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I read somewhere that people who fork over money for a special visa to Saudis Arabia have access to air conditioned stations along the way. Most likely the Egyptians are doing it unofficially, which is likely easier to get away being in the general region already.


I hadn’t read this exact article but still commented because I’ve read about the same events in other publications.

festus, (edited )

Paywalled, but the word does have some subtle sexual connotations: www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2024/…/678505/

EDIT: Try this link


Lol I’m neither Graeme Wood nor am I associated with Israel in any way. At the start of this conflict I was much more pro-Israel but it’s been clear that they don’t care one iota about minimizing civilian causalities (or worse, they do care but in the opposite direction). But being anti-Hamas doesn’t make you pro-Israel - sometimes there are conflicts where both armed sides absolutely suck and civilians are stuck in the middle, and this is one of them.


I too use Kagi but it’s worth noting that Kagi gets most of its results by paying and using other search engines including Google and Bing, so it’s not 100% independent or immune from say Bing’s outage. Still the best option by far though.


Only to countries that are part of the ICC. Many countries, including the US, aren’t a part so Netanyahu can safely travel to those places.


I’m going to be more sympathetic for the developers which is that they likely spent a ton of money for the land already when prices were high and after expensive building costs they’re struggling to not lose money.


Would you rather that no one builds any condos?


Oh I’m not saying they should be bailed out or anything, just that I wouldn’t call developers ‘parasites’ as they actually are building homes.


Many condo projects take years to complete. Are you suggesting that years ago, when housing prices reached their peak, condo developers should have stopped development?


I’m not sure that math works? They earned $460M in profit for Q1, so that’s about $1.84B in profit over a year. Divide that by 39 million people in Canada and you have $47 per person, which is nowhere near $300 per person plus $1B.

Still obscene profit margins, but let’s do the math correctly.


Please be specific about this being the UK’s democracy and not democracy in general. In Canada for example courts are stronger and it would be much more difficult (albeit not impossible) for our Parliament to do something like this.


The UK system has the concept that Parliament is the ultimate authority of matters. So courts there interpret laws but are unable to reject them.

Canada on the other hand has a constitution which lists different rights that people have, and Parliament has no authority to take away some of these rights. There is some controversial leeway with some of the rights where Parliament, using the ‘Notwithstanding clause’, is allowed to temporarily ignore some sections of the Constitution, but they have to keep renewing that every several years or else it expires, and it can’t be applied to some rights like voting rights.

Regarding this specific law I’m unsure of whether there’s anything in our constitution that would prevent deporting irregular migrants to a third country.


I’m referring to the the Charter of Rights and Freedoms from 1982. But yes there is still a lot of unwritten rules too like the UK.

festus, (edited )

They also believe we (Arch users) are unaffected because this backdoor targeted Debian and Redhat type packaging specifically and also relied on a certain SSH configuration Arch doesn’t use. To be honest while it’s nice to know we’re unaffected, it’s not at all comforting that had the exploiter targeted Arch they would have succeeded. Just yesterday I was talking to someone about how much I love rolling release distros and now I’m feeling insecure about it.

More details here: gitlab.archlinux.org/archlinux/packaging/…/2


It’s been a while since I’ve read about this but my understanding is that many people in rural areas will lack the documentation showing that they’ve always lived in India and have citizenship. Basically, this would let the government then start questioning people’s citizenship and effectively pretend that many rural Muslims are illegal immigrants while allowing Hindus without documentation to be unaffected.


That takes me way back to grade 1 where the way I was taught was to imagine an alligator eating the bigger number. I think all year I even drew teeth on them!


I suggest checking out their discount brands Kimsufi and SoYouStart. I pay like C$12/month for a dedicated server with a few cores, 8GB of RAM, and 2TB of hard drive space.


I was a member of the panel they had for BC (citizen panel, we weren’t experts), if anyone has questions.


Yeah this was a disturbingly common theme in what many of the other panel members were experiencing. Canada has a great public healthcare system - if you have a family doctor (who isn’t overbooked). I do feel some optimism though as it seems like this current provincial government is actually making changes that are causing things to head in the right direction, but our panel had a lot of other suggestions that would help alleviate some of the burden on family doctors (the tl;dr is that family doctors provide way more care than they did 50 years ago and are also overburdened with paperwork, on top of an antiquated business model where they have to run a business with employees, bookkeeping, etc.)


Constitutionally, healthcare is a provincial responsibility so provinces have a lot of legal room to maneuver. That said the federal government is allowed to require single payer healthcare, so I’m wondering what’s preventing them from giving Alberta the choice to use either a federal version or make their own, but not have nothing.


We live in a global economy. If Lativia doesn’t get this grain then they’ll buy / outbid other grain that might have been destined for a poorer country. For any commodities like grain any impact in one place does have a worldwide impact through changing prices.

How performant are the Intel Arc GPUs in linux?

I saw the other day about the new video of Hardware Unboxed where they benchmarked the Intel GPUs with newer drivers on Windows. I’m also interested in buying one but I’d like to know how good they are on Linux. Since the GPUs will be using Vulkan renderer on Linux, I was hoping they would be better overall, or rather have a...


Related question - how usable (in practical terms) are these cards for running AI models like Llama or Stable Diffusion? I know it’s technically possible but I don’t want to install a billion AUR packages and a custom kernel, etc.


Yeah they make the same point in their subscribers-only podcast. They did say that they earn enough to be sustainable, so it sounds like they aren’t having to dip into their savings anymore. I hope they get more than that though as everyone deserves to thrive.


Is anyone else having trouble reading the link (and can someone send me the original URL?). I just get stuck in an infinite captcha loop where I verify I’m not a robot, the page refreshes, and then it asks me again.


Thanks and I do indeed use Cloudflare DNS. Glad to know that it’s not some bad IP reputation thing.

Games on GOG?

Hello! I’m looking for any game recommendations on GOG – especially anything that’s on sale! Tell me about your favorite few games that you have on GOG, or maybe some gems in the rough out there. I’ve seen a few threads on Steam lately, so it feels appropriate to me to look for some love on one of the smaller game...


You can usually pick up Terraria when it’s on sale for about $5. I haven’t played it in forever but I enjoyed it at the time and apparently it’s only improved since.

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