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Arkansas stops offering 'X' as an alternative to male and female on driver's licenses and IDs (

Arkansas will no longer allow residents to use “X” instead of male or female on state-issued driver’s licenses or identification cards, officials announced under new rules Tuesday that will also make it more difficult for transgender people to change the sex listed on their licenses and IDs....


i think SHS just straight up looks like a bridge troll in drag


“criming on people for being minorities should not be a crime in itself because muh freeze peach” lmao what an idiotic take


most people out here commenting without reading the article, this madlad not even reading the link first

chocosoldier, (edited )

Is that what’s happening here though? I don’t have any context for this and there’s no obvious tell (that I could find) that the business is Jewish-owned and that it wasn’t put up by the owner, just looks like a small business taking an anti-genocide stance to me.

If the context is what you’re saying though, that’s fucked. Jews deserve blame for the actions of the extremists running the Israeli state the way Christians deserve blame for the actions of MAGA - these fascist groups don’t represent the religion or the people they’re just wearing it as a hat.

EDIT: To the reader: I should have read farther, another reply chain provides context that

  1. this is in fact a Jewish-owned business, and
  2. this specific Jewish-owned business has expressed a pro-Palestine stance on its Facebook account (specifically, its pfp is a palestine flag overlaid with a raised fist encircled by the words “Free Palestine End The Occupation”).

It seems very unlikely that this is a targeted act of hate, and PerogiBoi should be ashamed of themself for inventing a narrative out of whole cloth based on one factual detail and then proceeding to decry everyone else as “reactionary”.


No. Only tea is tea. If there’s no actual tea leaves in it then it’s an infusion. Not goddamn tea. You may as well soak orange peels in hot water and call it “orange coffee”, it makes zero sense.


Tea is also not chunks of dried fruit and random herbs, it’s a specific plant.


ITT people who think all coffee is like the Z-tier roasted-until-burnt held-until-stale blasphemy they serve at Starbucks.

ITT people who think all tea is the result of oversteeping a lipton bag in a cup in the microwave.

ITT people who think any random plant plus hot water is “tea” but are oddly specific about what is “coffee”.


I’m sorry you were taught words wrong.


Fox news pulled out the old “rich liberal having a private jet makes them a hypocrite because emissions” nugget they’ve been falling back on since the 2000 election (if not longer, that was the year i started following politics) and now it’s getting astroturfed everywhere like it’s a brand spanking new meme and not the same old conservative media tripe. more meaningless culture war shit, basically.


while i also feel private jets are bad in general this is a conservative-media-led dogpile meant to smear her as punishment for telling her fans to vote or somesuch. there’s more productive things to do with that drive and energy than parrot literally decades-old Fox News smears. why are we playing their game?


political memes in 2024 be like:

  • octogenarian with laser eyes
  • reskinned voldemort vs dumbledore memes
  • recycled memes from 20 years ago that used to be about Al Gore
  • weird tribalist overreactions to said recycled memes because we stan billionaires as long as the correct people put on a show of hating them, apparently.
  • shitting on grossly underpaid workers because their industry forces them to rely on gratuity
  • im gigachad and you’re wojak

some swifties got butthurt that i didn’t give a fuck about fox news pointing at her plane and crying hypocrite (because that shit’s been background noise for a long time) and the longer it went on the more deranged and unhinged they got. it was not unlike talking to maga folks and i think i’m just going to avoid talking to anyone about anything at all until the libs either calm the hell down or the fascists kill them all because i’m just done trying to understand these twits


I said, and this is copypasted, “imagine simping for a rich white celeb just because of who decided to hate them.”

I literally do not know what her music sounds like as I don’t care for pop music, and I can’t criticize what I haven’t heard, but please go on assuming the worst of the person pointing out the weird pearl-clutching.


i said “imagine simping for a rich white celeb just because of who decided to hate them” and i got berated for twelve hours about “attacking others with progressive language” or some shit, go off at me about purity tests for thinking celeb worship is cringe though.


This. Fox News cries about jets every single time a celebrity endorses a liberal candidate or cause. She knew this going in.


getting dogpiled for 12 hours by leftier-than-thous couching everything in vocabulary words and refusing to explain what the hell they actually mean while describing you as “leftist maga” because you said simping for billionaires is cringe will do that to you.


also it’s fucking hilarious that you’re cutting this out as a feminism issue, as if fox doesn’t smear literally every liberal jet owner in this way. they’ve been doing it for 20+ years that I’ve been paying attention, starting with Al Gore.


itt simps rally around and defend their favorite billionaire in the name of progressivism and feminism or something


it was in response to a screencapped tweet about “Taylor out here making fox care about emissions” or similar - basically the same zero-effort take that is repeated literally any time fox falls back on the decades-old “omg private jet emissions HYPOCRITE!” chestnut. I think it was a completely fair shot, and if anyone in particular read that and felt insulted then frankly they need to examine their relationship to media, and not make it my problem.


i was pretty frazzled when i made it tbh, i might delete and make a less shitty meme

chocosoldier, (edited )

“a true conversationalist” is the title of the comic, it was present in the template i used.

i was pretty frazzled and upset when i wrote that.

explanation if you care:

i’d just spend several hours being told in opaque language why was wrong and bad of me to describe a person in a meme that was shared as “simping for a billionaire based on who hates them”. the intended sentiment was that “X made Y mad and that’s good” is a crap take based on tribalism and celebrity worship, the sort of stuff culty right-wingers do. i was not allowed to explain myself, and accused of things like “engaging in bad faith”, “tearing down allies with the language of progressivism”, being “leftist MAGA” - none of which anyone cared to clarify to any degree. i also got my ass ridden by four separate people about “calling (specific person in chat) a simp”, because they commented before i did and assumed it was about them specifically. my explanation was rejected and i was treated like a liar and it was insisted that i accept that i’m an asshole and a bad leftist.

i didn’t go find swifties to provoke about it either, that’s fucking pointless - people are allowed to like things, and i do agree with your point about awareness. this happened in a mostly left-not-liberal politics chat that is one of the few places i bother talking politics online because folks there are normally very level-headed and willing to engage different viewpoints and try to understand what people mean instead of just reacting off the cuff. i was and continue to be baffled by the excessive, accusatory, and iresome reaction i got to a low-effort jab at an even lower-effort joke.

end of explanation, if you don’t care

but yeah its a shite meme and it hurts to look at. will likely delete.


what an awful article. some people on twitter speculated about some things. journalism!

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