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The same guy who was struggling to pay off the latest slander judgement?

Hope he can sell before it dead-cat-bounces.


I’m not as good a person as you, and I’m sorry. I accept them losing their house as long as it’s to someone better. Odds are that’s happening.


I’m gonna be honest I’ve never had a flatpak version of something ever work properly.

As someone once involved with OS Security, I beg you not to use FlatPaks.


I honestly prefer Ansible.

I use Ansible all day. For work. Oh, god, is it sad compared to everything else in the space. RedHat had the choice between two in-house products and they chose poorly.

It can do lots of configuration and [set up] and install flatpaks.

We had that 20 years ago, just with a different product. The state of the art is now two generations newer.


I’m sure this is precedent from many other countries

A section of a hospital in Canada was declared British soil (again) so that when a princess was born she was in England.

So we’ve had the reverse.


Current archaeology has identified not one but two previous periods where humans lived in present-day America before the current ‘first’ nations. The last group, immediately before the current one, died suddenly and with tool marks showing on the long bones.


Hasn’t Hezbollah been targeting Israel for decades?

It’s just cute how much you left out, there, as if that’s the only thing that’s been going on.

“You see they hit us then we hit them. Then we hit them and they hit us, man. It’s like a war, ya know what I’m sayin’” – Ice-T


we really need someone outside the two parties

I love when it comes around to this part of the cycle, right after “one party is cruel and the other is stupid” and before “but if we split the vote we could lose our right to vote”.


the people complaining about how awful it is to desecrate stonehenge also want to build a motorway right through it

I can’t be the only counterexample of this ridiculous generalization.

WANNABE DICTATOR Trump Demands that All Business Execs Be FIRED If They're Not 100% Behind Trump (

On Tuesday morning Trump provided another example of his tyrannical tendencies. In a comment posted to his floundering social media scam, Truth Social, Trump issued a decree to the world that he imagines is attentive to his crackpot ravings. He demanded that…...


Cheeto Mussolini

“Commander in chees-uh chief” – kellyanne conway


He does supply a lot of nightmare fuel…


Wasn’t he already found with a gun?


THE Ten Commandments?

Can we make new ones? Like, I’ve blown that one about shouting Jehovah in frustration, so we should just ditch it - too hard - and go with “don’t be a dick – wil Wheaton” - WITH the attribution - and maybe swap out some others too.

My neighbor’s wife has a pretty donkey, if I’m honest, and I’m told gawking at it is verboten if it’s also his. It’s a lot of math, I think.


This happens on my country all the time of late . I can’t even pronounce the letters in the new name of the hospital where I was born.

They’re gonna name the town the same name, so I wonder whether I’ll get a passport with a home town I can’t say or spell, or a passport with a home town that no longer exists. Either way, I’m getting strip-searched .


some people are just to dull

You’re saying some people are there just to dull things out?

That’s a weird job.

corsicanguppy, (edited )

under the yoke of the United States dictatorship

Just don’t repeat the 2016 election fiasco and you have a chance to fix the other stuff. Otherwise, the border wall is almost done so come north while you can. It’s mainly a trench filled with angrier geese, but we were stuck with them after they ate the alligators.


Found the pedantic gun nut.


You’re arguing with an anti-gun audience that knows nothing about any of this. All they know is, “Guns bad!” (Wait till they find out about the shoestring conversion kit.)

Former infantry here.

Guns should only be used by trained professionals who know not to pull the trigger.

The AR-15 is a tool for people who can’t aim well.

The only purpose for a bump-stock is to turn murder into mass-murder. It has no other purpose.

‘Till’ is a cash-drawer or a ploughing action.

Begin attacking my cred as per the trend.


And we’d apologize for it, of course.


This is an important hint around all the jargon that anglos grew up repeating; and I only sometimes realize how deeply it pervades our speech.

“So I had to hit the ATM for a PATH ticket to get to SoHo and venmo a new LCD for my s20 instead of hopping the turnstile but I found some susy-Bs in my 505s so I was mint” could make perfect sense to an anglo (living in Jersey City) but to an Icelander there’s not much context to help dereference all the jargon.

Saying “‘ATM’ machine”, with the jargon explained a bit, could definitely help. I gotta be less of a pedantic dick.


A yearslong is a long slong. Here I thought it was years-long from the context.


a security specislist.

I like how you highlight one of my pet peeves there.

Docs like this should be living so they can be fixed.


When has the party put up a new candidate to replace an incumbent with a term to go?

I’m not sure this was made clear, but THERE IS NO CHOICE ‘C’. there’s no “none of the above” that works. It’s a binary choice, and we can’t bargain around it. Vote for Biden or accept all of Trump. Every other choice other than voting for Biden is enabling Trump. Staying home? Trump. Spoiling a ballot? Trump.

That’s it.

Yeah, it sucks. We get that. Largely, we agree. He’s got faults. He’s made mistakes. He’s made concessions. Still, it’s like this:

Vote for Biden or accept Trump.


No they don’t.

Sure they do. But they don’t right now.

They’re not Trump. That’s the vote. You can be a single-issue voter if you like, because we all are. Our single-voter issue is preserving the ability to vote other issues later.

RvW is important; my god, is it important. School-kid safety is important. Gun safety is important. Healthcare is important.

Democracy is crucial. It keeps those other things possible. We lose that and every.other.important.matter is dead. It’s cutting off the nose to spite the face. It’s fiddling while Rome burns. It’s deck chairs on the Titanic. It’s a lively sports discussion while you’re landing the Hindenburg.

You want RvW? Vote Biden for a chance or it’s not happening ever. I want strong gun safety regs and healthcare. Biden for a glimmer of hope or nothing at all.

The pattern is real. Every single-issue voter needs to protect their issue by voting not-Trump, and we argue our real issues once we can safely do so.

How PEI Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Roundabout | The Walrus (

For traffic planners, roundabouts have been huge game changers. Decades of studies show that the introduction of traffic circles greatly improves flow and reduces collisions overall by slowing vehicles down. Another plus is the reduction in greenhouse gases, from fewer idling cars, and increased safety for pedestrians, who have...


Iceland loves them some traffic circles: easy to maintain as they don’t need power lines digged through the freakin’ basalt. But they have traffic lights too – and even some with heart-shaped indicators. It’s a little quaint; and from my short stays in the country, it just kinda fits.


five times as long, cope.

Stop calling him Cope. That’s a priestly scarf.


But he’ll do it on the way out, I’m sure. Hunter has served his purpose as being a showpiece for the belligerent right, albeit not as good as they hoped, and someone’s kept the email traffic where they strategized about this as a distraction.

I hope Hunter is safe in the Fed clink, and I hope if he’s still got a substance issue that it gets resolved.


both lazy welfare leaches and simultaneously stealing all the jobs

They’re half right, and I wanna talk about that.

I’ve worked with a lot of Romanian kids in I.T, and these people are the most effective, skillful, professional and happy I.T people I’ve seen. I’m none of those things, some days.

They’re stealing jobs by being so fucking heroic, and I know I can’t compete.

They represent super well. That’s all I gotta say. Hire more Romanian kids for I.T, and I’ll be down at the bread line, because der takin meh jerb.


I think I have to say this carefully.

As a member of two protected DEI classes, Ms Gomez may want to go lightly on the “those people” talk.

I hope she realizes her status now is only after a hard-fought battle that is still going on, and she’s on the wrong side.


I think I’d like to see the numbers to back up your statements about the war in question, WW2. Or, sit back in your armchair because it’s still Monday morning somewhere.


understanding of the capitalist and corporationist mindset.

So, half dunning-kruger …

“Corporationist”? Really? Who are you, a rapper in a TV interview?

Ballpark figure

And the other half made up.

I love the confidence that safety and distance give people to make stuff up and argue it as fact.


It’s cognitive dissonance.

My family, in or out, are 7 shades of angry at those comments. But we aren’t in range to vote for him or an opponent.

Our local conservative elitists may one day say the same thing, but as lifelong politicians from college they’re smarter than that. If they did, I know too many of my family (who know better) would do mental backflips to somehow make it okay to still vote for them.

It’ll sound like “yeah, well Milhouse said we’re losers but Hairguy wore a tan jacket that one day so I’m still going with Milhouse” and I can only not invite them to Thanksgiving so hard.


I went in because it’s how poor kids go to college, here.

My buddy went in from Montgomery AL, as his economic alternatives were terrible, and he did report a high numbers of ex-felons attempting self-reform in his Marines unit; some with success, others missing the mark. He leveraged his time to great success by the time I met him, all his boyhood chums dead or jailed by 25.

I’ve known several members of my nation’s armed forces who enlisted as a career and were capable of many other options, but they chose this one. We do choose it like Fireman, even though here it’s thankless.

It seems entirely environment-dependent, though. I see one guy on here who claims to be ex-military but talks as if out of an armchair, and definitely has ‘outlying’ beliefs that would draw criticism from serving members.

I just can’t predict it.


He can be uninformed and still satisfy everything his base requires. Mission accomplished with no background check.

No right wing wave in Finland as Left Alliance take record result in EU elections (

Finland’s results in the European election bucked a continent-wide trend of rising support for parties on the outer fringe of right-wing politics, with the Left Alliance and the National Coalition winning big at the expense of the nationalist Finns Party....


all people are cared for

This. This is the part we need to learn.

Can you send emissaries to train us heathens how to not be dicks? I want to be happy like Finns, and the people who want to be rich instead (temporarily, as the next traffic accident will ruin them) we can help with psychotherapy.


All the signs of Lennart, but he’s now left.

Cubs of rare white grizzly bear killed in highway collision in Yoho National Park (

The deaths of two bear cubs of a well-known rare white grizzly — known as Bear 178, but nicknamed Nakoda by locals — in Yoho National Park this week has reignited calls for increased awareness and highway safety for those visiting the mountains....


Hate cars.

I think they were regular cars.


The real story’s in the comments. This helped my single-mother-friend stay sane in the early/poorest years. Everyone needs to know how their library has changed since they last borrowed a book in 1982. Thanks for posting this – I forgot too!

Is Canada Finally Taking Far-Right Extremism Seriously? (

In late summer 2023, the RCMP made headlines with the arrests of two men in Ottawa and Kingsey Falls, Quebec, on terrorism and hate propaganda charges. The arrests marked a significant victory in a three-year investigation by the Integrated National Security Enforcement Team targeting the neo-Nazi group Atomwaffen Division....


People unimpressed with imperfection willing to go full stupid by voting in the cruel elitist alternative that does everything wrong as Trudeau and then a fuck of a lot more?

Of course.


Is immigration something a real-estate journo should be reporting on? It seems a little out-of-its-lane.

Let’s overlook that it’s saying the population is 3-times the job market, with ‘3x’ in the headline like it’s a tik-tok, and it continues this format in the piece.

I feel it didn’t look into the population enough, but at least it stopped short of dog-whistling the entire tune and suggesting Bitcoin Milhouse is going to save us …somehow.


Here’s the quote, though:

The forest gardens have it all: a protective wall of acacia trees, fast-growing trees for firewood and fodder, veggie patches, and fruit orchards bursting with mangoes, avocados, oranges, and more, as the Guardian detailed. It’s the perfect mix to feed a family, with some extra to sell. Plus, these farmers can earn cash for the carbon their thriving soil soaks up.

It’s not just “farmer bob plants trees”, but an engineered mix to improve the soil and let Bob eat and support a family so it’s sustainable for the farmer as well.

Brilliant. I can only applaud this effort and hope it can realize its goals; for all our sake.


And America is RIGHT THERE to show them otherwise, and still they pitch that to their slobbering crowd of knuckledraggers.


If you’re the type who immediately stands up and blocks everything, then you’re definitely on the list of flying gripes; sorry to say.

Boarding back to front, windows-in, was definitely really cool when I was on a plane with that rule.

A way to lock the overheads and publicize that info would go a long way, I think.


Also the road infrastructure will continue to exist even if it’s just for heavy transport (which is much worse on roads anyway).

If you’re not aware of how much it costs to maintain roads, that’s because it’s largely subsidized FOR trucking, and incompletely at that.

Witness the state of roads and especially bridges, and explain how they should be maintained considering who’s on them. Now remove trucking because we got smart and used rail for inter-city. You’re either going to be using a ez-pass a lot more or the roads will be straight outta Mad Max.

And finally, it’s a 6 hour flight or a 4-day driving trip. One’s shorter and far safer, and the other one destroys friendships because Dave will not stop snoring and I swear I’m going to stop this car right now.


we should take use and

“take use” is a weird construct.

harness the resources that we have.

Here’s the thing: Every ounce burned creates emissions, which harms the atmosphere, which is already at a tipping point, and this on a 20-year lag. Burning the already extracted oil that’s being stored now will be enough to absolutely destroy to planet to where we can’t live on it, and we’re currently in the future we made 20 years ago, and the future we’d have if we only drastically reduced consumption just after Y2K but didn’t stop using it completely. We did neither, and so we have all this stashed oil we’re eager to use.

So we don’t even have to extract another ounce if we want to wreck the planet to where we’re extinct: We just need to use our reserves. Extracting that oil is no longer important, then. We can shut the rigs and walk away, and it’s already too late unless we make some serious investment in reversing what we’ve already done. We haven’t made appreciable progress yet, so killer heat-waves and ‘small’ killer storms that only cause a few hundred-billion-dollars worth of damage and a few thousand deaths each year is a nightmare scenario we’re only going to experience for a short time before it gets worse and keeps getting worth for 20 years – or more, if we keep going.


I think nationalizing the industry (essentially) is a far better state than what we have now

Justin tried doing that with a small portion of the sector and wow did that backfire. The whiny cons didn’t put that broken record away for months.

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