits too ;)



Israel is doing this on purpose, they want US to be the guilty party here. When shit goes down they will point to us as being culpable along with them and will expect US to fix it.


even after they fixed the game, I could not get into it.


sorry, not sorry. fuck the "rules based" international order


USS Liberty was the beginning of the end.


Like it or not but we are gonna be blamed for all of this at the end of the day. US participation is the necessary condition for these war crimes.

New Israeli attack today (Tuesday) on Rafah evacuation zone (

CAIRO, May 28 (Reuters) - Israeli tanks shelled a tent camp in an evacuation area west of Rafah and killed at least 21 people on Tuesday, Gaza health authorities said, while advancing to the heart of the southern Gaza city for the first time after a night of heavy bombardment. Two days after an Israeli airstrike on another camp...


Israel deserves the right to exit and they have to kill off 2 million Gaza residents it is a small price to pay for the world to allow gods chosen people to get their land back!!!

Rules based international world order!!!??


Pedophile enabler gets in trouble for using a "slur"

Welcome to the clown world y'all!!!!


EU did nothing to protect the rules based order...

Here we are.

Cheers, lets sacrifice whatever left of this clown system so Israel can conduct a hail Mary genocide before we can really say never again!???

Netanyahu says deadly Israeli strike in Rafah was the result of a 'tragic mistake' (

TEL AVIV, Israel (AP) — Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Monday that a “tragic mistake” was made in an Israeli strike in the southern Gaza city of Rafah that set fire to a camp housing displaced Palestinians and, according to local officials, killed at least 45 people....


USS Liberty was also a mistake they said... That's how we got into this shit in the first place.

‘Exterminate the beasts’: How Israeli settlers took revenge for a murder in the West Bank (

What followed was a wave of shooting and arson attacks across 11 Palestinian villages in which a dozen homes and more than 100 cars were torched, thousands of animals were slaughtered, four people were shot dead and scores of others were seriously wounded.


Votingn for either party is continuing this bullshit indefinitely.

Not voting, is what they want you to do ifnyiuaint voting for their team

Third party vote is a vote of no confidence for the current regime. Voting for either provides the regime with legitimacy.


Only wrong if you are emotionally or otherwise invested in the two party system... Which has failed to provide any results for working people since at least 1970s.


Biden's blind Israel support is helping trump more than my shit post tbh


Yes american politics enabling Israeli war crimes is my fault

And if I don't vote biden, it is even more so my fault.



Mental illness spotted.

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