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The big news here is that we have finally found a line that Donald Trump will not cross. He continued to defame Carroll after massive judgements for defaming her, but that was just money after all. Being in contempt of this court might send him to Rikers, though, and no amount of money will fix that.

I’ve always said he wants to be thrown in jail, because he thinks it will play into his followers’ persecution complex and lead to lots more fundraising. But Rikers is notorious, I bet he would do anything to avoid going there.


New Yorkers are smarter than that. They won’t vote for politicians just because their dad has a bridge named after them, will they? Maybe we’re lucky Ed Koch never had any kids…


It will take more than a handful to flip NYS. Biden won last time by just under 2 million votes


… I was not expecting to find Jesus on Lemmy, but here we are.


They’re burying the best part

The Freedom Caucus’ Floor Action Response Team, shorthanded as “FART,” aims to guard against an unannounced request to pass resolutions that would stealthily limit their leverage against leadership, according to two Republicans with direct knowledge, who were granted anonymity to speak candidly.

I wonder if they will create a joint Senate/House Action Response Team next…


It is legitimate for the court to ask. After all, if someone worked at a hotel or real estate firm which is in direct competition with Trump properties, their objectivity might be called into question. And in the interest of transparency, it is normally good to default to making the information public, as a check on the decisions being made by the judge.

But this all shows how we’re in uncharted territory. The media is desperate for any information at all, and the defendant has a history of encouraging stochastic terrorism against people he perceives as a threat. I wonder if he considers the fact that he basically intimidated a juror into leaving a victory.


Yeah, but the right to a public trial is so important that it’s right there in the Constitution, next door to the presumption of innocence. That means that trials must be as transparent as possible, even to the media. Any unusual act that the judge takes to limit that transparency must be justified. This trial is too important to risk getting its verdict overturned on any technicality.

John Leguizamo on Trump’s Latino support: ‘He doesn’t like us, and he doesn’t want us here’ (thehill.com)

Actor John Leguizamo obliterated a small horse piñata while reciting a thorough catalogue of Spanish-language profanities on “The Daily Show” Tuesday in response to a New York Times/Siena poll that reported former President Trump leads President Biden among Latino voters....


I always think of him (her? them?) as Chi-Chi.


It was only a matter of time before the Church of MAGA instituted tithing…


If this was not politically motivated, these trials would have been happening in 2012 or 2005.

Trump’s criminal charges involve his handling of documents after his Presidency, his attempt to illegally hold on to power at the end of his Presidency, and his financial records from when he ran for President in 2016. Do you think Antifa has a time machine?


The article is talking specifically about the Jan 6 stuff, which he is facing a criminal trial over. In fact, when Mitch McConnell voted to acquit Trump in the impeachment for that, he directly stated that it was because it was more suitable for a criminal trial.


Yeah, but he had to appoint cabinet officials that actually had a clue back then. Jeff Sessions wouldn’t round up political opponents on shaky charges. Not even Bill Barr would do that.

But future AG Vince McMahon? Future CIA Director Tucker Carlson? You bet they would.


Sigh. Trump voters don’t care about what Liberals say he used to say. They listen to what he is saying now, with his steadfast positions that he has always held, because he is a man of “principal”. He is always right, even when he changes his mind. He was right then, too, but also now. It’s all part of His plan, which Liberals can’t understand, because they want to kill babies.

Got it?


The real story here isn’t that Trump had 175M in cash to put up. It’s that the insurer acknowledged that he didn’t have all the paperwork that the AG says is necessary to provide a bond like this to a NYS court, but insists the AG is wrong, the bond is all hunky-dory, and in fact the AG should pay the court costs for making the insurer re-file the paperwork for such a perfect bond.

They can’t both be right. I tend to believe the AG here, though, and think maybe Trump and his friend Mr. Hankey are prevaricating a bit on that.


Being rich is a lot easier than getting rich.


So the dude is literally phoning it in?


We can’t do it in years that start with “20”


I think at this point everyone has an opinion on Donald Trump, and particularly people living in Manhattan. The key question is whether they can find 12 people willing to put aside whatever opinions they have, and judge the case solely on what is presented in court.


But the Right has fixated so much about Biden’s mental acuity that’s simply showing up and making clear points will be a win for him. Meanwhile, I am betting that Trump will descend into the same word salad that he always does (amplified with early dementia), and will look good to nobody except his most ardent Truth Social investors.

So yes, we shouldn’t learn anything new vs 4 years ago, but even that situation favors Biden, since he already beat Trump once.


Money is speech now, why shouldn’t we be surprised when politicians listen to the highest bidder loudest voices?


The only way Biden (or Trump, for that matter) will be replaced at their conventions will be if God exercises His Ultimate Veto on either one of them.


At least they do a better job covering up for his faults than that awful toupee he has now. I don’t know who he thinks he’s fooling with that.


You don’t think it’s noteworthy that Members of Congress are buying stock in a Presidential Candidate’s company? Especially after the big deal that Republicans made out of the Clintons’ involvement in Whitewater Development?


… Because people are dumb enough to give them donations if they ask? Why spend your own money when you can spend other people’s instead. Especially if you have no moral compass.


It’s been channeled into racism, on purpose, by the representatives in government who are doing the “really need better from their government.” to the people. They’ve managed to implement policies that are actively harmful to their constituents, while convincing their constituents that it’s all some other group’s fault.


He definitely wants to get thrown in jail. He thinks he can fundraise a lot better from there. Too bad he’s unlikely to get sent to Rikers like his CFO was.


I don’t have to present any ID in order to vote. Since I am already on the voting rolls, all I do is show up at the poll, tell them who I am, and they find my name in the (now electronic) book. I sign it and then I can go vote.

Now, when I initially registered, I had to prove I was eligible. Most voter registration is done here in conjunction with getting your driver’s license (or other non-driver state ID). Since you have to produce your birth certificate and/or naturalization papers, they can check your eligibility right there.

A lot of the misinformation from the Right stems from how closely the DMV is tied into voter registration. Non-citizens can drive, of course, and some states even give licenses to people here illegally. Republicans assume all these people get signed up to vote, also, but they do not. Only people who can prove their eligibility get registered.


[Citation Needed]


Does that say that Biden’s support is due to “US dissidents not allowed to vote legally”?


Don’t misgender him!

It’s a “Butt Tizzy Males” problem.


454m was the verdict handed down by the judge. Trump still has the right to appeal, but he either needs to pay the verdict up front right away, or put up a bond to cover it while the appeals process goes forward.

The appeals court lowered the amount of the bond he would need to put up. The current issue is that the document that the bond company sent to the Court is not up to the proper standard, so the court gave Trump more time to remedy that. If he can’t, it’s possible the bond will get rejected.


That guy would make a perfect Slitheen


Do you all remember that right before the 2016 election, there was some sort of classified briefing for the whole Congress, and when it was over it was reported that most Congressmen (Democrats and Republicans) came out visibly shocked? It was in the SCIF, and I’m having problems finding references to it that don’t involve some other SCIF meeting.

My headcanon is that was the meeting where everyone in Congress was told exactly how compromised Donald Trump and other Republicans are, and when asked to respond, Republicans said something like “We don’t care, we’re gonna win, and history is written by the winners”.


It shouldn’t surprise us. We all thought Trump made him the envoy to look for peace in the Middle East. But we misunderstood.

Jared’s real job was to get a piece of the Middle East…


She would have gotten away with far less if she wasn’t such an asshat

Ms. Harris, 41, tested the patience of prosecutors and the judge overseeing the case, missing repeated sentencing dates and jeopardizing what otherwise appeared to be a likely path to probation. In August 2022, she pleaded guilty to conspiring to transport the stolen diary to New York, where she met with employees of the group, Project Veritas, and sold it for $40,000 just weeks before the election.


The maximum penalty is quite a bit of jail time, simply because of the number of counts. First time offenders don’t really get the book thrown at them with this type of offense.


I think that if he is found guilty on all counts, the DA will probably ask for some jail time. The judge might not grant it, or might impose a sentence which would get suspended if Trump complies with the terms of probation. And I bet Trump would view having to visit a probation officer every week or so in NYC to be worse than jail. He can fundraise more easily from jail. So he will deliberately skip out on his probation officer, and double dog dare NY State to send the Troopers to apprehend him.


It’s only a matter of time before Trump complains that Biden and his Tech Bro friends are manipulating DJT’s stock price to hurt him politically…


I can guarantee that Donald Trump doesn’t listen to experts…


In the note, LaRose goes on to say that the oversight can be rectified in two ways: either by the Democratic Party moving up its nominating convention or by getting the Ohio state legislature to “create an exemption to this statutory requirement” by May 9 in accordance with state law.

There’s a third way: just file the paperwork on time. The convention is a formality, particularly this year when there is no doubt about the outcome I bet the party puts in a lot of paperwork before the actual convention.


And whined particularly loudly when Mom got in a longer line on purpose, just to go down the aisle with books instead of candy


I read that as “stroking” and it still worked


If you have an opportunity to experience the total eclipse by taking a short trip, do it! I would avoid the tourist traps, though. They will be full beyond capacity.

A small park in a rural town will get the same eclipse as Niagara Falls or other big cities inside the totality area.

Be aware of general traffic, also, though. Plan to make a day of it, get to where you plan to go early and hang out for a while.

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