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(The article is worth reading, IMO)

I hate leaf blowers with the passion of 1000 suns.

Everywhere I am there is a guy running a leaf blower. At my house, leaf blowers everywhere all day long. At work, of course, leaf blowers blowing dirt and allergens into the air. It’s such a special noise, it goes through walls and headphones so effectively. They are the most pervasive, annoying things on the planet. I hate...


I know everyone hates HOAs because they’re usually petty and dumb, but this is where I think they’d actually be helpful. Designate certain neighborhoods as “quiet zones” where similarly obnoxious activities (that have reasonable, quiet alternatives) are banned: no motorized leaf blowers, lawn mowers, souped-up motorcycles or muscle cars. If you want to own one of those things, don’t move into that neighborhood.

I’ve come to realize many people feel “forced” to move to incredibly space- and resource-inefficient (and thereby ecologically-damaging) places like suburbs and exurbs for basically two reasons: better schools, and in an attempt to escape asshole neighbors. Sometimes it’s so that they can themselves be the asshole neighbors, but generally people are trying to live in a “nice” neighborhood not over usual HOA things like house siding color and properly-concealed trash cans, but rather for a general desire for peace and quiet. I know I dream about living on 40 acres not so I can start a dairy farm, but to escape the various forms of pollution (primarily noise, air, and light) emitted by my current neighbors. But I wouldn’t feel the need to do that if my neighbors had similar desires as I and limited things like car idling, porch lights, and landscape-related noise. Meanwhile the neighbors upset at me for keeping my yard wild to support wildlife could have a neighbor with similarly bland yard maintenance standards.


That would be great IF you could convince the city that thoroughly-entrenched tools like leaf blowers and lawn mowers and motorized vehicles fell under nuisance laws. Chances are the mayor and most of city council use these things (or pay someone who uses them). The problem is that most people either love these things or don’t find them obnoxious enough to warrant action. Even if you somehow could get them to fall under nuisance laws, enforcement would be complaint-based, and who’s going to risk pissing off their neighbor for being a snitch Karen?


I definitely read “horses” until I got to the part where all three of them have “horses” even though only one of them was interested in them, and that’s when I realized my brain had added in the “r” because horse people obviously exist, but hose people?

fireweed, (edited )

Wow that map of the wiggly London-Singapore flight route really drives home how many airspaces these Europe-SE Asia flights have to skirt around.


“The Bonk Song” (imbedded Xitter tweet near the end of the article) is an absolute mood


Wouldn’t even have to become a Democrat: the “independent” label exists


South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem, a Republican seen as a potential running mate for Donald Trump, tells a story in her new book about shooting and killing her young dog and a goat

Noem, who became governor in 2019, likened murdering her canine to having the ability and willingness in politics to do anything “difficult, messy, and ugly.”

I remember when presidential candidate Mitt Romney sunk his political career by telling what he thought was a humorous tale of creative problem solving that involved strapping the family dog to the roof of an overloaded car. This is like that, but horrifyingly worse.


You don’t automatically Old Yeller your dog for killing a neighbor’s livestock; you either change how you are raising the dog (e.g. no more unsupervised outside time) or you acknowledge that the dog is a poor fit for your lifestyle and surrender it to a shelter.


I read his piece when it first came out. He talks about the Hunter Biden laptop like it was an actual smoking gun. Dude has zero credibility.


“With very high competition in the workforce and expensive housing prices, you need more time to get ready to settle down and start a family,”

JFC are there any countries left in the world where this isn’t the case?


Meanwhile, I bet with the right branding “Jesus” socks could be a major hit with the Christian crowd.

Potential marketing slogans:

I walk with Jesus™, do you?

Born too late to have my feet washed by Jesus; born just in time to have my feet swaddled by Jesus™

WWJW: What Would Jesus™ Wear?

[Paired with the Jesus hat line] I’m a devoted believer in Jesus™ from head to toe!


With 38 square meters on average per person, London homes are even more cramped than those in New York City

Maybe Londoners have more roommates/family members living with them? Given the “per person” part of this statistic.


I posted this in another thread for this meme:

Fun meme and all, but I somehow doubt the author has much experience working with children. Some kids are genuinely little terrors, in that everybody around them tends to have a bad time in their presence (adults, peers, and usually, the kid themselves). “We live in a society” and all that, so not being able to function within that society (especially as a minor since they don’t even have the option of living off-grid in the woods as a hermit) is, sorry to say, a problem.

This is also a gross misrepresentation of ODD as defined by the DSM; here’s a snippet of the diagnostic requirements (emphasis mine):

A pattern of angry/irritable mood, argumentative/defiant behavior, or vindictiveness lasting at least 6 months as evidenced by at least four symptoms of the following categories, and exhibited during interaction with at least one individual who is not a sibling:

Angry/Irritable Mood

  1. Often loses temper
  2. Is often touchy or easily annoyed
  3. Is often angry and resentful

Argumentative/Defiant Behavior

  1. Often argues with authority figures or, for children and adolescents, with adults
  2. Often actively defies or refuses to comply with requests from authority figures or with rules
  3. Often deliberately annoys others
  4. Often blames others for his or her mistakes or misbehavior


  1. Has been spiteful or vindictive at least twice within the past 6 months

There’s also additional qualifiers such as for frequency (they’re not pathologizing having a bad day or two).

So no, your “eat the rich” and “ACAB” laptop stickers are not going to get you slapped with an ODD diagnosis.


You’re going to need to be more specific what you mean by “your argument”


You’re taking the meme way too seriously. For one, drugs aren’t a standard treatment for ODD. From the Mayo Clinic:

Treatment for oppositional defiant disorder primarily involves family-based interventions. But treatment may include other types of talk therapy and training for your child — as well as for parents. […] Medicines alone generally aren’t used for ODD unless your child also has another mental health condition.


I can think of literally zero examples of this. Apparently I’m watching the wrong shows? (Or perhaps, the right shows?)


Link is broken (leads to 404 page)


It’s possible that the link worked when the post was made and when (at least some of) the upvotes were cast.


The article: “a bunch of us are worried about the potential rise of fascism in the United States, so we’re moving to Italy

Tell me that you are oblivious to international politics without literally telling me that you are oblivious to international politics.

More to the point, if Americans were the type to “flee in droves,” left-wingers would have left states like Texas and Florida en-masse for bluer pastures. Moving within the United States is a million times easier than moving overseas, and if they’re not doing the former in the face of fascism/degradation of human rights in red states, why on earth would they engage in the much more difficult latter? Definitely sounds like a case of taking anecdote and non-committal musings online too seriously.

fireweed, (edited )

I would somewhat disagree with Subnautica. There are lots of different settings you can tweak to make the game harder or more survival-oriented that might warrant a replay (although probably only one) if your first play-through was on a simpler/easier mode. Plus there are the creation modes where you can create your own base without restrictions, which sort of counts as replay? Mostly though the setting in Subnautica is quite unique, and short of playing Below Zero you won’t be able to find that vibe anywhere without playing the game again. However as a story-oriented game I’d agree it has lower-than-average replay value.


Firewatch is more in the visual novel category. I did in fact give it a replay with completely different choices to see how it changed things, and was disappointed to find that all choices are merely for aesthetics and make zero difference in the plot. However it’s a well-made enough game (especially dialogue and voice acting) that it was still kinda fun to play again.


Them: use wildshape to explore tight spaces!


Them: wait no not like that!


As a Japanese learner, katakana is a godsend. It’s like reading a scientific paper in English and having all the Latin in italics, as an indicator that “don’t worry this is a foreign word, you’re not an idiot for not recognizing it.” Especially because most katakana words are derived from English (or words you’d recognize as an English speaker) so it’s just a matter of saying it over and over until the pieces click into place. Example: オーストラリア = Oosutoraria = Oh-s-t-rah-ree-uh = Australia.

Also outside of picture books for young children, Japanese doesn’t use spaces and has way fewer sounds than most languages which results in a LOT of homonyms and similar words that all blends together (see other comment YouTube link). So having three writing systems in one really helps convey meaning and makes reading much faster.


I leaned Japanese in a mixed-nationality school where I was one of the only English-native students. I did not envy their struggles with katakana, as I’m sure the Chinese-native students did not envy my struggles with kanji! (Meanwhile everyone else just struggled lol.)


Don’t get me wrong, I still struggle with reading it quickly and fluently compared to hiragana (although that’s often because the words are clunky af loanwords), but I’d still much rather it exist than not. かれはぼうなすをもらったらおうすとらりあに行くつもり is a bugger to read without katakana.

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