
Cybersecurity professional with an interest in networking, and beginning to delve into binary exploitation and reverse engineering.

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Definitely wasn’t expecting to see an RVA username on Lemmy tonight.


Just to note, Kali is a downstream release of Debian Testing, not Ubuntu. Also for question 55 you didn’t include “git clone and build binary from src”.


Thanks, I should have done that and forgot. I was typing up what I remembered from the article, then realized I’d prolly fuck up a significant portion of the relevant facts so I just deleted it all and searched for the article.

I have noticed that (and another tld I don’t remember right now, .ph?) links don’t want to load on my internal network that uses a pihole for dns and drops anything else dns related going out on the wan port of the router. Probably need to look in to that bc it’s getting annoying.


That’s Business Insider being Business Insider, yeah.

I’m super confused by this verbiage. If it’s harder for a worker to get hired than fired, doesn’t that mean that it’s relatively easier to get fired? Which is nit how it should be right?

Based on the article context, shouldn’t the worker quoted in the article be saying “It’s very hard to get hired here, and getting fired is even fucking harder!”?

Anyway I agree that it should not be easy for a company to fire workers. I think that knowing this, companies should try to ensure they’re onboarding quality workers in the first place, which would probably involve a difficult hiring process.

My read on the article isn’t that workers are complaining about “half decent work conditions”, but that workers are complaining about completely checked out coworkers. If you’re a new, junior level worker and both your manager and your Intermediate and Senior level coworkers have completely checked out, you’re probably not getting the performance feedback, mentorship, or over the shoulder exposure to techniques and procedures that are invaluable at that stage in your career.

I’m definitely reading between the lines, but I’m seeing an article where less tenured employees are complaining about that culture shift, and BI is putting their “happy, well-compensated employees bad” corporate bootlicker spin on it.


I just responded to someone else in another comment chain, but I agree. As I said there, the more tenured employees checking out can really block anyone new from gaining the long-term institutional knowledge they need to be successful, which either leads to high new worker turnover or an implosion when the last of the long term “old breed” retire.


That game, you know the one you play.


I sorted by oldest vids and scrolled to the first title that was in English. I’m now convinced that there is no material difference between living in Finland and living as a USMC grunt in the bricks, except for more snow and real kitchens in Finland.


You want a mid-level card with more VRAM than most people have for their system RAM?


Answering that question honestly would violate the rules of the instance hosting this community.


They are mainly to kill vehicules and equipment.

Yeah, not really. Vast majority of .50 cal rounds got expended providing enfilade fire or just locking the T&E to absolutely ravage some poor fuckers at a stand off their small arms can’t hope to deal with. I still nut when I hear “when the long axis of the beaten zone coincides with the long axis of the target”.

I know I’ve fired SLAAP rounds at people through walls more times than I ever fired a fifty at vehicles, and I was specifically on a CAAT team.


Yo the State Department page for Iceland is fucking fire. It warns about pickpockets by telling travelers to be cognizant of “getting jostled”, especially in the capital on weekends because everyone gets drunk then and the jostling risk is higher. What a delightful warning. I’m convinced the pickpockets in Iceland are all the fox version of Robin Hood in Iceland.

Some of the State Department pages go hard as fuck though. Take a look at the one for Russia and watch any sympathy for Britney Grinier or that fucking Army dude evaporate into thin air. Libya’s page is wild and so is Syria’s, which actually says “yeah fam, we shut that fucking embassy down. if you’re idiot ass needs help hit up the Czechs”. Burma (Myanmar) goes pretty hard too, in addition to the risk of kidnapping, wrongful detention, arbitrary enforcement of local laws, etc., there’s the “your prolly gonna step on some uxo and splatter your fucking intestines on your travel partner my dude. stop. don’t go here.”


I use a Level1Techs KVM, I’m pretty sure it meets all your requirements. I’ve used multiple brands of mechanical keyboards with it and never had a ghosting/sticky key issue.


To level set, Microsoft owns SysInternals, and has since 2006. None of it is “community vetted”, to me that implies FOSS or something.


Yeah, I use SysInternals stuff every day. Neither myself nor the community has vetted SysInternals tools any more than they have vetted outlook, teams, or word. Unless I’m misunderstanding the meaning of vetted.

Vetting in a program/application context as I understand it is that the code has been vetted, which can only be done by the community at large if the source code is provided. Just like with a person, vetting is doing an actual background check, where as vouching for someone is just one person telling a second person that a third person is chill or something.

Conservative Plan Calls for Dozens of Executions if Trump Wins (

A conservative plan for Donald Trump’s potential transition into the presidency calls for dozens of prisoners to be executed, according to HuffPost. An 887-page plan by Project 2025, led by the ultra-conservative Heritage Foundation, says that if elected, Trump should make a concerted effort to execute the remaining 40...


Maybe eventually everyone will get mad enough that mods will stop standing in the way of what needs to happen

It’s a federated platform, if you feel like the mods are standing in the way then leave to another instance.


your autocorrect misspelled debian server in that last line there.


Why would the sequel to a 4x game be anything like a space MMO?


It’s a 4x strategy game, like old school Civ.


That combined with the ever increasing desperation to stay relevant so they don’t fall into Putin’s bad graces and all get conscripted.


Like somebody else said, it’s a pretty common term for mass deleting posts and/or kicking users, as well as just deleting shit in general. If I was dual booting Linux and Windows, then finally decided to remove Windows I would say I “nuked my Windows partition”, or if I were to overwrite all my reddit comments before deleting my old account I would say I “nuked my reddit account”.


Oh my bad, yeah that actually is an atrocious title. I could see “carpet bomb” instead of nuke, but after realizing the context and my misinterpretation of the title yeah it’s fucking terrible.


That’s a ridiculous step to have to take.


How is German law/policy on Valve? You realize that the Unterhaltungssoftware Selbstkontrolle refused to rate Half-Life and Half-Life 2 until changes like changing human blood to green and making enemies robots were made right? So it would stand to reason that Valve would proactively submit a version of TF2 that incorporated the required changes they’d been forced to make for the German market in the past.


I couldn’t follow your post with all those line breaks at first. If you had preceded your post with “I’m glad i’m not the only one who thought this: a 🧵” I would have understood that each paragraph was related much more easily.


Oh I was just being sarcastic and trying to make a joke. I’ve seen a ton of people start off with that bullshit on microblogging sites, like “How Threat Actor APT Whatever Implanted Malware In Popular Package Source Code. \n A 🧵”, using the thread emoji instead of just saying thread. Then they go off on like 22 tweets that should have just been a blog post, but Medium is dumb and their employer isn’t fancy enough to have a public blog to post after-action findings on.

Your post was absolutely fine and completely readable on mobile and PC alike, I’m truly sorry I caused any confusion or worry about formatting on your part!


I think that the typical usage of that phrase is as cover for shitty companies to treat their workers like dog shit. If a company/manager is using that line then actually backing it up in their actions, more power to them.

borari, (edited )

I know that in my particular field (offensive cybersecurity) many, if not most, places that I’ve heard of, will carve out allowances for personal projects to remain yours. Some companies will even be fine with you setting aside a portion of your time each week to dedicate to developing and maintaining your own open source community tooling or contributing to projects you use regularly, without that whole “your ideas are our IP” thing. With that said, these are all smaller shops that are competing to hire hyper-specialized talent in an industry that until recently wasn’t as overrun with people as the development space is, so maybe none of this is applicable to a place like MS, I don’t really know.

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