
Who the fuck wants to waste that much processing power on what’s essentially indistinguishable from 2k with a nice AA or upscaler (like DLSS or FSR) for a tenth of the processing power? It’s literally pointless and was thrown on there probably by marketing so people can see bigger numbers.

Default_Defect, avatar

Did… people think it was anything other than “HDMI 2.1 supports it, put it on the box”?


Yeah I don’t see 8K delivering any value. My eyes can’t resolve past 4k anyway, it’ll just be heavier on the GPU and it won’t get me a damn thing.

Sure, 64k ought to be enough, yada yada. That doesn’t apply when you’re running up against biological limits though.

Coelacanth, avatar

I think even 4K can be overkill depending on the size of your monitor. I feel like the size of a monitor that wants 8K for good enough PPI would be impractically huge, at least for desktop use.


Lies! People still want 10000 hz monitor!

optissima, avatar

Okay but you can now have a larger screen with the same DPI and distance, giving you a wider fov.


I’m waiting on the next hardware refreshes for 16k

Zorsith, avatar

Can any console even run actual 4K yet? Not just upscaled 1440p at reduced framerate?


Plenty of games give you the option of resolution/detail or frame rate.


… Yes. Many AAA games this generation can run at native 4K on Series X and PS5, but in most games with demanding graphics you have to choose between that with a 30-40 FPS target, or 1440p and 60-120 FPS with VRR.

zourn, avatar

This sounds an awful lot like the PS3 OtherOS class-action lawsuit that Sony had to pay out on.

Kolanaki, avatar

Sony has quietly removed the 8k logo…a change that appears to have happened between late January and mid-February

I must have gotten mine just before then. I still have the box and had to check; 8K branding. I got it somewhere between January and February, right around the time the thing started being regularly in stock again.


So if my packaging has 8k marketing on it, can I get a refund?


Sony: of course no!


On the one hand, I’m not even running 4K yet, and it is vanishingly unlikely that I will own a >4K display within the lifetime of my PS5, so this makes no difference to me.

On the other hand, I would like to see blatant false advertising punished every time it happens. “Nobody really cares” isn’t much of an excuse when they clearly thought people cared enough to put it prominently on the box. Being able to play high-end video 10 years down the line is a legitimate selling point for a gaming console that doubles as media box.


On the third hand a TV at couch distance is going to look only slightly better at 4k vs 1080p. 8k is just a waste of electricity


That’s EXACTLY what people said about 720p to 1080p.

Source: sales bitch when 1080p came out. Blatantly false.

1080p to 4k is a fucking huge different no matter what device, size, or distance. I’m not trying to be combative—I run all my stuff at 1440p144hz.

1080p to 4k at couch distance is HUGE though. If I could easily run 4k144hz I would, but that’s not in my budget right now.

8k is even more insane but you’re right—you need a BEAST of a computer to be able to display that.


the 720p to 1080p is a complete lie, not the 4k to 8k, because that is supported by math

or maybe the couch distance was different back them, and the TVs were smaller there’s that


If you can’t tell 720p from 1080p, you think 30FPS is the same as 60+FPS


in a 50’ display of course, i’m just not sure it that apply to those smaller tube TVs lol


Oh I was agreeing with yer comment hahaha.

Maybe it differs for everyone, but I can absolutely tell 720p from 1080p on anything from a 17” flatscreen monitor to a giant TV from almost any reasonable distance!

You’re right about CRTs though—due to how the picture is projected, it’s waaaay more difficult to tell resolutions if you’re watching/playing something. That’s why an N64 looks great on any size CRT, but looks like complete ass on any flatscreen (other than flat CRTs of course, lawl)

umbrella, (edited ) avatar

of course it depends on the distance vs size vs resolution thing.

of course 4k is gonna look much better vs fhd in a computer monitor you sit 40 centimeters from for example, but on a medium sized tv sitting 5-10 meters away?


Yes it will absolutely not even a question

Have you even ever SEEN your examples?!


Here’s my setup. We own a 65" LG G3 and I often game on it. We sit about 4 meters away. I’m a PC gamer and run a 3080. For what it’s worth, I have 20/10 vision (although the trade-off is I’m a bit far sighted).

While I can see a difference between 1080p and 4k, it’s pretty minimal for both 3D and 2D, to the point where I have to be looking for it. When I’m playing a game, it’s not really noticeable at all. It’s a bit more noticeable up close but I never have cause to sit just a meter away. This has all been confirmed by my wife and multiple friends and family members who have checked out our setup prior to buying a new television or done the same comparison themselves.

We even did a fun experiment (I’m a scientist so I love experiments). We ran the same game in 4k or 1080p with otherwise identical graphics settings, but with the resolution chosen at random by someone else, and tried to discern the resolution at our normal sitting distance while playing the game as we normally would. The results were equivalent to choosing randomly.

Lastly, a friend was all for buying an 8k television prior to my 1080p/4k demonstration. They now have the even larger 77" version of my television and, at about 5 meters away, the difference is still pretty minimal.

So I happily game at 1080p with the settings cranked up.


I have a 4k tv. Most of the time I just play games at 1080p since it keeps the pc quieter and it looks the same. But I do also set it for 120 Hz


Oh yeah, hz>>>>resolution for games for sure. I’d much rather have smooth gameplay (and much less screen tearing if it’s not an adaptive-sync display) than 4k60FPS or less.

While watching stuff though, no matter what distance from any size TV, it’s insanely obvious how much better 4K is than 1080p hahaha. Not saying 1080p looks bad—I watch a lot of stuff 720p/1080p on my big 1440p display and it looks fine! But the first time I saw 4k (and especially 8k) on a display… holy heck (scuze my language)


No one has 3 hands, dummy!

scrubbles, avatar

I hate Linus, but he did a great bit l On the 3000 series graphics cards hitting 8K. And how ridiculous it was

rtxn, (edited )

Choose your next words carefully or risk invoking the wrath of the fediverse.

Which Linus?

(edit) Either I poked at a sensitive spot or people no longer appreciate sarcasm. Of course not everybody within the fediverse will have a homogenous opinion on the Linuses, Richards, or Gabriels of the world. I’m making fun of the people who will rush like zealots to the defense of some public personality whenever a negative opinion is expressed, and don’t pretend there’s not a fuckass load of such people around here.

So here, if you still need it: /s.


The small one with the blanket!

kinkles, avatar

Choose your next words carefully or risk invoking the wrath of the fediverse.

officially the cringiest thing I’ve ever read on lemmy


You should try Arch. I use Arch btw.

eletes, avatar

Reaching narwhal bacons at midnight levels


/unsheathes Katana


We ain’t a monolith bro, and you don’t speak for me


Clearly there aren’t a “fuckass load” of people like you described. 🤷‍♂️


I thought it was funny


Hate is a pretty strong emotion. Why do you hate Linus?

bjoern_tantau, avatar

No PS1 games they could upscale to 8k?

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