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Wouldn’t analog emails just be Telex? Or maybe old school text pagers?


“We’ll only let the good ones in”

dhork, (edited )

I follow crypto, and Biden’s SEC has been inconsistent in its crypto policies. I think Gary Gensler thinks he’s a crypto expert, but gets a lot of it wrong. Still, though, even the US crypto exchanges asking for regulatory clarity have been playing loose with the rules a bit. The article mentions New York State’s beef with Coinbase, but that was in regards to its “Earn” products, which attempt to tie deposits with “rewards”, and convince people those rewards are the same thing as interest on their savings accounts. They aren’t really, even in Proof-of-Stake coins which are the closest thing.

But make no mistake, the only reason Trump now likes crypto is it allows foreign actors to contribute to his campaign while disguising the source of the funds. And since Trump has captured the RNC, any donation to his campaign is a donation directly to him and his legal fund. The Winklevii are US citizens, so they are not obligated to hide their contributions. They must realize that a good portion of that contribution goes directly into Trump’s pocket. That’s the only reasonable explanation for announcing this publically – in case Trump wins, they want their transaction formally recorded, and they will expect Trump to deliver.


Here’s a tip for you: you don’t educate anyone by saying “you’ll wake up one day”. That just makes you sound like a tool.


The Winklevii sent BTC because they have a buttload of it, bought at a very low price. Their actual cost for that donation is basically the long-term capital gains tax (and maybe not even that if their accountants are creative).

And yes, Trump (or his campaign) have to convert that to fiat at an exchange. (Probably Gemini, owned by the Winklevii.) But the key thing is that with Crypto, they have no way of knowing where the donations are actually coming from. Someone in Saudi Arabia or Russia could be filling out donations forms through a VPN, and list their location as Branson, MO, and there would be no way for anyone to prove it wasn’t really from Branson. (Maybe if they were careless and reused BTC addresses. Some Monero shill will probably reply and make sure everyone knows how Monero is even better at money laundering…)

Accused adulterer Trump who paid to keep Stormy Daniels affair secret professes ‘love’ for the Ten Commandments (www.independent.co.uk)



Of course he loves the Ten Commandments. He views them as a to-do list.


All those guys he fired from the RNC would not have gone along with Trump’s mission for it: use it to pay his mounting legal bills. He doesn’t mind Charlie Kirk grifting it as long as he can grift it harder.

Race to unseat New York progressive ‘most expensive House primary ever’ (www.theguardian.com)

The primary for New York’s 16th congressional district, which takes place on Tuesday, has drawn record-breaking spending, with the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (Aipac) and a crypto-currency Super Pac behind the lion’s share of the funding....


At least we know that if his campaign is in trouble, Bowman is fully capable of pulling the alarm.


We’ll find out eventually that the real investigation is over the fact that he paid in the first place, and didn’t follow their Lord and Savior’s command to simply grab them by the pussy. Perhaps Gaetz wasn’t famous enough at the time, so they didn’t let him do it.


I thought it was a “minor violation” now


Trump Media trades on NASDAQ, and of course uses a ticker that is also in use on the NYSE. Use djt:nasdaq to keep up to date on its falling stock price.


What exactly is an ex-Proud Boy? Is he no longer Proud? Or is he a Proud Man now?


It’s too bad Smell-o-vision isn’t a thing anymore, the Biden campaign could counter with a whiff of Baron Von Shitzenpantz.


All he did was not be Hillary Clinton, sit at a fancy desk and read names off a list.

Mitch McConnell and Lindsey Graham delivered this activist Supreme Court, by refusing to bring Obama’s last choice up to a vote, while rushing through the Republican President’s last choice in a similar situation. Any Republican President would have done the trick, as long as he read off the same list.


He’s gonna complain that he never agreed to it and use it as an excuse to back out


The real problem is when these MAGA morons get smarter and more extreme.

Biden says the next president may get to name two Supreme Court justices (www.npr.org)

LOS ANGELES – President Biden on Saturday night said he expects the winner of this year’s presidential election will likely have the chance to fill two vacancies on the Supreme Court – a decision he warned would be “one of the scariest parts” if his Republican opponent, former President Donald Trump, is successful in...


Not quite.

If you mean that all six conservatives could be impeached today, there really is only damning evidence against two of them right now and impeachment has to start in the Republican-controlled House and get a 2/3 vote in the Senate, none of which have a chance of happening.

If you mean that Democrats could expand the Court to 15 today, that also has to go through the Republican House first, as well as centrist Democrats in both houses who might view that as too extreme. I am an advocate for expanding the Court, but I would stop at 13.


The way you do it is to - BOOM! - expand the Court to 13 on Day 1 of the next Biden administration, if Democrats also have both houses of Congress, nuking the Fillibuster if necessary, but delay it’s effect until September 2026.

Then, go to Republicans and give them a choice. Either we can reform the SC and institute meaningful reform, or Republicans can watch Biden appoint four judges in their 40’s to lifetime appointments, and they can wait until they have the Presidency and both houses of Congress to make a tit-for-tat response. (Biden’s appointments would only be subject to those term limits if the amendment passes before he makes the appointment.)

We can do a lot in an amendment, including instituting term limits, a firm code of ethics, a better process for confirmation where the Senate can’t just ignore an appointment, and formally fixing the size of the SCOTUS to match the number of appellate courts.


Republicans aren’t going to take “No” for an answer on this


“Inherent contempt” of Congress, a power rarely exercised and not used since the 1930s, is now being proposed as a significant measure. In this process, an offender is tried on the House floor, not by the Department of Justice. If the majority finds the offender in contempt, the House Sergeant-at-Arms arrests them until they comply with a subpoena or until the end of the legislative session. This move, historically used to coerce compliance rather than punish, is now being considered in a high-stakes political situation.


The Sergeant-at-arms doesn’t need an actual jail in the Capitol itself. If they are empowered to hold someone, they can do it anywhere, even a hotel room. The Capitol Police also have a holding cell which could be used.


dhork, (edited )

Garland refused to cooperate because Biden told him not to cooperate.

It’s a little more complicated than that. The DoJ released the full transcript of all the interviews between the Special Counsel and President Biden. What’s at issue now is that Republicans also want the audio tapes of all those interviews.

The DoJ is pushing back, and saying that Congress has all the info they need already with the full transcript, and they dont need the audio. The only purpose for releasing the audio is to use sound bites in Republican campaign ads.

I actually wish Biden never claimed executive privilege on it, because there is nothing on that tape we don’t know. It’s all in the transcript. Claiming privilege makes it look like there’s secrets in it.

i also wish that the DoJ would have trotted out the 'No Legitimate Legislative Purpose" line that Barr did when he defied his subpoena. Because that is technically correct now: there is nothing to learn that we don’t already know from the transcript.


Those with some sanity will realize

All the Republicans with sanity have been run out of town. It’s definitely going there.


Then Trump is gonna try to charge us all rent.

“Congress says I own it all exclusively!”


The SC is allowed to weigh in on a State matter, but its only supposed to happen when it concerns something that the Federal Government has a say in, or a matter that includes a dispute between states. However, the SC itself if the sole arbiter of whether it reaches that threshold or not, so who knows what excuse they might pull out of Harlan Crow’s jet.

One thing that is certain, however, is that it cannot act at all until all appeals in NY are exhausted. So that means the SC can’t just zoom in and grab the case unless his appeals first get turned down by all courts through the highest appellate court in NY. Then his lawyers can ask the SC as a last resort, and we’ll see where that leads.


It makes sense, Trump is quite salty over his election loss, and the ocean is salty, too.

dhork, (edited )

Holy shit, I’m legitimately giggle-shitting on the toilet for that one.

Then you were probably more productive than that talk was.


One wild card to this is the pre-sentencing probation hearing. It happened on Monday, and the only thing we’ve heard about it was that Trump was “polite, respectful, and accomodating”. Well, he also told the officers on the other end of the call to “be safe”, whatever that means.


Trump got to do the interview remotely, and also got to have his lawyer present, both of which are accommodations that the standard NYC felon doesn’t get. (The probation office also had multiple people on the call, too, which is also unusual). His lawyers probably explained to him that if he pissed these people off, they would recommend prison time and the judge would give that a lot of weight. So for once in his life, he had to be respectful to someone who he didn’t know and is worth a fraction of what Trump thinks he’s worth. Bonus points if they found an immigrant from one of the countries he doesn’t like to ask him all those embarrassing questions.

Come to think if it, why would he tell the probation officers to “be safe”? Is he anticipating they might be in danger, for some strange reason?


Right, you might say that if you knew the person, and knew they traveled to get to you. But would you exchange those pleasantries with someone you just met, over a court-mandated video call?

Trump is excellent at this, saying innocuous things that are really signaling phrases to his people that the rest of us aren’t in on. We didn’t really know what “Stand back and stand by” meant at the time, but we do now.


I wonder how much of these lawyers filings are dictated by Trump himself. "He’s looking at me funny – Get the judge to make him stop!’


Not so much a legal name, but it’s been convention that even after the person leaves office, they retain the title. After all, you can still describe him as the “45th President”.


Far be it from me to argue with the Emily Post institute, but I’ve heard former Presidents referred to as “President $NAME” my whole life…


I admit, I’m a bit conflicted by this. On the one hand, it’s kind of a dumb thing to put on a t-shirt, and seems to be a message that is only meant to trigger queer people. On the other hand, though, doesn’t he have a right to express himself? Is simply viewing a dumb slogan enough to cause enough distress that the slogan needs to be banned, on its own, without any other provocative action on the part of the student? (I admit that a student who thinks a shirt like this is OK might do other provocative things, but the article doesn’t mention any).

Let’s think about things that might merit a ban at school. A shirt with a swastika on it would qualify, even though the symbol has been around for centuries before the Nazis appropriated it, because the Nazis were so abhorrent that they ruined that symbol, like everything else they touched.

But, what about an athiest edgelord who decided to wear a “God is a lie” shirt? Or even a hockey-themed “Jesus Saves, Satan scores on the rebound!” Both of those shirts relate beliefs that are objectionable to certain Christians, and may cause them distress. Should the school ban those as well?

(And does it make a difference if the hockey shirt has a picture of Miroslav Šatan scoring that goal?)


Ah, the “Global Test”. Ask John Kerry what that’s worth here.


The opinions of Biden seem to be all over the map, which is weird since he is the incumbent, and we all ought to know where he stands. There are lots of people (like you) who see the progressive things he has managed to get accomplished, even with a divided Congress in these past two years. Yet, there are others who perceive him as a right-of-center false choice.

He has always had trouble defining himself, which I think is part of the reason he was a perennial Presidential Primary loser. His stutter didn’t help matters, nor his tendency to go off-script. But Trump’s ascendancy gave him the perfect opportunity to create a definition, even if that definition is “Not Trump”.


Sounds like a washed-up rock star who can’t stop touring and only plays his Greatest Hits while on tour because his fans don’t like his new stuff


It not clear to me from reading the article whether the concerned parties are election experts, or “election experts”.


I think his tears are making the frogs gay.


I always felt the name “Proud Boys” made them sound like a bunch of toddlers, who just made poo-poo in the potty for the very first time!

Look what I made, Mommy!


This is the best summary I could come up with:

Clarence Thomas is still a corrupt asshole.

The original article had a shitload of words, my summary only has seven. I’m an actual human, I swear!


He’s gotta be the dumbest Senator ever, even dumber than the guy who brought a snowball to the Senate to prove that climate change was a hoax, or the other Senator who said the Internet was a series of tubes.


At least we know he has no issues with his prostate


Ooh, I hadn’t heard of that. Yes, he was a House member, and claimed it was some subtle humor:



I posted this in another thread today, but I want to remind everyone that this all goes back to Roger Ailes, a Nixon advisor who thought that Nixon’s real problem was that he didn’t have his own news network who could attack his opposition and tell people what to think.


Trump has been saying that Biden is mentally unfit for office for the entire campaign. I always assume that everything Trump says is projection, though, so every time Biden is accused of having dementia by Trump it makes me more certain that Trump has it.

Same way he went around (and still goes around) saying his opponents need to be locked up, yet he is the one with the felony conviction.


Doubtful. If he loses this election we’ll suddenly find out that all this vicious slander about him being mentally unsound, incontinent, and syphilitic is actually true, and is justification for him to never see a day in an actual prison, even if he loses all his other cases.

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