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If you vote 3rd party you’re still voting against Trump. It’s just not in any meaningful wall.


Have you tried being zealously masochistic and self-flagellant? Gitting gud is another option.

But really though there’s something endearing about a game being ruthlessly difficult with no easy mode slider. I’m normally the type of guy to crank everything down to easy to have a relaxing time, but when I’m in the mood for it Souls games scratch that itch juuuuust right.


What are you talking about? A solid wheel would perform horribly off road or on road in a gas or electric vehicle. You need some sort of tread and deformation to get any grip off road. And rubber is used because it deforms to the road and gives you a larger contact patch which gives you more grip. If you put solid wheels attached to a motor it wouldn’t take much effort to get them to slip in anything but the most ideal conditions. That’s why when people go off roading they get monster tires on tiny wheels and air them down until they’re ready to fall off.

In a horse drawn wagon solid wheels make sense because the wheels aren’t driving the carriage the horse is. The horse can step over bumps and put its hoof on solid ground. A wheel can’t do that, so it has to comply to the road. The up side is the solid wheel has a lot less rolling resistance. Early EVs had solid wheels because that’s just what we had.


Large flat roads are also more efficient. Have you ever driven down a bumpy road? That shit aint efficient. All of your horizontal speed gets turned into vertical speed in a jarringly unpleasant way. That’s part of why trains are so efficient because their tracks are so smooth.

Large wheels have nothing to do with a vehicles ability to go off road/on bumpy roads, if anything they’re counter productive because you want large soft tires and small wheels for that scenario.


Whatever makes RTX work is what accelerations a lot of AI tasks. I’d argue the 1080 is bordering on irrelevant if it wasn’t for the 8 gigs of ram to save it. The 2060 should be much faster despite for gaming being about in par.


can run in a VM, and can run well in a VM are two very different things.

Linux already has bad audio latency without tweaking, running a VM with Windows latency on top of that? Yeah no thanks.


Every time I see him I can’t believe Tek Syndicate is still around.


In terms of privacy of course because in terms of price it’s another story

Top comment:


Also none of the comments even bother addressing the actual question.


You have to specifically request that siri uses chat GPT for a request.


sorry to tag the top mod

Are you really though?


Yet another reason why decriminalizing isn’t enough, weed (and others) need to be reclassified.


If you ever start the launcher it can start stealing data.


Rage bait has already been here for a long time.

I feel like the reddit exodus just brought over all of the angry users.

Is there any way to turn my Linux machine into a docking station?

The thing is like this: I have a windows laptop I use for work, and a Linux desktop machine. I have a single screen keyboard etc. and I switch between the two using a docking station. But, I wonder if there is a way for me to “cut the middle man” and just plug/unplug my linux machine....


Wouldn’t a “software KVM” just be remote desktop?


Synergy does the K and the M, but not the V.


“grapheneOS trolls are downvoting every single post and comment of mine, and committing vote manipulation on Lemmy. They are using 5-6 accounts.”

Is that really criticism of graphene os? or is it complaining about specific users who like graphene os?


24H2 is supposed to make it a lot better, but when I first used the translation layer on my M1 Macbook through parallels it ran things pretty well. But that was also an M1 Macbook Pro.


I like how they chose a phone wireless charging for their “super fast and efficient” charging article.


I hope they go with Apple OSX numbering. This is the Ally X, next is the 10.1, 10.2 etc.


The iPhone 15 has been out for over half a year now and people still spread this FUD. The iPhone 15 does nothing special with its USB C port.


Every iPhone has been expensive on release. As time goes on more and more people get newer and newer phones. And what was new and expensive becomes cheap and available.

What domain name to choose for an open source website where I could ask for personal donations?

I am planning to create an open source project for a web application whose entire premise is to provide an otherwise paid service for free, so I am not planning to commercialize the project. This project is also a passion project. I seek to improve my skills by working on the application and I am not looking forward to expand it...


You could be a douche and get a .io domain.

I’d just peruse your preferred domain registrar’s cheap domains and find one that tickles your fancy. Odds are the domain will cost more than what you’d get in donations unless people REALLY like your service and it gets popular.

fuckwit_mcbumcrumble, (edited )

> 100 watt hours and you can’t take that battery on a plane in the US.


Holy shit it actually has a 99 watt hour battery and thunderbolt. These clevo rebrands almost never have both.

I need some help choosing a monitor.

Simply put I have built a gaming tower that I have no monitor that will connect with the machine only having a BIOS and no OS. As I understand it, I need something that will connect with an HDMI cable, but that seems to be either a traditional monitor or a tablet. I’m completely unsure which would be more stable, and therefore...




If your displays are connect, think they’re getting a sginal, but won’t display anything then there’s something wrong with your computer. Most likely the video card since the monitors think they’re getting a signal but aren’t.

Also you don’t want to use a tablet as a monitor. You can use a tablet to remotely control a PC when you’re not at it, but don’t consider it “using” the PC because it’s a garbage experience. It’s slow, you can’t read shit, everything is massive on the screen, etc. It’s an awful experience outside of “I just need to copy this file really quickly”

New Motherboard with loose CMOS Battery - Should I worry/return?

I’m currently waiting for all the components for my PC upgrade to arrive. Got the motherboard today and immediately upon opening, I noticed that the CMOS battery was not in its slot but just kind of next to it loose on top of the board. The slot seems fine, it seems to fit securely in there. No scratches on the board either....


Bios batteries almost never come with those because they have a 10+year lifetime.


I would personally return it just because I wouldn’t want to deal with the loose connection possibly losing my bios settings. That dinky like 3.7v battery will only harm itself, and maybe melt a small corner of the connector. It won’t do any damage to the board itself. But if you keep it you need to make sure you bend the holding tabs into place to make sure it’s getting a secure connection, but not bridging the two sides of the battery together.


Try fully disconnecting the power from the wall, and remove the bios battery for a while and then try booting again. Sometimes cmos reset buttons don’t fully work. Assuming it does boot make sure you go into the bios and fix the ram settings. Ryzen 5000 series isn’t as picky about ram as older ryzen systems, but you do want to make sure the ram speed and timings are correct because the default is rarely correct.


Has there been any good bundles in the last 10 years? According to my email history the last time I bought something from them was at the end of 2014, and even before then I’d been complaining about it’s quality.


I’d kill for a single CCD 16 core x3d part. The 7950x3d is tempting with it’s 3d CCD and high clock speed CCD, but since not every game/program knows how to use it properly you end up with hit or miss performance.


My biggest concern from what I’ve seen is that the weird hack AMD uses to get programs to run on one set of cores vs the other wasn’t exactly great last I looked and can cause issues when a game tries to move off of one CCD onto the other. That said I haven’t looked into this ever since the CPU first came out so hopefully things are better now.

How observant are you to micro stutters in a game? That was the biggest reason I got the 5800x3d in the first place, but now that I have a better GPU I can tell that thing struggles. And from what I remember most of the issued you’d have moving from CCD to CCD were more micro stutters vs normal frame rate dips or just lower average frame rates.


1% and 0.1% lows will almost always be CPU bound as it loads more in. Well assuming it’s not vram limiting you. Games are pretty CPU intensive these days since the PS5 and Xbox no longer have potato CPUs. At 120+ fps I regularly see >50% CPU usage in most games. And that’s with nothing running in the background. In the real world you have a ton of background tasks, YouTube videos, discord etc eating your CPU.

Also the 4090 is an absolute beast. My 5800X3D absolutely holds my 4090 back pretty often honestly.


as compared to the 14nm process used for its current desktop processors.

I thought 12th gen and up were all “Intel 7” which is 10ish nm. Whatever the smaller equivalent of “measuring from the balls”.


If you have actual work to do then I would HIGHLY suggest not doing it on your main machine. Give it a month on a secondary machine before giving up. If you install it on a Friday night and come Sunday night it’s still not working fully you’re gonna go back to Windows and never go back.


Oh don’t worry, if this isn’t already in 10 I’m sure they’ll be bringing it over shortly.


Make sure you buy two of them so you’ve got a backup. I’m uncomfortable storing 16TB worth of data on one drive, no way am I putting 32TB of anything I give a shit about onto one drive.


12th gen and up intel CPUs. All but a few have P and E cores.

Also like one weird i5 from about 10th gen.


Same boat. Good news is 11th gen generally gets better battery life than 12th+ because all those extra cores still eat power.

Bad news is I already get as bad as 30 minutes of battery life so IDK how 12th gen can be even worse.


Yeah but this is Intel, they’re not capable of doing something the most efficient way possible. E cores use less power than P cores, but that doesn’t mean they’re very good at getting the job done using the least amount of power. Currently (using Intel’s management) 12th and 13th gen start a task on the P cores, and if it runs for longer than X time it gets shifted over to the E cores where it can churn away. Meteor lake has 3 stages of things since there’s P cores, E cores, and LP E cores. If I remember right Meteor lake starts a task on the LP E cores, then shifts it to P cores, then shifts it to the E cores if it’s taking too long. But Intel likes to blast the power away with turbo boost and runs the E cores way past their actual efficient zone unless you wrangle them back down. Sometimes it’s faster to blast the task away on the P cores then return to idle, other times letting it churn away on the E cores forever is the best way.

Also all those extra cores being active still uses power. So if you went from a 4 core CPU to a 4 + 4 cpu now you have all the same power draw as the old one, plus the extra 4 efficient cores sipping at even more power. I think that’s where 12th gen really suffers the most.


I just recently went entirely HDDless in my desktop. I have a singular 10tb HDD external drive that I connect as needed, but I’m considering just moving it over to my NAS since all it does at this point is store dashcam footage.


Say what you will, but once you adapt I’d take the Mac OS ui/ux over just about any other.


I undervolted my 5800x3d by 0.1v (offset) from whatever my mobo defaulted to and temps tanked with my NH-D14 cooler. You’d probably see a much bigger drop doing a small undervolt.

Plus your mobo is probably overvolting it anyways if you left it at default. I don’t understand why they suck so much at getting defaults right.


I really doubt the 5*00x3d will ever see a major price drop from what they’re at already. I feel like they’re just going to stop making them and have 0 issue clearing out the remaining stock since they’re such popular chips.

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